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Enterprise Edition

KKP Enterprise Edition (EE) offers optional measuring tools to achieve easier accountability of resources by providing reports about per-cluster or per-namespace CPU and memory utilization. The tool will continuously collect information about all user clusters and create reports containing individual usage values. Report creation can be scheduled individually on a daily basis. The configuration and report files can be easily accessed from the dashboard.

How it works

A metering Prometheus instance will be deployed to each seed cluster by the KKP operator. This will collect usage information from the user cluster Prometheus instance via federation. The collected information will be saved in the metering Prometheus for 90 days.

When a scheduled report is executed, data in the metering Prometheus gets aggregated to create a report from. Generated reports are uploaded to an S3 bucket, from where the reports can be accessed. The KKP dashboard provides a convenient way to list and download all available reports. For that to work properly the s3 endpoint needs to be available from the browser.



  • S3 bucket
    • Any S3-compatible endpoint can be used
    • The bucket is required to store report csv files
    • Should be available via browser
  • Administrator access to dashboard
    • Administrator access can be gained by
      • asking other administrators to follow the instructions for Adding administrators via the dashboard
      • or by using kubectl to give a user admin access. Please refer to the Admin Panel documentation for instructions

Configuration from the Dashboard

Using the dashboard, configuring the Metering tool becomes a breeze. Open the Admin Panel and choose the Metering tab on the left side.

Navigation to Metering configuration and reports

First you need to configure the credentials for your S3 bucket. To do so click on Edit credentials, fill in the credential fields and confirm with the button below.

  • S3 Access Key and S3 Access Secret
    • Security credentials for your S3 bucket
  • S3 Endpoint
    • Address to your S3 service
    • If you are using Amazon S3, you may use
  • S3 bucket
    • Name of your S3 bucket

“Edit Credentials” form

The next step is to enable metering. Click on Configure Metering, switch on Enable Metering and change the configuration options according to your wishes.

  • Enable metering
    • Switch to turn metering on or off
  • storageClassName
    • Storage Class for the PersistentVolume, that will store the metering data
    • You may use kubermatic-fast or any other storage class you have configured
  • storageSize
    • The size that will be used for your PersistentVolume
    • You may use a plain integer value (bytes) or a human-readable string like 50Gi. See the Kubernetes Docs for a more thorough explanation of valid values
    • When choosing a volume size, please take into consideration that old usage data files will not be deleted automatically

In the end it is possible to create different report schedules. Click on Create Schedule, to open the Schedule configuration dialog.

Below to the three predefined Schedules it is possible to create a custom schedule. A schedule consist of four different values to set:

  • Schedule Name
    • Name of the Schedule. This is also used as a folder name to store generated reports.
  • Report retention
    • Number of days each report is saved, leave the field empty to store reports forever. This will set a retention period at the s3 Backend.
  • Report scope
    • Number of days captured in each report.
  • Cron Expression
    • Cron expression that describes how often a report should be created.
  • Report Types
    • Types of reports to generate. By default, all types of reports are generated.

Metering Configuration

Configuration via Seed Object

It is possible to set Metering values directly at the Seed. This allows enabling Metering only for specific Seeds.

For S3 report synchronization, it is mandatory to create a secret with the following values:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
 name: metering-s3
 namespace: kubermatic
 accessKey: ""
 bucket: ""
 endpoint: ""
 secretKey: ""

Metering Seed configuration reference:

kind: Seed
    enabled: true
    # StorageClassName is the name of the storage class that the metering prometheus instance uses to store metric data for reporting.
    storageClassName: ""
    # StorageSize is the size of the storage class. Default value is 100Gi.
    storageSize: 100Gi
        interval: 7
        schedule: 0 1 * * 6
        # Types of reports to generate. Available report types are cluster and namespace. By default, all types of reports are generated.
          - Cluster
          - Namespace


Reports will be provided as CSV files. The file names include the reporting interval.

Data used to aggregate the report are stored in a prometheus instance dedicated to metering. It will delete entries older than 90 days. This metering prometheus instance collects data from user clusters via federation. Originally they are collected from kubelet and cAdvisor. Metrics used to aggregate to a report are as follows:

  • node_cpu_usage_seconds_total
  • machine_cpu_cores
  • machine_cpu_cores
  • machine_memory_bytes
  • machine_memory_bytes
  • node_memory_working_set_bytes
  • node_memory_working_set_bytes
  • container_cpu_usage_seconds_total
  • container_memory_working_set_bytes

Metrics are used to calculate an average value for the time period of the report.

CPU values are converted to milliCPU, memory values are converted to bytes.

Accessing Reports

While the reports will be stored in your S3 bucket, they can also be accessed from the dashboard. The metering overview provides a list of all reports. Click on the download button on the right side to save a specific report file.

