The following is an example configuration, showing all possible options. Note that all fields that you
don’t define explicitly are always defaulted to these values.
kind: KubermaticConfiguration
name: <<mykubermatic>>
namespace: kubermatic
# API configures the frontend REST API used by the dashboard.
# AccessibleAddons is a list of addons that should be enabled in the API.
- cluster-autoscaler
- node-exporter
- kube-state-metrics
- multus
- metallb
# DebugLog enables more verbose logging.
debugLog: false
# DockerRepository is the repository containing the Kubermatic REST API image.
# DockerTagSuffix is appended to the KKP version used for referring to the custom Kubermatic API image.
# If left empty, either the `DockerTag` if specified or the original Kubermatic API Docker image tag will be used.
# With DockerTagSuffix the tag becomes <KKP_VERSION-SUFFIX> i.e. "v2.15.0-SUFFIX".
dockerTagSuffix: ""
# PProfEndpoint controls the port the API should listen on to provide pprof
# data. This port is never exposed from the container and only available via port-forwardings.
pprofEndpoint: :6600
# Replicas sets the number of pod replicas for the API deployment.
replicas: 2
# Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage.
# Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims,
# that are used by this container.
# This is an alpha field and requires enabling the
# DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate.
# This field is immutable. It can only be set for containers.
claims: null
# Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
# More info:
cpu: "1"
memory: 1Gi
# Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
# If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
# otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
# More info:
cpu: 200m
memory: 150Mi
# Auth defines keys and URLs for Dex. These must be defined unless the HeadlessInstallation
# feature gate is set, which will disable the UI/API and its need for an OIDC provider entirely.
clientID: kubermatic
issuerClientID: kubermaticIssuer
issuerClientSecret: ""
issuerCookieKey: ""
serviceAccountKey: ""
skipTokenIssuerTLSVerify: false
# CABundle references a ConfigMap in the same namespace as the KubermaticConfiguration.
# This ConfigMap must contain a ca-bundle.pem with PEM-encoded certificates. This bundle
# automatically synchronized into each seed and each usercluster. APIGroup and Kind are
# currently ignored.
# APIGroup is the group for the resource being referenced.
# If APIGroup is not specified, the specified Kind must be in the core API group.
# For any other third-party types, APIGroup is required.
apiGroup: null
# Kind is the type of resource being referenced
kind: ""
# Name is the name of resource being referenced
name: ca-bundle
# ExposeStrategy is the strategy to expose the cluster with.
# Note: The `seed_dns_overwrite` setting of a Seed's datacenter doesn't have any effect
# if this is set to LoadBalancerStrategy.
exposeStrategy: NodePort
# FeatureGates are used to optionally enable certain features.
EtcdLauncher: true
# ImagePullSecret is used to authenticate against Docker registries.
imagePullSecret: ""
# Ingress contains settings for making the API and UI accessible remotely.
# CertificateIssuer is the name of a cert-manager Issuer or ClusterIssuer (default)
# that will be used to acquire the certificate for the configured domain.
# To use a namespaced Issuer, set the Kind to "Issuer" and manually create the
# matching Issuer in Kubermatic's namespace.
# Setting an empty name disables the automatic creation of certificates and disables
# the TLS settings on the Kubermatic Ingress.
# APIGroup is the group for the resource being referenced.
# If APIGroup is not specified, the specified Kind must be in the core API group.
# For any other third-party types, APIGroup is required.
apiGroup: null
# Kind is the type of resource being referenced
kind: ClusterIssuer
# Name is the name of resource being referenced
name: ""
