Kubermatic CRDs Reference
Resource Types
AppNamespaceSpec describe the desired state of the namespace where application will be created.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
name string | Name is the namespace to deploy the Application into. Should be a valid lowercase RFC1123 domain name |
create boolean | Create defines whether the namespace should be created if it does not exist. Defaults to true |
labels object (keys:string, values:string) | Labels of the namespace More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/labels |
annotations object (keys:string, values:string) | Annotations of the namespace More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/annotations |
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ApplicationDefinition is the Schema for the applicationdefinitions API.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | apps.kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | ApplicationDefinition |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec ApplicationDefinitionSpec | |
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ApplicationDefinitionList contains a list of ApplicationDefinition.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | apps.kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | ApplicationDefinitionList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items ApplicationDefinition array | |
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ApplicationDefinitionSpec defines the desired state of ApplicationDefinition.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
displayName string | DisplayName is the name for the application that will be displayed in the UI. |
description string | Description of the application. what is its purpose |
method TemplateMethod | Method used to install the application |
defaultValues RawExtension | DefaultValues specify default values for the UI which are passed to helm templating when creating an application. Comments are not preserved. Deprecated: Use DefaultValuesBlock instead. This field was deprecated in KKP 2.25 and will be removed in KKP 2.27+. |
defaultValuesBlock string | DefaultValuesBlock specifies default values for the UI which are passed to helm templating when creating an application. Comments are preserved. |
defaultNamespace AppNamespaceSpec | DefaultNamespace specifies the default namespace which is used if a referencing ApplicationInstallation has no target namespace defined. If unset, the name of the ApplicationDefinition is being used instead. |
defaultDeployOptions DeployOptions | DefaultDeployOptions holds the settings specific to the templating method used to deploy the application. These settings can be overridden in applicationInstallation. |
defaultVersion string | DefaultVersion of the application to use, if not specified the latest available version will be used. |
enforced boolean | Enforced specifies if the application is enforced to be installed on the user clusters. Enforced applications are installed/updated by KKP for the user clusters. Users are not allowed to update/delete them. KKP will revert the changes done by the application to the desired state specified in the ApplicationDefinition. |
default boolean | Default specifies if the application should be installed by default when a new user cluster is created. Default applications are not enforced and users can update/delete them. KKP will only install them during cluster creation if the user didn't explicitly opt out from installing default applications. |
selector DefaultingSelector | Selector is used to select the targeted user clusters for defaulting and enforcing applications. This is only used for default/enforced applications and ignored otherwise. |
documentationURL string | DocumentationURL holds a link to official documentation of the Application Alternatively this can be a link to the Readme of a chart in a git repository |
sourceURL string | SourceURL holds a link to the official source code mirror or git repository of the application |
logo string | Logo of the Application as a base64 encoded svg |
logoFormat string | LogoFormat contains logo format of the configured Application. Options are "svg+xml" and "png" |
versions ApplicationVersion array | Available version for this application |
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ApplicationInstallation describes a single installation of an Application.
Appears in:
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
status ConditionStatus | Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown. |
lastHeartbeatTime Time | Last time we got an update on a given condition. |
lastTransitionTime Time | Last time the condition transit from one status to another. |
reason string | (brief) reason for the condition's last transition. |
message string | Human readable message indicating details about last transition. |
observedGeneration integer | observedGeneration represents the .metadata.generation that the condition was set based upon. For instance, if .metadata.generation is currently 12, but the .status.conditions[x].observedGeneration is 9, the condition is out of date with respect to the current state of the instance. |
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Underlying type: string
swagger:enum ApplicationInstallationConditionType
All condition types must be registered within the AllApplicationInstallationConditionTypes
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ApplicationInstallationList is a list of ApplicationInstallations.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | apps.kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | ApplicationInstallationList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items ApplicationInstallation array | |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
namespace AppNamespaceSpec | Namespace describe the desired state of the namespace where application will be created. |
applicationRef ApplicationRef | ApplicationRef is a reference to identify which Application should be deployed |
values RawExtension | Values specify values overrides that are passed to helm templating. Comments are not preserved. Deprecated: Use ValuesBlock instead. This field was deprecated in KKP 2.25 and will be removed in KKP 2.27+. |
valuesBlock string | ValuesBlock specifies values overrides that are passed to helm templating. Comments are preserved. |
reconciliationInterval Duration | ReconciliationInterval is the interval at which to force the reconciliation of the application. By default, Applications are only reconciled on changes on spec, annotations, or the parent application definition. Meaning that if the user manually deletes the workload deployed by the application, nothing will happen until the application CR change.
Setting a value greater than zero force reconciliation even if no changes occurred on application CR. Setting a value equal to 0 disables the force reconciliation of the application (default behavior). Setting this too low can cause a heavy load and may disrupt your application workload depending on the template method. |
deployOptions DeployOptions | DeployOptions holds the settings specific to the templating method used to deploy the application. |
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ApplicationInstallationStatus denotes status information about an ApplicationInstallation.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
conditions object (keys:ApplicationInstallationConditionType, values:ApplicationInstallationCondition) | Conditions contains conditions an installation is in, its primary use case is status signaling between controllers or between controllers and the API |
applicationVersion ApplicationVersion | ApplicationVersion contains information installing / removing application |
method TemplateMethod | Method used to install the application |
helmRelease HelmRelease | HelmRelease holds the information about the helm release installed by this application. This field is only filled if template method is 'helm'. |
failures integer | Failures counts the number of failed installation or updagrade. it is reset on successful reconciliation. |
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ApplicationRef describes a KKP-wide, unique reference to an Application.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
name string | Name of the Application. Should be a valid lowercase RFC1123 domain name |
version string | Version of the Application. Must be a valid SemVer version |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
helm HelmSource | Install Application from a Helm repository |
git GitSource | Install application from a Git repository |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
source ApplicationSource | Defined how the source of the application (e.g Helm chart) is retrieved. Exactly one type of source must be defined. |
templateCredentials DependencyCredentials | DependencyCredentials holds the credentials that may be needed for templating the application. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
version string | Version of the application (e.g. v1.2.3) |
template ApplicationTemplate | Template defines how application is installed (source provenance, Method...) |
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DefaultingSelector is used to select the targeted user clusters for defaulting and enforcing applications.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
datacenters string array | Datacenters is a list of datacenters where the application can be installed. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
helmCredentials HelmCredentials | HelmCredentials holds the ref to the secret with helm credentials needed to build helm dependencies. It is not required when using helm as a source, as dependencies are already prepackaged in this case. It's either username / password or a registryConfigFile can be defined. |
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DeployOptions holds the settings specific to the templating method used to deploy the application.
Appears in:
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Underlying type: string
Appears in:
Appears in:
Field | Description |
method GitAuthMethod | Authentication method. Either password or token or ssh-key. If method is password then username and password must be defined. If method is token then token must be defined. If method is ssh-key then ssh-key must be defined. |
username SecretKeySelector | Username holds the ref and key in the secret for the username credential. The Secret must exist in the namespace where KKP is installed (default is "kubermatic"). The Secret must be annotated with `apps.kubermatic.k8c.io/secret-type:` set to "helm" or "git". |
password SecretKeySelector | Password holds the ref and key in the secret for the Password credential. The Secret must exist in the namespace where KKP is installed (default is "kubermatic"). The Secret must be annotated with `apps.kubermatic.k8c.io/secret-type:` set to "helm" or "git". |
token SecretKeySelector | Token holds the ref and key in the secret for the token credential. The Secret must exist in the namespace where KKP is installed (default is "kubermatic"). The Secret must be annotated with `apps.kubermatic.k8c.io/secret-type:` set to "helm" or "git". |
sshKey SecretKeySelector | SSHKey holds the ref and key in the secret for the SshKey credential. The Secret must exist in the namespace where KKP is installed (default is "kubermatic"). The Secret must be annotated with `apps.kubermatic.k8c.io/secret-type:` set to "helm" or "git". |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
branch string | Branch to checkout. Only the last commit of the branch will be checkout in order to reduce the amount of data to download. |
commit string | Commit SHA in a Branch to checkout.
It must be used in conjunction with branch field. |
tag string | Tag to check out. It can not be used in conjunction with commit or branch. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
remote string | URL to the repository. Can be HTTP(s) (e.g. https://example.com/myrepo) or SSH (e.g. git://example.com[:port]/path/to/repo.git/). |
ref GitReference | Git reference to checkout. For large repositories, we recommend to either use Tag, Branch or Branch+Commit. This allows a shallow clone, which dramatically speeds up performance |
path string | Path of the "source" in the repository. default is repository root |
credentials GitCredentials | Credentials are optional and holds the git credentials |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
username SecretKeySelector | Username holds the ref and key in the secret for the username credential. The Secret must exist in the namespace where KKP is installed (default is "kubermatic"). The Secret must be annotated with `apps.kubermatic.k8c.io/secret-type:` set to "helm" or "git" |
password SecretKeySelector | Password holds the ref and key in the secret for the password credential. The Secret must exist in the namespace where KKP is installed (default is "kubermatic"). The Secret must be annotated with `apps.kubermatic.k8c.io/secret-type:` set to "helm" or "git" |
registryConfigFile SecretKeySelector | RegistryConfigFile holds the ref and key in the secret for the registry credential file. The value is dockercfg file that follows the same format rules as ~/.docker/config.json. The Secret must exist in the namespace where KKP is installed (default is "kubermatic"). The Secret must be annotated with `apps.kubermatic.k8c.io/secret-type:` set to "helm" or "git" |
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HelmDeployOptions holds the deployment settings when templating method is Helm.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
wait boolean | Wait corresponds to the --wait flag on Helm cli. if set, will wait until all Pods, PVCs, Services, and minimum number of Pods of a Deployment, StatefulSet, or ReplicaSet are in a ready state before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as timeout |
timeout Duration | Timeout corresponds to the --timeout flag on Helm cli. time to wait for any individual Kubernetes operation. |
atomic boolean | Atomic corresponds to the --atomic flag on Helm cli. if set, the installation process deletes the installation on failure; the upgrade process rolls back changes made in case of failed upgrade. |
enableDNS boolean | EnableDNS corresponds to the --enable-dns flag on Helm cli. enable DNS lookups when rendering templates. if you enable this flag, you have to verify that helm template function 'getHostByName' is not being used in a chart to disclose any information you do not want to be passed to DNS servers.(c.f. CVE-2023-25165) |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
name string | Name is the name of the release. |
version integer | Version is an int which represents the revision of the release. |
info HelmReleaseInfo | Info provides information about a release. |
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HelmReleaseInfo describes release information.
tech note: we can not use release.Info from Helm because the underlying type used for time has no json tag.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
firstDeployed Time | FirstDeployed is when the release was first deployed. |
lastDeployed Time | LastDeployed is when the release was last deployed. |
deleted Time | Deleted tracks when this object was deleted. |
description string | Description is human-friendly "log entry" about this release. |
status Status | Status is the current state of the release. |
notes string | Notes is the rendered templates/NOTES.txt if available. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
url string | URL of the Helm repository the following schemes are supported:
* http://example.com/myrepo (HTTP) * https://example.com/myrepo (HTTPS) * oci://example.com:5000/myrepo (OCI, HTTPS by default, use plainHTTP to enable unencrypted HTTP) |
insecure boolean | Insecure disables certificate validation when using an HTTPS registry. This setting has no effect when using a plaintext connection. |
plainHTTP boolean | PlainHTTP will enable HTTP-only (i.e. unencrypted) traffic for oci:// URLs. By default HTTPS is used when communicating with an oci:// URL. |
chartName string | Name of the Chart. |
chartVersion string | Version of the Chart. |
credentials HelmCredentials | Credentials are optional and hold the ref to the secret with Helm credentials. Either username / password or registryConfigFile can be defined. |
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Underlying type: string
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Resource Types
Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Only enabled presets will be available in the KKP dashboard. |
isCustomizable boolean | IsCustomizable marks a preset as editable on the KKP UI; Customizable presets still have the credentials obscured on the UI, but other fields that are not considered private are displayed during cluster creation. Users can then update those fields, if required. NOTE: This is only supported for OpenStack Cloud Provider in KKP 2.26. Support for other providers will be added later on. |
datacenter string | If datacenter is set, this preset is only applicable to the configured datacenter. |
tenantID string | The Azure Active Directory Tenant used for the user cluster. |
subscriptionID string | The Azure Subscription used for the user cluster. |
clientID string | The service principal used to access Azure. |
clientSecret string | The client secret corresponding to the given service principal. |
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Appears in:
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Only enabled presets will be available in the KKP dashboard. |
isCustomizable boolean | IsCustomizable marks a preset as editable on the KKP UI; Customizable presets still have the credentials obscured on the UI, but other fields that are not considered private are displayed during cluster creation. Users can then update those fields, if required. NOTE: This is only supported for OpenStack Cloud Provider in KKP 2.26. Support for other providers will be added later on. |
datacenter string | If datacenter is set, this preset is only applicable to the configured datacenter. |
accessKeyID string | The Access key ID used to authenticate against AWS. |
secretAccessKey string | The Secret Access Key used to authenticate against AWS. |
assumeRoleARN string | Defines the ARN for an IAM role that should be assumed when handling resources on AWS. It will be used to acquire temporary security credentials using an STS AssumeRole API operation whenever creating an AWS session. |
assumeRoleExternalID string | An arbitrary string that may be needed when calling the STS AssumeRole API operation. Using an external ID can help to prevent the "confused deputy problem". |
vpcID string | AWS VPC to use. Must be configured. |
routeTableID string | Route table to use. This can be configured, but if left empty will be automatically filled in during reconciliation. |
instanceProfileName string | Instance profile to use. This can be configured, but if left empty will be automatically filled in during reconciliation. |
securityGroupID string | Security group to use. This can be configured, but if left empty will be automatically filled in during reconciliation. |
roleARN string | ARN to use. This can be configured, but if left empty will be automatically filled in during reconciliation. |
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AWSCloudSpec specifies access data to Amazon Web Services.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
credentialsReference GlobalSecretKeySelector | |
accessKeyID string | The Access key ID used to authenticate against AWS. |
secretAccessKey string | The Secret Access Key used to authenticate against AWS. |
assumeRoleARN string | Defines the ARN for an IAM role that should be assumed when handling resources on AWS. It will be used to acquire temporary security credentials using an STS AssumeRole API operation whenever creating an AWS session. |
assumeRoleExternalID string | An arbitrary string that may be needed when calling the STS AssumeRole API operation. Using an external ID can help to prevent the "confused deputy problem". |
vpcID string | |
roleARN string | The IAM role, the control plane will use. The control plane will perform an assume-role |
routeTableID string | |
instanceProfileName string | |
securityGroupID string | |
nodePortsAllowedIPRange string | A CIDR range that will be used to allow access to the node port range in the security group to. Only applies if the security group is generated by KKP and not preexisting. If NodePortsAllowedIPRange nor NodePortsAllowedIPRanges is set, the node port range can be accessed from anywhere. |
nodePortsAllowedIPRanges NetworkRanges | Optional: CIDR ranges that will be used to allow access to the node port range in the security group to. Only applies if the security group is generated by KKP and not preexisting. If NodePortsAllowedIPRange nor NodePortsAllowedIPRanges is set, the node port range can be accessed from anywhere. |
disableIAMReconciling boolean | DisableIAMReconciling is used to disable reconciliation for IAM related configuration. This is useful in air-gapped setups where access to IAM service is not possible. |
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Addon specifies a cluster addon. Addons can be installed into user clusters
to provide additional manifests for CNIs, CSIs or other applications, which makes
addons a necessary component to create functioning user clusters.
Addon objects must be created inside cluster namespaces.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | Addon |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec AddonSpec | Spec describes the desired addon state. |
status AddonStatus | Status contains information about the reconciliation status. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
status ConditionStatus | Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown. |
lastHeartbeatTime Time | Last time we got an update on a given condition. |
lastTransitionTime Time | Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. |
kubermaticVersion string | KubermaticVersion is the version of KKP that last _successfully_ reconciled this addon. |
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Underlying type: string
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AddonConfig specifies addon configuration. Addons can be installed without
a matching AddonConfig, but they will be missing a logo, description and
the potentially necessary form fields in the KKP dashboard to make the
addon comfortable to use.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | AddonConfig |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec AddonConfigSpec | Spec describes the configuration of an addon. |
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AddonConfigList is a list of addon configs.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | AddonConfigList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items AddonConfig array | Items refers to the list of AddonConfig objects. |
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AddonConfigSpec specifies configuration of addon.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
shortDescription string | ShortDescription of the configured addon that contains more detailed information about the addon, it will be displayed in the addon details view in the UI |
description string | Description of the configured addon, it will be displayed in the addon overview in the UI |
logo string | Logo of the configured addon, encoded in base64 |
logoFormat string | LogoFormat contains logo format of the configured addon, i.e. svg+xml |
formSpec AddonFormControl array | Controls that can be set for configured addon |
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AddonFormControl specifies addon form control.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
displayName string | DisplayName is visible in the UI |
internalName string | InternalName is used internally to save in the addon object |
helpText string | HelpText is visible in the UI next to the control |
required boolean | Required indicates if the control has to be set |
type string | Type of displayed control |
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AddonList is a list of addons.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | AddonList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items Addon array | Items refers to the list of the cluster addons. |
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Underlying type: string
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AddonSpec specifies details of an addon.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
name string | Name defines the name of the addon to install |
cluster ObjectReference | Cluster is the reference to the cluster the addon should be installed in |
variables RawExtension | Variables is free form data to use for parsing the manifest templates |
requiredResourceTypes GroupVersionKind array | RequiredResourceTypes allows to indicate that this addon needs some resource type before it can be installed. This can be used to indicate that a specific CRD and/or extension apiserver must be installed before this addon can be installed. The addon will not be installed until that resource is served. |
isDefault boolean | IsDefault indicates whether the addon is installed because it was configured in the default addon section in the KubermaticConfiguration. User-installed addons must not set this field to true, as extra default Addon objects (that are not in the KubermaticConfiguration) will be garbage-collected. |
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AddonStatus contains information about the reconciliation status.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
phase AddonPhase | Phase is a description of the current addon status, summarizing the various conditions. This field is for informational purpose only and no logic should be tied to the phase. |
conditions object (keys:AddonConditionType, values:AddonCondition) | |
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AdmissionPlugin is the type representing a AdmissionPlugin.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | AdmissionPlugin |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec AdmissionPluginSpec | Spec describes an admission plugin name and in which k8s version it is supported. |
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AdmissionPluginList is the type representing a AdmissionPluginList.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | AdmissionPluginList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items AdmissionPlugin array | Items refers to the list of Admission Plugins |
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AdmissionPluginSpec specifies admission plugin name and from which k8s version is supported.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
pluginName string | |
fromVersion Semver | FromVersion flag can be empty. It means the plugin fit to all k8s versions |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | Alertmanager |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec AlertmanagerSpec | Spec describes the configuration of the Alertmanager. |
status AlertmanagerStatus | Status stores status information about the Alertmanager. |
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AlertmanagerConfigurationStatus stores status information about the AlertManager configuration.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
lastUpdated Time | LastUpdated stores the last successful time when the configuration was successfully applied |
status ConditionStatus | Status of whether the configuration was applied, one of True, False |
errorMessage string | ErrorMessage contains a default error message in case the configuration could not be applied. Will be reset if the error was resolved and condition becomes True |
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Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | AlertmanagerList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items Alertmanager array | Items refers to the list of Alertmanager objects. |
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AlertmanagerSpec describes the configuration of the Alertmanager.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
configSecret LocalObjectReference | ConfigSecret refers to the Secret in the same namespace as the Alertmanager object, which contains configuration for this Alertmanager. |
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AlertmanagerStatus stores status information about the AlertManager.
