Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform (KKP) Global Settings

This manual explains how to manage KKP global settings such as custom links, displayed distributions and others. It can be done from the UI and also from the command line with kubectl.

Accessing the Admin Panel

Admin panel can be accessed only by logged in users that have administrator privileges. You can check and edit them using kubectl:

$ kubectl get user -o=custom-columns=INTERNAL_NAME:.metadata.name,NAME:.spec.name,EMAIL:.spec.email,ADMIN:.spec.admin
$ kubectl edit user ...

Admin privileges can be granted for users also from the admin panel in the UI. To access the admin panel click the Admin Panel entry in the user menu:

User menu

Admin Panel Overview

Admin panel

Admin panel consist of two cards. One allows to manipulate global settings, the second allows to manipulate the list of admin users. All settings changes are saved asynchronously, and the saves are confirmed by the green confirmation icons next to changed settings. Changes are automatically populated to all opened instances of the application.

Changing the Global Settings Using kubectl

Global settings are stored in KubermaticSetting custom resource named globalsettings.

The resource has following structure:

apiVersion: kubermatic.k8s.io/v1
kind: KubermaticSetting
  name: globalsettings
    Enabled: true
    Enforced: false
  clusterTypeOptions: 0
  - icon: ""
    label: Twitter
    location: footer
    url: https://www.twitter.com/kubermatic
  - icon: ""
    label: GitHub
    location: footer
    url: https://github.com/kubermatic
  - icon: ""
    label: Slack
    location: footer
    url: http://slack.kubermatic.io/
  defaultNodeCount: 1
  displayAPIDocs: true
  displayDemoInfo: false
  displayTermsOfService: true

It can be edited directly from the command line:

$ kubectl edit kubermaticsetting globalsettings

Note: Custom link icon is not required and defaults will be used if field is not specified. icon URL can point to the images inside the container as well, i.e. /assets/images/icons/custom/github.svg.