The following is an example configuration, showing all possible options. Note
that all fields that you don’t define explicitly are always defaulted to these
kind: Seed
name: <<exampleseed>>
namespace: kubermatic
# Spec describes the configuration of the Seed cluster.
# Optional: Country of the seed as ISO-3166 two-letter code, e.g. DE or UK.
# For informational purposes in the Kubermatic dashboard only.
country: ""
# Datacenters contains a map of the possible datacenters (DCs) in this seed.
# Each DC must have a globally unique identifier (i.e. names must be unique
# across all seeds).
# Optional: Country of the seed as ISO-3166 two-letter code, e.g. DE or UK.
# For informational purposes in the Kubermatic dashboard only.
country: ""
# Optional: Detailed location of the cluster, like "Hamburg" or "Datacenter 7".
# For informational purposes in the Kubermatic dashboard only.
location: ""
# Node holds node-specific settings, like e.g. HTTP proxy, Docker
# registries and the like. Proxy settings are inherited from the seed if
# not specified here.
# Optional: ContainerdRegistryMirrors configure registry mirrors endpoints. Can be used multiple times to specify multiple mirrors.
# A map of registries to use to render configs and mirrors for containerd registries
# List of registry mirrors to use
# Optional: If set, this proxy will be configured for both HTTP and HTTPS.
httpProxy: ""
# Optional: These image registries will be configured as insecure
# on the container runtime.
insecureRegistries: []
# Optional: If set this will be set as NO_PROXY environment variable on the node;
# The value must be a comma-separated list of domains for which no proxy
# should be used, e.g. "*,".
# Note that the in-cluster apiserver URL will be automatically prepended
# to this value.
noProxy: ""
# Optional: Translates to --pod-infra-container-image on the kubelet.
# If not set, the kubelet will default it.
pauseImage: ""
# Optional: These image registries will be configured as registry mirrors
# on the container runtime.
registryMirrors: []
# Spec describes the cloud provider settings used to manage resources
# in this datacenter. Exactly one cloud provider must be defined.
# Alibaba configures an Alibaba Cloud datacenter.
# Region to use, for a full list of regions see
region: ""
# Anexia configures an Anexia datacenter.
# LocationID the location of the region
locationID: ""
# APIServerServiceType is the service type used for API Server service `apiserver-external` for the user clusters.
# By default, the type of service that will be used is determined by the `ExposeStrategy` used for the cluster.
apiServerServiceType: null
# AWS configures an Amazon Web Services (AWS) datacenter.
# List of AMIs to use for a given operating system.
# This gets defaulted by querying for the latest AMI for the given distribution
# when machines are created, so under normal circumstances it is not necessary
# to define the AMIs statically.
amzn2: ""
flatcar: ""
rhel: ""
rockylinux: ""
ubuntu: ""
# The AWS region to use, e.g. "us-east-1". For a list of available regions, see
region: ""
# Azure configures an Azure datacenter.
# Images to use for each supported operating system
images: null
# Region to use, for example "westeurope". A list of available regions can be
# found at
location: ""
# Baremetal contains settings for baremetal clusters in datacenters.
# Images represents standard VM Image sources.
# HTTP represents a http source.
# OperatingSystems represents list of supported operating-systems with their URLs.
# BringYourOwn contains settings for clusters using manually created
# nodes via kubeadm.
bringyourown: {}
# Digitalocean configures a Digitalocean datacenter.
# Datacenter location, e.g. "ams3". A list of existing datacenters can be found
# at
region: ""
# Optional: DisableCSIDriver disables the installation of CSI driver on every clusters within the DC
# If true it can't be over-written in the cluster configuration
disableCsiDriver: false
# Edge contains settings for clusters using manually created
# nodes in edge envs.
edge: {}
# Optional: EnforceAuditLogging enforces audit logging on every cluster within the DC,
# ignoring cluster-specific settings.
enforceAuditLogging: false
# Optional: EnforcePodSecurityPolicy enforces pod security policy plugin on every clusters within the DC,
# ignoring cluster-specific settings.
enforcePodSecurityPolicy: false
# Optional: EnforcedAuditWebhookSettings allows admins to control webhook backend for audit logs of all the clusters within the DC,
# ignoring cluster-specific settings.
enforcedAuditWebhookSettings: null
# GCP configures a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) datacenter.
# Region to use, for example "europe-west3", for a full list of regions see
region: ""