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Only enabled presets will be available in the KKP dashboard. |
isCustomizable boolean | IsCustomizable marks a preset as editable on the KKP UI; Customizable presets still have the credentials obscured on the UI, but other fields that are not considered private are displayed during cluster creation. Users can then update those fields, if required. NOTE: This is only supported for OpenStack Cloud Provider in KKP 2.26. Support for other providers will be added later on. |
datacenter string | If datacenter is set, this preset is only applicable to the configured datacenter. |
accessKeyID string | The Access Key ID used to authenticate against Alibaba. |
accessKeySecret string | The Access Key Secret used to authenticate against Alibaba. |
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AlibabaCloudSpec specifies the access data to Alibaba.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
credentialsReference GlobalSecretKeySelector | |
accessKeyID string | The Access Key ID used to authenticate against Alibaba. |
accessKeySecret string | The Access Key Secret used to authenticate against Alibaba. |
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AllowedRegistry is the object representing an allowed registry.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | AllowedRegistry |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec AllowedRegistrySpec | Spec describes the desired state for an allowed registry. |
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AllowedRegistryList specifies a list of allowed registries.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | AllowedRegistryList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items AllowedRegistry array | Items refers to the list of the allowed registries. |
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AllowedRegistrySpec specifies the data for allowed registry spec.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
registryPrefix string | RegistryPrefix contains the prefix of the registry which will be allowed. User clusters will be able to deploy only images which are prefixed with one of the allowed image registry prefixes. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Only enabled presets will be available in the KKP dashboard. |
isCustomizable boolean | IsCustomizable marks a preset as editable on the KKP UI; Customizable presets still have the credentials obscured on the UI, but other fields that are not considered private are displayed during cluster creation. Users can then update those fields, if required. NOTE: This is only supported for OpenStack Cloud Provider in KKP 2.26. Support for other providers will be added later on. |
datacenter string | If datacenter is set, this preset is only applicable to the configured datacenter. |
token string | Token is used to authenticate with the Anexia API. |
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AnexiaCloudSpec specifies the access data to Anexia.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
credentialsReference GlobalSecretKeySelector | |
token string | Token is used to authenticate with the Anexia API. |
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AnnotationSettings is the settings for the annotations.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
hiddenAnnotations string array | HiddenAnnotations are the annotations that are hidden from the user in the UI. |
protectedAnnotations string array | ProtectedAnnotations are the annotations that are visible in the UI but cannot be added or modified by the user. |
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The announcement feature allows administrators to broadcast important messages to all users.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
message string | The message content of the announcement. |
isActive boolean | Indicates whether the announcement is active. |
createdAt Time | Timestamp when the announcement was created. |
expires Time | Expiration date for the announcement. |
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Underlying type: string
AntiAffinityType is the type of anti-affinity that should be used. Can be “preferred”
or “required”.
Appears in:
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ApplicationsConfiguration contains configuration for default Applications configuration settings.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
namespace string | Namespace is the namespace which is set as the default for applications installed via ui If left empty the default for the application installation namespace is the name of the resource itself |
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AuditLoggingSettings configures audit logging functionality.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Enabled will enable or disable audit logging. |
policyPreset AuditPolicyPreset | Optional: PolicyPreset can be set to utilize a pre-defined set of audit policy rules. |
sidecar AuditSidecarSettings | Optional: Configures the fluent-bit sidecar deployed alongside kube-apiserver. |
webhookBackend AuditWebhookBackendSettings | Optional: Configures the webhook backend for audit logs. |
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Underlying type: string
AuditPolicyPreset refers to a pre-defined set of audit policy rules. Supported values
are metadata
, recommended
and minimal
. See KKP documentation for what each policy preset includes.
Appears in:
AuditSidecarConfiguration defines custom configuration for the fluent-bit sidecar deployed with a kube-apiserver.
Also see https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/v/1.8/administration/configuring-fluent-bit/configuration-file.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
service object (keys:string, values:string) | |
filters object array | |
outputs object array | |
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AuditWebhookBackendSettings configures webhook backend for audit logging functionality.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
auditWebhookConfig SecretReference | Required : AuditWebhookConfig contains reference to secret holding the audit webhook config file |
auditWebhookInitialBackoff string | |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Only enabled presets will be available in the KKP dashboard. |
isCustomizable boolean | IsCustomizable marks a preset as editable on the KKP UI; Customizable presets still have the credentials obscured on the UI, but other fields that are not considered private are displayed during cluster creation. Users can then update those fields, if required. NOTE: This is only supported for OpenStack Cloud Provider in KKP 2.26. Support for other providers will be added later on. |
datacenter string | If datacenter is set, this preset is only applicable to the configured datacenter. |
tenantID string | The Azure Active Directory Tenant used for the user cluster. |
subscriptionID string | The Azure Subscription used for the user cluster. |
clientID string | The service principal used to access Azure. |
clientSecret string | The client secret corresponding to the given service principal. |
resourceGroup string | The resource group that will be used to look up and create resources for the cluster in. If set to empty string at cluster creation, a new resource group will be created and this field will be updated to the generated resource group's name. |
vnetResourceGroup string | Optional: Defines a second resource group that will be used for VNet related resources instead. If left empty, NO additional resource group will be created and all VNet related resources use the resource group defined by `resourceGroup`. |
vnet string | The name of the VNet resource used for setting up networking in. If set to empty string at cluster creation, a new VNet will be created and this field will be updated to the generated VNet's name. |
subnet string | The name of a subnet in the VNet referenced by `vnet`. If set to empty string at cluster creation, a new subnet will be created and this field will be updated to the generated subnet's name. If no VNet is defined at cluster creation, this field should be empty as well. |
routeTable string | The name of a route table associated with the subnet referenced by `subnet`. If set to empty string at cluster creation, a new route table will be created and this field will be updated to the generated route table's name. If no subnet is defined at cluster creation, this field should be empty as well. |
securityGroup string | The name of a security group associated with the subnet referenced by `subnet`. If set to empty string at cluster creation, a new security group will be created and this field will be updated to the generated security group's name. If no subnet is defined at cluster creation, this field should be empty as well. |
loadBalancerSKU LBSKU | LoadBalancerSKU sets the LB type that will be used for the Azure cluster, possible values are "basic" and "standard", if empty, "standard" will be used |
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AzureCloudSpec defines cloud resource references for Microsoft Azure.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
credentialsReference GlobalSecretKeySelector | CredentialsReference allows referencing a `Secret` resource instead of passing secret data in this spec. |
tenantID string | The Azure Active Directory Tenant used for this cluster. Can be read from `credentialsReference` instead. |
subscriptionID string | The Azure Subscription used for this cluster. Can be read from `credentialsReference` instead. |
clientID string | The service principal used to access Azure. Can be read from `credentialsReference` instead. |
clientSecret string | The client secret corresponding to the given service principal. Can be read from `credentialsReference` instead. |
resourceGroup string | The resource group that will be used to look up and create resources for the cluster in. If set to empty string at cluster creation, a new resource group will be created and this field will be updated to the generated resource group's name. |
vnetResourceGroup string | Optional: Defines a second resource group that will be used for VNet related resources instead. If left empty, NO additional resource group will be created and all VNet related resources use the resource group defined by `resourceGroup`. |
vnet string | The name of the VNet resource used for setting up networking in. If set to empty string at cluster creation, a new VNet will be created and this field will be updated to the generated VNet's name. |
subnet string | The name of a subnet in the VNet referenced by `vnet`. If set to empty string at cluster creation, a new subnet will be created and this field will be updated to the generated subnet's name. If no VNet is defined at cluster creation, this field should be empty as well. |
routeTable string | The name of a route table associated with the subnet referenced by `subnet`. If set to empty string at cluster creation, a new route table will be created and this field will be updated to the generated route table's name. If no subnet is defined at cluster creation, this field should be empty as well. |
securityGroup string | The name of a security group associated with the subnet referenced by `subnet`. If set to empty string at cluster creation, a new security group will be created and this field will be updated to the generated security group's name. If no subnet is defined at cluster creation, this field should be empty as well. |
nodePortsAllowedIPRange string | A CIDR range that will be used to allow access to the node port range in the security group to. Only applies if the security group is generated by KKP and not preexisting. If NodePortsAllowedIPRange nor NodePortsAllowedIPRanges is set, the node port range can be accessed from anywhere. |
nodePortsAllowedIPRanges NetworkRanges | Optional: CIDR ranges that will be used to allow access to the node port range in the security group to. Only applies if the security group is generated by KKP and not preexisting. If NodePortsAllowedIPRange nor NodePortsAllowedIPRanges is set, the node port range can be accessed from anywhere. |
assignAvailabilitySet boolean | Optional: AssignAvailabilitySet determines whether KKP creates and assigns an AvailabilitySet to machines. Defaults to `true` internally if not set. |
availabilitySet string | An availability set that will be associated with nodes created for this cluster. If this field is set to empty string at cluster creation and `AssignAvailabilitySet` is set to `true`, a new availability set will be created and this field will be updated to the generated availability set's name. |
loadBalancerSKU LBSKU | LoadBalancerSKU sets the LB type that will be used for the Azure cluster, possible values are "basic" and "standard", if empty, "standard" will be used. |
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Appears in:
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BackupDestination defines the bucket name and endpoint as a backup destination, and holds reference to the credentials secret.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
endpoint string | Endpoint is the API endpoint to use for backup and restore. |
bucketName string | BucketName is the bucket name to use for backup and restore. |
credentials SecretReference | Credentials hold the ref to the secret with backup credentials |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
scheduledTime Time | ScheduledTime will always be set when the BackupStatus is created, so it'll never be nil |
backupName string | |
jobName string | |
backupStartTime Time | |
backupFinishedTime Time | |
backupPhase BackupStatusPhase | |
backupMessage string | |
deleteJobName string | |
deleteStartTime Time | |
deleteFinishedTime Time | |
deletePhase BackupStatusPhase | |
deleteMessage string | |
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Underlying type: string
Appears in:
Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Only enabled presets will be available in the KKP dashboard. |
isCustomizable boolean | IsCustomizable marks a preset as editable on the KKP UI; Customizable presets still have the credentials obscured on the UI, but other fields that are not considered private are displayed during cluster creation. Users can then update those fields, if required. NOTE: This is only supported for OpenStack Cloud Provider in KKP 2.26. Support for other providers will be added later on. |
datacenter string | If datacenter is set, this preset is only applicable to the configured datacenter. |
tinkerbell Tinkerbell | |
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BaremetalCloudSpec specifies access data for a baremetal cluster.
Appears in:
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BringYourOwnCloudSpec specifies access data for a bring your own cluster.
Appears in:
Underlying type: string
Appears in:
CNIPluginSettings contains the spec of the CNI plugin used by the Cluster.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
type CNIPluginType | Type is the CNI plugin type to be used. |
version string | Version defines the CNI plugin version to be used. This varies by chosen CNI plugin type. |
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Underlying type: string
CNIPluginType defines the type of CNI plugin installed.
Possible values are canal
, cilium
or none
Appears in:
Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Enable checkboxes that allow the user to ask for LoadBalancers and PVCs to be deleted in order to not leave potentially expensive resources behind. |
enforced boolean | If enforced is set to true, the cleanup of LoadBalancers and PVCs is enforced. |
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CloudSpec stores configuration options for a given cloud provider. Provider specs are mutually exclusive.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
dc string | DatacenterName states the name of a cloud provider "datacenter" (defined in `Seed` resources) this cluster should be deployed into. |
providerName string | ProviderName is the name of the cloud provider used for this cluster. This must match the given provider spec (e.g. if the providerName is "aws", then the `aws` field must be set). |
digitalocean DigitaloceanCloudSpec | Digitalocean defines the configuration data of the DigitalOcean cloud provider. |
baremetal BaremetalCloudSpec | Baremetal defines the configuration data for a Baremetal cluster. |
bringyourown BringYourOwnCloudSpec | BringYourOwn defines the configuration data for a Bring Your Own cluster. |
edge EdgeCloudSpec | Edge defines the configuration data for an edge cluster. |
aws AWSCloudSpec | AWS defines the configuration data of the Amazon Web Services(AWS) cloud provider. |
azure AzureCloudSpec | Azure defines the configuration data of the Microsoft Azure cloud. |
openstack OpenstackCloudSpec | Openstack defines the configuration data of an OpenStack cloud. |
packet PacketCloudSpec | Packet defines the configuration data of a Packet / Equinix Metal cloud. |
hetzner HetznerCloudSpec | Hetzner defines the configuration data of the Hetzner cloud. |
vsphere VSphereCloudSpec | VSphere defines the configuration data of the vSphere. |
gcp GCPCloudSpec | GCP defines the configuration data of the Google Cloud Platform(GCP). |
kubevirt KubevirtCloudSpec | Kubevirt defines the configuration data of the KubeVirt. |
alibaba AlibabaCloudSpec | Alibaba defines the configuration data of the Alibaba. |
anexia AnexiaCloudSpec | Anexia defines the configuration data of the Anexia. |
nutanix NutanixCloudSpec | Nutanix defines the configuration data of the Nutanix. |
vmwareclouddirector VMwareCloudDirectorCloudSpec | VMwareCloudDirector defines the configuration data of the VMware Cloud Director. |
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Cluster represents a Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform user cluster.
Cluster objects exist on Seed clusters and each user cluster consists
of a namespace containing the Kubernetes control plane and additional
pods (like Prometheus or the machine-controller).
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | Cluster |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec ClusterSpec | Spec describes the desired cluster state. |
status ClusterStatus | Status contains reconciliation information for the cluster. |
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ClusterAddress stores access and address information of a cluster.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
url string | URL under which the Apiserver is available |
port integer | Port is the port the API server listens on |
externalName string | ExternalName is the DNS name for this cluster |
internalURL string | InternalName is the seed cluster internal absolute DNS name to the API server |
adminToken string | AdminToken is the token for the kubeconfig, the user can download |
ip string | IP is the external IP under which the apiserver is available |
apiServerExternalAddress string | APIServerExternalAddress is the external address of the API server (IP or DNS name) This field is populated only when the API server service is of type LoadBalancer. If set, this address will be used in the kubeconfig for the user cluster that can be downloaded from the KKP UI. |
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ClusterBackupStorageLocation is a KKP wrapper around Velero BSL spec.
