Resource constraint: In some cases, you will have one/single server/VM and would like to manage the workload with k8s. Follow this guide, when you want to build your k8s environment considering the resource constraint.
This chapter will guide you through the KKP Master setup on a single master/worker k8s node using Kubeone. Here, we are leveraging the kubeone addons capability for quick installation of KKP.
In this Get Started with KKP guide, we will be using AWS Cloud as our underlying infrastructure and KKP release v2.18.4.
For more information on the kubeone configurations for different environment, checkout the Creating the kubernetes Cluster using Kubeone documentation.
The kubermatic/kkp-single-node contains the required configuration to install KKP on single node k8s with kubeone. Clone or download it, so that you deploy KKP quickly as per the following instructions and get started with it!
git clone
cd kkp-single-node
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# Path to your private SSH key. This is only used to configure SSH agent on your local machine.
export K1_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH=~/.ssh/id_rsa
# Path to your public SSH key, copied over to the nodes for SSH access
export K1_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH=~/.ssh/
make k1-tf-apply PROVIDER=aws
You can update the terraform.tfvars with values such as cluster_name
, ssh_public_key_file
, ssh_private_key_file
. More variables can be overridden here, see
Important: Add
flag with value astrue
file as shown below
output "kubeone_hosts" {
description = "Control plane endpoints to SSH to"
value = {
control_plane = {
untaint = true
Replace the TODO place holder in addons/kkp yaml definitions.
export RANDOM_SECRET=$(base64 < /dev/urandom | tr -dc '[:alnum:]' | head -c32)
export ISSUERCOOKIEKEY=$(base64 < /dev/urandom | tr -dc '[:alnum:]' | head -c32)
export SERVICEACCOUNTKEY=$(base64 < /dev/urandom | tr -dc '[:alnum:]' | head -c32)
mkdir -p ./aws/addons
cp -r ./addons.template/kkp ./aws/addons
sed -i 's/TODO_DNS/'"$KKP_DNS"'/g' ./aws/addons/kkp/*.yaml
sed -i 's/'"$KKP_USERNAME"'/g' ./aws/addons/kkp/*.yaml
sed -i 's/TODO-A-RANDOM-SECRET/'"$RANDOM_SECRET"'/g' ./aws/addons/kkp/*.yaml
sed -i 's/TODO-A-RANDOM-ISSUERCOOKIEKEY/'"$ISSUERCOOKIEKEY"'/g' ./aws/addons/kkp/*.yaml
sed -i 's/TODO-A-RANDOM-SERVICEACCOUNTKEY/'"$SERVICEACCOUNTKEY"'/g' ./aws/addons/kkp/*.yaml
KKP_DNS specifies the domain where the kubermatic dashboard would be hosted.
make k1-apply PROVIDER=aws
export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/aws/<cluster_name>-kubeconfig
Get the LoadBalancer External IP by following command.
kubectl get svc -n ingress-nginx
Update DNS mapping with External IP of the nginx ingress controller service. In case of AWS, the CNAME record mapping for $TODO_DNS with External IP should be created.
Nginx Ingress Controller Load Balancer configuration - Add the node to backend pool manually.
Known Issue: Should be supported in the future as part of Feature request#1822
Verify the Kubermatic resources and certificates
kubectl -n kubermatic get deployments,pods
kubectl get certificates -A -w
Wait for a while, if still kubermatic-api-xxx pods / kubermatic & dex tls certificates are not in
state, delete and wait to get validated.
Finally, you should be able to login to KKP dashboard!
Login to https://$TODO_DNS/
Use username/password configured as part of Kubermatic configuration.