Dynamic Kubelet configuration

Dynamic kubelet configuration is a deprecated feature in Kubernetes. It will no longer be supported in KKP after Kubernetes removes it in v1.24. See the upstream documentation for more details.

Dynamic kubelet configuration allows for live reconfiguration of some or all nodes’ kubelet options.

See Also


To enable dynamic kubelet configuration, mark the Dynamic kubelet config checkbox when creating a Machine Deployment. Nodes created by such a deployment will be automatically configured to look for a configmap named kubelet-config-<k8s-version> (e.g. kubelet-config-1.17) in the kube-system namespace.

Add Machine Deployment

Normally these configmaps for different versions are created with a set of healthy default options by Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform’s (KKP) default kubelet-configmap addon. However, if you want to customize the settings, you can replace the default addon with your own. You can also alter the configSource parameter of the Machine Deployment to point the kubelet to another config map - that way you can have multiple configurations for multiple sets of nodes.