Appears in:
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ClusterBackupStorageLocationList is a list of ClusterBackupStorageLocations.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | ClusterBackupStorageLocationList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items ClusterBackupStorageLocation array | Items is a list of EtcdBackupConfig objects. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
status ConditionStatus | Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown. |
kubermaticVersion string | KubermaticVersion current kubermatic version. |
lastHeartbeatTime Time | Last time we got an update on a given condition. |
lastTransitionTime Time | Last time the condition transit from one status to another. |
reason string | (brief) reason for the condition's last transition. |
message string | Human readable message indicating details about last transition. |
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Underlying type: string
ClusterConditionType is used to indicate the type of a cluster condition. For all condition
types, the true
value must indicate success. All condition types must be registered within
the AllClusterConditionTypes
Appears in:
Underlying type: string
Appears in:
ClusterEncryptionStatus holds status information about the encryption-at-rest feature on the user cluster.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
activeKey string | The current "primary" key used to encrypt data written to etcd. Secondary keys that can be used for decryption (but not encryption) might be configured in the ClusterSpec. |
encryptedResources string array | List of resources currently encrypted. |
phase ClusterEncryptionPhase | The current phase of the encryption process. Can be one of `Pending`, `Failed`, `Active` or `EncryptionNeeded`. The `encryption_controller` logic will process the cluster based on the current phase and issue necessary changes to make sure encryption on the cluster is active and updated with what the ClusterSpec defines. |
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ClusterList specifies a list of user clusters.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | ClusterList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items Cluster array | |
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ClusterNetworkingConfig specifies the different networking
parameters for a cluster.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
ipFamily IPFamily | Optional: IP family used for cluster networking. Supported values are "", "IPv4" or "IPv4+IPv6". Can be omitted / empty if pods and services network ranges are specified. In that case it defaults according to the IP families of the provided network ranges. If neither ipFamily nor pods & services network ranges are specified, defaults to "IPv4". |
services NetworkRanges | The network ranges from which service VIPs are allocated. It can contain one IPv4 and/or one IPv6 CIDR. If both address families are specified, the first one defines the primary address family. |
pods NetworkRanges | The network ranges from which POD networks are allocated. It can contain one IPv4 and/or one IPv6 CIDR. If both address families are specified, the first one defines the primary address family. |
nodeCidrMaskSizeIPv4 integer | NodeCIDRMaskSizeIPv4 is the mask size used to address the nodes within provided IPv4 Pods CIDR. It has to be larger than the provided IPv4 Pods CIDR. Defaults to 24. |
nodeCidrMaskSizeIPv6 integer | NodeCIDRMaskSizeIPv6 is the mask size used to address the nodes within provided IPv6 Pods CIDR. It has to be larger than the provided IPv6 Pods CIDR. Defaults to 64. |
dnsDomain string | Domain name for services. |
proxyMode string | ProxyMode defines the kube-proxy mode ("ipvs" / "iptables" / "ebpf"). Defaults to "ipvs". "ebpf" disables kube-proxy and requires CNI support. |
ipvs IPVSConfiguration | IPVS defines kube-proxy ipvs configuration options |
nodeLocalDNSCacheEnabled boolean | NodeLocalDNSCacheEnabled controls whether the NodeLocal DNS Cache feature is enabled. Defaults to true. |
coreDNSReplicas integer | CoreDNSReplicas is the number of desired pods of user cluster coredns deployment. Deprecated: This field should not be used anymore, use cluster.componentsOverride.coreDNS.replicas instead. Only one of the two fields can be set at any time. |
konnectivityEnabled boolean | Deprecated: KonnectivityEnabled enables konnectivity for controlplane to node network communication. Konnectivity is the only supported choice for controlplane to node network communication. This field is defaulted to true and setting it to false is rejected. It will be removed in a future release. |
tunnelingAgentIP string | TunnelingAgentIP is the address used by the tunneling agents |
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Underlying type: string
Appears in:
ClusterSpec describes the desired state of a user cluster.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
humanReadableName string | HumanReadableName is the cluster name provided by the user. |
version Semver | Version defines the wanted version of the control plane. |
cloud CloudSpec | Cloud contains information regarding the cloud provider that is responsible for hosting the cluster's workload. |
containerRuntime string | ContainerRuntime to use, i.e. `docker` or `containerd`. By default `containerd` will be used. |
imagePullSecret SecretReference | Optional: ImagePullSecret references a secret with container registry credentials. This is passed to the machine-controller which sets the registry credentials on node level. |
cniPlugin CNIPluginSettings | Optional: CNIPlugin refers to the spec of the CNI plugin used by the Cluster. |
clusterNetwork ClusterNetworkingConfig | Optional: ClusterNetwork specifies the different networking parameters for a cluster. |
machineNetworks MachineNetworkingConfig array | Optional: MachineNetworks is the list of the networking parameters used for IPAM. |
exposeStrategy ExposeStrategy | ExposeStrategy is the strategy used to expose a cluster control plane. |
apiServerAllowedIPRanges NetworkRanges | Optional: APIServerAllowedIPRanges is a list of IP ranges allowed to access the API server. Applicable only if the expose strategy of the cluster is LoadBalancer. If not configured, access to the API server is unrestricted. |
componentsOverride ComponentSettings | Optional: Component specific overrides that allow customization of control plane components. |
oidc OIDCSettings | Optional: OIDC specifies the OIDC configuration parameters for enabling authentication mechanism for the cluster. |
features object (keys:string, values:boolean) | A map of optional or early-stage features that can be enabled for the user cluster. Some feature gates cannot be disabled after being enabled. The available feature gates vary based on KKP version, Kubernetes version and Seed configuration. Please consult the KKP documentation for specific feature gates. |
updateWindow UpdateWindow | Optional: UpdateWindow configures automatic update systems to respect a maintenance window for applying OS updates to nodes. This is only respected on Flatcar nodes currently. |
usePodSecurityPolicyAdmissionPlugin boolean | Enables the admission plugin `PodSecurityPolicy`. This plugin is deprecated by Kubernetes. |
usePodNodeSelectorAdmissionPlugin boolean | Enables the admission plugin `PodNodeSelector`. Needs additional configuration via the `podNodeSelectorAdmissionPluginConfig` field. |
useEventRateLimitAdmissionPlugin boolean | Enables the admission plugin `EventRateLimit`. Needs additional configuration via the `eventRateLimitConfig` field. This plugin is considered "alpha" by Kubernetes. |
admissionPlugins string array | A list of arbitrary admission plugin names that are passed to kube-apiserver. Must not include admission plugins that can be enabled via a separate setting. |
podNodeSelectorAdmissionPluginConfig object (keys:string, values:string) | Optional: Provides configuration for the PodNodeSelector admission plugin (needs plugin enabled via `usePodNodeSelectorAdmissionPlugin`). It's used by the backend to create a configuration file for this plugin. The key:value from this map is converted to : in the file. Use `clusterDefaultNodeSelector` as key to configure a default node selector. |
eventRateLimitConfig EventRateLimitConfig | Optional: Configures the EventRateLimit admission plugin (if enabled via `useEventRateLimitAdmissionPlugin`) to create limits on Kubernetes event generation. The EventRateLimit plugin is capable of comparing and rate limiting incoming `Events` based on several configured buckets. |
enableUserSSHKeyAgent boolean | Optional: Deploys the UserSSHKeyAgent to the user cluster. This field is immutable. If enabled, the agent will be deployed and used to sync user ssh keys attached by users to the cluster. No SSH keys will be synced after node creation if this is disabled. |
enableOperatingSystemManager boolean | Deprecated: EnableOperatingSystemManager has been deprecated starting with KKP 2.26 and will be removed in KKP 2.28+. This field is no-op and OSM is always enabled for user clusters. OSM is responsible for creating and managing worker node configuration. |
kubelb KubeLB | KubeLB holds the configuration for the kubeLB component. Only available in Enterprise Edition. |
kubernetesDashboard KubernetesDashboard | KubernetesDashboard holds the configuration for the kubernetes-dashboard component. |
auditLogging AuditLoggingSettings | Optional: AuditLogging configures Kubernetes API audit logging (https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/debug-application-cluster/audit/) for the user cluster. |
opaIntegration OPAIntegrationSettings | Optional: OPAIntegration is a preview feature that enables OPA integration for the cluster. Enabling it causes OPA Gatekeeper and its resources to be deployed on the user cluster. By default it is disabled. |
serviceAccount ServiceAccountSettings | Optional: ServiceAccount contains service account related settings for the user cluster's kube-apiserver. |
mla MLASettings | Optional: MLA contains monitoring, logging and alerting related settings for the user cluster. |
applicationSettings ApplicationSettings | Optional: ApplicationSettings contains the settings relative to the application feature. |
encryptionConfiguration EncryptionConfiguration | Optional: Configures encryption-at-rest for Kubernetes API data. This needs the `encryptionAtRest` feature gate. |
pause boolean | If this is set to true, the cluster will not be reconciled by KKP. This indicates that the user needs to do some action to resolve the pause. |
pauseReason string | PauseReason is the reason why the cluster is not being managed. This field is for informational purpose only and can be set by a user or a controller to communicate the reason for pausing the cluster. |
debugLog boolean | Enables more verbose logging in KKP's user-cluster-controller-manager. |
disableCsiDriver boolean | Optional: DisableCSIDriver disables the installation of CSI driver on the cluster If this is true at the data center then it can't be over-written in the cluster configuration |
backupConfig BackupConfig | Optional: BackupConfig contains the configuration options for managing the Cluster Backup Velero integration feature. |
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ClusterStatus stores status information about a cluster.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
address ClusterAddress | Address contains the IPs/URLs to access the cluster control plane. |
lastUpdated Time | Deprecated: LastUpdated contains the timestamp at which the cluster was last modified. It is kept only for KKP 2.20 release to not break the backwards-compatibility and not being set for KKP higher releases. |
extendedHealth ExtendedClusterHealth | ExtendedHealth exposes information about the current health state. Extends standard health status for new states. |
lastProviderReconciliation Time | LastProviderReconciliation is the time when the cloud provider resources were last fully reconciled (during normal cluster reconciliation, KKP does not re-check things like security groups, networks etc.). |
namespaceName string | NamespaceName defines the namespace the control plane of this cluster is deployed in. |
versions ClusterVersionsStatus | Versions contains information regarding the current and desired versions of the cluster control plane and worker nodes. |
userName string | Deprecated: UserName contains the name of the owner of this cluster. This field is not actively used and will be removed in the future. |
userEmail string | UserEmail contains the email of the owner of this cluster. During cluster creation only, this field will be used to bind the `cluster-admin` `ClusterRole` to a cluster owner. |
errorReason ClusterStatusError | ErrorReason contains a error reason in case the controller encountered an error. Will be reset if the error was resolved. |
errorMessage string | ErrorMessage contains a default error message in case the controller encountered an error. Will be reset if the error was resolved. |
conditions object (keys:ClusterConditionType, values:ClusterCondition) | Conditions contains conditions the cluster is in, its primary use case is status signaling between controllers or between controllers and the API. |
phase ClusterPhase | Phase is a description of the current cluster status, summarizing the various conditions, possible active updates etc. This field is for informational purpose only and no logic should be tied to the phase. |
inheritedLabels object (keys:string, values:string) | InheritedLabels are labels the cluster inherited from the project. They are read-only for users. |
encryption ClusterEncryptionStatus | Encryption describes the status of the encryption-at-rest feature for encrypted data in etcd. |
resourceUsage ResourceDetails | ResourceUsage shows the current usage of resources for the cluster. |
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Underlying type: string
Appears in:
ClusterTemplate is the object representing a cluster template.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | ClusterTemplate |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
clusterLabels object (keys:string, values:string) | |
inheritedClusterLabels object (keys:string, values:string) | |
credential string | |
userSSHKeys ClusterTemplateSSHKey array | UserSSHKeys is the list of SSH public keys that should be assigned to all nodes in the cluster. |
spec ClusterSpec | Spec describes the desired state of a user cluster. |
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ClusterTemplateInstance is the object representing a cluster template instance.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | ClusterTemplateInstance |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec ClusterTemplateInstanceSpec | Spec specifies the data for cluster instances. |
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ClusterTemplateInstanceList specifies a list of cluster template instances.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | ClusterTemplateInstanceList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items ClusterTemplateInstance array | Items refers to the list of ClusterTemplateInstance objects. |
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ClusterTemplateInstanceSpec specifies the data for cluster instances.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
projectID string | |
clusterTemplateID string | |
clusterTemplateName string | |
replicas integer | |
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ClusterTemplateList specifies a list of cluster templates.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | ClusterTemplateList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items ClusterTemplate array | Items refers to the list of the ClusterTemplate objects. |
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ClusterTemplateSSHKey is the object for holding SSH key.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
id string | ID is the name of the UserSSHKey object that is supposed to be assigned to any ClusterTemplateInstance created based on this template. |
name string | Name is the human readable SSH key name. |
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ClusterVersionsStatus contains information regarding the current and desired versions
of the cluster control plane and worker nodes.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
controlPlane Semver | ControlPlane is the currently active cluster version. This can lag behind the apiserver version if an update is currently rolling out. |
apiserver Semver | Apiserver is the currently desired version of the kube-apiserver. During upgrades across multiple minor versions (e.g. from 1.20 to 1.23), this will gradually be increased by the update-controller until the desired cluster version (spec.version) is reached. |
controllerManager Semver | ControllerManager is the currently desired version of the kube-controller-manager. This field behaves the same as the apiserver field. |
scheduler Semver | Scheduler is the currently desired version of the kube-scheduler. This field behaves the same as the apiserver field. |
oldestNodeVersion Semver | OldestNodeVersion is the oldest node version currently in use inside the cluster. This can be nil if there are no nodes. This field is primarily for speeding up reconciling, so that the controller doesn't have to re-fetch to the usercluster and query its node on every reconciliation. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiserver APIServerSettings | Apiserver configures kube-apiserver settings. |
controllerManager ControllerSettings | ControllerManager configures kube-controller-manager settings. |
scheduler ControllerSettings | Scheduler configures kube-scheduler settings. |
etcd EtcdStatefulSetSettings | Etcd configures the etcd ring used to store Kubernetes data. |
prometheus StatefulSetSettings | Prometheus configures the Prometheus instance deployed into the cluster control plane. |
nodePortProxyEnvoy NodeportProxyComponent | NodePortProxyEnvoy configures the per-cluster nodeport-proxy-envoy that is deployed if the `LoadBalancer` expose strategy is used. This is not effective if a different expose strategy is configured. |
konnectivityProxy KonnectivityProxySettings | KonnectivityProxy configures konnectivity-server and konnectivity-agent components. |
userClusterController ControllerSettings | UserClusterController configures the KKP usercluster-controller deployed as part of the cluster control plane. |
operatingSystemManager ControllerSettings | OperatingSystemManager configures operating-system-manager (the component generating node bootstrap scripts for machine-controller). |
coreDNS DeploymentSettings | CoreDNS configures CoreDNS deployed as part of the cluster control plane. |
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Underlying type: string
ConditionType is the type defining the cluster or datacenter condition that must be met to block a specific version.
Appears in:
Constraint specifies a kubermatic wrapper for the gatekeeper constraints.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | Constraint |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec ConstraintSpec | Spec describes the desired state for the constraint. |
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ConstraintList specifies a list of constraints.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | ConstraintList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items Constraint array | Items is a list of Gatekeeper Constraints |
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ConstraintSelector is the object holding the cluster selection filters.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
providers string array | Providers is a list of cloud providers to which the Constraint applies to. Empty means all providers are selected. |
labelSelector LabelSelector | LabelSelector selects the Clusters to which the Constraint applies based on their labels |
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ConstraintSpec specifies the data for the constraint.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
constraintType string | ConstraintType specifies the type of gatekeeper constraint that the constraint applies to |
disabled boolean | Disabled is the flag for disabling OPA constraints |
match Match | Match contains the constraint to resource matching data |
parameters Parameters | Parameters specifies the parameters used by the constraint template REGO. It supports both the legacy rawJSON parameters, in which all the parameters are set in a JSON string, and regular parameters like in Gatekeeper Constraints. If rawJSON is set, during constraint syncing to the user cluster, the other parameters are ignored Example with rawJSON parameters:
parameters: rawJSON: '\{"labels":["gatekeeper"]\}'
And with regular parameters:
parameters: labels: ["gatekeeper"] |
selector ConstraintSelector | Selector specifies the cluster selection filters |
enforcementAction string | EnforcementAction defines the action to take in response to a constraint being violated. By default, EnforcementAction is set to deny as the default behavior is to deny admission requests with any violation. |
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ConstraintTemplate is the object representing a kubermatic wrapper for a gatekeeper constraint template.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | ConstraintTemplate |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec ConstraintTemplateSpec | Spec specifies the gatekeeper constraint template and KKP related spec. |
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ConstraintTemplateList specifies a list of constraint templates.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | ConstraintTemplateList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items ConstraintTemplate array | Items refers to the list of ConstraintTemplate objects. |
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ConstraintTemplateSelector is the object holding the cluster selection filters.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
providers string array | Providers is a list of cloud providers to which the Constraint Template applies to. Empty means all providers are selected. |
labelSelector LabelSelector | LabelSelector selects the Clusters to which the Constraint Template applies based on their labels |
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ConstraintTemplateSpec is the object representing the gatekeeper constraint template spec and kubermatic related spec.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
crd CRD | |
targets Target array | |
selector ConstraintTemplateSelector | Selector configures which clusters this constraint template is applied to. |
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ContainerRuntimeContainerd defines containerd container runtime registries configs.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
registries object (keys:string, values:ContainerdRegistry) | A map of registries to use to render configs and mirrors for containerd registries |
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Appears in:
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
label string | |
url string | |
icon string | |
location string | |
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Underlying type: [CustomLink](#customlink)
Appears in:
Field | Description |
label string | |
url string | |
icon string | |
location string | |
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Underlying type: [struct{Name string "json:\"name\""; Spec k8s.io/api/networking/v1.NetworkPolicySpec "json:\"spec\""}](#struct{name-string-"json:\"name\"";-spec-k8sioapinetworkingv1networkpolicyspec-"json:\"spec\""})
CustomNetworkPolicy contains a name and the Spec of a NetworkPolicy.
Appears in:
Appears in:
Field | Description |
country string | Optional: Country of the seed as ISO-3166 two-letter code, e.g. DE or UK. For informational purposes in the Kubermatic dashboard only. |
location string | Optional: Detailed location of the cluster, like "Hamburg" or "Datacenter 7". For informational purposes in the Kubermatic dashboard only. |
node NodeSettings | Node holds node-specific settings, like e.g. HTTP proxy, Docker registries and the like. Proxy settings are inherited from the seed if not specified here. |
spec DatacenterSpec | Spec describes the cloud provider settings used to manage resources in this datacenter. Exactly one cloud provider must be defined. |
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DatacenterSpec configures a KKP datacenter. Provider configuration is mutually exclusive,
and as such only a single provider can be configured per datacenter.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
digitalocean DatacenterSpecDigitalocean | Digitalocean configures a Digitalocean datacenter. |
bringyourown DatacenterSpecBringYourOwn | BringYourOwn contains settings for clusters using manually created nodes via kubeadm. |
baremetal DatacenterSpecBaremetal | Baremetal contains settings for baremetal clusters in datacenters. |
edge DatacenterSpecEdge | Edge contains settings for clusters using manually created nodes in edge envs. |
aws DatacenterSpecAWS | AWS configures an Amazon Web Services (AWS) datacenter. |
azure DatacenterSpecAzure | Azure configures an Azure datacenter. |
openstack DatacenterSpecOpenstack | Openstack configures an Openstack datacenter. |
packet DatacenterSpecPacket | Packet configures an Equinix Metal datacenter. |
hetzner DatacenterSpecHetzner | Hetzner configures a Hetzner datacenter. |
vsphere DatacenterSpecVSphere | VSphere configures a VMware vSphere datacenter. |
vmwareclouddirector DatacenterSpecVMwareCloudDirector | VMwareCloudDirector configures a VMware Cloud Director datacenter. |
gcp DatacenterSpecGCP | GCP configures a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) datacenter. |
kubevirt DatacenterSpecKubevirt | Kubevirt configures a KubeVirt datacenter. |
alibaba DatacenterSpecAlibaba | Alibaba configures an Alibaba Cloud datacenter. |
anexia DatacenterSpecAnexia | Anexia configures an Anexia datacenter. |
nutanix DatacenterSpecNutanix | Nutanix configures a Nutanix HCI datacenter. |
requiredEmails string array | Optional: When defined, only users with an e-mail address on the given domains can make use of this datacenter. You can define multiple domains, e.g. "example.com", one of which must match the email domain exactly (i.e. "example.com" will not match "user@test.example.com"). |
enforceAuditLogging boolean | Optional: EnforceAuditLogging enforces audit logging on every cluster within the DC, ignoring cluster-specific settings. |
enforcedAuditWebhookSettings AuditWebhookBackendSettings | Optional: EnforcedAuditWebhookSettings allows admins to control webhook backend for audit logs of all the clusters within the DC, ignoring cluster-specific settings. |
enforcePodSecurityPolicy boolean | Optional: EnforcePodSecurityPolicy enforces pod security policy plugin on every clusters within the DC, ignoring cluster-specific settings. |
providerReconciliationInterval Duration | Optional: ProviderReconciliationInterval is the time that must have passed since a Cluster's status.lastProviderReconciliation to make the cluster controller perform an in-depth provider reconciliation, where for example missing security groups will be reconciled. Setting this too low can cause rate limits by the cloud provider, setting this too high means that *if* a resource at a cloud provider is removed/changed outside of KKP, it will take this long to fix it. |
operatingSystemProfiles OperatingSystemProfileList | Optional: DefaultOperatingSystemProfiles specifies the OperatingSystemProfiles to use for each supported operating system. |
machineFlavorFilter MachineFlavorFilter | Optional: MachineFlavorFilter is used to filter out allowed machine flavors based on the specified resource limits like CPU, Memory, and GPU etc. |
disableCsiDriver boolean | Optional: DisableCSIDriver disables the installation of CSI driver on every clusters within the DC If true it can't be over-written in the cluster configuration |
kubelb KubeLBDatacenterSettings | Optional: KubeLB holds the configuration for the kubeLB at the data center level. Only available in Enterprise Edition. |
apiServerServiceType ServiceType | APIServerServiceType is the service type used for API Server service `apiserver-external` for the user clusters. By default, the type of service that will be used is determined by the `ExposeStrategy` used for the cluster. |
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DatacenterSpecAWS describes an AWS datacenter.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
region string | The AWS region to use, e.g. "us-east-1". For a list of available regions, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-regions-availability-zones.html |
images ImageList | List of AMIs to use for a given operating system. This gets defaulted by querying for the latest AMI for the given distribution when machines are created, so under normal circumstances it is not necessary to define the AMIs statically. |
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DatacenterSpecAlibaba describes a alibaba datacenter.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
region string | Region to use, for a full list of regions see https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/40654.htm |
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DatacenterSpecAnexia describes a anexia datacenter.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
locationID string | LocationID the location of the region |
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DatacenterSpecAzure describes an Azure cloud datacenter.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
location string | Region to use, for example "westeurope". A list of available regions can be found at https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/global-infrastructure/locations/ |
images ImageList | Images to use for each supported operating system |
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DatacenterSpecBaremetal describes a datacenter of baremetal nodes.
Appears in:
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DatacenterSpecBringYourOwn describes a datacenter our of bring your own nodes.
Appears in:
DatacenterSpecDigitalocean describes a DigitalOcean datacenter.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
region string | Datacenter location, e.g. "ams3". A list of existing datacenters can be found at https://www.digitalocean.com/docs/platform/availability-matrix/ |
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DatacenterSpecEdge describes a datacenter of edge nodes.
