This version is under construction, please use an official release version

[DRAFT] Upgrading to KKP 2.28

This is a draft document for an unreleased version of KKP. The information contained here is subject to change and should not be used for production upgrades.

Upgrading to KKP 2.28 is only supported from version 2.27. Do not attempt to upgrade from versions prior to that and apply the upgrade step by step over minor versions instead (e.g. from 2.26 to 2.27 and then to 2.28). It is also strongly advised to be on the latest 2.27.x patch release before upgrading to 2.28.

This guide will walk you through upgrading Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform (KKP) to version 2.28. For the full list of changes in this release, please check out the KKP changelog for v2.28. Please read the full document before proceeding with the upgrade.

Pre-Upgrade Considerations

Please review known issues before upgrading to understand if any issues might affect you.

Node Exporter Upgrade (Seed MLA)

KKP 2.28 removes the custom Helm chart for Node Exporter and instead now reuses the official upstream Helm chart.

Migration Procedure

The following actions are required for migration before performing the upgrade:

  • Replace the top-level key nodeExporter with node-exporter in the values.yaml
  • The key nodeExporter.rbacProxy has been removed. Use node-exporter.kubeRBACProxy instead to configure kube-rbac-proxy.

Once the above adjustments have been made. If you are using kubermatic-installer for the Seed MLA installation, then it will take care of removing the resources for the deprecated node-exporter with the new upstream one by itself.

./kubermatic-installer deploy seed-mla --helm-values values.yaml

Note: The action below is only required if you are installing MLA using GitOps. Before upgrading, you must delete the existing Helm release.

helm --namespace monitoring delete node-exporter

Afterwards you can install the new release from the chart.

Upgrade Procedure

Before starting the upgrade, make sure your KKP Master and Seed clusters are healthy with no failing or pending Pods. If any Pod is showing problems, investigate and fix the individual problems before applying the upgrade. This includes the control plane components for user clusters, unhealthy user clusters should not be submitted to an upgrade.

KKP Master Upgrade

Download the latest 2.28.x release archive for the correct edition (ce for Community Edition, ee for Enterprise Edition) from the release page and extract it locally on your computer. Make sure you have the values.yaml you used to deploy KKP 2.28 available and already adjusted for any 2.28 changes (also see Pre-Upgrade Considerations), as you need to pass it to the installer. The KubermaticConfiguration is no longer necessary (unless you are adjusting it), as the KKP operator will use its in-cluster representation. From within the extracted directory, run the installer:

$ ./kubermatic-installer deploy kubermatic-master --helm-values path/to/values.yaml

# Placeholder for example output for a successful upgrade

Upgrading seed clusters is not necessary, unless you are running the minio Helm chart or User Cluster MLA as distributed by KKP on them. They will be automatically upgraded by KKP components.

You can follow the upgrade process by either supervising the Pods on master and seed clusters (by simply checking kubectl get pods -n kubermatic frequently) or checking status information for the Seed objects. A possible command to extract the current status by seed would be:

$ kubectl get seeds -A -o jsonpath="{range .items[*]}{} - {.status}{'\n'}{end}"

# Place holder for output

Of particular interest to the upgrade process is if the ResourcesReconciled condition succeeded and if the versions.kubermatic field is showing the target KKP version. If this is not the case yet, the upgrade is still in flight. If the upgrade is stuck, try kubectl -n kubermatic describe seed <seed name> to see what exactly is keeping the KKP Operator from updating the Seed cluster.

Post-Upgrade Considerations

Deprecations and Removals

Next Steps