# Optional: Regional clusters spread their resources across multiple availability zones.
# Refer to the official documentation for more details on this:
regional: false
# List of enabled zones, for example [a, c]. See the link above for the available
# zones in your chosen region.
zoneSuffixes: []
# Hetzner configures a Hetzner datacenter.
# Datacenter location, e.g. "nbg1-dc3". A list of existing datacenters can be found
# at
datacenter: ""
# Optional: Detailed location of the datacenter, like "Hamburg" or "Datacenter 7".
# For informational purposes only.
location: ""
# Network is the pre-existing Hetzner network in which the machines are running.
# While machines can be in multiple networks, a single one must be chosen for the
# HCloud CCM to work.
network: ""
# Optional: KubeLB holds the configuration for the kubeLB at the data center level.
# Only available in Enterprise Edition.
kubelb: null
# Kubevirt configures a KubeVirt datacenter.
# Optional: indicates if region and zone labels from the cloud provider should be fetched.
ccmZoneAndRegionEnabled: null
# CSIDriverOperator configures the kubevirt csi driver operator in the user cluster such as the csi driver images overwriting.
csiDriverOperator: null
# Optional: CustomNetworkPolicies allows to add some extra custom NetworkPolicies, that are deployed
# in the dedicated infra KubeVirt cluster. They are added to the defaults.
- # Name is the name of the Custom Network Policy.
name: deny-ingress
# Spec is the Spec of the NetworkPolicy, using the standard type.
podSelector: {}
- Ingress
# DNSConfig represents the DNS parameters of a pod. Parameters specified here will be merged to the generated DNS
# configuration based on DNSPolicy.
# A list of DNS name server IP addresses.
# This will be appended to the base nameservers generated from DNSPolicy.
# Duplicated nameservers will be removed.
nameservers: null
# A list of DNS resolver options.
# This will be merged with the base options generated from DNSPolicy.
# Duplicated entries will be removed. Resolution options given in Options
# will override those that appear in the base DNSPolicy.
options: null
# A list of DNS search domains for host-name lookup.
# This will be appended to the base search paths generated from DNSPolicy.
# Duplicated search paths will be removed.
searches: null
# DNSPolicy represents the dns policy for the pod. Valid values are 'ClusterFirstWithHostNet', 'ClusterFirst',
# 'Default' or 'None'. Defaults to "ClusterFirst". DNS parameters given in DNSConfig will be merged with the
# policy selected with DNSPolicy.
dnsPolicy: ""
# Optional: EnableDefaultNetworkPolicies enables deployment of default network policies like cluster isolation.
# Defaults to true.
enableDefaultNetworkPolicies: true
# Images represents standard VM Image sources.
# HTTP represents a http source.
# OperatingSystems represents list of supported operating-systems with their URLs.
# Optional: InfraStorageClasses contains a list of KubeVirt infra cluster StorageClasses names
# that will be used to initialise StorageClasses in the tenant cluster.
# In the tenant cluster, the created StorageClass name will have as name:
# kubevirt-<infra-storageClass-name>
- # Optional: IsDefaultClass. If true, the created StorageClass in the tenant cluster will be annotated with:
# : true
# If missing or false, annotation will be:
# : false
isDefaultClass: true
# Labels is a map of string keys and values that can be used to organize and categorize
# (scope and select) objects. May match selectors of replication controllers
# and services.
labels: null
name: rook-ceph-block
# Regions represents a larger domain, made up of one or more zones. It is uncommon for Kubernetes clusters
# to span multiple regions
regions: null
# VolumeBindingMode indicates how PersistentVolumeClaims should be provisioned and bound. When unset,
# VolumeBindingImmediate is used.
volumeBindingMode: null
# VolumeProvisioner The **Provider** field specifies whether a storage class will be utilized by the Containerized
# Data Importer (CDI) to create VM disk images and/or by the KubeVirt CSI Driver to provision volumes in the
# infrastructure cluster. If no storage class in the seed object has this value set, the storage class will be used
# for both purposes: CDI will create VM disk images, and the CSI driver will provision and attach volumes in the user
# cluster. However, if the value is set to `kubevirt-csi-driver`, the storage class cannot be used by CDI for VM disk
# image creation.
volumeProvisioner: ""
# Zones represent a logical failure domain. It is common for Kubernetes clusters to span multiple zones
# for increased availability
zones: null
# NamespacedMode represents the configuration for enabling the single namespace mode for all user-clusters in the KubeVirt datacenter.
namespacedMode: null
# Optional: ProviderNetwork describes the infra cluster network fabric that is being used
providerNetwork: null
# VMEvictionStrategy describes the strategy to follow when a node drain occurs. If not set the default
# value is External and the VM will be protected by a PDB.
vmEvictionStrategy: ""
# Optional: MachineFlavorFilter is used to filter out allowed machine flavors based on the specified resource limits like CPU, Memory, and GPU etc.
