Known Issues


This page documents the list of known issues and possible work arounds/solutions.

Latest Ubuntu 22.04 image prevents creating new EBS volumes on AWS


The latest Ubuntu 22.04 AMI (released on 30th July) prevents creating new EBS volumes on some AWS clusters.

Root Cause

The latest Ubuntu 22.04 AMI have IMDSv2 (the AWS instance metadata API) enabled as a default, while the previous Ubuntu AMIs allowed both IMDS v2 and v1. By default, the limit of hops of PUT requests to metadata service is 2. However, the default settings provided by AWS are not compatible with the containerized environments (i.e. Kubernetes) since the instance metadata service is not reachable from the container network in case if further hops are required. At this time, it appears that only Cilium clusters are affected, and only if the CSI components are running on nodes that are using the latest Ubuntu AMI.


A new machine-controller (MC) version (v1.57.9) has been released that can be configured into KubermaticConfiguration:

kind: KubermaticConfiguration
  name: kubermatic
  namespace: kubermatic
      imageTag: v1.57.9

The updated MC version will be included in the next patch release (2.23.18).

Recent Ubuntu 22.04 Image Fails to Bootstrap on Azure


When using a recent (beginning of May 2024) Ubuntu 22.04 image provided by Azure, user cluster nodes provisioned by machine-controller and operating-system-manager fail to bootstrap and never join the cluster. Instead, the bootstrap.service systemd unit is constantly looping.

Root Cause

A recent change to the Ubuntu 22.04 image has modified the configuration for cloud-init and how it accesses its datasource in Azure. cloud-init clean (which is used to prepare the machine for configuration as Kubernetes node) removes files crucial to this new way of communicating with the datasource and requires an additional step to recreate the missing configuration files.


A new operating-system-manager (OSM) version (v1.3.6) has been released that can be configured into KubermaticConfiguration:

kind: KubermaticConfiguration
  name: kubermatic
  namespace: kubermatic
      imageTag: v1.3.6

The updated OSM version will be included in the next patch release (2.23.16).

For custom OSPs the following change is relevant:

diff --git a/deploy/osps/default/osp-ubuntu.yaml b/deploy/osps/default/osp-ubuntu.yaml
index 85e8942..353bded 100644
--- a/deploy/osps/default/osp-ubuntu.yaml
+++ b/deploy/osps/default/osp-ubuntu.yaml
@@ -102,6 +102,11 @@ spec:
               curl -s -k -v --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{ .Token }}'      {{ .ServerURL }}/api/v1/namespaces/cloud-init-settings/secrets/{{ .SecretName }} | jq '.data["cloud-config"]' -r| base64 -d > /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/{{ .SecretName }}.cfg
               cloud-init clean

+              {{- /* Azure's cloud-init provider integration has changed recently (end of April 2024) and now requires us to run this command below once to set some files up that seem required for another cloud-init run. */}}
+              {{- if (eq .CloudProviderName "azure") }}
+              cloud-init init --local
+              {{- end }}
               {{- /* The default cloud-init configurations files have a bug on Digital Ocean that causes the machine to be in-accessible on the 2nd cloud-init and in case of Hetzner, ipv6 addresses are missing. Hence we disable network configuration. */}}
               {{- if (or (eq .CloudProviderName "digitalocean") (eq .CloudProviderName "hetzner")) }}
               rm /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml

MachineDeployments using the affected OSP need to be restarted after updating OSM or the custom OSP.

1. OIDC User Authentication Issue


OIDC user is denied to access the user cluster in the KKP with K8s version of 1.20 and below. Refer the github issue Bug: OIDC authentication… for detailed problem description. Example logs look like below,

Kubectl output

kubectl get nodes
error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)

API server logs

2022-05-26T11:46:11.269134597Z stderr F E0526 11:46:11.267368       1 authentication.go:63] "Unable to authenticate the request" err="[invalid bearer token, oidc: authenticator not initialized]"
2022-05-26 13:46:11
2022-05-26T11:46:11.200645694Z stderr F E0526 11:46:11.200494       1 authentication.go:63] "Unable to authenticate the request" err="[invalid bearer token, oidc: authenticator not initialized]"
2022-05-26 13:46:10
2022-05-26T11:46:10.282230799Z stderr F E0526 11:46:10.282080       1 oidc.go:224] oidc authenticator: initializing plugin: Get "https://<your-kkp.domain>/dex/.well-known/openid-configuration": net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

Root cause

The KKP API Server network policy is relying on the namespace label which is automatically present on K8s 1.21 and above versions, but missing on K8s versions below 1.21. Due to the mismatch in the label selector, the access is denied.


As the issue is seen only with older versions of K8s which have reached end of life, the preferred solution is to upgrade the K8s to 1.21 or the latest version. In the case where upgrade is not desirable then a work around can be applied by adding a label to the nginx-ingress-controller namespace as shown below.

kubectl label ns nginx-ingress-controller ""

2. Connectivity Issue in Pod-to-NodePort Service in Cilium + IPVS Proxy Mode


In a KKP user cluster with Cilium CNI and IPVS kube-proxy mode, the connectivity between the NodePort service and client pod does not work when the service is load balanced to a pod running on a remote node. For the detailed description and the steps to reproduce the problem, refer issue #8767.

Root Cause

IPVS kube-proxy mode is not really supported by Cilium as mentioned in the Cilium issue #18610.


We do not recommend to configure the Cilium with IPVS kube-proxy mode and this option has been removed from the KKP UI as part of the issue #4687.

3. Ubuntu 22.04 Cloud Image issue on VMware Cloud Director


The issue arises in Ubuntu 22.04 cloud image OVAs starting from version 20230602 when they are run on VMware Cloud Director. This problem disrupts the provisioning of new Kubernetes nodes using machine-controller due to interruptions caused by reboots.

Root Cause

The root cause of this issue can be traced back to a change in the default settings of open-vm-tools. These changes, in turn, affect the behavior of cloud-init during startup, leading to the disruptive behavior observed when provisioning new Kubernetes nodes. Specifically, the open-vm-tools.service starts before cloud-init, and it runs with the default timeout (30 seconds).


One interim solution in this scenario is to create a custom Ubuntu 22.04 image with the following setting preconfigured in /etc/vmware-tools/tools.conf file.


This adjustment will help ensure that the issue no longer disrupts the provisioning of new Kubernetes nodes on the affected Ubuntu 22.04 cloud images running on VMware Cloud Director provider.

For additional details and discussions related to this issue, you can refer to the following GitHub issues: