With Source Access

Preparing a New Theme With Access to the Sources

This approach gives user the possibility to reuse already defined code, work with scss instead of css and quickly test your new theme before uploading it to the official deployment.

All available themes can be found inside src/assets/themes directory. Follow the below steps to prepare a new custom theme:

  • Create a new scss theme file inside src/assets/themes directory called custom.scss. This is only a temporary name that can be changed later.

  • As a base reuse code from one of the default themes, either light.scss or dark.scss.

  • Register a new style in src/assets/config/config.json similar to how it’s done for light and dark themes. As the name use custom.

    • name - refers to the theme file name stored inside assets/themes directory.
    • displayName - will be used by the theme picker available in the Account view to display a new theme.
    • isDark - defines the icon to be used by the theme picker (sun/moon).
      "openstack": {
        "wizard_use_default_user": false
      "themes": [
          "name": "custom",
          "displayName": "Custom",
          "isDark": false
  • Make sure that theme is registered in the angular.json file before running the application locally. It is done for custom theme by default.

  • Run the application using npm start, open the Account view under User settings, select your new theme and update custom.scss according to your needs. It is possible to override basically everything inside this theme file. In example if you want to change background color of a mat-form-field do this:

    .mat-form-field {
      background-color: red;

    TIP: As currently selected theme name is saved inside user settings, change it back to one of the default themes before uploading your theme to the official deployment.

  • Once your new theme is ready run npm run build:themes. It should create a dist-themes directory inside Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform (KKP) Dashboard directory with compiled css files of all themes stored inside src/assets/themes directory. Now you can rename your custom.css theme file to some other name, i.e. solar.css.

Themes dir

  • Now, update the config.json in KubermaticSettings CR used by Kubermatic Dashboard Deployment and register the new theme same as it was done earlier. Make sure that name entry corresponds to the name of your theme file (without the css suffix).
  • As the last step, mount your custom CSS theme file to the dist/assets/themes directory. To do so, specify extraVolumes and extraVolumeMounts in the KubermaticSettings CR. Make sure not to override whole directory as default themes are required by the application.
  • After application restart, theme picker should show your new theme.

Theme picker