Add Seed Cluster for EE on GCP

Enterprise Edition

This document describes how a new seed cluster can be added to an existing KKP master cluster.

For smaller scale setups it’s possible to use the existing master cluster as a seed cluster (a “shared” cluster installation). In this case both master and seed components will run on the same cluster and in the same namespace. It is however not possible to use the same cluster for multiple seeds.

Please refer to the architecture diagrams for more information about the cluster relationships.


The setup procedure for seed clusters happens in multiple stages:

  1. You must setup the CRDs and Helm charts (preferably using the KKP installer, but can also be done manually)
  2. You create a Seed resource on the master cluster.
  3. The KKP Operator checks if the configured Seed cluster is valid and installs the KKP components like the seed-controller-manager. This is an automated process.

Configure Cluster Backups

KKP performs regular backups of user clusters by snapshotting the etcd of each cluster. The default configuration uses in-cluster object storage provided by Minio. It can be installed using minio Helm chart provided with the KKP installer.

If you wish to use a different S3-compatible solution for storage of backups, it can be configured within the KubermaticConfiguration object. Refer to the KubermaticConfiguration documentation for an example of the .spec.backup fields and values. The following content assumes you’re using the provided minio Helm chart.

Prepare Minio configuration

Minio requires a storage class which will be used as a backend for the exposed object storage. You can view the storage classes available on the cluster using the following command:

kubectl get storageclasses
#NAME                 PROVISIONER              AGE
#kubermatic-fast   195d
#kubermatic-backup   195d
#standard (default)   2y43d

It’s recommended that Minio uses a separate storage class with a different location/security level, but you can also use the default one if you desire.

As Minio does not require any of the SSD’s advantages, we can use HDD-backed storage. It’s recommended that Minio uses a separate storage class with a different location/security level. For a cluster running on Azure, an example class could look as follows:

kind: StorageClass
  name: kubermatic-backup
  type: pd-ssd

To configure the storage class to use and the size of backing storage, edit minio section in your values.yaml file. For more information about the Minio options, take a look at minio chart values.yaml and the documentation - S3 gateway.

  storeSize: '200Gi'
  # specified storageClass will be used as a storage provider for minio
  # which will be used store the etcd backup of the seed hosted user clusters
  storageClass: kubermatic-backup
  # access key/secret for the exposed minio S3 gateway
    # generated access key length should be at least 3 characters
    accessKey: "YOUR-ACCESS-KEY"
    # generated secret key length should be at least 8 characters
    secretKey: "YOUR-SECRET-KEY"

As a good practice, we also recommend installing the s3-exporter Helm chart, which provides metrics regarding user cluster backups.


The Kubermatic Installler is the recommended way to setup new seed clusters. A manual installation is possible, however more work needs to be done.

Using the Installer

Similar to how the master cluster can be installed with the installler, run the deploy command. You still need to manually ensure that the StorageClass you configured for Minio exists already.

export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/seed-cluster/kubeconfig
./kubermatic-installer deploy kubermatic-seed --config kubermatic.yaml --helm-values values.yaml

The command above will take care of installing/updating the CRDs, setting up Minio and the S3-exporter and attempts to provide you with the necessary DNS settings after the installation has completed.

Once the installer has completed, check the kubermatic namespace on the seed cluster, where the new controller managers should be deployed automatically. If the deployment gets stuck, check the kubermatic-operator logs on the master cluster.

Manual Installation

Once the preparation for the cluster backup are done (setting up the StorageClass), install the Kubermatic CRDs using kubectl. The charts directory is part of the download archive on GitHub. Run the following command on the seed cluster:

kubectl replace -f charts/kubermatic-operator/crd/

After configuring the required options, you can install the charts:

helm --namespace minio upgrade --install --wait --values /path/to/your/helm-values.yaml minio charts/minio/
helm --namespace kube-system upgrade --install --wait --values /path/to/your/helm-values.yaml s3-exporter charts/s3-exporter/

Add the Seed Resource

To connect the new seed cluster with the master, you need to create a kubeconfig Secret and a Seed resource on the master cluster. This allows the KKP components in the master cluster to communicate with the seed cluster and reconcile user-cluster control planes.

To make sure that the kubeconfig stays valid forever, it must not contain temporary login tokens. Depending on the cloud provider, the default kubeconfig that is provided may not contain username+password / a client certificate, but instead try to talk to local token helper programs like gcloud for the Google Cloud (GKE). These kubeconfig files will not work for setting up Seeds.

The kubermatic-installer tool provides a command convert-kubeconfig that can be used to prepare a kubeconfig for usage in Kubermatic. The script will create a ServiceAccount in the seed cluster, bind it to the cluster-admin role and then put the ServiceAccount’s token into the kubeconfig file. Afterwards the file can be used in KKP.