# Include VMs with GPU
enableGPU: false
# Maximum number of vCPU
maxCPU: 0
# Maximum RAM size in GB
maxRAM: 0
# Minimum number of vCPU
minCPU: 0
# Minimum RAM size in GB
minRAM: 0
# Nutanix configures a Nutanix HCI datacenter.
# Optional: AllowInsecure allows to disable the TLS certificate check against the endpoint (defaults to false)
allowInsecure: false
# Endpoint to use for accessing Nutanix Prism Central. No protocol or port should be passed,
# for example "" or ""
endpoint: ""
# Images to use for each supported operating system
amzn2: ""
flatcar: ""
rhel: ""
rockylinux: ""
ubuntu: ""
# Optional: Port to use when connecting to the Nutanix Prism Central endpoint (defaults to 9440)
port: 9440
# Openstack configures an Openstack datacenter.
# Authentication URL
authURL: ""
# Used to configure availability zone.
availabilityZone: ""
# Optional: configures enablement of topology support for the Cinder CSI Plugin.
# This requires Nova and Cinder to have matching availability zones configured.
csiCinderTopologyEnabled: false
# Used for automatic network creation
dnsServers: []
# Optional: enable a configuration drive that will be attached to the instance when it boots.
# The instance can mount this drive and read files from it to get information
enableConfigDrive: null
# Optional: List of enabled flavors for the given datacenter
enabledFlavors: []
# Optional
enforceFloatingIP: false
# Optional
ignoreVolumeAZ: false
# Images to use for each supported operating system.
amzn2: ""
flatcar: ""
rhel: ""
rockylinux: ""
ubuntu: ""
# Optional: defines if the IPv6 is enabled for the datacenter
ipv6Enabled: false
# Optional: Gets mapped to the "lb-method" setting in the cloud config.
# defaults to "ROUND_ROBIN".
loadBalancerMethod: null
# Optional: Gets mapped to the "lb-provider" setting in the cloud config.
# defaults to ""
loadBalancerProvider: null
# Optional: Gets mapped to the "manage-security-groups" setting in the cloud config.
# This setting defaults to true.
manageSecurityGroups: true
# A CIDR ranges that will be used to allow access to the node port range in the security group. By default it will be open to
# Only applies if the security group is generated by KKP and not preexisting and will be applied only if no ranges are set at the cluster level.
nodePortsAllowedIPRange: null
# Optional: Restrict the allowed VM configurations that can be chosen in
# the KKP dashboard. This setting does not affect the validation webhook for
# MachineDeployments.
# MinimumMemory is the minimum required amount of memory, measured in MB
minimumMemory: 0
# VCPUs is the minimum required amount of (virtual) CPUs
minimumVCPUs: 0
# Authentication region name
region: ""
# Optional: Gets mapped to the "trust-device-path" setting in the cloud config.
# This setting defaults to false.
trustDevicePath: false
# Optional: Gets mapped to the "use-octavia" setting in the cloud config.
# use-octavia is enabled by default in CCM since v1.17.0, and disabled by
# default with the in-tree cloud provider.
useOctavia: true
# Optional: DefaultOperatingSystemProfiles specifies the OperatingSystemProfiles to use for each supported operating system.
amzn2: ""
flatcar: ""
rhel: ""
rockylinux: ""
ubuntu: ""
# Packet configures an Equinix Metal datacenter.
# The list of enabled facilities, for example "ams1", for a full list of available
# facilities see
facilities: []
# Metros are facilities that are grouped together geographically and share capacity
# and networking features, see
metro: ""
