Upgrading from 2.9 to 2.10

Backup Secret Cleanup

Due to a bug, the secrets created for the backup cronjobs to access user cluster etcds didn’t get cleaned up on cluster deletion. You can delete all of them by issuing the following command once for each of your seed clusters. The ones for the still-existing clusters will get re-created by our controller:

kubectl get secret -n kube-system | grep etcd-client-certificate | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -n 15 kubectl delete secret -n kube-system

The config option values.kubermatic.rbac was moved to values.kubermatic.masterController

values.yaml Structure for Addons

The structure for configuring the addons has changed and now contains a subkey kubernetes. Before it was like this:

        repository: "quay.io/kubermatic/addons"
        tag: "v0.1.18"
        pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
      # list of Addons to install into every user-cluster. All need to exist in the addons image
      - canal
      - dashboard
      - dns
      - kube-proxy
      - openvpn
      - rbac
      - kubelet-configmap
      - default-storage-class

Now there is a subkey kubernetes below addons:

        - canal
        - dashboard
        - dns
        - kube-proxy
        - openvpn
        - rbac
        - kubelet-configmap
        - default-storage-class
          repository: "quay.io/kubermatic/addons"
          tag: "v0.1.18"
          pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"

Heptio Velero Replaces Ark

As Ark was renamed to Velero, the Helm chart in backup/ark was replaced with a backup/velero chart. At the same time, the configuration for Velero (previously kept in a dedicated ark-config chart) was merged into the main chart, making use of Helm’s pre-install hooks to install the CRDs before setting up the backup schedules.

When upgrading KKP, make sure to manually remove the ark and ark-config charts:

helm --tiller-namespace kubermatic delete --purge ark-config
helm --tiller-namespace kubermatic delete --purge ark

If you have annotated pods with Ark-specific annotations, update them to their new name, e.g. pre.hook.backup.ark.heptio.com to pre.hook.backup.velero.io.

Node Affinities, Selectors and Tolerations

In order to improve cluster stability, all Helm charts now allow to configure node affinities, node selectors and taint tolerations. To accommodate this change, the values.yaml structure for some charts has changed slightly to make more sense. Please see the “Explicit resource requests/limits” section below for more details about the structural changes.

The nginx-ingress-controller chart had its ignoreMasterTaint flag deprecated. If you want to schedule its pods on master nodes, please make use of the new tolerations option and manually add the two tolerations:

  # this is a default toleration
  - key: only_critical
    operator: Equal
    value: "true"
    effect: NoSchedule

  # these two allow scheduling on master nodes
  - key: dedicated
    operator: Equal
    value: master
    effect: NoSchedule
  - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master
    effect: NoSchedule

If your cluster is running on ephemaral nodes (for example, preemtible nodes on GCE/GKE), it’s highly advised to also provision a few stable nodes for long-running workloads like backup jobs. The new Velero chart tries to schedule the Velero server on nodes with a kubermatic.io/type: stable label.

Prometheus Alerting Rules

The alerting rules for master and seed cluster have been split up into distinct files. If you previously configured the chart to load /etc/prometheus/rules/kubermatic-*.yaml, you will load both files. If you run multiple (seed-only) clusters, you can now include (via prometheus.ruleFiles) either

  • /etc/prometheus/rules/kubermatic-seed-*.yaml
  • /etc/prometheus/rules/kubermatic-master-*.yaml

to only load alerts fitting to your deployment.

Grafana Login Form

In case the identity aware proxy or Dex is down, access to Grafana was previously not possible. A new option has been added to the chart to enable the login form:

      disable_login_form: false

After setting this, you will be able to port-forward to Grafana’s port (3000) and then login using the static credentials configured in the chart.

Explicit Resource Requests/Limits

Similar to the node affinities/selectors mentioned above, all Helm charts now explicitly define resource requests and limits in order to improve cluster stability. The following changes have been made:

  • cert-manager
    • certManager.image was turned into certManager.controller.image.
    • certManager.webhookImage was turned into certManager.webhook.image.
    • certManager.caSyncImage was removed because it was superseded by the certManager.cainjector.image.
  • elasticsearch
    • elasticsearch.dataReplicas was renamed to elasticsearch.data.replicas.
    • elasticsearch.masterReplicas was renamed to elasticsearch.master.replicas.
    • elasticsearch.storageSize was renamed to elasticsearch.data.storageSize.
    • elasticsearch.cluster.env has been added elasticsearch.cluster.env.MINIMUM_MASTER_NODES should be carefully set to avoid split-brain situations when master pods get rescheduled. Please consult the chart’s documentation for more information.
  • minio
    • minio.backups was turned in minio.backup.enabled to accommodate further backup-related settings.
  • prometheus
    • prometheus.backups was turned in prometheus.backup.enabled to accommodate further backup-related settings.
  • nginx-ingress-controller
    • The nginx.prometheus settings have been removed.
    • nginx.ignoreMasterTaint has been deprecated. Use the new nginx.tolerations options to manually set your required tolerations.

The migrate-values command of the KKP installer can help to automate these changes in your values.yaml file(s).

node-exporter Addon

A new addon for the node-exporter has been created and is now one of the default addons for Kubernetes-based clusters. This will allow monitoring the user cluster’s resource usage in the future.