Configure Dashboard Interface

Interface section in the Admin Panel allows you to control various UI related settings. They can be used to show/hide certain features on the dashboard.


Enable External Clusters

Enable External Cluster

External clusters feature allows you to connect third-party Kubernetes clusters in a read-only mode to your Kubermatic project. Those clusters will not be managed by the Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform therefore the available information will be limited. Clusters on the list will have an External badge to indicate their origin.

This is how it looks like on the external cluster list and details page:

External Cluster on the Cluster List

External Cluster Details

Enable Kubernetes Dashboard

Enable Kubernetes Dashboard

This section controls the Kubernetes Dashboard support for created user clusters. When enabled an Open Dashboard button will appear on the cluster details, and the API will allow Kubernetes Dashboard proxy access through the API.

Cluster Details

Enable OIDC Kubeconfig

Enable OIDC Kubeconfig

This setting controls whether OIDC provider should be used as a proxy for the kubeconfig. For more details on this feature please visit OIDC Provider Configuration.

Get Kubeconfig

Disable Admin Kubeconfig

Disable Admin Kubeconfig

This setting controls whether Admin kubeconfig feature should be enabled for the user clusters. When disabled, the Admin Kubeconfig button will not be visible on the cluster details page and the corresponding API endpoints will be disabled.

Enable Web Terminal

Enable Web Terminal

This setting controls whether the Web Terminal feature should be enabled for the user clusters. When enabling it, a button will appear on the top right side of the user cluster page and the API will allow its usage. Note that OIDC Kubeconfig should be enabled to allow this option.

Web Terminal

Please visit Web Terminal for more information about this feature.

Enable Share Cluster

Enable Share Cluster

This section controls the support for sharing access to clusters with other users. When enabled, a Share Cluster option will appear in menu on the cluster details, and it can be used to share a link to download the cluster kubeconfig.

Share Cluster

Please visit Share Clusters via Delegated OIDC Authentication for more information about this feature.

Enable Cluster Backup

Cluster backup feature can be enabled/disabled on the global level using the Enable Cluster Backup setting.

Enable Cluster Backup