# ClassName is the Ingress resource's class name, used for selecting the appropriate
# ingress controller.
className: nginx
# Disable will prevent an Ingress from being created at all. This is mostly useful
# during testing. If the Ingress is disabled, the CertificateIssuer setting can also
# be left empty, as no Certificate resource will be created.
disable: false
# Domain is the base domain where the dashboard shall be available. Even with
# a disabled Ingress, this must always be a valid hostname.
# NamespaceOverride need to be set if a different ingress-controller is used than the KKP default one.
namespaceOverride: ""
# MasterController configures the master-controller-manager.
# DebugLog enables more verbose logging.
debugLog: false
# DockerRepository is the repository containing the Kubermatic master-controller-manager image.
# PProfEndpoint controls the port the master-controller-manager should listen on to provide pprof
# data. This port is never exposed from the container and only available via port-forwardings.
pprofEndpoint: :6600
# ProjectsMigrator configures the migrator for user projects.
# DryRun makes the migrator only log the actions it would take.
dryRun: false
# Replicas sets the number of pod replicas for the master-controller-manager.
replicas: 1
# Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage.
# Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims,
# that are used by this container.
# This is an alpha field and requires enabling the
# DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate.
# This field is immutable. It can only be set for containers.
claims: null
# Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
# More info:
cpu: "1"
memory: 400Mi
# Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
# If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
# otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
# More info:
cpu: 200m
memory: 128Mi
# MirrorImages is a list of container images that will be mirrored with the `kubermatic-installer mirror-images` command.
# Each entry should be in the format "repository:tag".
mirrorImages: null
# Proxy allows to configure Kubermatic to use proxies to talk to the
# world outside of its cluster.
# HTTP is the full URL to the proxy to use for plaintext HTTP
# connections, e.g. "".
http: ""
# HTTPS is the full URL to the proxy to use for encrypted HTTPS
# connections, e.g. "".
https: ""
# NoProxy is a comma-separated list of hostnames / network masks
# for which no proxy shall be used. If you make use of proxies,
# this list should contain all local and cluster-internal domains
# and networks, e.g. ",,,mydomain".
# The operator will always prepend the following elements to this
# list if proxying is configured (i.e. HTTP/HTTPS are not empty):
# "", "localhost", ".local", ".local.", "kubernetes", ".default", ".svc"
noProxy: ""
# SeedController configures the seed-controller-manager.
# Deprecated: BackupCleanupContainer is the container used for removing expired backups from the storage location.
# This field is a no-op and is no longer used. The old backup controller it was used for has been
# removed. Do not set this field.
backupCleanupContainer: ""
# BackupDeleteContainer is the container used for deleting etcd snapshots from a backup location.
backupDeleteContainer: |
name: delete-container
image: d3fk/s3cmd@sha256:fb4c4dcf3b842c3d0ead58bda26d05d045b77546e11ac2143d90abca02cbe823
- /bin/sh
- -c
- |
if [ "${INSECURE:-false}" == "true" ]; then
s3cmd $SSL_FLAGS \
--access_key=$ACCESS_KEY_ID \
--secret_key=$SECRET_ACCESS_KEY \
--host=$ENDPOINT \
--host-bucket='%(bucket).'$ENDPOINT \
case $? in
# backup no longer exists, which is fine
exit 0
exit 0
exit $?
# BackupStoreContainer is the container used for shipping etcd snapshots to a backup location.
backupStoreContainer: |
name: store-container
image: d3fk/s3cmd@sha256:fb4c4dcf3b842c3d0ead58bda26d05d045b77546e11ac2143d90abca02cbe823
- /bin/sh
- -c
- |
set -e
if [ "${INSECURE:-false}" == "true" ]; then
s3cmd $SSL_FLAGS \
--access_key=$ACCESS_KEY_ID \
--secret_key=$SECRET_ACCESS_KEY \
--host=$ENDPOINT \
--host-bucket='%(bucket).'$ENDPOINT \
put /backup/snapshot.db.gz s3://$BUCKET_NAME/$CLUSTER-$BACKUP_TO_CREATE
- name: etcd-backup
mountPath: /backup
# DebugLog enables more verbose logging.
debugLog: false
# DisabledCollectors contains a list of metrics collectors that should be disabled.
# Acceptable values are "Addon", "Cluster", "ClusterBackup", "Project", and "None".
disabledCollectors: null
# DockerRepository is the repository containing the Kubermatic seed-controller-manager image.
# MaximumParallelReconciles limits the number of cluster reconciliations
# that are active at any given time.
maximumParallelReconciles: 10
# PProfEndpoint controls the port the seed-controller-manager should listen on to provide pprof
# data. This port is never exposed from the container and only available via port-forwardings.
pprofEndpoint: :6600
# Replicas sets the number of pod replicas for the seed-controller-manager.
replicas: 1
# Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage.
# Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims,
# that are used by this container.
# This is an alpha field and requires enabling the
# DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate.
# This field is immutable. It can only be set for containers.
claims: null
# Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
# More info:
cpu: "1"
memory: 1Gi
# Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
# If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
# otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
# More info:
cpu: 200m
memory: 100Mi
# UI configures the dashboard.
# Config sets flags for various dashboard features.
config: ""
# DockerRepository is the repository containing the Kubermatic dashboard image.
# DockerTagSuffix is appended to the KKP version used for referring to the custom dashboard image.
# If left empty, either the `DockerTag` if specified or the original dashboard Docker image tag will be used.
# With DockerTagSuffix the tag becomes <KKP_VERSION-SUFFIX> i.e. "v2.15.0-SUFFIX".
dockerTagSuffix: ""
# ExtraVolumeMounts allows to mount additional volumes into the UI container.
extraVolumeMounts: null
# ExtraVolumes allows to mount additional volumes into the UI container.
extraVolumes: null
# Replicas sets the number of pod replicas for the UI deployment.
replicas: 2
# Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage.
# Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims,
# that are used by this container.
# This is an alpha field and requires enabling the
# DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate.
# This field is immutable. It can only be set for containers.
claims: null
# Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
# More info:
cpu: 250m
memory: 128Mi
# Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
# If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
# otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
# More info:
cpu: 100m
memory: 64Mi
# UserCluster configures various aspects of the user-created clusters.
# Addons controls the optional additions installed into each user cluster.
# Default is the list of addons to be installed by default into each cluster.
# Mutually exclusive with "defaultManifests".
default: null
# DefaultManifests is a list of addon manifests to install into all clusters.
# Mutually exclusive with "default".
defaultManifests: |-
apiVersion: v1
kind: List
- apiVersion:
kind: Addon
name: canal
labels: true
- apiVersion:
kind: Addon
name: csi
labels: true
- apiVersion:
kind: Addon
name: kube-proxy
labels: true
- apiVersion:
kind: Addon
name: openvpn
labels: true
- apiVersion:
kind: Addon
name: rbac
labels: true
- apiVersion:
kind: Addon
name: kubeadm-configmap
labels: true
- apiVersion:
kind: Addon
name: kubelet-configmap
labels: true
- apiVersion:
kind: Addon
name: default-storage-class
- apiVersion:
kind: Addon
name: aws-node-termination-handler
labels: true
- apiVersion:
kind: Addon
name: azure-cloud-node-manager
labels: true
# DockerRepository is the repository containing the Docker image containing
# the possible addon manifests.
# DockerTagSuffix is appended to the tag used for referring to the addons image.
# If left empty, the tag will be the KKP version (e.g. "v2.15.0"), with a
# suffix it becomes "v2.15.0-SUFFIX".
dockerTagSuffix: ""
# APIServerReplicas configures the replica count for the API-Server deployment inside user clusters.
apiserverReplicas: 2
# Applications contains configuration for default Application settings.
# Namespace is the namespace which is set as the default for applications installed via ui
# If left empty the default for the application installation namespace is the name of the resource itself
namespace: ""
