Seed Clusters


The Seed CustomResourceDefinition replaces the legacy datacenters.yaml with a more flexible, dynamic way of managing seed clusters. Seeds can be added and removed at runtime by simply managing Seed resources inside the master cluster.

Note: This feature is experimental and not enabled by default.

Example Seed

The following is an example Seed, showing all possible options.

kind: Seed
  name: <<exampleseed>>
  namespace: kubermatic
  # Optional: Country of the seed as ISO-3166 two-letter code, e.g. DE or UK.
  # For informational purposes in the Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform (KKP) dashboard only.
  country: ""
  # Datacenters contains a map of the possible datacenters (DCs) in this seed.
  # Each DC must have a globally unique identifier (i.e. names must be unique
  # across all seeds).
      # Optional: Country of the seed as ISO-3166 two-letter code, e.g. DE or UK.
      # For informational purposes in the KKP dashboard only.
      country: ""
      # Optional: Detailed location of the cluster, like "Hamburg" or "Datacenter 7".
      # For informational purposes in the KKP dashboard only.
      location: ""
      # Node holds node-specific settings, like e.g. HTTP proxy, Docker
      # registries and the like. Proxy settings are inherited from the seed if
      # not specified here.
        # Optional: If set, this proxy will be configured for both HTTP and HTTPS.
        http_proxy: ""
        # Optional: The hyperkube image to use. Currently only Container Linux
        # makes use of this option.
        hyperkube_image: ""
        # Optional: These image registries will be configured as insecure
        # on the container runtime.
        insecure_registries: []
        # Optional: If set this will be set as NO_PROXY environment variable on the node;
        # The value must be a comma-separated list of domains for which no proxy
        # should be used, e.g. "*,".
        # Note that the in-cluster apiserver URL will be automatically prepended
        # to this value.
        no_proxy: ""
        # Optional: Translates to --pod-infra-container-image on the kubelet.
        # If not set, the kubelet will default it.
        pause_image: ""
      # Spec describes the cloud provider settings used to manage resources
      # in this datacenter. Exactly one cloud provider must be defined.
          # Region to use, for a full list of regions see
          region: ""
          # List of AMIs to use for a given operating system.
          # This gets defaulted by querying for the latest AMI for the given distribution
          # when machines are created, so under normal circumstances it is not necessary
          # to define the AMIs statically.
            centos: ""
            coreos: ""
            rhel: ""
            sles: ""
            ubuntu: ""
          # The AWS region to use, e.g. "us-east-1". For a list of available regions, see
          region: ""
          # Region to use, for example "westeurope". A list of available regions can be
          # found at
          location: ""
        # BringYourOwn contains settings for clusters using manually created
        # nodes via kubeadm.
        bringyourown: {}
          # Datacenter location, e.g. "ams3". A list of existing datacenters can be found
          # at
          region: ""
        # EnforceAuditLogging enforces audit logging on every cluster within the DC,
        # ignoring cluster-specific settings.
        enforceAuditLogging: false
          # Region to use, for example "europe-west3", for a full list of regions see
          region: ""
          # Optional: Regional clusters spread their resources across multiple availability zones.
          # Refer to the official documentation for more details on this:
          regional: false
          # List of enabled zones, for example [a, c]. See the link above for the available
          # zones in your chosen region.
          zone_suffixes: []
          # Datacenter location, e.g. "nbg1-dc3". A list of existing datacenters can be found
          # at
          datacenter: ""
          # Optional: Detailed location of the datacenter, like "Hamburg" or "Datacenter 7".
          # For informational purposes only.
          location: ""
        kubevirt: {}
          auth_url: ""
          availability_zone: ""
          # Used for automatic network creation
          dns_servers: []
          # Optional
          enforce_floating_ip: false
          # Optional
          ignore_volume_az: false
          # Images to use for each supported operating system.
            centos: ""
            coreos: ""
            rhel: ""
            sles: ""
            ubuntu: ""
          # Optional: Gets mapped to the "manage-security-groups" setting in the cloud config.
          # See
          # This setting defaults to true.
          manage_security_groups: true
            # MinimumMemory is the minimum required amount of memory, measured in MB
            minimum_memory: 0
            # VCPUs is the minimum required amount of (virtual) CPUs
            minimum_vcpus: 0
          region: ""
          # Optional: Gets mapped to the "trust-device-path" setting in the cloud config.
          # See
          # This setting defaults to false.
          trust_device_path: false
          # The list of enabled facilities, for example "ams1", for a full list of available
          # facilities see
          facilities: []
        # Optional: When defined, only users with an e-mail address on the
        # given domains can make use of this datacenter. You can define multiple
        # domains, e.g. "", one of which must match the email domain
        # exactly (i.e. "" will not match "").
        # RequiredEmailDomain is deprecated. Automatically migrated to the RequiredEmailDomains field.
        requiredEmailDomain: ""