Appears in:
DatacenterSpecGCP describes a GCP datacenter.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
region string | Region to use, for example "europe-west3", for a full list of regions see https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/regions-zones/ |
zoneSuffixes string array | List of enabled zones, for example [a, c]. See the link above for the available zones in your chosen region. |
regional boolean | Optional: Regional clusters spread their resources across multiple availability zones. Refer to the official documentation for more details on this: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/regional-clusters |
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DatacenterSpecHetzner describes a Hetzner cloud datacenter.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
datacenter string | Datacenter location, e.g. "nbg1-dc3". A list of existing datacenters can be found at https://docs.hetzner.com/general/others/data-centers-and-connection/ |
network string | Network is the pre-existing Hetzner network in which the machines are running. While machines can be in multiple networks, a single one must be chosen for the HCloud CCM to work. |
location string | Optional: Detailed location of the datacenter, like "Hamburg" or "Datacenter 7". For informational purposes only. |
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DatacenterSpecKubevirt describes a kubevirt datacenter.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
namespacedMode NamespacedMode | NamespacedMode represents the configuration for enabling the single namespace mode for all user-clusters in the KubeVirt datacenter. |
dnsPolicy string | DNSPolicy represents the dns policy for the pod. Valid values are 'ClusterFirstWithHostNet', 'ClusterFirst', 'Default' or 'None'. Defaults to "ClusterFirst". DNS parameters given in DNSConfig will be merged with the policy selected with DNSPolicy. |
dnsConfig PodDNSConfig | DNSConfig represents the DNS parameters of a pod. Parameters specified here will be merged to the generated DNS configuration based on DNSPolicy. |
enableDefaultNetworkPolicies boolean | Optional: EnableDefaultNetworkPolicies enables deployment of default network policies like cluster isolation. Defaults to true. |
customNetworkPolicies CustomNetworkPolicy array | Optional: CustomNetworkPolicies allows to add some extra custom NetworkPolicies, that are deployed in the dedicated infra KubeVirt cluster. They are added to the defaults. |
images KubeVirtImageSources | Images represents standard VM Image sources. |
infraStorageClasses KubeVirtInfraStorageClass array | Optional: InfraStorageClasses contains a list of KubeVirt infra cluster StorageClasses names that will be used to initialise StorageClasses in the tenant cluster. In the tenant cluster, the created StorageClass name will have as name: kubevirt- |
providerNetwork ProviderNetwork | Optional: ProviderNetwork describes the infra cluster network fabric that is being used |
ccmZoneAndRegionEnabled boolean | Optional: indicates if region and zone labels from the cloud provider should be fetched. |
vmEvictionStrategy EvictionStrategy | VMEvictionStrategy describes the strategy to follow when a node drain occurs. If not set the default value is External and the VM will be protected by a PDB. |
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DatacenterSpecNutanix describes a Nutanix datacenter.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
endpoint string | Endpoint to use for accessing Nutanix Prism Central. No protocol or port should be passed, for example "nutanix.example.com" or "" |
port integer | Optional: Port to use when connecting to the Nutanix Prism Central endpoint (defaults to 9440) |
allowInsecure boolean | Optional: AllowInsecure allows to disable the TLS certificate check against the endpoint (defaults to false) |
images ImageList | Images to use for each supported operating system |
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DatacenterSpecOpenstack describes an OpenStack datacenter.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
authURL string | Authentication URL |
availabilityZone string | Used to configure availability zone. |
region string | Authentication region name |
ignoreVolumeAZ boolean | Optional |
enforceFloatingIP boolean | Optional |
dnsServers string array | Used for automatic network creation |
images ImageList | Images to use for each supported operating system. |
manageSecurityGroups boolean | Optional: Gets mapped to the "manage-security-groups" setting in the cloud config. This setting defaults to true. |
loadBalancerProvider string | Optional: Gets mapped to the "lb-provider" setting in the cloud config. defaults to "" |
loadBalancerMethod string | Optional: Gets mapped to the "lb-method" setting in the cloud config. defaults to "ROUND_ROBIN". |
useOctavia boolean | Optional: Gets mapped to the "use-octavia" setting in the cloud config. use-octavia is enabled by default in CCM since v1.17.0, and disabled by default with the in-tree cloud provider. |
trustDevicePath boolean | Optional: Gets mapped to the "trust-device-path" setting in the cloud config. This setting defaults to false. |
nodeSizeRequirements OpenstackNodeSizeRequirements | Optional: Restrict the allowed VM configurations that can be chosen in the KKP dashboard. This setting does not affect the validation webhook for MachineDeployments. |
enabledFlavors string array | Optional: List of enabled flavors for the given datacenter |
ipv6Enabled boolean | Optional: defines if the IPv6 is enabled for the datacenter |
csiCinderTopologyEnabled boolean | Optional: configures enablement of topology support for the Cinder CSI Plugin. This requires Nova and Cinder to have matching availability zones configured. |
enableConfigDrive boolean | Optional: enable a configuration drive that will be attached to the instance when it boots. The instance can mount this drive and read files from it to get information |
nodePortsAllowedIPRange NetworkRanges | A CIDR ranges that will be used to allow access to the node port range in the security group. By default it will be open to Only applies if the security group is generated by KKP and not preexisting and will be applied only if no ranges are set at the cluster level. |
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DatacenterSpecPacket describes a Packet datacenter.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
facilities string array | The list of enabled facilities, for example "ams1", for a full list of available facilities see https://metal.equinix.com/developers/docs/locations/facilities/ |
metro string | Metros are facilities that are grouped together geographically and share capacity and networking features, see https://metal.equinix.com/developers/docs/locations/metros/ |
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Underlying type: [struct{Images TinkerbellImageSources "json:\"images,omitempty\""}](#struct{images-tinkerbellimagesources-"json:\"images,omitempty\""})
DatacenterSepcTinkerbell contains spec for tinkerbell provider.
Appears in:
Appears in:
Field | Description |
url string | Endpoint URL to use, including protocol, for example "https://vclouddirector.example.com". |
allowInsecure boolean | If set to true, disables the TLS certificate check against the endpoint. |
catalog string | The default catalog which contains the VM templates. |
storageProfile string | The name of the storage profile to use for disks attached to the VMs. |
templates ImageList | A list of VM templates to use for a given operating system. You must define at least one template. |
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DatacenterSpecVSphere describes a vSphere datacenter.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
endpoint string | Endpoint URL to use, including protocol, for example "https://vcenter.example.com". |
allowInsecure boolean | If set to true, disables the TLS certificate check against the endpoint. |
datastore string | The default Datastore to be used for provisioning volumes using storage classes/dynamic provisioning and for storing virtual machine files in case no `Datastore` or `DatastoreCluster` is provided at Cluster level. |
datacenter string | The name of the datacenter to use. |
cluster string | The name of the vSphere cluster to use. Used for out-of-tree CSI Driver. |
storagePolicy string | The name of the storage policy to use for the storage class created in the user cluster. |
rootPath string | Optional: The root path for cluster specific VM folders. Each cluster gets its own folder below the root folder. Must be the FQDN (for example "/datacenter-1/vm/all-kubermatic-vms-in-here") and defaults to the root VM folder: "/datacenter-1/vm" |
templates ImageList | A list of VM templates to use for a given operating system. You must define at least one template. See: https://github.com/kubermatic/machine-controller/blob/master/docs/vsphere.md#template-vms-preparation |
infraManagementUser VSphereCredentials | Optional: Infra management user is the user that will be used for everything except the cloud provider functionality, which will still use the credentials passed in via the Kubermatic dashboard/API. |
ipv6Enabled boolean | Optional: defines if the IPv6 is enabled for the datacenter |
defaultTagCategoryID string | DefaultTagCategoryID is the tag category id that will be used as default, if users don't specify it on a cluster level, and they don't wish KKP to create default generated tag category, upon cluster creation. |
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DefaultProjectResourceQuota contains the default resource quota which will be set for all
projects that do not have a custom quota already set.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
quota ResourceDetails | Quota specifies the default CPU, Memory and Storage quantities for all the projects. |
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Appears in:
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Only enabled presets will be available in the KKP dashboard. |
isCustomizable boolean | IsCustomizable marks a preset as editable on the KKP UI; Customizable presets still have the credentials obscured on the UI, but other fields that are not considered private are displayed during cluster creation. Users can then update those fields, if required. NOTE: This is only supported for OpenStack Cloud Provider in KKP 2.26. Support for other providers will be added later on. |
datacenter string | If datacenter is set, this preset is only applicable to the configured datacenter. |
token string | Token is used to authenticate with the DigitalOcean API. |
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DigitaloceanCloudSpec specifies access data to DigitalOcean.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
credentialsReference GlobalSecretKeySelector | |
token string | Token is used to authenticate with the DigitalOcean API. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Only enabled presets will be available in the KKP dashboard. |
isCustomizable boolean | IsCustomizable marks a preset as editable on the KKP UI; Customizable presets still have the credentials obscured on the UI, but other fields that are not considered private are displayed during cluster creation. Users can then update those fields, if required. NOTE: This is only supported for OpenStack Cloud Provider in KKP 2.26. Support for other providers will be added later on. |
datacenter string | If datacenter is set, this preset is only applicable to the configured datacenter. |
accessKeyID string | The Access key ID used to authenticate against AWS. |
secretAccessKey string | The Secret Access Key used to authenticate against AWS. |
assumeRoleARN string | Defines the ARN for an IAM role that should be assumed when handling resources on AWS. It will be used to acquire temporary security credentials using an STS AssumeRole API operation whenever creating an AWS session. required: false |
assumeRoleExternalID string | An arbitrary string that may be needed when calling the STS AssumeRole API operation. Using an external ID can help to prevent the "confused deputy problem". required: false |
Back to top
EdgeCloudSpec specifies access data for an edge cluster.
Appears in:
EncryptionConfiguration configures encryption-at-rest for Kubernetes API data.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Enables encryption-at-rest on this cluster. |
resources string array | List of resources that will be stored encrypted in etcd. |
secretbox SecretboxEncryptionConfiguration | Configuration for the `secretbox` static key encryption scheme as supported by Kubernetes. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/encrypt-data/#providers |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
annotations object (keys:string, values:string) | Annotations are used to further tweak the LoadBalancer integration with the cloud provider. |
sourceRanges CIDR array | SourceRanges will restrict loadbalancer service to IP ranges specified using CIDR notation like This field will be ignored if the cloud-provider does not support the feature. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/create-external-load-balancer/ |
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EtcdBackupConfig describes how snapshots of user cluster etcds should be performed. Each user cluster
automatically gets a default EtcdBackupConfig in its cluster namespace.
Appears in:
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
status ConditionStatus | Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown. |
lastHeartbeatTime Time | Last time we got an update on a given condition. |
lastTransitionTime Time | Last time the condition transit from one status to another. |
reason string | (brief) reason for the condition's last transition. |
message string | Human readable message indicating details about last transition. |
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Underlying type: string
EtcdBackupConfigConditionType is used to indicate the type of a EtcdBackupConfig condition. For all condition
types, the true
value must indicate success. All condition types must be registered within
the AllClusterConditionTypes
Appears in:
EtcdBackupConfigList is a list of etcd backup configs.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | EtcdBackupConfigList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items EtcdBackupConfig array | Items is a list of EtcdBackupConfig objects. |
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EtcdBackupConfigSpec specifies details of an etcd backup.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
name string | Name defines the name of the backup The name of the backup file in S3 will be - If a schedule is set (see below), - will be appended. |
cluster ObjectReference | Cluster is the reference to the cluster whose etcd will be backed up |
schedule string | Schedule is a cron expression defining when to perform the backup. If not set, the backup is performed exactly once, immediately. |
keep integer | Keep is the number of backups to keep around before deleting the oldest one If not set, defaults to DefaultKeptBackupsCount. Only used if Schedule is set. |
destination string | Destination indicates where the backup will be stored. The destination name must correspond to a destination in the cluster's Seed.Spec.EtcdBackupRestore. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
currentBackups BackupStatus array | CurrentBackups tracks the creation and deletion progress of all backups managed by the EtcdBackupConfig |
conditions object (keys:EtcdBackupConfigConditionType, values:EtcdBackupConfigCondition) | Conditions contains conditions of the EtcdBackupConfig |
cleanupRunning boolean | If the controller was configured with a cleanupContainer, CleanupRunning keeps track of the corresponding job |
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EtcdBackupRestore holds the configuration of the automatic backup and restores.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
destinations object (keys:string, values:BackupDestination) | Destinations stores all the possible destinations where the backups for the Seed can be stored. If not empty, it enables automatic backup and restore for the seed. |
defaultDestination string | DefaultDestination marks the default destination that will be used for the default etcd backup config which is created for every user cluster. Has to correspond to a destination in Destinations. If removed, it removes the related default etcd backup configs. |
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EtcdRestore specifies an add-on.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | EtcdRestore |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec EtcdRestoreSpec | Spec describes details of an etcd restore. |
status EtcdRestoreStatus | |
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EtcdRestoreList is a list of etcd restores.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | EtcdRestoreList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items EtcdRestore array | Items is the list of the Etcd restores. |
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Underlying type: string
EtcdRestorePhase represents the lifecycle phase of an EtcdRestore.
Appears in:
EtcdRestoreSpec specifies details of an etcd restore.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
name string | Name defines the name of the restore The name of the restore file in S3 will be - If a schedule is set (see below), - will be appended. |
cluster ObjectReference | Cluster is the reference to the cluster whose etcd will be backed up |
backupName string | BackupName is the name of the backup to restore from |
backupDownloadCredentialsSecret string | BackupDownloadCredentialsSecret is the name of a secret in the cluster-xxx namespace containing credentials needed to download the backup |
destination string | Destination indicates where the backup was stored. The destination name should correspond to a destination in the cluster's Seed.Spec.EtcdBackupRestore. If empty, it will use the legacy destination configured in Seed.Spec.BackupRestore |
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Appears in:
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
clusterSize integer | ClusterSize is the number of replicas created for etcd. This should be an odd number to guarantee consensus, e.g. 3, 5 or 7. |
storageClass string | StorageClass is the Kubernetes StorageClass used for persistent storage which stores the etcd WAL and other data persisted across restarts. Defaults to `kubermatic-fast` (the global default). |
resources ResourceRequirements | Resources allows to override the resource requirements for etcd Pods. |
tolerations Toleration array | Tolerations allows to override the scheduling tolerations for etcd Pods. |
hostAntiAffinity AntiAffinityType | HostAntiAffinity allows to enforce a certain type of host anti-affinity on etcd pods. Options are "preferred" (default) and "required". Please note that enforcing anti-affinity via "required" can mean that pods are never scheduled. |
zoneAntiAffinity AntiAffinityType | ZoneAntiAffinity allows to enforce a certain type of availability zone anti-affinity on etcd pods. Options are "preferred" (default) and "required". Please note that enforcing anti-affinity via "required" can mean that pods are never scheduled. |
nodeSelector object (keys:string, values:string) | NodeSelector is a selector which restricts the set of nodes where etcd Pods can run. |
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EventRateLimitConfig configures the EventRateLimit
admission plugin.
More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/#eventratelimit
Appears in:
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
qps integer | |
burst integer | |
cacheSize integer | |
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Underlying type: string
ExposeStrategy is the strategy used to expose a cluster control plane.
Possible values are NodePort
, LoadBalancer
or Tunneling
(requires a feature gate).
Appears in:
ExtendedClusterHealth stores health information of a cluster.
Appears in:
Back to top
ExternalCluster is the object representing an external kubernetes cluster.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | ExternalCluster |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec ExternalClusterSpec | Spec describes the desired cluster state. |
status ExternalClusterStatus | Status contains reconciliation information for the cluster. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
credentialsReference GlobalSecretKeySelector | CredentialsReference allows referencing a `Secret` resource instead of passing secret data in this spec. |
name string | |
tenantID string | The Azure Active Directory Tenant used for this cluster. Can be read from `credentialsReference` instead. |
subscriptionID string | The Azure Subscription used for this cluster. Can be read from `credentialsReference` instead. |
clientID string | The service principal used to access Azure. Can be read from `credentialsReference` instead. |
clientSecret string | The client secret corresponding to the given service principal. Can be read from `credentialsReference` instead. |
location string | The geo-location where the resource lives |
resourceGroup string | The resource group that will be used to look up and create resources for the cluster in. If set to empty string at cluster creation, a new resource group will be created and this field will be updated to the generated resource group's name. |
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Appears in:
ExternalClusterCloudSpec mutually stores access data to a cloud provider.
Appears in:
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
phase ExternalClusterPhase | |
message string | Human readable message indicating details about last transition. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
credentialsReference GlobalSecretKeySelector | |
name string | |
accessKeyID string | The Access key ID used to authenticate against AWS. Can be read from `credentialsReference` instead. |
secretAccessKey string | The Secret Access Key used to authenticate against AWS. Can be read from `credentialsReference` instead. |
region string | |
roleArn string | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that provides permissions for the Kubernetes control plane to make calls to Amazon Web Services API operations on your behalf. |
vpcID string | The VPC associated with your cluster. |
subnetIDs string array | The subnets associated with your cluster. |
securityGroupIDs string array | The security groups associated with the cross-account elastic network interfaces that are used to allow communication between your nodes and the Kubernetes control plane. |
assumeRoleARN string | The ARN for an IAM role that should be assumed when handling resources on AWS. It will be used to acquire temporary security credentials using an STS AssumeRole API operation whenever creating an AWS session. required: false |
assumeRoleExternalID string | An arbitrary string that may be needed when calling the STS AssumeRole API operation. Using an external ID can help to prevent the "confused deputy problem". required: false |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
credentialsReference GlobalSecretKeySelector | |
name string | |
serviceAccount string | ServiceAccount: The Google Cloud Platform Service Account. Can be read from `credentialsReference` instead. |
zone string | Zone: The name of the Google Compute Engine zone (https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/zones#available) in which the cluster resides. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
providerName string | The name of the cloud provider used, one of "aws", "azure", "digitalocean", "gcp", "hetzner", "nutanix", "openstack", "packet", "vsphere" KubeOne natively-supported providers |
region string | The cloud provider region in which the cluster resides. This field is used only to display information. |
credentialsReference GlobalSecretKeySelector | |
sshReference GlobalSecretKeySelector | |
manifestReference GlobalSecretKeySelector | |
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ExternalClusterList specifies a list of external kubernetes clusters.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | ExternalClusterList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items ExternalCluster array | Items holds the list of the External Kubernetes cluster. |
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ExternalClusterNetworkRanges represents ranges of network addresses.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
cidrBlocks string array | |
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ExternalClusterNetworkingConfig specifies the different networking
parameters for an external cluster.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
services ExternalClusterNetworkRanges | The network ranges from which service VIPs are allocated. It can contain one IPv4 and/or one IPv6 CIDR. If both address families are specified, the first one defines the primary address family. |
pods ExternalClusterNetworkRanges | The network ranges from which POD networks are allocated. It can contain one IPv4 and/or one IPv6 CIDR. If both address families are specified, the first one defines the primary address family. |
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Underlying type: string
Appears in:
Underlying type: string
ExternalClusterProvider is the identifier for the cloud provider that hosts
the external cluster control plane.
Appears in:
Underlying type: string
ExternalClusterProviderType is used to indicate ExternalCluster Provider Types.
