This page documents the list of known issues and possible work arounds/solutions.
1. OIDC user authentication issue
OIDC user is denied to access the user cluster in the KKP with K8s version of 1.20 and below. Refer the github issue Bug: OIDC authentication… for detailed problem description. Example logs look like below,
Kubectl output
kubectl get nodes
error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)
API server logs
2022-05-26T11:46:11.269134597Z stderr F E0526 11:46:11.267368 1 authentication.go:63] "Unable to authenticate the request" err="[invalid bearer token, oidc: authenticator not initialized]"
2022-05-26 13:46:11
2022-05-26T11:46:11.200645694Z stderr F E0526 11:46:11.200494 1 authentication.go:63] "Unable to authenticate the request" err="[invalid bearer token, oidc: authenticator not initialized]"
2022-05-26 13:46:10
2022-05-26T11:46:10.282230799Z stderr F E0526 11:46:10.282080 1 oidc.go:224] oidc authenticator: initializing plugin: Get "https://<your-kkp.domain>/dex/.well-known/openid-configuration": net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
Root cause
The KKP API Server network policy is relying on the namespace label kubernetes.io/metadata.name
which is automatically present on K8s 1.21 and above versions, but missing on K8s versions below 1.21. Due to the mismatch in the label selector, the access is denied.
As the issue is seen only with older versions of K8s which have reached end of life, the preferred solution is to upgrade the K8s to 1.21 or the latest version.
In the case where upgrade is not desirable then a work around can be applied by adding a label to the nginx-ingress-controller
namespace as shown below.
kubectl label ns nginx-ingress-controller "kubernetes.io/metadata.name=nginx-ingress-controller"