Predefined Roles


A project is an entity that holds various resources. All resources in a project are equal in terms of the groups attached to them. Affiliation of a user to one of the groups gives them certain powers they are allowed to use within a project.

Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform (KKP) roles

There are three roles: owner, editor, and viewer. These roles are concentric; that is, the owner role includes the permissions of the editor role, and the editor role includes the permissions of the viewer role.

  • viewer: read-only access to see project resources

  • editor: can see the project content that the viewer can view and additionally can create, edit and delete clusters in the project

  • owner: can do everything that the editor can do and additionally manage permissions for the project

The following table summarizes the permissions:

viewerPermissions for read-only actions that do not affect the state, such as viewing.Viewers are not allowed to interact with service accounts (user).Viewers are not allowed to interact with members of a project (UserProjectBinding)
editorAll viewer permissions, plus permissions to create, edit & delete the cluster.Editors are not allowed to delete a project. Editors are not allowed to interact with members of a project (UserProjectBinding).Editors are not allowed to interact with service accounts (user)
owner (role can not be held by a service account)All editor permissions and permissions for managing permissions for a project.Only the owners of a project can create a service account (aka. users) Only the owners of a project can manipulate members

KKP Service Accounts

A service account is a special type of user account that belongs to the KKP project, instead of to an individual end-user. A service account is considered as project’s resource. Only the owner of a project can create and update a service account. There is no need to create new groups for service accounts. It’s assigned to one of the already defined groups: editors or viewers.