Appears in:
ExternalClusterProviderVersioningConfiguration configures the available and default Kubernetes versions for ExternalCluster Providers.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
versions Semver array | Versions lists the available versions. |
default Semver | Default is the default version to offer users. |
updates Semver array | Updates is a list of available upgrades. |
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ExternalClusterSpec specifies the data for a new external kubernetes cluster.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
humanReadableName string | HumanReadableName is the cluster name provided by the user |
kubeconfigReference GlobalSecretKeySelector | Reference to cluster Kubeconfig |
version Semver | Defines the wanted version of the control plane. |
cloudSpec ExternalClusterCloudSpec | CloudSpec contains provider specific fields |
clusterNetwork ExternalClusterNetworkingConfig | ClusterNetwork contains the different networking parameters for an external cluster. |
containerRuntime string | ContainerRuntime to use, i.e. `docker` or `containerd`. |
pause boolean | If this is set to true, the cluster will not be reconciled by KKP. This indicates that the user needs to do some action to resolve the pause. |
pauseReason string | PauseReason is the reason why the cluster is not being managed. This field is for informational purpose only and can be set by a user or a controller to communicate the reason for pausing the cluster. |
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ExternalClusterStatus denotes status information about an ExternalCluster.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
condition ExternalClusterCondition | Conditions contains conditions an externalcluster is in, its primary use case is status signaling for controller |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Only enabled presets will be available in the KKP dashboard. |
isCustomizable boolean | IsCustomizable marks a preset as editable on the KKP UI; Customizable presets still have the credentials obscured on the UI, but other fields that are not considered private are displayed during cluster creation. Users can then update those fields, if required. NOTE: This is only supported for OpenStack Cloud Provider in KKP 2.26. Support for other providers will be added later on. |
datacenter string | If datacenter is set, this preset is only applicable to the configured datacenter. |
serviceAccount string | ServiceAccount is the Google Service Account (JSON format), encoded with base64. |
network string | |
subnetwork string | |
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GCPCloudSpec specifies access data to GCP.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
credentialsReference GlobalSecretKeySelector | |
serviceAccount string | The Google Service Account (JSON format), encoded with base64. |
network string | |
subnetwork string | |
nodePortsAllowedIPRange string | A CIDR range that will be used to allow access to the node port range in the firewall rules to. If NodePortsAllowedIPRange nor NodePortsAllowedIPRanges is set, the node port range can be accessed from anywhere. |
nodePortsAllowedIPRanges NetworkRanges | Optional: CIDR ranges that will be used to allow access to the node port range in the firewall rules to. If NodePortsAllowedIPRange nor NodePortsAllowedIPRanges is set, the node port range can be accessed from anywhere. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Only enabled presets will be available in the KKP dashboard. |
isCustomizable boolean | IsCustomizable marks a preset as editable on the KKP UI; Customizable presets still have the credentials obscured on the UI, but other fields that are not considered private are displayed during cluster creation. Users can then update those fields, if required. NOTE: This is only supported for OpenStack Cloud Provider in KKP 2.26. Support for other providers will be added later on. |
datacenter string | If datacenter is set, this preset is only applicable to the configured datacenter. |
serviceAccount string | |
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GroupProjectBinding specifies a binding between a group and a project
This resource is used by the user management to manipulate member groups of the given project.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | GroupProjectBinding |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec GroupProjectBindingSpec | Spec describes an oidc group binding to a project. |
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GroupProjectBindingList is a list of group project bindings.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | GroupProjectBindingList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items GroupProjectBinding array | Items holds the list of the group and project bindings. |
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GroupProjectBindingSpec specifies an oidc group binding to a project.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
group string | Group is the group name that is bound to the given project. |
projectID string | ProjectID is the ID of the target project. Should be a valid lowercase RFC1123 domain name |
role string | Role is the user's role within the project, determining their permissions. Possible roles are: "viewers" - allowed to get/list project resources "editors" - allowed to edit all project resources "owners" - same as editors, but also can manage users in the project |
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GroupVersionKind unambiguously identifies a kind. It doesn’t anonymously include GroupVersion
to avoid automatic coercion. It doesn’t use a GroupVersion to avoid custom marshalling.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
group string | |
version string | |
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Underlying type: string
Appears in:
Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Only enabled presets will be available in the KKP dashboard. |
isCustomizable boolean | IsCustomizable marks a preset as editable on the KKP UI; Customizable presets still have the credentials obscured on the UI, but other fields that are not considered private are displayed during cluster creation. Users can then update those fields, if required. NOTE: This is only supported for OpenStack Cloud Provider in KKP 2.26. Support for other providers will be added later on. |
datacenter string | If datacenter is set, this preset is only applicable to the configured datacenter. |
token string | Token is used to authenticate with the Hetzner API. |
network string | Network is the pre-existing Hetzner network in which the machines are running. While machines can be in multiple networks, a single one must be chosen for the HCloud CCM to work. If this is empty, the network configured on the datacenter will be used. |
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HetznerCloudSpec specifies access data to hetzner cloud.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
credentialsReference GlobalSecretKeySelector | |
token string | Token is used to authenticate with the Hetzner cloud API. |
network string | Network is the pre-existing Hetzner network in which the machines are running. While machines can be in multiple networks, a single one must be chosen for the HCloud CCM to work. If this is empty, the network configured on the datacenter will be used. |
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IPAMAllocation is the object representing an allocation from an IPAMPool
made for a particular KKP user cluster.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | IPAMAllocation |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec IPAMAllocationSpec | |
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Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | IPAMAllocationList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items IPAMAllocation array | |
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IPAMAllocationSpec specifies an allocation from an IPAMPool
made for a particular KKP user cluster.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
type IPAMPoolAllocationType | Type is the allocation type that is being used. |
dc string | DC is the datacenter of the allocation. |
cidr SubnetCIDR | CIDR is the CIDR that is being used for the allocation. Set when "type=prefix". |
addresses string array | Addresses are the IP address ranges that are being used for the allocation. Set when "type=range". |
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IPAMPool is the object representing Multi-Cluster IP Address Management (IPAM)
configuration for KKP user clusters.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | IPAMPool |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec IPAMPoolSpec | Spec describes the Multi-Cluster IP Address Management (IPAM) configuration for KKP user clusters. |
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Underlying type: string
IPAMPoolAllocationType defines the type of allocation to be used.
Possible values are prefix
and range
Appears in:
IPAMPoolDatacenterSettings contains IPAM Pool configuration for a datacenter.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
type IPAMPoolAllocationType | Type is the allocation type to be used. |
poolCidr SubnetCIDR | PoolCIDR is the pool CIDR to be used for the allocation. |
allocationPrefix integer | AllocationPrefix is the prefix for the allocation. Used when "type=prefix". |
excludePrefixes SubnetCIDR array | Optional: ExcludePrefixes is used to exclude particular subnets for the allocation. NOTE: must be the same length as allocationPrefix. Can be used when "type=prefix". |
allocationRange integer | AllocationRange is the range for the allocation. Used when "type=range". |
excludeRanges string array | Optional: ExcludeRanges is used to exclude particular IPs or IP ranges for the allocation. Examples: "", "". Can be used when "type=range". |
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IPAMPoolList is the list of the object representing Multi-Cluster IP Address Management (IPAM)
configuration for KKP user clusters.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | IPAMPoolList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items IPAMPool array | Items holds the list of IPAM pool objects. |
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IPAMPoolSpec specifies the Multi-Cluster IP Address Management (IPAM)
configuration for KKP user clusters.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
datacenters object (keys:string, values:IPAMPoolDatacenterSettings) | Datacenters contains a map of datacenters (DCs) for the allocation. |
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Underlying type: string
Appears in:
IPVSConfiguration contains ipvs-related configuration details for kube-proxy.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
strictArp boolean | StrictArp configure arp_ignore and arp_announce to avoid answering ARP queries from kube-ipvs0 interface. defaults to true. |
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Underlying type: OperatingSystem]string
ImageList defines a map of operating system and the image to use.
Appears in:
Incompatibility represents a version incompatibility for a user cluster.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
provider string | Provider to which to apply the compatibility check. Empty string matches all providers |
version string | Version is the Kubernetes version that must be checked. Wildcards are allowed, e.g. "1.25.*". |
condition ConditionType | Condition is the cluster or datacenter condition that must be met to block a specific version |
operation OperationType | Operation is the operation triggering the compatibility check (CREATE or UPDATE) |
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Kind specifies the resource Kind and APIGroup.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
kinds string array | Kinds specifies the kinds of the resources |
apiGroups string array | APIGroups specifies the APIGroups of the resources |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
resources ResourceRequirements | Resources configure limits/requests for Konnectivity components. |
keepaliveTime string | KeepaliveTime represents a duration of time to check if the transport is still alive. The option is propagated to agents and server. Defaults to 1m. |
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KubeLB contains settings for the kubeLB component as part of the cluster control plane. This component is responsible for managing load balancers.
Only available in Enterprise Edition.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Controls whether kubeLB is deployed or not. |
useLoadBalancerClass boolean | UseLoadBalancerClass is used to configure the use of load balancer class `kubelb` for kubeLB. If false, kubeLB will manage all load balancers in the user cluster irrespective of the load balancer class. |
enableGatewayAPI boolean | EnableGatewayAPI is used to configure the use of gateway API for kubeLB. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
kubeconfig ObjectReference | Kubeconfig is reference to the Kubeconfig for the kubeLB management cluster. |
enabled boolean | Enabled is used to enable/disable kubeLB for the datacenter. This is used to control whether installing kubeLB is allowed or not for the datacenter. |
enforced boolean | Enforced is used to enforce kubeLB installation for all the user clusters belonging to this datacenter. Setting enforced to false will not uninstall kubeLB from the user clusters and it needs to be disabled manually. |
nodeAddressType string | NodeAddressType is used to configure the address type from node, used for load balancing. Optional: Defaults to ExternalIP. |
useLoadBalancerClass boolean | UseLoadBalancerClass is used to configure the use of load balancer class `kubelb` for kubeLB. If false, kubeLB will manage all load balancers in the user cluster irrespective of the load balancer class. |
enableGatewayAPI boolean | EnableGatewayAPI is used to configure the use of gateway API for kubeLB. |
enableSecretSynchronizer boolean | EnableSecretSynchronizer is used to configure the use of secret synchronizer for kubeLB. |
disableIngressClass boolean | DisableIngressClass is used to disable the ingress class `kubelb` filter for kubeLB. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
kubeconfig ObjectReference | Kubeconfig is reference to the Kubeconfig for the kubeLB management cluster. |
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KubeVirtImageSources represents KubeVirt image sources.
Appears in:
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
name string | |
isDefaultClass boolean | Optional: IsDefaultClass. If true, the created StorageClass in the tenant cluster will be annotated with: storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class : true If missing or false, annotation will be: storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class : false |
volumeBindingMode VolumeBindingMode | VolumeBindingMode indicates how PersistentVolumeClaims should be provisioned and bound. When unset, VolumeBindingImmediate is used. |
labels object (keys:string, values:string) | Labels is a map of string keys and values that can be used to organize and categorize (scope and select) objects. May match selectors of replication controllers and services. |
zones string array | Zones represent a logical failure domain. It is common for Kubernetes clusters to span multiple zones for increased availability |
regions string array | Regions represents a larger domain, made up of one or more zones. It is uncommon for Kubernetes clusters to span multiple regions |
volumeProvisioner KubeVirtVolumeProvisioner | VolumeProvisioner The **Provider** field specifies whether a storage class will be utilized by the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) to create VM disk images and/or by the KubeVirt CSI Driver to provision volumes in the infrastructure cluster. If no storage class in the seed object has this value set, the storage class will be used for both purposes: CDI will create VM disk images, and the CSI driver will provision and attach volumes in the user cluster. However, if the value is set to `kubevirt-csi-driver`, the storage class cannot be used by CDI for VM disk image creation. |
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Underlying type: string
KubeVirtVolumeProvisioner represents what is the provisioner of the storage class volume, whether it will be the csi driver
and/or CDI for disk images.
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KubermaticAPIConfiguration configures the dashboard.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
dockerRepository string | DockerRepository is the repository containing the Kubermatic REST API image. |
dockerTag string | DockerTag is used to overwrite the Kubermatic API Docker image tag and is only for development purposes. This field must not be set in production environments. If DockerTag is specified then DockerTagSuffix will be ignored. --- |
dockerTagSuffix string | DockerTagSuffix is appended to the KKP version used for referring to the custom Kubermatic API image. If left empty, either the `DockerTag` if specified or the original Kubermatic API Docker image tag will be used. With DockerTagSuffix the tag becomes i.e. "v2.15.0-SUFFIX". |
accessibleAddons string array | AccessibleAddons is a list of addons that should be enabled in the API. |
pprofEndpoint string | PProfEndpoint controls the port the API should listen on to provide pprof data. This port is never exposed from the container and only available via port-forwardings. |
resources ResourceRequirements | Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage. |
debugLog boolean | DebugLog enables more verbose logging. |
replicas integer | Replicas sets the number of pod replicas for the API deployment. |
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KubermaticAddonConfiguration describes the addons for a given cluster runtime.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
default string array | Default is the list of addons to be installed by default into each cluster. Mutually exclusive with "defaultManifests". |
defaultManifests string | DefaultManifests is a list of addon manifests to install into all clusters. Mutually exclusive with "default". |
dockerRepository string | DockerRepository is the repository containing the Docker image containing the possible addon manifests. |
dockerTagSuffix string | DockerTagSuffix is appended to the tag used for referring to the addons image. If left empty, the tag will be the KKP version (e.g. "v2.15.0"), with a suffix it becomes "v2.15.0-SUFFIX". |
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KubermaticAuthConfiguration defines keys and URLs for Dex.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
clientID string | |
tokenIssuer string | |
issuerRedirectURL string | |
issuerClientID string | |
issuerClientSecret string | |
issuerCookieKey string | |
serviceAccountKey string | |
skipTokenIssuerTLSVerify boolean | |
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KubermaticConfiguration is the configuration required for running Kubermatic.
Appears in:
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KubermaticConfigurationList is a collection of KubermaticConfigurations.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | KubermaticConfigurationList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items KubermaticConfiguration array | |
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KubermaticConfigurationSpec is the spec for a Kubermatic installation.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
caBundle TypedLocalObjectReference | CABundle references a ConfigMap in the same namespace as the KubermaticConfiguration. This ConfigMap must contain a ca-bundle.pem with PEM-encoded certificates. This bundle automatically synchronized into each seed and each usercluster. APIGroup and Kind are currently ignored. |
imagePullSecret string | ImagePullSecret is used to authenticate against Docker registries. |
auth KubermaticAuthConfiguration | Auth defines keys and URLs for Dex. These must be defined unless the HeadlessInstallation feature gate is set, which will disable the UI/API and its need for an OIDC provider entirely. |
featureGates object (keys:string, values:boolean) | FeatureGates are used to optionally enable certain features. |
ui KubermaticUIConfiguration | UI configures the dashboard. |
api KubermaticAPIConfiguration | API configures the frontend REST API used by the dashboard. |
seedController KubermaticSeedControllerConfiguration | SeedController configures the seed-controller-manager. |
masterController KubermaticMasterControllerConfiguration | MasterController configures the master-controller-manager. |
webhook KubermaticWebhookConfiguration | Webhook configures the webhook. |
userCluster KubermaticUserClusterConfiguration | UserCluster configures various aspects of the user-created clusters. |
exposeStrategy ExposeStrategy | ExposeStrategy is the strategy to expose the cluster with. Note: The `seed_dns_overwrite` setting of a Seed's datacenter doesn't have any effect if this is set to LoadBalancerStrategy. |
ingress KubermaticIngressConfiguration | Ingress contains settings for making the API and UI accessible remotely. |
versions KubermaticVersioningConfiguration | Versions configures the available and default Kubernetes versions and updates. |
verticalPodAutoscaler KubermaticVPAConfiguration | VerticalPodAutoscaler configures the Kubernetes VPA integration. |
proxy KubermaticProxyConfiguration | Proxy allows to configure Kubermatic to use proxies to talk to the world outside of its cluster. |
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KubermaticConfigurationStatus stores status information about a KubermaticConfiguration.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
kubermaticVersion string | KubermaticVersion current Kubermatic Version. |
kubermaticEdition string | KubermaticEdition current Kubermatic Edition , i.e. Community Edition or Enterprise Edition. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
domain string | Domain is the base domain where the dashboard shall be available. Even with a disabled Ingress, this must always be a valid hostname. |
className string | ClassName is the Ingress resource's class name, used for selecting the appropriate ingress controller. |
namespaceOverride string | NamespaceOverride need to be set if a different ingress-controller is used than the KKP default one. |
disable boolean | Disable will prevent an Ingress from being created at all. This is mostly useful during testing. If the Ingress is disabled, the CertificateIssuer setting can also be left empty, as no Certificate resource will be created. |
certificateIssuer TypedLocalObjectReference | CertificateIssuer is the name of a cert-manager Issuer or ClusterIssuer (default) that will be used to acquire the certificate for the configured domain. To use a namespaced Issuer, set the Kind to "Issuer" and manually create the matching Issuer in Kubermatic's namespace. Setting an empty name disables the automatic creation of certificates and disables the TLS settings on the Kubermatic Ingress. |
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KubermaticMasterControllerConfiguration configures the Kubermatic master controller-manager.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
dockerRepository string | DockerRepository is the repository containing the Kubermatic master-controller-manager image. |
projectsMigrator KubermaticProjectsMigratorConfiguration | ProjectsMigrator configures the migrator for user projects. |
pprofEndpoint string | PProfEndpoint controls the port the master-controller-manager should listen on to provide pprof data. This port is never exposed from the container and only available via port-forwardings. |
resources ResourceRequirements | Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage. |
debugLog boolean | DebugLog enables more verbose logging. |
replicas integer | Replicas sets the number of pod replicas for the master-controller-manager. |
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KubermaticProjectsMigratorConfiguration configures the Kubermatic master controller-manager.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
dryRun boolean | DryRun makes the migrator only log the actions it would take. |
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KubermaticProxyConfiguration can be used to control how the various
Kubermatic components reach external services / the Internet. These
settings are reflected as environment variables for the Kubermatic
Appears in:
Field | Description |
http string | HTTP is the full URL to the proxy to use for plaintext HTTP connections, e.g. "http://internalproxy.example.com:8080". |
https string | HTTPS is the full URL to the proxy to use for encrypted HTTPS connections, e.g. "http://secureinternalproxy.example.com:8080". |
noProxy string | NoProxy is a comma-separated list of hostnames / network masks for which no proxy shall be used. If you make use of proxies, this list should contain all local and cluster-internal domains and networks, e.g. ",,,mydomain". The operator will always prepend the following elements to this list if proxying is configured (i.e. HTTP/HTTPS are not empty): "", "localhost", ".local", ".local.", "kubernetes", ".default", ".svc" |
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KubermaticSeedControllerConfiguration configures the Kubermatic seed controller-manager.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
dockerRepository string | DockerRepository is the repository containing the Kubermatic seed-controller-manager image. |
backupStoreContainer string | BackupStoreContainer is the container used for shipping etcd snapshots to a backup location. |
backupDeleteContainer string | BackupDeleteContainer is the container used for deleting etcd snapshots from a backup location. |
backupCleanupContainer string | Deprecated: BackupCleanupContainer is the container used for removing expired backups from the storage location. This field is a no-op and is no longer used. The old backup controller it was used for has been removed. Do not set this field. |
maximumParallelReconciles integer | MaximumParallelReconciles limits the number of cluster reconciliations that are active at any given time. |
pprofEndpoint string | PProfEndpoint controls the port the seed-controller-manager should listen on to provide pprof data. This port is never exposed from the container and only available via port-forwardings. |
resources ResourceRequirements | Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage. |
debugLog boolean | DebugLog enables more verbose logging. |
replicas integer | Replicas sets the number of pod replicas for the seed-controller-manager. |
disabledCollectors MetricsCollector array | DisabledCollectors contains a list of metrics collectors that should be disabled. Acceptable values are "Addon", "Cluster", "ClusterBackup", "Project", and "None". |
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KubermaticSetting is the type representing a KubermaticSetting.
