Install Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform (KKP) EE

This chapter explains the installation procedure of Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform (KKP) into a pre-existing Kubernetes cluster.


  • User/Customer cluster – A Kubernetes cluster created and managed by KKP
  • Seed cluster – A Kubernetes cluster which is responsible for hosting the master components of a customer cluster
  • Master cluster – A Kubernetes cluster which is responsible for storing the information about users, projects and SSH keys. It hosts the KKP components and might also act as a seed cluster.
  • Seed datacenter – A definition/reference to a seed cluster
  • Node datacenter – A definition/reference of a datacenter/region/zone at a cloud provider (aws=zone, digitalocean=region, openstack=zone)


Before installing, make sure your Kubernetes cluster meets the minimal requirements and make yourself familiar with the requirements for your chosen cloud provider.

For this guide you will have to have kubectl and Helm (version 2) installed locally.


To begin the installation, make sure you have a kubeconfig at hand, with a user context that grants cluster-admin permissions.

Download the Installer

Download the tarball (e.g. kubermatic-X.Y.tar.gz) containing the Helm charts choosing the appropriate release (vX.Y) and extract it. e.g.

# For latest version:
VERSION=$(curl -w '%{url_effective}' -I -L -s -S -o /dev/null | sed -e 's|.*/v||')
# For specific version set it explicitly:
# VERSION=2.14.x
tar -xzvf kubermatic-ee-v${VERSION}.tar.gz

Create a StorageClass

KKP uses a custom storage class for the volumes created for user clusters. This class, kubermatic-fast, needs to be manually created during the installation and its parameters depend highly on the environment where KKP is installed.

It’s highly recommended to use SSD-based volumes, as etcd is very sensitive to slow disk I/O. If your cluster already provides a default SSD-based storage class, you can simply copy and re-create it as kubermatic-fast. For a cluster running on AWS, an example class could look like this:

kind: StorageClass
  name: kubermatic-fast
  type: gp2

Store the above YAML snippet in a file and then apply it using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f aws-storageclass.yaml

Please consult the Kubernetes documentation for more information about the possible parameters for your storage backend.

Install Helm’s Tiller

It’s required to setup Tiller inside the cluster. This requires setting up a ClusterRole and -Binding, before installing Tiller itself. If your cluster already has Tiller installed in another namespace, you can reuse it, but an installation dedicated for KKP is preferred.

kubectl create namespace kubermatic
kubectl create serviceaccount -n kubermatic tiller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-role --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kubermatic:tiller

helm --service-account tiller --tiller-namespace kubermatic init

Prepare Configuration

KKP ships with a number of Helm charts that need to be installed into the master or seed clusters. These are built so they can be configured using a single, shared values.yaml file. The required charts are:

  • Master cluster: cert-manager, nginx-ingress-controller, oauth

Optional charts are:

In addition to the values.yaml for configuring the charts, a number of options will later be made inside a special KubermaticConfiguration resource.

A minimal configuration for Helm charts sets these options. You can find it in the /examples directory of the tarball. The secret keys mentioned below can be generated using any password generator or on the shell using cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c32. On MacOS, use brew install coreutils and cat /dev/urandom | gtr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c32

# Dex is the OpenID Provider for KKP.
    # configure your base domain, under which the KKP dashboard shall be available

  # The "kubermatic" client is used for logging into the KKP dashboard. It always
  # needs to be configured.
  - id: kubermatic
    name: Kubermatic
    # generate a secure secret key
    secret: <dex-kubermatic-oauth-secret-here>
    # ensure the URLs below use the configured above

  # Depending on your chosen login method, you need to configure either an OAuth provider like
  # Google or GitHub, or configure a set of static passwords. Check the `charts/oauth/values.yaml`
  # for an overview over all available connectors.