        requiredEmailDomains: null
          # If set to true, disables the TLS certificate check against the endpoint.
          allow_insecure: false
          # The name of the Kubernetes cluster to use.
          cluster: ""
          # The name of the datacenter to use.
          datacenter: ""
          # The name of the datastore to use.
          datastore: ""
          # Endpoint URL to use, including protocol, for example "".
          endpoint: ""
          # Optional: Infra management user is the user that will be used for everything
          # except the cloud provider functionality, which will still use the credentials
          # passed in via the KKP dashboard/API.
            password: ""
            username: ""
          # Optional: The root path for cluster specific VM folders. Each cluster gets its own
          # folder below the root folder. Must be the FQDN (for example
          # "/datacenter-1/vm/all-kubermatic-vms-in-here") and defaults to the root VM
          # folder: "/datacenter-1/vm"
          root_path: ""
          # A list of templates to use for a given operating system. You must define at
          # least one template.
            centos: ""
            coreos: ""
            rhel: ""
            sles: ""
            ubuntu: ""
  # Optional: ExposeStrategy explicitly sets the expose strategy for this seed cluster, if not set, the default provided by the master is used.
  expose_strategy: ""
  # A reference to the Kubeconfig of this cluster. The Kubeconfig must
  # have cluster-admin privileges. This field is mandatory for every
  # seed, even if there are no datacenters defined yet.
    # API version of the referent.
    apiVersion: ""
    # If referring to a piece of an object instead of an entire object, this string
    # should contain a valid JSON/Go field access statement, such as desiredState.manifest.containers[2].
    # For example, if the object reference is to a container within a pod, this would take on a value like:
    # "spec.containers{name}" (where "name" refers to the name of the container that triggered
    # the event) or if no container name is specified "spec.containers[2]" (container with
    # index 2 in this pod). This syntax is chosen only to have some well-defined way of
    # referencing a part of an object.
    fieldPath: ""
    # Kind of the referent.
    # More info:
    kind: ""
    # Name of the referent.
    # More info:
    name: ""
    # Namespace of the referent.
    # More info:
    namespace: ""
    # Specific resourceVersion to which this reference is made, if any.
    # More info:
    resourceVersion: ""
    # UID of the referent.
    # More info:
    uid: ""
  # Optional: Detailed location of the cluster, like "Hamburg" or "Datacenter 7".
  # For informational purposes in the KKP dashboard only.
  location: ""
  # NodeportProxy can be used to configure the NodePort proxy service that is
  # responsible for making user-cluster control planes accessible from the outside.
    # Annotations are used to further tweak the LoadBalancer integration with the
    # cloud provider where the seed cluster is running.
    annotations: "3600" nlb
    # Disable will prevent the KKP Operator from creating a nodeport-proxy
    # setup on the seed cluster. This should only be used if a suitable replacement
    # is installed (like the nodeport-proxy Helm chart).
    disable: false
    # Envoy configures the Envoy application itself.
      # DockerRepository is the repository containing the component's image.
      # Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage.
        # Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
        # More info:
          cpu: 200m
          memory: 64Mi
        # Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
        # If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
        # otherwise to an implementation-defined value.
        # More info:
          cpu: 50m
          memory: 32Mi
    # EnvoyManager configures the KKP-internal Envoy manager.
      # DockerRepository is the repository containing the component's image.
      # Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage.
        # Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
        # More info:
          cpu: 150m
          memory: 48Mi
        # Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
        # If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
        # otherwise to an implementation-defined value.
        # More info:
          cpu: 50m
          memory: 32Mi
    # Updater configures the component responsible for updating the LoadBalancer
    # service.
      # DockerRepository is the repository containing the component's image.
      # Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage.
        # Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
        # More info:
          cpu: 150m
          memory: 32Mi
        # Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
        # If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
        # otherwise to an implementation-defined value.
        # More info:
          cpu: 50m
          memory: 32Mi
  # Optional: ProxySettings can be used to configure HTTP proxy settings on the
  # worker nodes in user clusters. However, proxy settings on nodes take precedence.
    # Optional: If set, this proxy will be configured for both HTTP and HTTPS.
    http_proxy: ""
    # Optional: If set this will be set as NO_PROXY environment variable on the node;
    # The value must be a comma-separated list of domains for which no proxy
    # should be used, e.g. "*,".
    # Note that the in-cluster apiserver URL will be automatically prepended
    # to this value.
    no_proxy: ""
  # Optional: This can be used to override the DNS name used for this seed.
  # By default the seed name is used.
  seed_dns_overwrite: ""