Installation of the Master / Seed MLA Stack

This chapter describes how to setup the KKP Master / Seed MLA (Monitoring, Logging & Alerting) stack. It’s highly recommended to install this stack on the master and all seed clusters.


The exact requirements for the stack depend highly on the expected cluster load; the following are the minimum viable resources:

  • 4 GB RAM
  • 2 CPU cores
  • 200 GB disk storage

This guide assumes the following tools are available:

  • Helm 3.x
  • kubectl 1.16+

Monitoring, Logging & Alerting Components

This chapter describes how to setup the Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform (KKP) master / seed monitoring, logging & alerting components. It’s highly recommended to install this stack on the master and all seed clusters.

It uses Prometheus and its Alertmanager for monitoring and alerting. The logging stack consists of Promtail and Grafana Loki. Visualization is done with Grafana dashboards. More information can be found in the Architecture document.


Make sure you have a kubeconfig for the desired Master/Seed Cluster available. It needs to have cluster-admin permissions on that cluster to install all Master/Seed MLA stack components.

The installer will use the KUBECONFIG environment variable to pick up the right kubeconfig to access the designated Master/Seed Cluster. Ensure that you have exported it, for example like this (on Linux and macOS):

export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/kubeconfig

Download the Installer

Download the release archive from our GitHub release page (e.g. kubermatic-ce-X.Y-linux-amd64.tar.gz) containing the Kubermatic Installer and the required Helm charts for your operating system and extract it locally.

# For latest version:
VERSION=$(curl -w '%{url_effective}' -I -L -s -S -o /dev/null | sed -e 's|.*/v||')
# For specific version set it explicitly:
# VERSION=2.25.x
tar -xzvf kubermatic-ce-v${VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz
# Determine your macOS processor architecture type
# Replace 'amd64' with 'arm64' if using an Apple Silicon (M1) Mac.
export ARCH=amd64
# For latest version:
VERSION=$(curl -w '%{url_effective}' -I -L -s -S -o /dev/null | sed -e 's|.*/v||')
# For specific version set it explicitly:
# VERSION=2.25.x
wget "${VERSION}/kubermatic-ce-v${VERSION}-darwin-${ARCH}.tar.gz"
tar -xzvf "kubermatic-ce-v${VERSION}-darwin-${ARCH}.tar.gz"

Install the Master/Seed MLA stack

As with KKP itself, it’s recommended to use a single values.yaml to configure all Helm charts. There are a few important options you might want to override for your setup:

  • is used for the external URL in Prometheus, e.g.
  • is used for the external URL in Alertmanager, e.g.
  • prometheus.storageSize (default: 100Gi) controls the volume size for each Prometheus replica; this should be large enough to hold all data as per your retention time (see next option). Long-term storage for Prometheus blocks is provided by Thanos, an optional extension to the Prometheus chart.
  • prometheus.tsdb.retentionTime (default: 15d) controls how long metrics are stored in Prometheus before they are deleted. Larger retention times require more disk space. Long-term storage is accomplished by Thanos, so the retention time for Prometheus itself should not be set to extremely large values (like multiple months).
  • prometheus.ruleFiles is a list of Prometheus alerting rule files to load. Depending on whether or not the target cluster is a master or seed, the /etc/prometheus/rules/kubermatic-master-*.yaml entry should be removed in order to not trigger bogus alerts.
  • prometheus.blackboxExporter.enabled is used to enable integration between Prometheus and Blackbox Exporter, used for monitoring of API endpoints of user clusters created on the seed. prometheus.blackboxExporter.url should be adjusted accordingly (default value would be blackbox-exporter:9115)
  • grafana.user and grafana.password should be set with custom values if no identity-aware proxy is configured. In this case, grafana.provisioning.configuration.disable_login_form should be set to false so that a manual login is possible.
  • loki.persistence.size (default: 10Gi) controls the volume size for the Loki pods.
  • promtail.scrapeConfigs controls for which pods the logs are collected. The default configuration should be sufficient for most cases, but adjustment can be made.
  • promtail.tolerations might need to be extended to deploy a Promtail pod on every node in the cluster. By default, master-node NoSchedule taints are ignored.

An example values.yaml could look like this if all options mentioned above are customized:

  storageSize: '250Gi'
    retentionTime: '30d'
  # only load the KKP-master alerts, as this cluster is not a shared master/seed
  - /etc/prometheus/rules/general-*.yaml
  - /etc/prometheus/rules/kubermatic-master-*.yaml
  - /etc/prometheus/rules/managed-*.yaml


  user: admin
  password: adm1n
      disable_login_form: false

    size: '100Gi'

  - ...

With this file prepared, we can now install all required charts:

Kubermatic Installer

./kubermatic-installer deploy seed-mla --helm-values values.yaml

Output will be similar to this:

INFO[0000] 🚀 Initializing installer…                     edition="Community Edition" version=X.Y
INFO[0000] 🚦 Validating the provided configuration…
INFO[0000] ✅ Provided configuration is valid.
INFO[0000] 🚦 Validating existing installation…
INFO[0000] ✅ Existing installation is valid.
INFO[0000] 🛫 Deploying KKP Seed MLA Stack…
INFO[0000]    📦 Deploying Node Exporter ...
INFO[0006]    ✅ Success.
INFO[0006]    📦 Deploying Kube State Metrics…
INFO[0022]    ✅ Success.
INFO[0022]    📦 Deploying Grafana…
INFO[0055]    ✅ Success.
INFO[0055]    📦 Deploying Blackbox Exporter…
INFO[0064]    ✅ Success.
INFO[0064]    📦 Deploying Alert Manager…
INFO[0074]    ✅ Success.
INFO[0074]    📦 Deploying Prometheus…
INFO[0075]    ✅ Success.
INFO[0075]    📦 Deploying Helm Exporter…
INFO[0076]    ✅ Success.
INFO[0076]    📦 Deploying Karma…
INFO[0078]    ✅ Success.
INFO[0078]    📦 Deploying Loki…
INFO[0164]    ✅ Success.
INFO[0164]    📦 Deploying Promtail…
INFO[0166]    ✅ Success.
INFO[0166] 🛬 Installation completed successfully. Time for a break, maybe? ☺

Going Further

  • To expose Prometheus, Alertmanager and other services installed via the steps above, follow Securing System Services.
  • The charts have a lot more options to tweak, like alertmanager.config or karma.config to control how and which alerts are sent where. Likewise, when your cluster grows, you most likely want to adjust the resource requirements in prometheus.containers.prometheus.resources and others. You can find more information on the Monitoring, Logging & Alerting Customization page.