# Optional: ProviderReconciliationInterval is the time that must have passed since a
# Cluster's status.lastProviderReconciliation to make the cluster controller
# perform an in-depth provider reconciliation, where for example missing security
# groups will be reconciled.
# Setting this too low can cause rate limits by the cloud provider, setting this
# too high means that *if* a resource at a cloud provider is removed/changed outside
# of KKP, it will take this long to fix it.
providerReconciliationInterval: 6h0m0s
# Optional: When defined, only users with an e-mail address on the
# given domains can make use of this datacenter. You can define multiple
# domains, e.g. "", one of which must match the email domain
# exactly (i.e. "" will not match "").
requiredEmails: []
# VMwareCloudDirector configures a VMware Cloud Director datacenter.
# If set to true, disables the TLS certificate check against the endpoint.
allowInsecure: false
# The default catalog which contains the VM templates.
catalog: ""
# The name of the storage profile to use for disks attached to the VMs.
storageProfile: ""
# A list of VM templates to use for a given operating system. You must
# define at least one template.
amzn2: ""
flatcar: ""
rhel: ""
rockylinux: ""
ubuntu: ""
# Endpoint URL to use, including protocol, for example "".
url: ""
# VSphere configures a VMware vSphere datacenter.
# If set to true, disables the TLS certificate check against the endpoint.
allowInsecure: false
# The name of the vSphere cluster to use. Used for out-of-tree CSI Driver.
cluster: ""
# The name of the datacenter to use.
datacenter: ""
# The default Datastore to be used for provisioning volumes using storage
# classes/dynamic provisioning and for storing virtual machine files in
# case no `Datastore` or `DatastoreCluster` is provided at Cluster level.
datastore: ""
# DefaultTagCategoryID is the tag category id that will be used as default, if users don't specify it on a cluster level,
# and they don't wish KKP to create default generated tag category, upon cluster creation.
defaultTagCategoryID: ""
# Endpoint URL to use, including protocol, for example "".
endpoint: ""
# Optional: Infra management user is the user that will be used for everything
# except the cloud provider functionality, which will still use the credentials
# passed in via the Kubermatic dashboard/API.
password: ""
username: ""
# Optional: defines if the IPv6 is enabled for the datacenter
ipv6Enabled: false
# Optional: The root path for cluster specific VM folders. Each cluster gets its own
# folder below the root folder. Must be the FQDN (for example
# "/datacenter-1/vm/all-kubermatic-vms-in-here") and defaults to the root VM
# folder: "/datacenter-1/vm"
rootPath: ""
# The name of the storage policy to use for the storage class created in the user cluster.
storagePolicy: ""
# A list of VM templates to use for a given operating system. You must
# define at least one template.
# See:
amzn2: ""
flatcar: ""
rhel: ""
rockylinux: ""
ubuntu: ""
# DefaultClusterTemplate is the name of a cluster template of scope "seed" that is used
# to default all new created clusters
defaultClusterTemplate: ""
# DefaultComponentSettings are default values to set for newly created clusters.
# Deprecated: Use DefaultClusterTemplate instead.
# Apiserver configures kube-apiserver settings.
endpointReconcilingDisabled: null
nodePortRange: 30000-32767
replicas: 2
resources: null
tolerations: null
# ControllerManager configures kube-controller-manager settings.
# LeaseDurationSeconds is the duration in seconds that non-leader candidates
# will wait to force acquire leadership. This is measured against time of
# last observed ack.
leaseDurationSeconds: null
# RenewDeadlineSeconds is the duration in seconds that the acting controlplane
# will retry refreshing leadership before giving up.
renewDeadlineSeconds: null
# RetryPeriodSeconds is the duration in seconds the LeaderElector clients
# should wait between tries of actions.
retryPeriodSeconds: null
replicas: 1
resources: null
tolerations: null
# CoreDNS configures CoreDNS deployed as part of the cluster control plane.
coreDNS: null
# Etcd configures the etcd ring used to store Kubernetes data.
# ClusterSize is the number of replicas created for etcd. This should be an
# odd number to guarantee consensus, e.g. 3, 5 or 7.
clusterSize: 3
# DiskSize is the volume size used when creating persistent storage from
# the configured StorageClass. This is inherited from KubermaticConfiguration
# if not set. Defaults to 5Gi.
diskSize: 5Gi
# HostAntiAffinity allows to enforce a certain type of host anti-affinity on etcd
# pods. Options are "preferred" (default) and "required". Please note that
# enforcing anti-affinity via "required" can mean that pods are never scheduled.
hostAntiAffinity: ""
# NodeSelector is a selector which restricts the set of nodes where etcd Pods can run.
nodeSelector: null
# Resources allows to override the resource requirements for etcd Pods.
resources: null
# StorageClass is the Kubernetes StorageClass used for persistent storage
# which stores the etcd WAL and other data persisted across restarts. Defaults to
# `kubermatic-fast` (the global default).
storageClass: ""
# Tolerations allows to override the scheduling tolerations for etcd Pods.
tolerations: null
# ZoneAntiAffinity allows to enforce a certain type of availability zone anti-affinity on etcd
# pods. Options are "preferred" (default) and "required". Please note that
# enforcing anti-affinity via "required" can mean that pods are never scheduled.
zoneAntiAffinity: ""