These settings affect the KKP dashboard and are not relevant when
using the Kube API on the master/seed clusters directly.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | KubermaticSetting |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec SettingSpec | |
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KubermaticSettingList is a list of settings.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | KubermaticSettingList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items KubermaticSetting array | |
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KubermaticUIConfiguration configures the dashboard.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
dockerRepository string | DockerRepository is the repository containing the Kubermatic dashboard image. |
dockerTag string | DockerTag is used to overwrite the dashboard Docker image tag and is only for development purposes. This field must not be set in production environments. If DockerTag is specified then DockerTagSuffix will be ignored. --- |
dockerTagSuffix string | DockerTagSuffix is appended to the KKP version used for referring to the custom dashboard image. If left empty, either the `DockerTag` if specified or the original dashboard Docker image tag will be used. With DockerTagSuffix the tag becomes i.e. "v2.15.0-SUFFIX". |
config string | Config sets flags for various dashboard features. |
resources ResourceRequirements | Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage. |
replicas integer | Replicas sets the number of pod replicas for the UI deployment. |
extraVolumeMounts VolumeMount array | ExtraVolumeMounts allows to mount additional volumes into the UI container. |
extraVolumes Volume array | ExtraVolumes allows to mount additional volumes into the UI container. |
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KubermaticUserClusterConfiguration controls various aspects of the user-created clusters.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
kubermaticDockerRepository string | KubermaticDockerRepository is the repository containing the Kubermatic user-cluster-controller-manager image. |
dnatControllerDockerRepository string | DNATControllerDockerRepository is the repository containing the dnat-controller image. |
etcdLauncherDockerRepository string | EtcdLauncherDockerRepository is the repository containing the Kubermatic etcd-launcher image. |
overwriteRegistry string | OverwriteRegistry specifies a custom Docker registry which will be used for all images used for user clusters (user cluster control plane + addons). This also applies to the KubermaticDockerRepository and DNATControllerDockerRepository fields. |
addons KubermaticAddonsConfiguration | Addons controls the optional additions installed into each user cluster. |
systemApplications SystemApplicationsConfiguration | SystemApplications contains configuration for system Applications (such as CNI). |
applications ApplicationsConfiguration | Applications contains configuration for default Application settings. |
nodePortRange string | NodePortRange is the port range for user clusters - this must match the NodePort range of the seed cluster. |
monitoring KubermaticUserClusterMonitoringConfiguration | Monitoring can be used to fine-tune to in-cluster Prometheus. |
disableApiserverEndpointReconciling boolean | DisableAPIServerEndpointReconciling can be used to toggle the `--endpoint-reconciler-type` flag for the Kubernetes API server. |
etcdVolumeSize string | EtcdVolumeSize configures the volume size to use for each etcd pod inside user clusters. |
apiserverReplicas integer | APIServerReplicas configures the replica count for the API-Server deployment inside user clusters. |
machineController MachineControllerConfiguration | MachineController configures the Machine Controller |
operatingSystemManager OperatingSystemManager | OperatingSystemManager configures the image repo and the tag version for osm deployment. |
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KubermaticUserClusterMonitoringConfiguration can be used to fine-tune to in-cluster Prometheus.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
disableDefaultRules boolean | DisableDefaultRules disables the recording and alerting rules. |
disableDefaultScrapingConfigs boolean | DisableDefaultScrapingConfigs disables the default scraping targets. |
customRules string | CustomRules can be used to inject custom recording and alerting rules. This field must be a YAML-formatted string with a `group` element at its root, as documented on https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/alerting_rules/. This value is treated as a Go template, which allows to inject dynamic values like the internal cluster address or the cluster ID. Refer to pkg/resources/prometheus and the documentation for more information on the available fields. |
customScrapingConfigs string | CustomScrapingConfigs can be used to inject custom scraping rules. This must be a YAML-formatted string containing an array of scrape configurations as documented on https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#scrape_config. This value is treated as a Go template, which allows to inject dynamic values like the internal cluster address or the cluster ID. Refer to pkg/resources/prometheus and the documentation for more information on the available fields. |
scrapeAnnotationPrefix string | ScrapeAnnotationPrefix (if set) is used to make the in-cluster Prometheus scrape pods inside the user clusters. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
dockerRepository string | DockerRepository is the repository containing the component's image. |
resources ResourceRequirements | Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage. |
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KubermaticVPAConfiguration configures the Kubernetes VPA.
Appears in:
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KubermaticVersioningConfiguration configures the available and default Kubernetes versions.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
versions Semver array | Versions lists the available versions. |
default Semver | Default is the default version to offer users. |
updates Update array | Updates is a list of available and automatic upgrades. All 'to' versions must be configured in the version list for this orchestrator. Each update may optionally be configured to be 'automatic: true', in which case the controlplane of all clusters whose version matches the 'from' directive will get updated to the 'to' version. If automatic is enabled, the 'to' version must be a version and not a version range. Also, updates may set 'automaticNodeUpdate: true', in which case Nodes will get updates as well. 'automaticNodeUpdate: true' implies 'automatic: true' as well, because Nodes may not have a newer version than the controlplane. |
providerIncompatibilities Incompatibility array | ProviderIncompatibilities lists all the Kubernetes version incompatibilities |
externalClusters object (keys:ExternalClusterProviderType, values:ExternalClusterProviderVersioningConfiguration) | ExternalClusters contains the available and default Kubernetes versions and updates for ExternalClusters. |
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KubermaticWebhookConfiguration configures the Kubermatic webhook.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
dockerRepository string | DockerRepository is the repository containing the Kubermatic webhook image. |
pprofEndpoint string | PProfEndpoint controls the port the webhook should listen on to provide pprof data. This port is never exposed from the container and only available via port-forwardings. |
resources ResourceRequirements | Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage. |
debugLog boolean | DebugLog enables more verbose logging. |
replicas integer | Replicas sets the number of pod replicas for the webhook. |
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KubernetesDashboard contains settings for the kubernetes-dashboard component as part of the cluster control plane.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Controls whether kubernetes-dashboard is deployed to the user cluster or not. Enabled by default. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Only enabled presets will be available in the KKP dashboard. |
isCustomizable boolean | IsCustomizable marks a preset as editable on the KKP UI; Customizable presets still have the credentials obscured on the UI, but other fields that are not considered private are displayed during cluster creation. Users can then update those fields, if required. NOTE: This is only supported for OpenStack Cloud Provider in KKP 2.26. Support for other providers will be added later on. |
datacenter string | If datacenter is set, this preset is only applicable to the configured datacenter. |
kubeconfig string | Kubeconfig is the cluster's kubeconfig file, encoded with base64. |
vpcName string | VPCName is a virtual network name dedicated to a single tenant within a KubeVirt |
subnetName string | SubnetName is the name of a subnet that is smaller, segmented portion of a larger network, like a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). |
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KubevirtCloudSpec specifies the access data to Kubevirt.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
credentialsReference GlobalSecretKeySelector | |
kubeconfig string | The cluster's kubeconfig file, encoded with base64. |
csiKubeconfig string | |
preAllocatedDataVolumes PreAllocatedDataVolume array | Custom Images are a good example of this use case. |
infraStorageClasses string array | Deprecated: in favor of StorageClasses. InfraStorageClasses is a list of storage classes from KubeVirt infra cluster that are used for initialization of user cluster storage classes by the CSI driver kubevirt (hot pluggable disks) |
storageClasses KubeVirtInfraStorageClass array | StorageClasses is a list of storage classes from KubeVirt infra cluster that are used for initialization of user cluster storage classes by the CSI driver kubevirt (hot pluggable disks. It contains also some flag specifying which one is the default one. |
imageCloningEnabled boolean | ImageCloningEnabled flag enable/disable cloning for a cluster. |
vpcName string | VPCName is a virtual network name dedicated to a single tenant within a KubeVirt. |
subnetName string | SubnetName is the name of a subnet that is smaller, segmented portion of a larger network, like a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). |
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Underlying type: string
Azure SKU for Load Balancers. Possible values are basic
and standard
Appears in:
Appears in:
Field | Description |
leaseDurationSeconds integer | LeaseDurationSeconds is the duration in seconds that non-leader candidates will wait to force acquire leadership. This is measured against time of last observed ack. |
renewDeadlineSeconds integer | RenewDeadlineSeconds is the duration in seconds that the acting controlplane will retry refreshing leadership before giving up. |
retryPeriodSeconds integer | RetryPeriodSeconds is the duration in seconds the LeaderElector clients should wait between tries of actions. |
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LoggingRateLimitSettings contains rate-limiting configuration for logging in the user cluster.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
ingestionRate integer | IngestionRate represents ingestion rate limit in requests per second (nginx `rate` in `r/s`). |
ingestionBurstSize integer | IngestionBurstSize represents ingestion burst size in number of requests (nginx `burst`). |
queryRate integer | QueryRate represents query request rate limit per second (nginx `rate` in `r/s`). |
queryBurstSize integer | QueryBurstSize represents query burst size in number of requests (nginx `burst`). |
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MLAAdminSetting is the object representing cluster-specific administrator settings
for KKP user cluster MLA (monitoring, logging & alerting) stack.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | MLAAdminSetting |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec MLAAdminSettingSpec | Spec describes the cluster-specific administrator settings for KKP user cluster MLA (monitoring, logging & alerting) stack. |
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MLAAdminSettingList specifies a list of administrtor settings for KKP
user cluster MLA (monitoring, logging & alerting) stack.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | MLAAdminSettingList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items MLAAdminSetting array | Items holds the list of the cluster-specific administrative settings for KKP user cluster MLA. |
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MLAAdminSettingSpec specifies the cluster-specific administrator settings
for KKP user cluster MLA (monitoring, logging & alerting) stack.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
clusterName string | ClusterName is the name of the user cluster whose MLA settings are defined in this object. |
monitoringRateLimits MonitoringRateLimitSettings | MonitoringRateLimits contains rate-limiting configuration for monitoring in the user cluster. |
loggingRateLimits LoggingRateLimitSettings | LoggingRateLimits contains rate-limiting configuration logging in the user cluster. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
monitoringEnabled boolean | MonitoringEnabled is the flag for enabling monitoring in user cluster. |
loggingEnabled boolean | LoggingEnabled is the flag for enabling logging in user cluster. |
monitoringResources ResourceRequirements | MonitoringResources is the resource requirements for user cluster prometheus. |
loggingResources ResourceRequirements | LoggingResources is the resource requirements for user cluster promtail. |
monitoringReplicas integer | MonitoringReplicas is the number of desired pods of user cluster prometheus deployment. |
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MachineControllerConfiguration configures Machine Controller.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
imageRepository string | ImageRepository is used to override the Machine Controller image repository. It is only for development, tests and PoC purposes. This field must not be set in production environments. |
imageTag string | ImageTag is used to override the Machine Controller image. It is only for development, tests and PoC purposes. This field must not be set in production environments. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
autoUpdatesEnabled boolean | AutoUpdatesEnabled enables the auto updates option for machine deployments on the dashboard. In case of flatcar linux, this will enable automatic updates through update engine and for other operating systems, this will enable package updates on boot for the machines. |
autoUpdatesEnforced boolean | AutoUpdatesEnforced enforces the auto updates option for machine deployments on the dashboard. In case of flatcar linux, this will enable automatic updates through update engine and for other operating systems, this will enable package updates on boot for the machines. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
minCPU integer | Minimum number of vCPU |
maxCPU integer | Maximum number of vCPU |
minRAM integer | Minimum RAM size in GB |
maxRAM integer | Maximum RAM size in GB |
enableGPU boolean | Include VMs with GPU |
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MachineNetworkingConfig specifies the networking parameters used for IPAM.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
cidr string | |
gateway string | |
dnsServers string array | |
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Match contains the constraint to resource matching data.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
kinds Kind array | Kinds accepts a list of objects with apiGroups and kinds fields that list the groups/kinds of objects to which the constraint will apply. If multiple groups/kinds objects are specified, only one match is needed for the resource to be in scope |
scope string | Scope accepts *, Cluster, or Namespaced which determines if cluster-scoped and/or namespace-scoped resources are selected. (defaults to *) |
namespaces string array | Namespaces is a list of namespace names. If defined, a constraint will only apply to resources in a listed namespace. |
excludedNamespaces string array | ExcludedNamespaces is a list of namespace names. If defined, a constraint will only apply to resources not in a listed namespace. |
labelSelector LabelSelector | LabelSelector is a standard Kubernetes label selector. |
namespaceSelector LabelSelector | NamespaceSelector is a standard Kubernetes namespace selector. If defined, make sure to add Namespaces to your configs.config.gatekeeper.sh object to ensure namespaces are synced into OPA |
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MeteringConfiguration contains all the configuration for the metering tool.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | |
storageClassName string | StorageClassName is the name of the storage class that the metering Prometheus instance uses to store metric data for reporting. |
storageSize string | StorageSize is the size of the storage class. Default value is 100Gi. Changing this value requires manual deletion of the existing Prometheus PVC (and thereby removing all metering data). |
retentionDays integer | RetentionDays is the number of days for which data should be kept in Prometheus. Default value is 90. |
reports object (keys:string, values:MeteringReportConfiguration) | ReportConfigurations is a map of report configuration definitions. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
schedule string | Schedule in Cron format, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron. Please take a note that Schedule is responsible only for setting the time when a report generation mechanism kicks off. The Interval MUST be set independently. |
interval integer | Interval defines the number of days consulted in the metering report. Ignored when `Monthly` is set to true |
monthly boolean | Monthly creates a report for the previous month. |
retention integer | Retention defines a number of days after which reports are queued for removal. If not set, reports are kept forever. Please note that this functionality works only for object storage that supports an object lifecycle management mechanism. |
type string array | Types of reports to generate. Available report types are cluster and namespace. By default, all types of reports are generated. |
format MeteringReportFormat | Format is the file format of the generated report, one of "csv" or "json" (defaults to "csv"). |
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Underlying type: string
MeteringReportFormat maps directly to the values supported by the kubermatic-metering tool.
Appears in:
Underlying type: string
MetricsCollector is the name of an available metrics collector.
Appears in:
Appears in:
Field | Description |
loggingEnabled boolean | |
loggingEnforced boolean | |
monitoringEnabled boolean | |
monitoringEnforced boolean | |
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MonitoringRateLimitSettings contains rate-limiting configuration for monitoring in the user cluster.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
ingestionRate integer | IngestionRate represents the ingestion rate limit in samples per second (Cortex `ingestion_rate`). |
ingestionBurstSize integer | IngestionBurstSize represents ingestion burst size in samples per second (Cortex `ingestion_burst_size`). |
maxSeriesPerMetric integer | MaxSeriesPerMetric represents maximum number of series per metric (Cortex `max_series_per_metric`). |
maxSeriesTotal integer | MaxSeriesTotal represents maximum number of series per this user cluster (Cortex `max_series_per_user`). |
queryRate integer | QueryRate represents query request rate limit per second (nginx `rate` in `r/s`). |
queryBurstSize integer | QueryBurstSize represents query burst size in number of requests (nginx `burst`). |
maxSamplesPerQuery integer | MaxSamplesPerQuery represents maximum number of samples during a query (Cortex `max_samples_per_query`). |
maxSeriesPerQuery integer | MaxSeriesPerQuery represents maximum number of timeseries during a query (Cortex `max_series_per_query`). |
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Underlying type: [struct{Enabled bool "json:\"enabled,omitempty\""; Namespace string "json:\"name,omitempty\""}](#struct{enabled-bool-"json:\"enabled,omitempty\"";-namespace-string-"json:\"name,omitempty\""})
Appears in:
NetworkRanges represents ranges of network addresses.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
cidrBlocks string array | |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
dockerRepository string | DockerRepository is the repository containing the component's image. |
resources ResourceRequirements | Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage. |
loadBalancerService EnvoyLoadBalancerService | |
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NodeSettings are node specific flags which can be configured on datacenter level.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
httpProxy ProxyValue | Optional: If set, this proxy will be configured for both HTTP and HTTPS. |
noProxy ProxyValue | Optional: If set this will be set as NO_PROXY environment variable on the node; The value must be a comma-separated list of domains for which no proxy should be used, e.g. "*.example.com,internal.dev". Note that the in-cluster apiserver URL will be automatically prepended to this value. |
insecureRegistries string array | Optional: These image registries will be configured as insecure on the container runtime. |
registryMirrors string array | Optional: These image registries will be configured as registry mirrors on the container runtime. |
pauseImage string | Optional: Translates to --pod-infra-container-image on the kubelet. If not set, the kubelet will default it. |
containerdRegistryMirrors ContainerRuntimeContainerd | Optional: ContainerdRegistryMirrors configure registry mirrors endpoints. Can be used multiple times to specify multiple mirrors. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
dockerRepository string | DockerRepository is the repository containing the component's image. |
resources ResourceRequirements | Resources describes the requested and maximum allowed CPU/memory usage. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
disable boolean | Disable will prevent the Kubermatic Operator from creating a nodeport-proxy setup on the seed cluster. This should only be used if a suitable replacement is installed (like the nodeport-proxy Helm chart). |
annotations object (keys:string, values:string) | Annotations are used to further tweak the LoadBalancer integration with the cloud provider where the seed cluster is running. Deprecated: Use .envoy.loadBalancerService.annotations instead. |
envoy NodePortProxyComponentEnvoy | Envoy configures the Envoy application itself. |
envoyManager NodeportProxyComponent | EnvoyManager configures the Kubermatic-internal Envoy manager. |
updater NodeportProxyComponent | Updater configures the component responsible for updating the LoadBalancer service. |
ipFamilyPolicy IPFamilyPolicy | IPFamilyPolicy configures the IP family policy for the LoadBalancer service. |
ipFamilies IPFamily array | IPFamilies configures the IP families to use for the LoadBalancer service. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
hideErrors boolean | HideErrors will silence error notifications for the dashboard. |
hideErrorEvents boolean | HideErrorEvents will silence error events for the dashboard. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Only enabled presets will be available in the KKP dashboard. |
isCustomizable boolean | IsCustomizable marks a preset as editable on the KKP UI; Customizable presets still have the credentials obscured on the UI, but other fields that are not considered private are displayed during cluster creation. Users can then update those fields, if required. NOTE: This is only supported for OpenStack Cloud Provider in KKP 2.26. Support for other providers will be added later on. |
datacenter string | If datacenter is set, this preset is only applicable to the configured datacenter. |
proxyURL string | Optional: To configure a HTTP proxy to access Nutanix Prism Central. |
username string | Username that is used to access the Nutanix Prism Central API. |
password string | Password corresponding to the provided user. |
clusterName string | The name of the Nutanix cluster to which the resources and nodes are deployed to. |
projectName string | Optional: Nutanix project to use. If none is given, no project will be used. |
csiUsername string | Prism Element Username for CSI driver. |
csiPassword string | Prism Element Password for CSI driver. |
csiEndpoint string | CSIEndpoint to access Nutanix Prism Element for CSI driver. |
csiPort integer | CSIPort to use when connecting to the Nutanix Prism Element endpoint (defaults to 9440). |
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NutanixCSIConfig contains credentials and the endpoint for the Nutanix Prism Element to which the CSI driver connects.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
username string | Prism Element Username for CSI driver. |
password string | Prism Element Password for CSI driver. |
endpoint string | Prism Element Endpoint to access Nutanix Prism Element for CSI driver. |
port integer | Optional: Port to use when connecting to the Nutanix Prism Element endpoint (defaults to 9440). |
storageContainer string | Optional: defaults to "SelfServiceContainer". |
fstype string | Optional: defaults to "xfs" |
ssSegmentedIscsiNetwork boolean | Optional: defaults to "false". |
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NutanixCloudSpec specifies the access data to Nutanix.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
credentialsReference GlobalSecretKeySelector | |
clusterName string | ClusterName is the Nutanix cluster that this user cluster will be deployed to. |
projectName string | The name of the project that this cluster is deployed into. If none is given, no project will be used. |
proxyURL string | Optional: Used to configure a HTTP proxy to access Nutanix Prism Central. |
username string | Username to access the Nutanix Prism Central API. |
password string | Password corresponding to the provided user. |
csi NutanixCSIConfig | NutanixCSIConfig for CSI driver that connects to a prism element. |
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OIDCProviderConfiguration allows to configure OIDC provider at the Seed level. If set, it overwrites the OIDC configuration from the KubermaticConfiguration.