Metering Overview

Cluster Report

The cluster report consist information on a per-cluster level. The report file will contain the following columns:

  • project-name – the human readable name of the project
  • project-id – the KKP project the cluster resides in (this field is the name of the Project object, in KKP colloquially known as the “project ID”, not to be confused with a Kubernetes UID; when using the KKP Dashboard only, this always has the form of a 10 character long alphanumeric string, e.g. vnk4846f76)
  • project-labels – a string containing the Project object’s labels in form of a Kubernetes label selector (e.g. foo=bar,another=label)
  • cluster-name – the human readable name of the cluster
  • cluster-id – the KKP cluster ID (same logic as for projects; this is the name of the Kubernetes Cluster object; when using the KKP Dashboard only, this always has the form of a 10 character long alphanumeric string, e.g. ipcl4wr297)
  • cluster-labels – like project-labels, but the labels of the Cluster object
  • average-cluster-machines – the average number of Nodes in the user cluster over the entire report duration
  • average-available-cpu-millicores – the average of the sum of CPU MilliCores provided by all nodes in the user cluster
  • average-used-cpu-millicores – the average of the sum of CPU MilliCores used by all Pods in the user cluster
  • average-available-memory-bytes – the average of the sum of memory provided by all nodes in the user cluster
  • average-used-memory-bytes – the average of the sum of memory used by all Pods in the user cluster
  • created-at – RFC3339-formatted timestamp at which the cluster was created
  • deleted-at – RFC3339-formatted timestamp at which the cluster was deleted (can be empty)

Namespace Report

This report consist information on a per namespace level. The report file will contain the following columns:

  • project-name – the human readable name of the project
  • project-id – the KKP project the cluster resides in (this field is the name of the Project object, in KKP colloquially known as the “project ID”, not to be confused with a Kubernetes UID)
  • project-labels – a string containing the Project object’s labels in form of a Kubernetes label selector (e.g. foo=bar,another=label)
  • cluster-name – the human readable name of the cluster
  • cluster-id – the KKP cluster ID (same logic as for projects; this is the name of the Kubernetes Cluster object)
  • cluster-labels – like project-labels, but the labels of the Cluster object
  • namespace-name – the name of the namespace
  • average-used-cpu-millicores – the average of the sum of CPU MilliCores used by all Pods in the given namespace
  • average-used-memory-bytes – the average of the sum of memory used by all Pods in the given namespace

Custom Reports

Reports can be manually created when necessary. This can be the case if the automated CronJob failed, the cluster was unavailable at the time or a different report time range is desired.

To create a custom report once, create a Job object in the kubermatic namespace on the relevant seed cluster. While report generation normally uses flags like -last-week or -number-of-days, for a custom report you will probably want to make use of the -start and -end flags, which allow you to specify the exact date range for your report.

This is an example Job that would create a specific report:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: generate-my-custom-report
  namespace: kubermatic
      report-name: my-custom-report
        report-name: my-custom-report
        - name: metering
          # verify in your KKP setup which metering version ships with your KKP, e.g. by looking
          # at the other CronJobs managed by the KKP Dashboard:
          #   kubectl --namespace kubermatic get cronjobs --selector "" -o yaml | grep image
            - /metering
            - --ca-bundle=/opt/ca-bundle/ca-bundle.pem
            - --prometheus-api=http://metering-prometheus.kubermatic.svc
            # specify a unique name in order not to interfere with the regular scheduled reports
            - --output-dir=kubermatic-my-custom-report
            # specify the prefix name, which is usually the name of the seed cluster
            - --output-prefix=seed-name
            # specify the date range for your report; --start is the older of the two timestamps,
            # for example --start=2023-04-01T00:00:00Z to --end=2023-05-01T00:00:00Z; note that you
            # have to specify the date including time and timezone.
            - --start=<RFC3339-formatted date>
            - --end=<RFC3339-formatted date>
            # specify the report(s) you want generated
            - cluster
            - namespace
            - name: S3_ENDPOINT
                  key: endpoint
                  name: metering-s3
            - name: S3_BUCKET
                  key: bucket
                  name: metering-s3
            - name: ACCESS_KEY_ID
                  key: accessKey
                  name: metering-s3
            - name: SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
                  key: secretKey
                  name: metering-s3
            - mountPath: /opt/ca-bundle/
              name: ca-bundle
              readOnly: true
        - name: dockercfg
        - name: ca-bundle
            name: ca-bundle

Create this job via kubectl create --filename job.yaml and wait for it to complete. Afterwards the custom report is available in your S3 bucket.

Raw Data

The data used to aggregate the reports can be accessed via the metering Prometheus. If you desire to store this data for longer than 90 days, you need to extract the data from the metering Prometheus and replicate it to a long term storage of your choice.