Update Kubernetes Upgrade Plan

Update Kubernetes Upgrade Plan

Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform (KKP) provides live updates of your Kubernetes cluster without disrupting your daily business. The allowed updates are defined in the file updates.yaml. You find it in your KKP installer clone directory:

git clone git@github.com:kubermatic/kubermatic-installer.git
cd kubermatic-installer/
ls charts/kubermatic/static/master/

The file contains the supported upgrade paths for Kubernetes. The file format is YAML.

# ======= 1.12 =======
# Allow to change to any patch version
- from: 1.12.*
  to: 1.12.*
  automatic: false
# CVE-2018-1002105
- from: <= 1.12.2, >= 1.12.0
  to: 1.12.3
  automatic: true
# Allow to next minor release
- from: 1.12.*
  to: 1.13.*
  automatic: false

# ======= 1.13 =======
# Allow to change to any patch version
- from: 1.13.*
  to: 1.13.*
  automatic: false
# Allow to next minor release
- from: 1.13.*
  to: 1.14.*
  automatic: false

# ======= 1.14 =======
# Allow to change to any patch version
- from: 1.14.*
  to: 1.14.*
  automatic: false
# Allow to next minor release
- from: 1.14.*
  to: 1.15.*
  automatic: false

As you can see it is a list containing the keys from, to, and automatic. The fields from and to contain patterns describing the Kubernetes version numbers. These can be absolute, contain wildcards, or be ranges. This way KKP can check which updates are allowed for the current version.

The field automatic determines if an update has to be initiated manually or if the system will do it immediately in case of a matching version path. So in case of the example above a cluster running in any Kubernetes version from 1.12.0 to 1.12.2 would automatically upgrade to 1.12.3. This way known vulnerabilities can be handled directly.

Note: The automatic update only updates the control plane. kubelets on the nodes still have to be updated manually.

After editing the list KKP has to be upgraded by using helm.

cd kubermatic-installer/charts/kubermatic
vim static/master/updates.yaml
helm upgrade kubermatic .

Afterwards the new update paths are available.