OIDC is later used to configure:
Appears in:
Field | Description |
issuerURL string | URL of the provider which allows the API server to discover public signing keys. |
issuerClientID string | IssuerClientID is the application's ID. |
issuerClientSecret string | IssuerClientSecret is the application's secret. |
cookieHashKey string | Optional: CookieHashKey is required, used to authenticate the cookie value using HMAC. It is recommended to use a key with 32 or 64 bytes. If not set, configuration is inherited from the default OIDC provider. |
cookieSecureMode boolean | Optional: CookieSecureMode if true then cookie received only with HTTPS otherwise with HTTP. If not set, configuration is inherited from the default OIDC provider. |
offlineAccessAsScope boolean | Optional: OfflineAccessAsScope if true then "offline_access" scope will be used otherwise 'access_type=offline" query param will be passed. If not set, configuration is inherited from the default OIDC provider. |
skipTLSVerify boolean | Optional: SkipTLSVerify skip TLS verification for the token issuer. If not set, configuration is inherited from the default OIDC provider. |
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OIDCSettings contains OIDC configuration parameters for enabling authentication mechanism for the cluster.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
issuerURL string | |
clientID string | |
clientSecret string | |
usernameClaim string | |
groupsClaim string | |
requiredClaim string | |
extraScopes string | |
usernamePrefix string | |
groupsPrefix string | |
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OPAIntegrationSettings configures the usage of OPA (Open Policy Agent) Gatekeeper inside the user cluster.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Enables OPA Gatekeeper integration. |
webhookTimeoutSeconds integer | The timeout in seconds that is set for the Gatekeeper validating webhook admission review calls. Defaults to `10` (seconds). |
experimentalEnableMutation boolean | Optional: Enables experimental mutation in Gatekeeper. |
controllerResources ResourceRequirements | Optional: ControllerResources is the resource requirements for user cluster gatekeeper controller. |
auditResources ResourceRequirements | Optional: AuditResources is the resource requirements for user cluster gatekeeper audit. |
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Underlying type: object
OSVersions defines a map of OS version and the source to download the image.
Appears in:
Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | |
enforced boolean | |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
enforceCustomDisk boolean | EnforceCustomDisk will enforce the custom disk option for machines for the dashboard. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Only enabled presets will be available in the KKP dashboard. |
isCustomizable boolean | IsCustomizable marks a preset as editable on the KKP UI; Customizable presets still have the credentials obscured on the UI, but other fields that are not considered private are displayed during cluster creation. Users can then update those fields, if required. NOTE: This is only supported for OpenStack Cloud Provider in KKP 2.26. Support for other providers will be added later on. |
datacenter string | If datacenter is set, this preset is only applicable to the configured datacenter. |
useToken boolean | |
applicationCredentialID string | Application credential ID to authenticate in combination with an application credential secret (which is not the user's password). |
applicationCredentialSecret string | Application credential secret (which is not the user's password) to authenticate in combination with an application credential ID. |
username string | |
password string | |
project string | Project, formally known as tenant. |
projectID string | ProjectID, formally known as tenantID. |
domain string | Domain holds the name of the identity service (keystone) domain. |
network string | Network holds the name of the internal network When specified, all worker nodes will be attached to this network. If not specified, a network, subnet & router will be created. |
securityGroups string | |
floatingIPPool string | FloatingIPPool holds the name of the public network The public network is reachable from the outside world and should provide the pool of IP addresses to choose from. |
routerID string | |
subnetID string | |
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OpenstackCloudSpec specifies access data to an OpenStack cloud.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
credentialsReference GlobalSecretKeySelector | |
username string | |
password string | |
project string | project, formally known as tenant. |
projectID string | project id, formally known as tenantID. |
domain string | Domain holds the name of the identity service (keystone) domain. |
applicationCredentialID string | Application credential ID to authenticate in combination with an application credential secret (which is not the user's password). |
applicationCredentialSecret string | Application credential secret (which is not the user's password) to authenticate in combination with an application credential ID. |
useToken boolean | |
token string | Used internally during cluster creation |
network string | Network holds the name of the internal network When specified, all worker nodes will be attached to this network. If not specified, a network, subnet & router will be created.
Note that the network is internal if the "External" field is set to false |
securityGroups string | SecurityGroups is a comma-separated list of group names that shall be used for Machines in the cluster. If this field is left empty, a single default security group will be created and this field will be filled-in. |
nodePortsAllowedIPRange string | A CIDR range that will be used to allow access to the node port range in the security group to. Only applies if the security group is generated by KKP and not preexisting. If NodePortsAllowedIPRange nor NodePortsAllowedIPRanges is set, the node port range can be accessed from anywhere. |
nodePortsAllowedIPRanges NetworkRanges | Optional: CIDR ranges that will be used to allow access to the node port range in the security group to. Only applies if the security group is generated by KKP and not preexisting. If NodePortsAllowedIPRange nor NodePortsAllowedIPRanges is set, the node port range can be accessed from anywhere. |
floatingIPPool string | FloatingIPPool holds the name of the public network The public network is reachable from the outside world and should provide the pool of IP addresses to choose from.
When specified, all worker nodes will receive a public ip from this floating ip pool
Note that the network is external if the "External" field is set to true |
routerID string | |
subnetID string | |
ipv6SubnetID string | IPv6SubnetID holds the ID of the subnet used for IPv6 networking. If not provided, a new subnet will be created if IPv6 is enabled. |
ipv6SubnetPool string | IPv6SubnetPool holds the name of the subnet pool used for creating new IPv6 subnets. If not provided, the default IPv6 subnet pool will be used. |
useOctavia boolean | Whether or not to use Octavia for LoadBalancer type of Service implementation instead of using Neutron-LBaaS. Attention:Openstack CCM use Octavia as default load balancer implementation since v1.17.0
Takes precedence over the 'use_octavia' flag provided at datacenter level if both are specified. |
enableIngressHostname boolean | Enable the `enable-ingress-hostname` cloud provider option on the Openstack CCM. Can only be used with the external CCM and might be deprecated and removed in future versions as it is considered a workaround for the PROXY protocol to preserve client IPs. |
ingressHostnameSuffix string | Set a specific suffix for the hostnames used for the PROXY protocol workaround that is enabled by EnableIngressHostname. The suffix is set to `nip.io` by default. Can only be used with the external CCM and might be deprecated and removed in future versions as it is considered a workaround only. |
cinderTopologyEnabled boolean | Flag to configure enablement of topology support for the Cinder CSI plugin. This requires Nova and Cinder to have matching availability zones configured. |
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Underlying type: [struct{MinimumVCPUs int "json:\"minimumVCPUs,omitempty\""; MinimumMemory int "json:\"minimumMemory,omitempty\""}](#struct{minimumvcpus-int-"json:\"minimumvcpus,omitempty\"";-minimummemory-int-"json:\"minimummemory,omitempty\""})
Appears in:
OperatingSystemManager configures the image repo and the tag version for osm deployment.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
imageRepository string | ImageRepository is used to override the OperatingSystemManager image repository. It is recommended to use this field only for development, tests and PoC purposes. For production environments. it is not recommended, to use this field due to compatibility with the overall KKP stack. |
imageTag string | ImageTag is used to override the OperatingSystemManager image. It is recommended to use this field only for development, tests and PoC purposes. For production environments. it is not recommended, to use this field due to compatibility with the overall KKP stack. |
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Underlying type: OperatingSystem]string
OperatingSystemProfileList defines a map of operating system and the OperatingSystemProfile to use.
Appears in:
Underlying type: string
OperationType is the type defining the operations triggering the compatibility check (CREATE or UPDATE).
Appears in:
Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Only enabled presets will be available in the KKP dashboard. |
isCustomizable boolean | IsCustomizable marks a preset as editable on the KKP UI; Customizable presets still have the credentials obscured on the UI, but other fields that are not considered private are displayed during cluster creation. Users can then update those fields, if required. NOTE: This is only supported for OpenStack Cloud Provider in KKP 2.26. Support for other providers will be added later on. |
datacenter string | If datacenter is set, this preset is only applicable to the configured datacenter. |
apiKey string | |
projectID string | |
billingCycle string | |
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PacketCloudSpec specifies access data to a Packet cloud.
Appears in:
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Underlying type: RawMessage
Appears in:
PolicyBinding binds a PolicyTemplate to specific clusters/projects and
optionally enables or disables it (if the template is not enforced).
Appears in:
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PolicyBindingList is a list of PolicyBinding objects.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | PolicyBindingList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items PolicyBinding array | Items refers to the list of PolicyBinding objects |
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PolicyBindingSpec describes how and where to apply the referenced PolicyTemplate.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
policyTemplateRef ObjectReference | PolicyTemplateRef references the PolicyTemplate by name |
namespacedPolicy boolean | NamespacedPolicy is a boolean to indicate if the policy binding is namespaced |
scope string | Scope specifies the scope of the policy. Can be one of: global, project, or cluster |
target PolicyTargetSpec | Target specifies which clusters/projects to apply the policy to |
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PolicyBindingStatus is the status of the policy binding.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
observedGeneration integer | ObservedGeneration is the generation observed by the controller. |
conditions Condition array | Conditions represents the latest available observations of the policy binding's current state |
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PolicyTargetSpec indicates how to select projects/clusters in Kubermatic.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
projects ResourceSelector | Projects is a list of projects to apply the policy to |
clusters ResourceSelector | Clusters is a list of clusters to apply the policy to |
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PolicyTemplate defines a reusable blueprint of a Kyverno policy.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | PolicyTemplate |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec PolicyTemplateSpec | |
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PolicyTemplateList is a list of PolicyTemplate objects.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | PolicyTemplateList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items PolicyTemplate array | Items refers to the list of PolicyTemplate objects |
Back to top
Appears in:
Field | Description |
title string | Title is the title of the policy, specified as an annotation in the Kyverno policy |
description string | Description is the description of the policy, specified as an annotation in the Kyverno policy |
category string | Category is the category of the policy, specified as an annotation in the Kyverno policy |
severity string | Severity indicates the severity level of the policy |
visibility string | Visibility specifies where the policy is visible.
Can be one of: global, project, or cluster |
projectID string | ProjectID is the ID of the project for which the policy template is created
Relevant only for project visibility policies |
default boolean | Default determines whether we apply the policy (create policy binding) |
enforced boolean | Enforced indicates whether this policy is mandatory
If true, this policy is mandatory A PolicyBinding referencing it cannot disable it |
rules Rule array | Rules is a list of Rule instances. A Policy contains multiple rules and each rule can validate, mutate, or generate resources. |
applyRules ApplyRulesType | ApplyRules controls how rules in a policy are applied. Rule are processed in the order of declaration. When set to `One` processing stops after a rule has been applied i.e. the rule matches and results in a pass, fail, or error. When set to `All` all rules in the policy are processed. The default is `All`. |
failurePolicy FailurePolicyType | Deprecated, use failurePolicy under the webhookConfiguration instead. |
validationFailureAction ValidationFailureAction | Deprecated, use validationFailureAction under the validate rule instead. |
validationFailureActionOverrides ValidationFailureActionOverride array | Deprecated, use validationFailureActionOverrides under the validate rule instead. |
emitWarning boolean | EmitWarning enables API response warnings for mutate policy rules or validate policy rules with validationFailureAction set to Audit. Enabling this option will extend admission request processing times. The default value is "false". |
admission boolean | Admission controls if rules are applied during admission. Optional. Default value is "true". |
background boolean | Background controls if rules are applied to existing resources during a background scan. Optional. Default value is "true". The value must be set to "false" if the policy rule uses variables that are only available in the admission review request (e.g. user name). |
schemaValidation boolean | Deprecated. |
webhookTimeoutSeconds integer | Deprecated, use webhookTimeoutSeconds under webhookConfiguration instead. |
mutateExistingOnPolicyUpdate boolean | Deprecated, use mutateExistingOnPolicyUpdate under the mutate rule instead |
generateExistingOnPolicyUpdate boolean | Deprecated, use generateExisting instead |
generateExisting boolean | Deprecated, use generateExisting under the generate rule instead |
useServerSideApply boolean | UseServerSideApply controls whether to use server-side apply for generate rules If is set to "true" create & update for generate rules will use apply instead of create/update. Defaults to "false" if not specified. |
webhookConfiguration WebhookConfiguration | WebhookConfiguration specifies the custom configuration for Kubernetes admission webhookconfiguration. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
name string | |
annotations object (keys:string, values:string) | |
url string | |
size string | |
storageClass string | |
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Presets are preconfigured cloud provider credentials that can be applied
to new clusters. This frees end users from having to know the actual
credentials used for their clusters.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | Preset |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec PresetSpec | |
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PresetList is the type representing a PresetList.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | PresetList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items Preset array | List of presets |
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Presets specifies default presets for supported providers.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
digitalocean Digitalocean | Access data for DigitalOcean. |
hetzner Hetzner | Access data for Hetzner. |
azure Azure | Access data for Microsoft Azure Cloud. |
vsphere VSphere | Access data for vSphere. |
baremetal Baremetal | Access data for Baremetal (Tinkerbell only for now). |
aws AWS | Access data for Amazon Web Services(AWS) Cloud. |
openstack Openstack | Access data for OpenStack. |
packet Packet | Access data for Packet Cloud. |
gcp GCP | Access data for Google Cloud Platform(GCP). |
kubevirt Kubevirt | Access data for KuberVirt. |
alibaba Alibaba | Access data for Alibaba Cloud. |
anexia Anexia | Access data for Anexia. |
nutanix Nutanix | Access data for Nutanix. |
vmwareclouddirector VMwareCloudDirector | Access data for VMware Cloud Director. |
gke GKE | Access data for Google Kubernetes Engine(GKE). |
eks EKS | Access data for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service(EKS). |
aks AKS | Access data for Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS). |
requiredEmails string array | RequiredEmails is a list of e-mail addresses that this presets should be restricted to. Each item in the list can be either a full e-mail address or just a domain name. This restriction is only enforced in the KKP API. |
projects string array | Projects is a list of project IDs that this preset is limited to. |
enabled boolean | Only enabled presets will be available in the KKP dashboard. |
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Project is the type describing a project. A project is a collection of
SSH keys, clusters and members. Members are assigned by creating UserProjectBinding
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | Project |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec ProjectSpec | Spec describes the configuration of the project. |
status ProjectStatus | Status holds the current status of the project. |
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ProjectList is a collection of projects.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | ProjectList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items Project array | Items is the list of the projects. |
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Underlying type: string
Appears in:
ProjectSpec is a specification of a project.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
name string | Name is the human-readable name given to the project. |
allowedOperatingSystems allowedOperatingSystems | AllowedOperatingSystems defines a map of operating systems that can be used for the machines inside this project. |
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ProjectStatus represents the current status of a project.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
phase ProjectPhase | Phase describes the project phase. New projects are in the `Inactive` phase; after being reconciled they move to `Active` and during deletion they are `Terminating`. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
openStack OpenStack | OpenStack are the configurations for openstack provider. |
vmwareCloudDirector VMwareCloudDirectorSettings | VMwareCloudDirector are the configurations for VMware Cloud Director provider. |
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Underlying type: [struct{Name string "json:\"name\""; VPCs []VPC "json:\"vpcs,omitempty\""; NetworkPolicyEnabled bool "json:\"networkPolicyEnabled,omitempty\""}](#struct{name-string-"json:\"name\"";-vpcs-[]vpc-"json:\"vpcs,omitempty\"";-networkpolicyenabled-bool-"json:\"networkpolicyenabled,omitempty\""})
ProviderNetwork describes the infra cluster network fabric that is being used.
Appears in:
Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Only enabled presets will be available in the KKP dashboard. |
isCustomizable boolean | IsCustomizable marks a preset as editable on the KKP UI; Customizable presets still have the credentials obscured on the UI, but other fields that are not considered private are displayed during cluster creation. Users can then update those fields, if required. NOTE: This is only supported for OpenStack Cloud Provider in KKP 2.26. Support for other providers will be added later on. |
datacenter string | If datacenter is set, this preset is only applicable to the configured datacenter. |
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ProxySettings allow configuring a HTTP proxy for the controlplanes
and nodes.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
httpProxy ProxyValue | Optional: If set, this proxy will be configured for both HTTP and HTTPS. |
noProxy ProxyValue | Optional: If set this will be set as NO_PROXY environment variable on the node; The value must be a comma-separated list of domains for which no proxy should be used, e.g. "*.example.com,internal.dev". Note that the in-cluster apiserver URL will be automatically prepended to this value. |
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Underlying type: string
Appears in:
ResourceDetails holds the CPU, Memory and Storage quantities.