# DisableAPIServerEndpointReconciling can be used to toggle the `--endpoint-reconciler-type` flag for
# the Kubernetes API server.
disableApiserverEndpointReconciling: false
# DNATControllerDockerRepository is the repository containing the
# dnat-controller image.
# EtcdLauncherDockerRepository is the repository containing the Kubermatic
# etcd-launcher image.
# EtcdVolumeSize configures the volume size to use for each etcd pod inside user clusters.
etcdVolumeSize: 5Gi
# KubermaticDockerRepository is the repository containing the Kubermatic user-cluster-controller-manager image.
# MachineController configures the Machine Controller
# ImageRepository is used to override the Machine Controller image repository.
# It is only for development, tests and PoC purposes. This field must not be set in production environments.
imageRepository: ""
# ImageTag is used to override the Machine Controller image.
# It is only for development, tests and PoC purposes. This field must not be set in production environments.
imageTag: ""
# Monitoring can be used to fine-tune to in-cluster Prometheus.
# CustomRules can be used to inject custom recording and alerting rules. This field
# must be a YAML-formatted string with a `group` element at its root, as documented
# on
# This value is treated as a Go template, which allows to inject dynamic values like
# the internal cluster address or the cluster ID. Refer to pkg/resources/prometheus
# and the documentation for more information on the available fields.
customRules: ""
# CustomScrapingConfigs can be used to inject custom scraping rules. This must be a
# YAML-formatted string containing an array of scrape configurations as documented
# on
# This value is treated as a Go template, which allows to inject dynamic values like
# the internal cluster address or the cluster ID. Refer to pkg/resources/prometheus
# and the documentation for more information on the available fields.
customScrapingConfigs: ""
# DisableDefaultRules disables the recording and alerting rules.
disableDefaultRules: false
# DisableDefaultScrapingConfigs disables the default scraping targets.
disableDefaultScrapingConfigs: false
# ScrapeAnnotationPrefix (if set) is used to make the in-cluster Prometheus scrape pods
# inside the user clusters.
# NodePortRange is the port range for user clusters - this must match the NodePort
# range of the seed cluster.
nodePortRange: 30000-32767
# OperatingSystemManager configures the image repo and the tag version for osm deployment.
# ImageRepository is used to override the OperatingSystemManager image repository.
# It is recommended to use this field only for development, tests and PoC purposes. For production environments.
# it is not recommended, to use this field due to compatibility with the overall KKP stack.
imageRepository: ""
# ImageTag is used to override the OperatingSystemManager image.
# It is recommended to use this field only for development, tests and PoC purposes. For production environments.
# it is not recommended, to use this field due to compatibility with the overall KKP stack.
imageTag: ""
# OverwriteRegistry specifies a custom Docker registry which will be used for all images
# used for user clusters (user cluster control plane + addons). This also applies to
# the KubermaticDockerRepository and DNATControllerDockerRepository fields.
overwriteRegistry: ""
# SystemApplications contains configuration for system Applications (such as CNI).
# HelmRegistryConfigFile optionally holds the ref and key in the secret for the OCI registry credential file.
# The value is dockercfg file that follows the same format rules as ~/.docker/config.json
# The Secret must exist in the namespace where KKP is installed (default is "kubermatic").
# The Secret must be annotated with `` set to "helm".
helmRegistryConfigFile: null
# HelmRepository specifies OCI repository containing Helm charts of system Applications e.g. oci://localhost:5000/myrepo.
# Versions configures the available and default Kubernetes versions and updates.
# Default is the default version to offer users.
default: v1.31.1
# ExternalClusters contains the available and default Kubernetes versions and updates for ExternalClusters.
# Default is the default version to offer users.
default: v1.31
# Updates is a list of available upgrades.
updates: null
# Versions lists the available versions.
- v1.31
- v1.30
- v1.29
- v1.28
# Default is the default version to offer users.
default: v1.31
# Updates is a list of available upgrades.
updates: null
# Versions lists the available versions.
- v1.31
- v1.30
- v1.29
- v1.28
# ProviderIncompatibilities lists all the Kubernetes version incompatibilities
- # Condition is the cluster or datacenter condition that must be met to block a specific version
