What Works
- Creation of worker nodes on…
- Alibaba Cloud
- Azure
- DigitalOcean
- Google Cloud Platform
- Hetzner Cloud
- KubeVirt
- Nutanix
- OpenStack
- VMware Cloud Director
- VMware vSphere
- Using any of these supported distributions (not all distributions work on all providers:
- Amazon Linux 2
- Flatcar Linux
- RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
- Rocky Linux
- Ubuntu
What Doesn’t Work
- Creation of control plane nodes (not planned at the moment, consider using 3rd party tools like
KKP or KubeOne)
Supported Kubernetes Versions
machine-controller tries to follow the Kubernetes version
support policy as close as possible.
Currently supported Kubernetes versions are:
Some cloud providers implemented in machine-controller have been graciously contributed by community
members. Those cloud providers are not part of the automated end-to-end tests run by the
machine-controller developers and thus, their status cannot be guaranteed. The machine-controller
developers assume that they are functional, but can only offer limited support for new features or
bugfixes in those providers.
The current list of community providers is: