The etcd’s of the user-clusters are being backed up on a configured interval.
This document will lead through the process of restoring a complete etcd StatefulSet from a single snapshot.
Pausing the Cluster
Restoring a etcd requires manual intervention.
As the StatefulSet needs to be modified, the affected cluster needs to be removed from the controllers management:
# set cluster.spec.pause=true
kubectl edit cluster xxxxxxxxxx
Pausing the StatefulSet
To restore an etcd, the etcd must not be running.
Therefore the etcd statefulset must be configured to just execute a exec /bin/sleep 86400
# change command to run 'exec /bin/sleep 86400'
kubectl -n cluster-xxxxxxxxxx edit statefulset etcd
Deleting All PVC’s
To ensure that we start on each pod with a empty disk, we delete all PVC’s.
The StatefulSet will create new ones with empty PV’s automatically.
kubectl -n cluster-xxxxxxxxxx delete pvc -l app=etcd
Deleting All Pods
To ensure all Pods start with the sleep command and with new PV’s, all etcd pods must be deleted.
kubectl -n cluster-xxxxxxxxxx delete pod -l app=etcd
Restoring the etcd (Must Be Executed on All etcd Pods)
The restore command is different for each member. Make sure to update it gets executed.
# Copy snapshot into pod
kubectl cp snapshot.db cluster-xxxxxxxxxx/etcd-0:/var/run/etcd/
# Exec into the pod
kubectl -n cluster-xxxxxxxxxx exec -ti etcd-0 sh
cd /var/run/etcd/
# Inside the pod, restore from the snapshot
# This command is specific to each member.
export MEMBER=etcd-0
export CLUSTER_ID=xxxxxxxxxx
etcdctl snapshot restore snapshot.db \
--name ${MEMBER} \
--initial-cluster etcd-0=http://etcd-0.etcd.cluster-${CLUSTER_ID}.svc.cluster.local:2380,etcd-1=http://etcd-1.etcd.cluster-${CLUSTER_ID}.svc.cluster.local:2380,etcd-2=http://etcd-2.etcd.cluster-${CLUSTER_ID}.svc.cluster.local:2380 \
--initial-cluster-token ${CLUSTER_ID} \
--initial-advertise-peer-urls http://${MEMBER}.etcd.cluster-${CLUSTER_ID}.svc.cluster.local:2380 \
--data-dir /var/run/etcd/pod_${MEMBER}/
Un-Pausing the Cluster
To let the KKP-controller-manager update the etcd to normal state, un-pause it.
# set cluster.spec.pause=false
kubectl edit cluster xxxxxxxxxx
Delete etcd Pods
As the rolling-update of the etcd won’t finish, all etcd pods must be manually.
kubectl -n cluster-xxxxxxxxxx delete pod -l app=etcd