./kubermatic-installer convert-kubeconfig <ORIGINAL-KUBECONFIG-FILE> > my-kubeconfig-file

The Seed resource then needs to reference the new kubeconfig Secret like so:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: kubeconfig-europe-west3
  namespace: kubermatic
type: Opaque
  # You can use `base64 -w0 my-kubeconfig-file` to encode the
  # kubeconfig properly for inserting into this Secret.
  kubeconfig: <base64 encoded kubeconfig>

kind: Seed
  name: europe-west3
  namespace: kubermatic
  # these two fields are only informational
  country: DE
  location: Frankfurt

  # list of datacenters where this seed cluster is allowed to create clusters in
  # Example:
  # datacenters:
  #   gce-eu-west-3:
  #    country: DE
  #    location: "Frankfurt"
  #    spec:
  #      gcp:
  #        region: "europe-west3"
  #        regional: true
  #        zone_suffixes: [a,b,c]
  datacenters: {}

  # reference to the kubeconfig to use when connecting to this seed cluster
    name: kubeconfig-europe-west3
    namespace: kubermatic

Refer to the Seed CRD documentation for a complete example of the Seed CustomResource and all possible datacenters. ¹ You can override the global Expose Strategy at Seed level if you wish to.

Apply the manifest above in the master cluster and KKP will pick up the new Seed and begin to reconcile it by installing the required KKP components. You can watch the progress by using kubectl and watch:

kubectl apply -f seed-with-secret.yaml
#Secret/kubeconfig-kubermatic created.
#Seed/kubermatic created.
watch kubectl -n kubermatic get pods
#NAME                                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
#kubermatic-api-55765568f7-br9jl                        1/1     Running   0          5m4s
#kubermatic-api-55765568f7-xbvz2                        1/1     Running   0          5m13s
#kubermatic-dashboard-5d784d586b-f46f8                  1/1     Running   0          35m
#kubermatic-dashboard-5d784d586b-rgl29                  1/1     Running   0          35m
#kubermatic-master-controller-manager-f58d4df59-w7rkz   1/1     Running   0          5m13s
#kubermatic-operator-7f6957869d-89g55                   1/1     Running   0          5m37s
#nodeport-proxy-envoy-6d8bb6fbff-9z57l                  2/2     Running   0          5m6s
#nodeport-proxy-envoy-6d8bb6fbff-dl58l                  2/2     Running   0          4m54s
#nodeport-proxy-envoy-6d8bb6fbff-k4gp8                  2/2     Running   0          4m44s
#nodeport-proxy-updater-7fd55f948-cll8n                 1/1     Running   0          4m44s
#seed-proxy-europe-west3-6dd5cc95cf-r6wvb               1/1     Running   0          80m

If you experience issues with the seed cluster setup, for example nothing happening in the kubermatic namespace, check the Kubermatic Operator’s logs on the master cluster, for example via kubectl --namespace kubermatic logs -f kubermatic-operator-7f6957869d-89g55.

Update DNS

Depending on the chosen Expose Strategy, the control planes of all user clusters running in the Seed cluster will be exposed by the nodeport-proxy or using services of type NodePort directly. By default each user cluster gets a virtual domain name like [cluster-id].[seed-name].[kubermatic-domain], e.g. for the Seed from the previous step with being the main domain where the KKP dashboard/API are available.

A wildcard DNS record *.[seed-name].[kubermatic-domain] must be created. The target of the DNS wildcard record should be the EXTERNAL-IP of the nodeport-proxy service in the kubermatic namespace or a set of seed nodes IPs.

With LoadBalancers

When your cloud provider supports LoadBalancers, you can find the target IP by looking at the nodeport-proxy Service:

kubectl -n kubermatic get services
#NAME             TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)                      AGE
#nodeport-proxy   LoadBalancer        80:32014/TCP,443:30772/TCP   449d

The EXTERNAL-IP is what we need to put into the DNS record.

Without LoadBalancers

Without a LoadBalancer, you will need to point to one or many of the seed cluster’s nodes. You can get a list of external IPs like so:

kubectl get nodes -o wide
#NAME                        STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION    INTERNAL-IP   EXTERNAL-IP
#worker-node-cbd686cd-50nx   Ready    <none>   3h36m   v1.22.5
#worker-node-cbd686cd-59s2   Ready    <none>   21m     v1.22.5
#worker-node-cbd686cd-90j3   Ready    <none>   45m     v1.22.5

DNS Record

Create an A record as needed pointing to the target:

*   IN   A