Appears in:
ResourceQuota specifies the amount of cluster resources a project can use.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | ResourceQuota |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec ResourceQuotaSpec | Spec describes the desired state of the resource quota. |
status ResourceQuotaStatus | Status holds the current state of the resource quota. |
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ResourceQuotaList is a collection of resource quotas.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | ResourceQuotaList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items ResourceQuota array | Items is the list of the resource quotas. |
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ResourceQuotaSpec describes the desired state of a resource quota.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
subject Subject | Subject specifies to which entity the quota applies to. |
quota ResourceDetails | Quota specifies the current maximum allowed usage of resources. |
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ResourceQuotaStatus describes the current state of a resource quota.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
globalUsage ResourceDetails | GlobalUsage is holds the current usage of resources for all seeds. |
localUsage ResourceDetails | LocalUsage is holds the current usage of resources for the local seed. |
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ResourceSelector is a struct that contains the label selector, name, and selectAll fields.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
labelSelector LabelSelector | LabelSelector is a label selector to select the resources (projects/clusters) |
name string array | Name is a list of names to select the resources (projects/clusters) |
selectAll boolean | SelectAll is a boolean to select all the resources (projects/clusters) from cluster admins. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | RuleGroup |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec RuleGroupSpec | |
Back to top
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | RuleGroupList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items RuleGroup array | |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
isDefault boolean | IsDefault indicates whether the ruleGroup is default |
ruleGroupType RuleGroupType | RuleGroupType is the type of this ruleGroup applies to. It can be `Metrics` or `Logs`. |
cluster ObjectReference | Cluster is the reference to the cluster the ruleGroup should be created in. All fields except for the name are ignored. |
data integer array | Data contains the RuleGroup data. Ref: https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/recording_rules/#rule_group |
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Underlying type: string
Appears in:
Appears in:
Field | Description |
name string | Name is the human readable name for this SSH key. |
owner string | Owner is the name of the User object that owns this SSH key. Deprecated: This field is not used anymore. |
project string | Project is the name of the Project object that this SSH key belongs to. This field is immutable. |
clusters string array | Clusters is the list of cluster names that this SSH key is assigned to. |
fingerprint string | Fingerprint is calculated server-side based on the supplied public key and doesn't need to be set by clients. |
publicKey string | PublicKey is the SSH public key. |
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SecretboxEncryptionConfiguration defines static key encryption based on the ‘secretbox’ solution for Kubernetes.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
keys SecretboxKey array | List of 'secretbox' encryption keys. The first element of this list is considered the "primary" key which will be used for encrypting data while writing it. Additional keys will be used for decrypting data while reading it, if keys higher in the list did not succeed in decrypting it. |
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SecretboxKey stores a key or key reference for encrypting Kubernetes API data at rest with a static key.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
name string | Identifier of a key, used in various places to refer to the key. |
value string | Value contains a 32-byte random key that is base64 encoded. This is the key used for encryption. Can be generated via `head -c 32 /dev/urandom \| base64`, for example. |
secretRef SecretKeySelector | Instead of passing the sensitive encryption key via the `value` field, a secret can be referenced. The key of the secret referenced here needs to hold a key equivalent to the `value` field. |
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Seed is the type representing a Seed cluster. Seed clusters host the the control planes
for KKP user clusters.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | Seed |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec SeedSpec | Spec describes the configuration of the Seed cluster. |
status SeedStatus | Status holds the runtime information of the Seed cluster. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
status ConditionStatus | Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown. |
lastHeartbeatTime Time | Last time we got an update on a given condition. |
lastTransitionTime Time | Last time the condition transit from one status to another. |
reason string | (brief) reason for the condition's last transition. |
message string | Human readable message indicating details about last transition. |
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Underlying type: string
SeedConditionType is used to indicate the type of a seed condition. For all condition
types, the true
value must indicate success. All condition types must be registered
within the AllSeedConditionTypes
Appears in:
SeedDatacenterList is the type representing a SeedDatacenterList.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | SeedList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items Seed array | List of seeds |
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SeedMLASettings allow configuring seed level MLA (Monitoring, Logging & Alerting) stack settings.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
userClusterMLAEnabled boolean | Optional: UserClusterMLAEnabled controls whether the user cluster MLA (Monitoring, Logging & Alerting) stack is enabled in the seed. |
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Underlying type: string
Appears in:
The spec for a seed cluster.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
country string | Optional: Country of the seed as ISO-3166 two-letter code, e.g. DE or UK. For informational purposes in the Kubermatic dashboard only. |
location string | Optional: Detailed location of the cluster, like "Hamburg" or "Datacenter 7". For informational purposes in the Kubermatic dashboard only. |
kubeconfig ObjectReference | A reference to the Kubeconfig of this cluster. The Kubeconfig must have cluster-admin privileges. This field is mandatory for every seed, even if there are no datacenters defined yet. |
datacenters object (keys:string, values:Datacenter) | Datacenters contains a map of the possible datacenters (DCs) in this seed. Each DC must have a globally unique identifier (i.e. names must be unique across all seeds). |
seedDNSOverwrite string | Optional: This can be used to override the DNS name used for this seed. By default the seed name is used. |
nodeportProxy NodeportProxyConfig | NodeportProxy can be used to configure the NodePort proxy service that is responsible for making user-cluster control planes accessible from the outside. |
proxySettings ProxySettings | Optional: ProxySettings can be used to configure HTTP proxy settings on the worker nodes in user clusters. However, proxy settings on nodes take precedence. |
exposeStrategy ExposeStrategy | Optional: ExposeStrategy explicitly sets the expose strategy for this seed cluster, if not set, the default provided by the master is used. |
mla SeedMLASettings | Optional: MLA allows configuring seed level MLA (Monitoring, Logging & Alerting) stack settings. |
defaultComponentSettings ComponentSettings | DefaultComponentSettings are default values to set for newly created clusters. Deprecated: Use DefaultClusterTemplate instead. |
defaultClusterTemplate string | DefaultClusterTemplate is the name of a cluster template of scope "seed" that is used to default all new created clusters |
metering MeteringConfiguration | Metering configures the metering tool on user clusters across the seed. |
etcdBackupRestore EtcdBackupRestore | EtcdBackupRestore holds the configuration of the automatic etcd backup restores for the Seed; if this is set, the new backup/restore controllers are enabled for this Seed. |
oidcProviderConfiguration OIDCProviderConfiguration | OIDCProviderConfiguration allows to configure OIDC provider at the Seed level. |
kubelb KubeLBSettings | KubeLB holds the configuration for the kubeLB at the Seed level. This component is responsible for managing load balancers. Only available in Enterprise Edition. |
disabledCollectors MetricsCollector array | DisabledCollectors contains a list of metrics collectors that should be disabled. Acceptable values are "Addon", "Cluster", "ClusterBackup", "Project", and "None". |
Back to top
SeedStatus contains runtime information regarding the seed.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
phase SeedPhase | Phase contains a human readable text to indicate the seed cluster status. No logic should be tied to this field, as its content can change in between KKP releases. |
clusters integer | Clusters is the total number of user clusters that exist on this seed. |
versions SeedVersionsStatus | Versions contains information regarding versions of components in the cluster and the cluster itself. |
conditions object (keys:SeedConditionType, values:SeedCondition) | Conditions contains conditions the seed is in, its primary use case is status signaling between controllers or between controllers and the API. |
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SeedVersionsStatus contains information regarding versions of components in the cluster
and the cluster itself.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
kubermatic string | Kubermatic is the version of the currently deployed KKP components. Note that a permanent version skew between master and seed is not supported and KKP setups should never run for longer times with a skew between the clusters. |
cluster string | Cluster is the Kubernetes version of the cluster's control plane. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
tokenVolumeProjectionEnabled boolean | |
issuer string | Issuer is the identifier of the service account token issuer If this is not specified, it will be set to the URL of apiserver by default |
apiAudiences string array | APIAudiences are the Identifiers of the API If this is not specified, it will be set to a single element list containing the issuer URL |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
customLinks CustomLinks | CustomLinks are additional links that can be shown the dashboard's footer. |
defaultNodeCount integer | DefaultNodeCount is the default number of replicas for the initial MachineDeployment. |
displayDemoInfo boolean | DisplayDemoInfo controls whether a "Demo System" hint is shown in the footer. |
displayAPIDocs boolean | DisplayDemoInfo controls whether a a link to the KKP API documentation is shown in the footer. |
displayTermsOfService boolean | DisplayDemoInfo controls whether a a link to TOS is shown in the footer. |
enableDashboard boolean | EnableDashboard enables the link to the Kubernetes dashboard for a user cluster. |
enableWebTerminal boolean | EnableWebTerminal enables the Web Terminal feature for the user clusters. Deprecated: EnableWebTerminal is deprecated and should be removed in KKP 2.27+. Please use webTerminalOptions instead. When webTerminalOptions.enabled is set then this field will be ignored. |
enableShareCluster boolean | EnableShareCluster enables the Share Cluster feature for the user clusters. |
enableOIDCKubeconfig boolean | |
enableClusterBackup boolean | EnableClusterBackup enables the Cluster Backup feature in the dashboard. |
enableEtcdBackup boolean | EnableEtcdBackup enables the etcd Backup feature in the dashboard. |
disableAdminKubeconfig boolean | DisableAdminKubeconfig disables the admin kubeconfig functionality on the dashboard. |
userProjectsLimit integer | UserProjectsLimit is the maximum number of projects a user can create. |
restrictProjectCreation boolean | |
restrictProjectDeletion boolean | |
enableExternalClusterImport boolean | |
cleanupOptions CleanupOptions | CleanupOptions control what happens when a cluster is deleted via the dashboard. |
opaOptions OpaOptions | |
mlaOptions MlaOptions | |
mlaAlertmanagerPrefix string | |
mlaGrafanaPrefix string | |
notifications NotificationsOptions | Notifications are the configuration for notifications on dashboard. |
providerConfiguration ProviderConfiguration | ProviderConfiguration are the cloud provider specific configurations on dashboard. |
webTerminalOptions WebTerminalOptions | WebTerminalOptions are the configurations for the Web Terminal feature. |
machineDeploymentVMResourceQuota MachineFlavorFilter | MachineDeploymentVMResourceQuota is used to filter out allowed machine flavors based on the specified resource limits like CPU, Memory, and GPU etc. |
allowedOperatingSystems allowedOperatingSystems | AllowedOperatingSystems shows if the operating system is allowed to be use in the machinedeployment. |
defaultQuota DefaultProjectResourceQuota | DefaultProjectResourceQuota allows to configure a default project resource quota which will be set for all projects that do not have a custom quota already set. EE-version only. |
machineDeploymentOptions MachineDeploymentOptions | |
disableChangelogPopup boolean | DisableChangelogPopup disables the changelog popup in KKP dashboard. |
staticLabels StaticLabel array | StaticLabels are a list of labels that can be used for the clusters. |
annotations AnnotationSettings | Annotations are the settings for the annotations in KKP UI. |
announcements object (keys:string, values:Announcement) | The announcement feature allows administrators to broadcast important messages to all users. |
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Appears in:
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StaticLabel is a label that can be used for the clusters.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
key string | |
values string array | |
default boolean | |
protected boolean | |
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Subject describes the entity to which the quota applies to.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
name string | Name of the quota subject. |
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Subnet a smaller, segmented portion of a larger network, like a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
Appears in:
Field | Description |
name string | |
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Underlying type: string
SubnetCIDR is used to store IPv4/IPv6 CIDR.
Appears in:
SystemApplicationsConfiguration contains configuration for system Applications (e.g. CNI).
Appears in:
Field | Description |
helmRepository string | HelmRepository specifies OCI repository containing Helm charts of system Applications e.g. oci://localhost:5000/myrepo. |
helmRegistryConfigFile SecretKeySelector | HelmRegistryConfigFile optionally holds the ref and key in the secret for the OCI registry credential file. The value is dockercfg file that follows the same format rules as ~/.docker/config.json The Secret must exist in the namespace where KKP is installed (default is "kubermatic"). The Secret must be annotated with `apps.kubermatic.k8c.io/secret-type:` set to "helm". |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
kubeconfig string | Kubeconfig is the cluster's kubeconfig file, encoded with base64. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
kubeconfig string | The cluster's kubeconfig file, encoded with base64. |
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TinkerbellHTTPSource represents list of images and their versions that can be downloaded over HTTP.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
operatingSystems object (keys:OperatingSystem, values:OSVersions) | OperatingSystems represents list of supported operating-systems with their URLs. |
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Update represents an update option for a user cluster.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
from string | From is the version from which an update is allowed. Wildcards are allowed, e.g. "1.18.*". |
to string | To is the version to which an update is allowed. Must be a valid version if `automatic` is set to true, e.g. "1.20.13". Can be a wildcard otherwise, e.g. "1.20.*". |
automatic boolean | Automatic controls whether this update is executed automatically for the control plane of all matching user clusters. --- |
automaticNodeUpdate boolean | Automatic controls whether this update is executed automatically for the worker nodes of all matching user clusters. --- |
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UpdateWindow allows defining windows for maintenance tasks related to OS updates.
This is only applied to cluster nodes using Flatcar Linux.
The reference time for this is the node system time and might differ from
the user’s timezone, which needs to be considered when configuring a window.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
start string | Sets the start time of the update window. This can be a time of day in 24h format, e.g. `22:30`, or a day of week plus a time of day, for example `Mon 21:00`. Only short names for week days are supported, i.e. `Mon`, `Tue`, `Wed`, `Thu`, `Fri`, `Sat` and `Sun`. |
length string | Sets the length of the update window beginning with the start time. This needs to be a valid duration as parsed by Go's time.ParseDuration (https://pkg.go.dev/time#ParseDuration), e.g. `2h`. |
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User specifies a KKP user. Users can be either humans or KKP service
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | User |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec UserSpec | Spec describes a KKP user. |
status UserStatus | Status holds the information about the KKP user. |
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UserList is a list of users.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | UserList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items User array | Items is the list of KKP users. |
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UserProjectBinding specifies a binding between a user and a project
This resource is used by the user management to manipulate members of the given project.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | UserProjectBinding |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec UserProjectBindingSpec | Spec describes a KKP user and project binding. |
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UserProjectBindingList is a list of KKP user and project bindings.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | UserProjectBindingList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items UserProjectBinding array | Items is the list of KKP user and project bindings. |
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UserProjectBindingSpec specifies a user and project binding.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
userEmail string | UserEmail is the email of the user that is bound to the given project. |
projectID string | ProjectID is the name of the target project. |
group string | Group is the user's group, determining their permissions within the project. Must be one of `owners`, `editors`, `viewers` or `projectmanagers`. |
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UserSSHKey specifies a users UserSSHKey.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | UserSSHKey |
metadata ObjectMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec SSHKeySpec | |
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UserSSHKeyList specifies a users UserSSHKey.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | kubermatic.k8c.io/v1 |
kind string | UserSSHKeyList |
metadata ListMeta | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items UserSSHKey array | |
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UserSettings represent an user settings.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
selectedTheme string | |
itemsPerPage integer | |
selectedProjectID string | |
selectProjectTableView boolean | |
collapseSidenav boolean | |
displayAllProjectsForAdmin boolean | |
lastSeenChangelogVersion string | |
useClustersView boolean | |
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UserSpec specifies a user.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
id string | ID is an unused legacy field. Deprecated: do not set this field anymore. |
name string | Name is the full name of this user. |
email string | Email is the email address of this user. Emails must be globally unique across all KKP users. |
admin boolean | IsAdmin defines whether this user is an administrator with additional permissions. Admins can for example see all projects and clusters in the KKP dashboard. |
groups string array | Groups holds the information to which groups the user belongs to. Set automatically when logging in to the KKP API, and used by the KKP API. |
project string | Project is the name of the project that this service account user is tied to. This field is only applicable to service accounts and regular users must not set this field. |
settings UserSettings | Settings contains both user-configurable and system-owned configuration for the KKP dashboard. |
invalidTokensReference GlobalSecretKeySelector | InvalidTokensReference is a reference to a Secret that contains invalidated login tokens. The tokens are used to provide a safe logout mechanism. |
readAnnouncements string array | ReadAnnouncements holds the IDs of admin announcements that the user has read. |
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UserStatus stores status information about a user.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
lastSeen Time | |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Only enabled presets will be available in the KKP dashboard. |
isCustomizable boolean | IsCustomizable marks a preset as editable on the KKP UI; Customizable presets still have the credentials obscured on the UI, but other fields that are not considered private are displayed during cluster creation. Users can then update those fields, if required. NOTE: This is only supported for OpenStack Cloud Provider in KKP 2.26. Support for other providers will be added later on. |
datacenter string | If datacenter is set, this preset is only applicable to the configured datacenter. |
username string | The VMware Cloud Director user name. |
password string | The VMware Cloud Director user password. |
apiToken string | The VMware Cloud Director API token. |
vdc string | The organizational virtual data center. |
organization string | The name of organization to use. |
ovdcNetwork string | The name of organizational virtual data center network that will be associated with the VMs and vApp. Deprecated: OVDCNetwork has been deprecated starting with KKP 2.25 and will be removed in KKP 2.27+. It is recommended to use OVDCNetworks instead. |
ovdcNetworks string array | OVDCNetworks is the list of organizational virtual data center networks that will be attached to the vApp and can be consumed the VMs. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
storageProfile string | The name of the storage profile to use for disks created by CSI driver |
filesystem string | Filesystem to use for named disks, defaults to "ext4" |
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VMwareCloudDirectorCloudSpec specifies access data to VMware Cloud Director cloud.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
credentialsReference GlobalSecretKeySelector | |
username string | The VMware Cloud Director user name. |
password string | The VMware Cloud Director user password. |
apiToken string | The VMware Cloud Director API token. |
organization string | The name of organization to use. |
vdc string | The organizational virtual data center. |
ovdcNetwork string | The name of organizational virtual data center network that will be associated with the VMs and vApp. Deprecated: OVDCNetwork has been deprecated starting with KKP 2.25 and will be removed in KKP 2.27+. It is recommended to use OVDCNetworks instead. |
ovdcNetworks string array | OVDCNetworks is the list of organizational virtual data center networks that will be attached to the vApp and can be consumed the VMs. |
vapp string | VApp used for isolation of VMs and their associated network |
csi VMwareCloudDirectorCSIConfig | Config for CSI driver |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
ipAllocationModes ipAllocationMode array | IPAllocationModes are the allowed IP allocation modes for the VMware Cloud Director provider. If not set, all modes are allowed. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Only enabled presets will be available in the KKP dashboard. |
isCustomizable boolean | IsCustomizable marks a preset as editable on the KKP UI; Customizable presets still have the credentials obscured on the UI, but other fields that are not considered private are displayed during cluster creation. Users can then update those fields, if required. NOTE: This is only supported for OpenStack Cloud Provider in KKP 2.26. Support for other providers will be added later on. |
datacenter string | If datacenter is set, this preset is only applicable to the configured datacenter. |
username string | The vSphere user name. |
password string | The vSphere user password. |
vmNetName string | Deprecated: Use networks instead. |
networks string array | List of vSphere networks. |
datastore string | Datastore to be used for storing virtual machines and as a default for dynamic volume provisioning, it is mutually exclusive with DatastoreCluster. |
datastoreCluster string | DatastoreCluster to be used for storing virtual machines, it is mutually exclusive with Datastore. |
resourcePool string | ResourcePool is used to manage resources such as cpu and memory for vSphere virtual machines. The resource pool should be defined on vSphere cluster level. |
basePath string | BasePath configures a vCenter folder path that KKP will create an individual cluster folder in. If it's an absolute path, the RootPath configured in the datacenter will be ignored. If it is a relative path, the BasePath part will be appended to the RootPath to construct the full path. For both cases, the full folder structure needs to exist. KKP will only try to create the cluster folder. |
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VSphereCloudSpec specifies access data to VSphere cloud.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
credentialsReference GlobalSecretKeySelector | |
username string | The vSphere user name. |
password string | The vSphere user password. |
vmNetName string | The name of the vSphere network. Deprecated: Use networks instead. |
networks string array | List of vSphere networks. |
folder string | Folder to be used to group the provisioned virtual machines. |
basePath string | Optional: BasePath configures a vCenter folder path that KKP will create an individual cluster folder in. If it's an absolute path, the RootPath configured in the datacenter will be ignored. If it is a relative path, the BasePath part will be appended to the RootPath to construct the full path. For both cases, the full folder structure needs to exist. KKP will only try to create the cluster folder. |
datastore string | Datastore to be used for storing virtual machines and as a default for dynamic volume provisioning, it is mutually exclusive with DatastoreCluster. |
datastoreCluster string | DatastoreCluster to be used for storing virtual machines, it is mutually exclusive with Datastore. |
storagePolicy string | StoragePolicy to be used for storage provisioning |
resourcePool string | ResourcePool is used to manage resources such as cpu and memory for vSphere virtual machines. The resource pool should be defined on vSphere cluster level. |
infraManagementUser VSphereCredentials | This user will be used for everything except cloud provider functionality |
tags VSphereTag | Tags represents the tags that are attached or created on the cluster level, that are then propagated down to the MachineDeployments. In order to attach tags on MachineDeployment, users must create the tag on a cluster level first then attach that tag on the MachineDeployment. |
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VSphereCredentials credentials represents a credential for accessing vSphere.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
username string | |
password string | |
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VSphereTag represents the tags that are attached or created on the cluster level, that are then propagated down to the
MachineDeployments. In order to attach tags on MachineDeployment, users must create the tag on a cluster level first
then attach that tag on the MachineDeployment.
Appears in:
Field | Description |
tags string array | Tags represents the name of the created tags. |
categoryID string | CategoryID is the id of the vsphere category that the tag belongs to. If the category id is left empty, the default category id for the cluster will be used. |
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Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled boolean | Enabled enables the Web Terminal feature for the user clusters. |
enableInternetAccess boolean | EnableInternetAccess enables the Web Terminal feature to access the internet. |
additionalEnvironmentVariables EnvVar array | AdditionalEnvironmentVariables are the additional environment variables that can be set for the Web Terminal. |
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