kubeconfig | string | false | "" | Path to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster. |
worker-cluster-kubeconfig | string | false | "" | Path to kubeconfig of cluster where provisioning secrets are created. |
namespace | string | true | "" | The namespace where the OSC controller will run. |
container-runtime | string | false | containerd | Container runtime to deploy. |
external-cloud-provider | bool | false | false | Cloud-provider Kubelet flag set to external.. |
cluster-dns | string | false | | Comma-separated list of DNS server IP address. |
pause-image | string | false | "" | Pause image to use in Kubelet. |
initial-taints | string | false | "" | Taints to use when creating the node. |
node-kubelet-feature-gates | string | false | RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true | Feature gates to set on the kubelet. If user overrides the value, RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true is appended by OSM in the feature gates. |
node-http-proxy | string | false | "" | If set, it configures the ‘HTTP_PROXY’ & ‘HTTPS_PROXY’ environment variable on the nodes. |
node-no-proxy | string | false | .svc,.cluster.local,localhost, | If set, it configures the ‘NO_PROXY’ environment variable on the nodes. |
node-insecure-registries | string | false | "" | Comma separated list of registries which should be configured as insecure on the container runtime. |
node-http-proxy | string | false | "" | If set, it configures the ‘HTTP_PROXY’ & ‘HTTPS_PROXY’ environment variable on the nodes. |
node-registry-mirrors | string | false | "" | Comma separated list of Docker image mirrors. |
node-containerd-registry-mirrors | string | false | "" | Configure registry mirrors endpoints. Can be used multiple times to specify multiple mirrors. |
node-registry-credentials-secret | string | false | "" | A Secret object reference, that contains auth info for image registry in namespace/secret-name form, example: kube-system/registry-credentials. See doc at https://github.com/kubermaric/machine-controller/blob/master/docs/registry-authentication.md. |
health-probe-address | string | false | | The address on which the liveness check on /healthz and readiness check on /readyz will be available. |
metrics-address | string | false | | The address on which Prometheus metrics will be available under /metrics. |
worker-health-probe-address | string | false | | For worker manager, the address on which the liveness check on /healthz and readiness check on /readyz will be available. |
worker-metrics-address | string | false | | For worker manager, the address on which Prometheus metrics will be available under /metrics. |
leader-elect | bool | false | true | Enable leader election for controller manager. |
override-bootstrap-kubelet-apiserver | string | false | "" | Override for the API server address used in worker nodes bootstrap-kubelet.conf. |
bootstrap-token-service-account-name | string | false | "" | When set use the service account token from this SA as bootstrap token instead of creating a temporary one. Passed in namespace/name format. |
worker-count | int | false | 10 | Number of workers which process reconciliation in parallel. |
ca-bundle | string | false | "" | Path to a file containing all PEM-encoded CA certificates. Will be used for Kubernetes CA certificates. |