Control Plane Expose Strategy

This chapter describes how to configure the expose strategy when setting up a Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform (KKP). The expose strategy defines how the control plane components are exposed outside the seed cluster.

The expose strategies rely on a component called nodeport-proxy. It is basically a L4 service proxy (TCP only is supported at the moment), capable of routing the traffic based on:

  • Destination port: this requires a unique port for each service.
  • SNI: TLS traffic can be routed based on SNI without termination.
  • HTTP/2 tunnel: Terminate HTTP/2 CONNECT request and multiplex the TCP streams.

Configure the Expose Strategy

The expose strategy can be configured globally with the KubermaticConfiguration as follow:

kind: KubermaticConfiguration
  name: kubermatic
  namespace: kubermatic
  exposeStrategy: NodePort
      enabled: true

The valid values for exposeStrategy are:

  • NodePort: With this strategy a service of type nodeport is created for each exposed component (e.g. Kubernetes API Server). If services of type LoadBalancer are available all the services will be made available through a single load balancer, passing from the nodeport-proxy.
  • LoadBalancer: A service of type LoadBalancer will be created for each user cluster. This strategy requires services of type LoadBalancer to be available on the seed clusters.
  • Tunneling: (alpha) With this strategy the traffic is routed to the based on a combination of SNI and HTTP/2 tunnels by the nodeport-proxy.

Alternatively, the expose strategy can be overridden at Seed level, meaning that it is possible to have different expose strategies on the same KKP cluster. e.g.

kind: Seed
  name: kubermatic
  namespace: kubermatic
  # these two fields are only informational
  country: FR
  location: Paris

  # List of datacenters where this seed cluster is allowed to create clusters in
  # In this example, user cluster will be deployed in eu-central-1 on AWS.
      country: DE
      location: EU (Frankfurt)
          images: null
          region: eu-central-1
        enforceAuditLogging: false
        enforcePodSecurityPolicy: false

  # Override the default expose strategy with 'LoadBalancer'
  expose_strategy: LoadBalancer
  # reference to the kubeconfig to use when connecting to this seed cluster
    name: kubeconfig-cluster-example
    namespace: kubermatic

Configuring Tunneling Expose Strategy (alpha)

This strategy is available starting from KKP 2.16 as a tech preview.

In order to enable this strategy the TunnelingExposeStrategy feature gate should be enabled.

kind: KubermaticConfiguration
  name: kubermatic
  namespace: kubermatic
  exposeStrategy: Tunneling
      enabled: true

The current limitations of this strategy are:

  • Not supported yet in set-ups where the worker nodes should pass from a corporate proxy (HTTPS proxy) to reach the control plane.
  • An agent is deployed on each worker node to provide access to control plane components. It binds to the IP advertised by the Kubernetes API Server, which is currently hardcoded to