General Guidelines

This section describes the recommended steps to be taken for every KKP upgrade, including from patch release to patch release.

Create Backups

Even though regular backups should already be in place, it’s always good to be on the safe side and ensure that backups are made prior to upgrades.

The Velero chart, if installed, includes a backup job that copies all resources (Clusters, Seeds, Users, Projects, …) on a regular basis. Another option is to simply use kubectl to dump all KKP resources:

export KUBECONFIG=...

while IFS= read -r crd; do
  echo "Dumping $crd ..."
  kubectl get $crd -A -o yaml > $crd.yaml
done <<< "$(kubectl get crd | grep kubermatic | cut -f1 -d' ')"

Backups must be done on the master and should be done on all seed cluster as well.

Upgrade Versioning Policy

KKP only supports upgrades from one minor version to the next (i.e. from 2.13 to 2.14). You must not omit a minor version when doing an upgrade of your KKP installation (i.e. 2.13 to 2.15 without upgrading to 2.14 in-between is not supported).

Prepare for Reconciliation Load

Whenever KKP is upgraded, changes that affect possibly many cluster control-planes can be rolled out. For example when new settings on Deployments are set, Docker image versions or registries change, etc.

These mass-upgrades can cause severe load on the seed clusters, depending on the number of user clusters. To prevent overloads, KKP has a mechanism to limit the number of parallel reconciliations that can be active at any time, MaximumParallelReconciles. This defaults to 10 and can be tweaked by editing the KubermaticConfiguration and setting spec.seedController.maximumParallelReconciles accordingly. In the legacy kubermatic Helm chart, the setting can be overridden via kubermatic.maxParallelReconcile.

It is generally good practice to lower the limit prior to performing an upgrade, observing the seed cluster load afterwards and then resetting it again.

Manual Upgrade Procedure

Unless otherwise noted in the upgrade notes for the given KKP minor version, the upgrade procedure is roughly as follows. The exact paths may vary slightly in-between minor releases, but the procedure is the same.

For KKP releases prior to 2.14, refer to to download the Helm charts and configuration files.

For KKP releases since 2.14, download the appropriate archive from and extract it locally on your computer.

It’s now time to perform any manual upgrade steps and update the Helm values.yaml file used to install the charts (a single file for all charts is recommended, but one values.yaml per chart is also possible).

Before updating the Helm charts, update all CRDs:

kubectl apply -f charts/cert-manager/crd/
kubectl apply -f charts/backup/velero/crd/
kubectl apply -f charts/kubermatic/crd/

Unless noted otherwise, if the KubermaticConfiguration or Seed configurations had to be changed, they should now be updated.

In general, charts can be upgraded in any order, as long as eventually all charts have been upgraded. Depending on your installation method, install the kubermatic Helm chart for legacy setups or the kubermatic-installer chart for the new KKP Operator.

Helm 3

helm --namespace cert-manager upgrade --install --wait --values values.yaml cert-manager charts/cert-manager/
helm --namespace nginx-ingress-controller upgrade --install --wait --values values.yaml nginx-ingress-controller charts/nginx-ingress-controller/
helm --namespace oauth upgrade --install --wait --values values.yaml oauth charts/oauth/

# either
helm --namespace kubermatic upgrade --install --wait --values values.yaml kubermatic-operator charts/kubermatic-operator/

# or
helm --namespace kubermatic upgrade --install --wait --values values.yaml kubermatic charts/kubermatic/

Helm 2

helm upgrade --install --wait --values values.yaml --namespace cert-manager cert-manager charts/cert-manager/
helm upgrade --install --wait --values values.yaml --namespace nginx-ingress-controller nginx-ingress-controller charts/nginx-ingress-controller/
helm upgrade --install --wait --values values.yaml --namespace oauth oauth charts/oauth/

# either
helm upgrade --install --wait --values values.yaml --namespace kubermatic kubermatic-operator charts/kubermatic-operator/

# or
helm upgrade --install --wait --values values.yaml --namespace kubermatic kubermatic charts/kubermatic/