condition: inTreeProvider
# Operation is the operation triggering the compatibility check (CREATE or UPDATE)
operation: CREATE
# Provider to which to apply the compatibility check.
# Empty string matches all providers
provider: ""
# Version is the Kubernetes version that must be checked. Wildcards are allowed, e.g. "1.25.*".
version: '>= 1.29.0'
- condition: inTreeProvider
operation: UPGRADE
provider: ""
version: '>= 1.29.0'
# Updates is a list of available and automatic upgrades.
# All 'to' versions must be configured in the version list for this orchestrator.
# Each update may optionally be configured to be 'automatic: true', in which case the
# controlplane of all clusters whose version matches the 'from' directive will get
# updated to the 'to' version. If automatic is enabled, the 'to' version must be a
# version and not a version range.
# Also, updates may set 'automaticNodeUpdate: true', in which case Nodes will get
# updates as well. 'automaticNodeUpdate: true' implies 'automatic: true' as well,
# because Nodes may not have a newer version than the controlplane.
- # Automatic controls whether this update is executed automatically
# for the control plane of all matching user clusters.
automatic: false
# Automatic controls whether this update is executed automatically
# for the worker nodes of all matching user clusters.
automaticNodeUpdate: false
# From is the version from which an update is allowed. Wildcards are allowed, e.g. "1.18.*".
from: 1.28.*
# To is the version to which an update is allowed.
# Must be a valid version if `automatic` is set to true, e.g. "1.20.13".
# Can be a wildcard otherwise, e.g. "1.20.*".
to: 1.29.*
- from: 1.29.*
to: 1.29.*
- from: 1.29.*
to: 1.30.*
- from: 1.30.*
to: 1.30.*
- from: 1.30.*
to: 1.31.*
- from: 1.31.*
to: 1.31.*
- from: 1.31.*
to: 1.32.*
- from: 1.32.*
to: 1.32.*
# Versions lists the available versions.
- v1.29.0
- v1.29.1
- v1.29.2
- v1.29.4
- v1.29.9
- v1.29.13
- v1.30.5
- v1.30.9
- v1.31.1
- v1.31.5
- v1.32.1
# VerticalPodAutoscaler configures the Kubernetes VPA integration.
# DockerRepository is the repository containing the component's image.
# Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage.
# Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims,
# that are used by this container.
# This is an alpha field and requires enabling the
# DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate.
# This field is immutable. It can only be set for containers.
claims: null
# Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
# More info:
cpu: 200m
memory: 512Mi
# Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
# If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
# otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
# More info:
cpu: 50m
memory: 128Mi
# DockerRepository is the repository containing the component's image.
# Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage.
# Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims,
# that are used by this container.
# This is an alpha field and requires enabling the
# DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate.
# This field is immutable. It can only be set for containers.
claims: null
# Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
# More info:
cpu: 200m
memory: 3Gi
# Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
# If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
# otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
# More info:
cpu: 50m
memory: 512Mi
# DockerRepository is the repository containing the component's image.
# Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage.
# Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims,
# that are used by this container.
# This is an alpha field and requires enabling the
# DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate.
# This field is immutable. It can only be set for containers.
claims: null
# Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
# More info:
cpu: 200m
memory: 512Mi
# Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
# If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
# otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
# More info:
cpu: 50m
memory: 128Mi
# Webhook configures the webhook.
# DebugLog enables more verbose logging.
debugLog: false
# DockerRepository is the repository containing the Kubermatic webhook image.
# PProfEndpoint controls the port the webhook should listen on to provide pprof
# data. This port is never exposed from the container and only available via port-forwardings.
pprofEndpoint: :6600
# Replicas sets the number of pod replicas for the webhook.
replicas: 1
# Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage.
# Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims,
# that are used by this container.
# This is an alpha field and requires enabling the
# DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate.
# This field is immutable. It can only be set for containers.
claims: null
# Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
# More info:
cpu: 250m
memory: 256Mi
# Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
# If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
# otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
# More info:
cpu: 50m
memory: 64Mi
# KubermaticEdition current Kubermatic Edition , i.e. Community Edition or Enterprise Edition.
kubermaticEdition: ""
# KubermaticVersion current Kubermatic Version.
kubermaticVersion: ""