Multi-Cluster IPAM is a feature responsible for automating the allocation of IP address ranges/subnets per user-cluster, based on a predefined configuration (IPAMPool) per datacenter that defines the pool subnet and the allocation size. The user cluster allocated ranges are available in the KKP Addon TemplateData
, so it can be used by various Addons running in the user cluster.
Networking applications deployed in KKP user clusters need automated IP Address Management (IPAM) for IP ranges that they use, in a way that prevents address overlaps between multiple user clusters. An example for such an application is MetalLB load-balancer, for which a unique IP range from a larger CIDR range needs to be configured in each user cluster in the same datacenter.
The goal is to provide a simple solution that is automated and less prone to human errors.
Each IPAM pool in a datacenter should define an allocation type: “range” or “prefix”.
Results in a set of IPs based on an input size.
E.g. the first allocation for a range of size 8 in a pool subnet
would be
Note: There is a minimal allowed pool subnet mask based on the IP version (20 for IPv4 and 116 for IPv6). So, if you need a large range of IPs, it’s recommended to use the “prefix” type.
Results in a subnet of the pool subnet based on an input subnet prefix. Recommended when a large range of IPs is necessary.
E.g. the first allocation for a prefix 30 in a pool subnet
would be
and the second would be
KKP exposes a global-scoped Custom Resource Definition (CRD) IPAMPool
in the seed cluster. The administrators are able to define the IPAMPool
CR with a specific name with multiple pool CIDRs with predefined allocation ranges tied to specific datacenters. The administrators can also manage the IPAM pools via API endpoints (/api/v2/seeds/{seed_name}/ipampools
E.g. containing both allocation types for different datacenters:
kind: IPAMPool
name: metallb
type: range
poolCidr: ""
allocationRange: 8
type: prefix
poolCidr: ""
allocationPrefix: 30
Note that poolCIDR
can be the same in different datacenters.
Optionally, you can configure range/prefix exclusions in IPAMPools, in order to exclude particular IPs/subnets of IPAMPool (e.g. dedicated for special services) from IPAM allocations.
For that, you need to extend the IPAM Pool datacenter spec to include a list of subnets CIDR to exclude (excludePrefixes
for prefix allocation type) or a list of particular IPs or IP ranges to exclude (excludeRanges
for range allocation type).
E.g. from previous example, containing both allocation types exclusions:
kind: IPAMPool
name: metallb
type: range
poolCidr: ""
allocationRange: 8
- ""
- ""
type: prefix
poolCidr: ""
allocationPrefix: 30
- ""
- ""
Required IPAMPool
spec fields:
list cannot be empty.type
for a datacenter is mandatory.poolCidr
for a datacenter is mandatory.allocationRange
for a datacenter with “range” allocation type is mandatory.allocationPrefix
for a datacenter with “prefix” allocation type is mandatory.For the “range” allocation type:
should be a positive integer and cannot be greater than the pool subnet possible number of IP addresses.poolCIDR
should have a prefix (i.e. mask) equal or greater than 20.poolCIDR
should have a prefix (i.e. mask) equal or greater than 116.For the “prefix” allocation type:
should be between 1 and 32 for IPv4 pool, and between 1 and 128 for IPv6 pool.allocationPrefix
should be equal or greater than the pool subnet mask size.In general, modifications of the IPAMPool
are not allowed, with the following exceptions:
, if there is no persisted allocation (IPAMAllocation
) in any user cluster for it.If you need to change an already applied IPAMPool
, you should first delete it and then apply it with the changes.
Note that by IPAMPool
deletion, all user clusters allocations (IPAMAllocation
) will be deleted as well.
The IPAM controller in the seed-controller-manager is in charge of the allocation of IP ranges from the defined pools for user clusters. For each user cluster which runs in a datacenter for which an IPAMPool
is defined, it will automatically allocate a free IP range from the available pool.
The persisted allocation is an IPAMAllocation
CR that will be installed in the seed cluster in the user cluster’s namespace.
E.g. for “prefix” type:
kind: IPAMAllocation
name: metallb
namespace: cluster-kd8jnt7gjj
cidr: ""
dc: aws-eu-central-1a
type: prefix
E.g. for “range” type:
kind: IPAMAllocation
name: metallb
namespace: cluster-sd87xtqpnm
- ""
dc: azure-westeurope
type: range
Note that the ranges of addresses may be disjoint for the “range” type, e.g.:
- ""
- ""
The reason for that is to allow for some IPAMPool
modifications (i.e. increase of the allocation range) in the future.
The allocations (i.e. IPAMAllocation
CRs) for a user cluster are deleted in two occasions:
CR with same name) is deleted.The user cluster allocated ranges (i.e. IPAMAllocation
CRs values) are available in the Addon template data (attribute .Cluster.Network.IPAMAllocations
) to be rendered in the Addons manifests.
That allows consumption of the user cluster’s IPAM allocations in any KKP Addon.
For example, looping over all user cluster IPAM pools allocations in an addon template can be done as follows:
{{- range $ipamPool, $allocation := .Cluster.Network.IPAMAllocations }}
{{ $ipamPool }}:
{{- if eq $allocation.Type "prefix" }}
CIDR: {{ $allocation.CIDR }}
{{- end }}
{{- if eq $allocation.Type "range" }}
{{- range $allocation.Addresses }}
- {{ . }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
KKP provides a MetalLB accessible addon integrated with the Multi-Cluster IPAM feature.
The addon deploys standard MetalLB manifests into the user cluster. On top of that, if an IPAM allocation from an IPAM pool with a specific name is available for the user-cluster, the addon
automatically installs the equivalent MetalLB IP address pool in the user cluster (in the IPAddressPool
custom resource from the
from which the allocations are made need to have the following name:
if a single-stack (either IPv4 or IPv6) IP address pool needs to be created in the user cluster.metallb-ipv4
and metallb-ipv6
if a dual-stack (both IPv4 and IPv6) IP address pool needs to be created in the user cluster.
In this case, allocations from both address pools need to exist.The created IPAddressPool
custom resource (from the
API) will have the following name:
in case of a single-stack address pool,kkp-managed-pool-dualstack
in case of a dual-stack address pool.Both address pools (single-stack and dual-stack) can co-exist in the same cluster.
For the reference, the Addon manifests can be found in the addons/metallb/ folder of the KKP source code.