  # For testing purposes, we configure a single static user/password combination.
  - email: ""
    # bcrypt hash of the string "password", can be created using recent versions of htpasswd:
    # `htpasswd -bnBC 10 "" PASSWORD_HERE | tr -d ':\n' | sed 's/$2y/$2a/'`
    hash: "$2a$10$2b2cU8CPhOTaGrs1HRQuAueS7JTT5ZHsHSzYiFPm1leZck7Mc8T4W"

    # these are used within KKP to identify the user
    username: "admin"
    userID: "08a8684b-db88-4b73-90a9-3cd1661f5466"

  # Insert the Docker authentication JSON provided by KKP here
  imagePullSecret: |
      "auths": {
        "": {
          "auth": "...",
          "email": ""    

Install Dependencies

With the configuration prepared, it’s now time to install the required Helm charts into the master cluster. Take note of where you placed your values.yaml and then run the following commands in your shell:

helm upgrade --tiller-namespace kubermatic --install --values YOUR_VALUES_YAML_PATH --namespace nginx-ingress-controller nginx-ingress-controller charts/nginx-ingress-controller/
helm upgrade --tiller-namespace kubermatic --install --values YOUR_VALUES_YAML_PATH --namespace cert-manager cert-manager charts/cert-manager/
helm upgrade --tiller-namespace kubermatic --install --values YOUR_VALUES_YAML_PATH --namespace oauth oauth charts/oauth/

Please, make sure that the cert-manager is available, before continuing and installing oauth, by waiting a minute for its pods to be running (see: Validation section below).


Before continuing, make sure the charts we just installed are functioning correctly. Check that pods inside the nginx-ingress-controller, oauth and cert-manager namespaces are in status Running:

kubectl -n nginx-ingress-controller get pods
#NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
#nginx-ingress-controller-55dd87fc7f-5q4zb   1/1     Running   0          17m
#nginx-ingress-controller-55dd87fc7f-l492k   1/1     Running   0          4h56m
#nginx-ingress-controller-55dd87fc7f-rwcwf   1/1     Running   0          5h33m

kubectl -n oauth get pods
#NAME                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
#dex-7795d657ff-b4fmq   1/1     Running   0          4h59m
#dex-7795d657ff-kqbk8   1/1     Running   0          20m

kubectl -n cert-manager get pods
#NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
#cainjector-5dc8ccbd45-gk6xp    1/1     Running   0          5h36m
#cert-manager-799ccc8b5-m7wxk   1/1     Running   0          20m
#webhook-575b887-zb6m2          1/1     Running   0          5h36m

You should also have a working LoadBalancer service created by nginx:

Not all cloud providers provide support for LoadBalancers. In these environments the nginx-ingress-controller chart can be configured to use a NodePort Service instead, which would open ports 80 and 443 on every node of the cluster. Refer to the charts/nginx-ingress-controller/values.yaml for more information.

kubectl -n nginx-ingress-controller get services
#NAME                       TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)                      AGE
#nginx-ingress-controller   LoadBalancer        80:32014/TCP,443:30772/TCP   449d

Take note of the EXTERNAL-IP of this service ( in the example above). You will need to configure a DNS record pointing to this in a later step.

If any of the pods above are not working, check their logs and describe them (kubectl -n nginx-ingress-controller describe pod ...) to see what’s causing the issues.

Install KKP Operator

Before installing the KKP Operator, the KKP CRDs need to be installed. You can install them like so:

kubectl apply -f charts/kubermatic/crd/

After this, the operator chart can be installed like the previous Helm charts:

helm upgrade --tiller-namespace kubermatic --install --values YOUR_VALUES_YAML_PATH --namespace kubermatic kubermatic-operator charts/kubermatic-operator/


Once again, let’s check that the operator is working properly:

kubectl -n kubermatic get pods
#NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
#kubermatic-operator-769986fc8b-7gpsc   1/1     Running   0          28m

Create KKPConfiguration

It’s now time to configure KKP itself. This will be done in a KubermaticConfiguration CRD, for which a full example with all options is available, but for the purpose of this document we will only need to configure a few things:

kind: KubermaticConfiguration
  name: kubermatic
  namespace: kubermatic
    # this domain must match what you configured as
    # in the values.yaml

  # These secret keys configure the way components communicate with Dex.
    # this must match the secret configured for the KKP client from
    # the values.yaml.
    issuerClientSecret: <dex-kubermatic-oauth-secret-here>

    # these need to be randomly generated. Those can be generated on the
    # shell using:
    # cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c32
    issuerCookieKey: <a-random-key>
    serviceAccountKey: <another-random-key>

  # Insert the Docker authentication JSON provided by KKP here
  imagePullSecret: |
      "auths": {
        "": {
          "auth": "...",
          "email": ""

You can find the YAML above under examples/ Apply it like using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f examples/

This will now cause the operator to being provisioning a master cluster for KKP. You can observe the progress by looking at watch kubectl -n kubermatic get pods:

watch kubectl -n kubermatic get pods
#NAME                                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
#kubermatic-api-cfcd95746-5r9z2                          1/1     Running   0          24m
#kubermatic-api-cfcd95746-tsqjc                          1/1     Running   0          28m
#kubermatic-master-controller-manager-7d97bb887d-8nb74   1/1     Running   0          3m23s
#kubermatic-master-controller-manager-7d97bb887d-z8t9w   1/1     Running   0          28m
#kubermatic-operator-769986fc8b-7gpsc                    1/1     Running   0          28m
#kubermatic-ui-7fc858fb4b-dq5b5                          1/1     Running   0          85m
#kubermatic-ui-7fc858fb4b-s8fnn                          1/1     Running   0          24m

Note that because we don’t yet have a TLS certificate and no DNS records configured, some of the pods will crashloop until this is fixed.

Create DNS Records

In order to acquire a valid certificate, a DNS name needs to point to your cluster. Depending on your environment, this can mean a LoadBalancer service or a NodePort service.

With Load Balancers

When your cloud provider supports Load Balancers, you can find the target IP / hostname by looking at the nginx-ingress-controller Service:

kubectl -n nginx-ingress-controller get services
#NAME                       TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)                      AGE
#nginx-ingress-controller   LoadBalancer        80:32014/TCP,443:30772/TCP   449d

The EXTERNAL-IP is what we need to put into the DNS record.

Without Load Balancers

Without a LoadBalancer, you will need to use the NodePort service (refer to the charts/nginx-ingress-controller/values.yaml for more information) and setup the DNS records to point to one or many of your cluster’s nodes. You can get a list of external IPs like so:

kubectl get nodes -o wide
#NAME                        STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION         INTERNAL-IP   EXTERNAL-IP
#worker-node-cbd686cd-50nx   Ready    <none>   3h36m   v1.15.8-gke.3
#worker-node-cbd686cd-59s2   Ready    <none>   21m     v1.15.8-gke.3
#worker-node-cbd686cd-90j3   Ready    <none>   45m     v1.15.8-gke.3

Some cloud providers list the external IP as the INTERNAL-IP and show no value for the EXTERNAL-IP. In this case, use the internal IP.

For this example we choose the second node, and so is our DNS record target.

DNS Records

The main DNS record must connect the domain with the target IP / hostname. Depending on whether or not your LoadBalancer/node uses hostnames instead of IPs (like AWS ELB), create either an A or a CNAME record, respectively.   IN   A

or, for a CNAME:   IN   CNAME

Identity Aware Proxy

It’s a common step to later setup an identity-aware proxy (IAP) to securely access other KKP components from the logging or monitoring stacks. This involves setting up either individual DNS records per IAP deployment or simply creating a single wildcard record: *

Whatever you choose, the DNS record needs to point to the same endpoint (IP or hostname, meaning A or CNAME records respectively) as the previous record, i.e.

*   IN   A
; or for a CNAME:
*   IN   CNAME

If CNAME records are not possible, you would configure individual records instead:     IN   A   IN   A


With the 2 DNS records configured, it’s now time to wait for the certificate to be acquired. You can watch the progress by doing watch kubectl -n kubermatic get certificates until it shows READY=True:

watch kubectl -n kubermatic get certificates
#NAME         READY   SECRET           AGE
#kubermatic   True    kubermatic-tls   1h

If the certificate does not become ready, describe it and follow the chain from Certificate to Order to Challenges. Typical faults include bad DNS records or a misconfigured KKPConfiguration pointing to a different domain.

Have a Break

With all this in place, you should be able to access and login either with your static password from the values.yaml or using any of your chosen connectors. All pods running inside the kubermatic namespace should now be running. If they are not, check their logs to find out what’s broken.

Next Steps