Get Access to Kubernetes Cluster

You can either SSH to one of the created control plane instance(s) and use the /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf or if you want to have access to your Kubernetes cluster locally, follow these steps.


Make sure that you have following tools installed locally:

1. Retrieve Terraform State

Make sure that you have environment variables set for accessing your cloud provider API.

Terraform state is stored at remote s3 compatible location (S3 / GCS), and all required configuration is provided via

cd terraform/<provider>
terraform init
terraform output -json > output.json
cd ../..

Terraform state is stored at GitLab repository, and it’s necessary to provide a couple of configuration variables for terraform init.

cd terraform/<provider>
export GITLAB_PROJECT_ID=<GITLAB_PROJECT_ID> # get project ID from GitLab UI or API
export GITLAB_USERNAME=<GITLAB_USERNAME>     # your GitLab user associated with GITLAB_TOKEN
export GITLAB_TOKEN=<GITLAB_TOKEN>           # user access token to talk to GitLab API
export GITLAB_TF_STATE_NAME=kkp              # name of the Gitlab Terraform state
terraform init \
  -backend-config="address=${GITLAB_PROJECT_ID}/terraform/state/${GITLAB_TF_STATE_NAME}" \
  -backend-config="lock_address=${GITLAB_PROJECT_ID}/terraform/state/${GITLAB_TF_STATE_NAME}/lock" \
  -backend-config="unlock_address=${GITLAB_PROJECT_ID}/terraform/state/${GITLAB_TF_STATE_NAME}/lock" \
  -backend-config="username=${GITLAB_USERNAME}" \
  -backend-config="password=${GITLAB_TOKEN}" \
  -backend-config="lock_method=POST" \
  -backend-config="unlock_method=DELETE" \
terraform output -json > output.json
cd ../..

Terraform state is stored at remote s3 compatible location (S3 / GCS), and all required configuration is provided via

cd terraform/<provider>
terraform init
terraform output -json > output.json
cd ../..

2. Prepare SSH Agent with SSH Key

KubeOne requires SSH access to your instances, see documentation for more details.

cd kubeone
eval `ssh-agent`
ssh-add ~/.ssh/k8s_rsa

3. Use KubeOne to retrieve kubeconfig

kubeone kubeconfig -m kubeone.yaml -t ../terraform/<provider>/output.json > kubeconfig
export KUBECONFIG=`pwd`/kubeconfig
kubectl get nodes

Now you should see details of your control plane and worker nodes.