# KonnectivityProxy configures konnectivity-server and konnectivity-agent components.
# Args configures arguments (flags) for the Konnectivity deployments.
args: null
# KeepaliveTime represents a duration of time to check if the transport is still alive.
# The option is propagated to agents and server.
# Defaults to 1m.
keepaliveTime: ""
# Resources configure limits/requests for Konnectivity components.
resources: null
# NodePortProxyEnvoy configures the per-cluster nodeport-proxy-envoy that is deployed if
# the `LoadBalancer` expose strategy is used. This is not effective if a different expose
# strategy is configured.
# DockerRepository is the repository containing the component's image.
dockerRepository: ""
# Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage.
# Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims,
# that are used by this container.
# This is an alpha field and requires enabling the
# DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate.
# This field is immutable. It can only be set for containers.
claims: null
# Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
# More info:
limits: null
# Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
# If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
# otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
# More info:
requests: null
# OperatingSystemManager configures operating-system-manager (the component generating node bootstrap scripts for machine-controller).
operatingSystemManager: null
# Prometheus configures the Prometheus instance deployed into the cluster control plane.
replicas: null
resources: null
tolerations: null
# Scheduler configures kube-scheduler settings.
# LeaseDurationSeconds is the duration in seconds that non-leader candidates
# will wait to force acquire leadership. This is measured against time of
# last observed ack.
leaseDurationSeconds: null
# RenewDeadlineSeconds is the duration in seconds that the acting controlplane
# will retry refreshing leadership before giving up.
renewDeadlineSeconds: null
# RetryPeriodSeconds is the duration in seconds the LeaderElector clients
# should wait between tries of actions.
retryPeriodSeconds: null
replicas: 1
resources: null
tolerations: null
# UserClusterController configures the KKP usercluster-controller deployed as part of the cluster control plane.
userClusterController: null
# DisabledCollectors contains a list of metrics collectors that should be disabled.
# Acceptable values are "Addon", "Cluster", "ClusterBackup", "Project", and "None".
disabledCollectors: null
# EtcdBackupRestore holds the configuration of the automatic etcd backup restores for the Seed;
# if this is set, the new backup/restore controllers are enabled for this Seed.
etcdBackupRestore: null
# Optional: ExposeStrategy explicitly sets the expose strategy for this seed cluster, if not set, the default provided by the master is used.
exposeStrategy: NodePort
# A reference to the Kubeconfig of this cluster. The Kubeconfig must
# have cluster-admin privileges. This field is mandatory for every
# seed, even if there are no datacenters defined yet.
# API version of the referent.
apiVersion: ""
# If referring to a piece of an object instead of an entire object, this string
# should contain a valid JSON/Go field access statement, such as desiredState.manifest.containers[2].
# For example, if the object reference is to a container within a pod, this would take on a value like:
# "spec.containers{name}" (where "name" refers to the name of the container that triggered
# the event) or if no container name is specified "spec.containers[2]" (container with
# index 2 in this pod). This syntax is chosen only to have some well-defined way of
# referencing a part of an object.
fieldPath: ""
# Kind of the referent.
# More info:
kind: ""
# Name of the referent.
# More info:
name: ""
# Namespace of the referent.
# More info:
namespace: ""
# Specific resourceVersion to which this reference is made, if any.
# More info:
resourceVersion: ""
# UID of the referent.
# More info:
uid: ""
# KubeLB holds the configuration for the kubeLB at the Seed level. This component is responsible for managing load balancers.
# Only available in Enterprise Edition.
kubelb: null
# Optional: Detailed location of the cluster, like "Hamburg" or "Datacenter 7".
# For informational purposes in the Kubermatic dashboard only.
location: ""
# Metering configures the metering tool on user clusters across the seed.
enabled: false
# ReportConfigurations is a map of report configuration definitions.
# Format is the file format of the generated report, one of "csv" or "json" (defaults to "csv").
format: ""
# Interval defines the number of days consulted in the metering report.
# Ignored when `Monthly` is set to true
interval: 7
# Monthly creates a report for the previous month.
monthly: false
# Retention defines a number of days after which reports are queued for removal. If not set, reports are kept forever.
# Please note that this functionality works only for object storage that supports an object lifecycle management mechanism.
retention: null
# Schedule in Cron format, see Please take a note that Schedule is responsible
# only for setting the time when a report generation mechanism kicks off. The Interval MUST be set independently.
schedule: 0 1 * * 6
# Types of reports to generate. Available report types are cluster and namespace. By default, all types of reports are generated.
type: null
# RetentionDays is the number of days for which data should be kept in Prometheus. Default value is 90.
retentionDays: 90
# StorageClassName is the name of the storage class that the metering Prometheus instance uses to store metric data for reporting.
storageClassName: kubermatic-fast
# StorageSize is the size of the storage class. Default value is 100Gi. Changing this value requires
# manual deletion of the existing Prometheus PVC (and thereby removing all metering data).
storageSize: 100Gi
# Optional: MLA allows configuring seed level MLA (Monitoring, Logging & Alerting) stack settings.
# Optional: UserClusterMLAEnabled controls whether the user cluster MLA (Monitoring, Logging & Alerting) stack is enabled in the seed.
userClusterMLAEnabled: false
# NodeportProxy can be used to configure the NodePort proxy service that is
# responsible for making user-cluster control planes accessible from the outside.
# Annotations are used to further tweak the LoadBalancer integration with the
# cloud provider where the seed cluster is running.
# Deprecated: Use .envoy.loadBalancerService.annotations instead.
annotations: {}
# Disable will prevent the Kubermatic Operator from creating a nodeport-proxy
# setup on the seed cluster. This should only be used if a suitable replacement
# is installed (like the nodeport-proxy Helm chart).
disable: false
# Envoy configures the Envoy application itself.
# DockerRepository is the repository containing the component's image.
# Annotations are used to further tweak the LoadBalancer integration with the
# cloud provider.
annotations: "3600" nlb
# SourceRanges will restrict loadbalancer service to IP ranges specified using CIDR notation like
# This field will be ignored if the cloud-provider does not support the feature.
# More info:
sourceRanges: []
# Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage.
# Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims,
# that are used by this container.
# This is an alpha field and requires enabling the
# DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate.
# This field is immutable. It can only be set for containers.
claims: null
# Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
# More info:
cpu: "1"
memory: 128Mi
# Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
# If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
# otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
# More info:
cpu: 50m
memory: 32Mi
# EnvoyManager configures the Kubermatic-internal Envoy manager.
# DockerRepository is the repository containing the component's image.
# Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage.
# Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims,
# that are used by this container.
# This is an alpha field and requires enabling the
# DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate.
# This field is immutable. It can only be set for containers.
claims: null
# Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
# More info:
cpu: 150m
memory: 48Mi
# Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
# If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
# otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
# More info:
cpu: 50m
memory: 32Mi
# IPFamilies configures the IP families to use for the LoadBalancer service.
ipFamilies: null
# IPFamilyPolicy configures the IP family policy for the LoadBalancer service.
ipFamilyPolicy: null
# Updater configures the component responsible for updating the LoadBalancer
# service.
# DockerRepository is the repository containing the component's image.
# Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage.
# Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims,
# that are used by this container.
# This is an alpha field and requires enabling the
# DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate.
# This field is immutable. It can only be set for containers.
claims: null
# Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
# More info:
cpu: 150m
memory: 32Mi
# Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
# If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
# otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
# More info:
cpu: 50m
memory: 32Mi
# OIDCProviderConfiguration allows to configure OIDC provider at the Seed level.
oidcProviderConfiguration: null
# Optional: ProxySettings can be used to configure HTTP proxy settings on the
# worker nodes in user clusters. However, proxy settings on nodes take precedence.
# Optional: If set, this proxy will be configured for both HTTP and HTTPS.
httpProxy: ""
# Optional: If set this will be set as NO_PROXY environment variable on the node;
# The value must be a comma-separated list of domains for which no proxy
# should be used, e.g. "*,".
# Note that the in-cluster apiserver URL will be automatically prepended
# to this value.
noProxy: ""
# Optional: This can be used to override the DNS name used for this seed.
# By default the seed name is used.
seedDNSOverwrite: ""