This version is under construction, please use an official release version

Upgrading to KKP 2.25

Upgrading to KKP 2.25 is only supported from version 2.24. Do not attempt to upgrade from versions prior to that and apply the upgrade step by step over minor versions instead (e.g. from 2.23 to 2.24 and then to 2.25). It is also strongly advised to be on the latest 2.24.x patch release before upgrading to 2.25.

This guide will walk you through upgrading Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform (KKP) to version 2.25. For the full list of changes in this release, please check out the KKP changelog for v2.25. Please read the full document before proceeding with the upgrade.

Pre-Upgrade Considerations

Please review known issues before upgrading to understand if any issues might affect you.

KKP 2.25 adjusts the list of supported Kubernetes versions and removes support for Kubernetes 1.26. Existing user clusters need to be migrated to 1.27 or later before the KKP upgrade can begin.

Bundled Velero Helm Chart

If the velero chart shipped with KKP is installed, its values.yaml file might require updating before running the KKP upgrade. In specific, the restic DaemonSet has been renamed to node-agent. Its configuration has changed the following ways:

  • velero.restic.deploy has been replaced by velero.deployNodeAgent
  • velero.restic.resources has been replaced by velero.nodeAgent.resources
  • velero.restic.nodeSelector has been replaced by velero.nodeAgent.nodeSelector
  • velero.restic.affinity has been replaced by velero.nodeAgent.affinity
  • velero.restic.tolerations has been replaced by velero.nodeAgent.tolerations

MLA Chart Upgrades

For KKP 2.25 several charts for user cluster MLA (loki-distributed and cortex, among others) have been upgraded to follow upstream charts. This will bring in updated versions with performance and stability improvements, but means that the previous values.yaml are no longer valid. kubermatic-installer will attempt to validate passed values.yaml for outdated configuration and fail validation if one is identified.

The default values shipped with KKP have been updated accordingly:

If the values.yaml shipped by default in KKP have been copied / modified to be used for passing configuration, the modifications need to be migrated to the new structure before upgrading the user cluster MLA stack. Full upstream values are linked from each default values shipped by KKP.

In addition, the various memcached-* Helm charts are now sub-charts of cortex, which means that any modification to the default values need to be configured as sub-items of the cortex block in its values.yaml file.

MLA MinIO Upgrade

MinIO, the default object storage for persistence in the MLA stack, has been upgraded from RELEASE.2022-09-17T00-09-45Z to RELEASE.2023-04-28T18-11-17Z. This includes a breaking change where in version RELEASE.2022-10-29T06-21-33Z support for the legacy fs filesystem driver was removed from MinIO. This means MinIO will be unable to start up with an existing data volume that is still using the fs implementation.

In MinIO RELEASE.2022-06-02T02-11-04Z the default filesystem driver was changed from fs to xl.single, meaning that any MinIO that was set up with KKP 2.22+ is already using the new xl.single driver.

To verify what storage driver your MinIO is using, you can look at the .minio.sys/format.json file like so:

kubectl --namespace mla exec --container minio _minio_pod_here_ -- cat /export/.minio.sys/format.json

The JSON file contains a format key. If the output looks like


you’re good to go, no migration required. However if you receive


you must either

  • migrate according to the migration guide, which effectively involves setting up a second MinIO and copying each file over, or
  • wipe your MinIO’s storage (e.g. by deleting the PVC, see below), or
  • pin the MinIO version to the last version that supports fs, which is RELEASE.2022-10-24T18-35-07Z, using the Helm values file (set minio.image.tag=RELEASE.2022-10-24T18-35-07Z).

The KKP installer will, when installing the usercluster-mla stack, perform an automated check and will refuse to upgrade if the existing MinIO volume uses the old fs driver.

If the contents of MinIO is expendable, instead of migrating it’s also possible to wipe (deleting all data) MinIO’s storage entirely. There are several ways to go about this, for example:

$ kubectl --namespace mla scale deployment/minio --replicas=0
#deployment.apps/minio scaled

$ kubectl --namespace mla delete pvc minio-data
#persistentvolumeclaim "minio-data" deleted

# re-install MinIO chart manually
$ helm --namespace mla upgrade minio ./charts/minio --values myhelmvalues.yaml
#Release "minio" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
#NAME: minio
#LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Jul 24 13:40:51 2023
#STATUS: deployed

$ kubectl --namespace mla scale deployment/minio --replicas=1
#deployment.apps/minio scaled

Deleting the Helm release will not delete the PVC, in order to prevent accidental data loss.

Upgrade Procedure

Before starting the upgrade, make sure your KKP Master and Seed clusters are healthy with no failing or pending Pods. If any Pod is showing problems, investigate and fix the individual problems before applying the upgrade. This includes the control plane components for user clusters, unhealthy user clusters should not be submitted to an upgrade.

KKP Master Upgrade

Download the latest 2.25.x release archive for the correct edition (ce for Community Edition, ee for Enterprise Edition) from the release page and extract it locally on your computer. Make sure you have the values.yaml you used to deploy KKP 2.24 available and already adjusted for any 2.25 changes (also see Pre-Upgrade Considerations), as you need to pass it to the installer. The KubermaticConfiguration is no longer necessary (unless you are adjusting it), as the KKP operator will use its in-cluster representation. From within the extracted directory, run the installer:

$ ./kubermatic-installer deploy kubermatic-master --helm-values path/to/values.yaml

# example output for a successful upgrade
INFO[0000] 🚀 Initializing installer…                     edition="Enterprise Edition" version=v2.25.0
INFO[0000] 🚦 Validating the provided configuration…
WARN[0000]    Helm values: kubermaticOperator.imagePullSecret is empty, setting to spec.imagePullSecret from KubermaticConfiguration
INFO[0000] âś… Provided configuration is valid.
INFO[0000] 🚦 Validating existing installation…
INFO[0001]    Checking seed cluster…                     seed=kubermatic
INFO[0001] âś… Existing installation is valid.
INFO[0001] 🛫 Deploying KKP master stack…
INFO[0001]    💾 Deploying kubermatic-fast StorageClass…
INFO[0001]    âś… StorageClass exists, nothing to do.
INFO[0001]    📦 Deploying nginx-ingress-controller…
INFO[0001]       Deploying Helm chart…
INFO[0002]       Updating release from 2.24.4 to 2.25.0…
INFO[0005]    âś… Success.
INFO[0005]    📦 Deploying cert-manager…
INFO[0005]       Deploying Custom Resource Definitions…
INFO[0006]       Deploying Helm chart…
INFO[0007]       Updating release from 2.24.4 to 2.25.0…
INFO[0026]    âś… Success.
INFO[0026]    📦 Deploying Dex…
INFO[0027]       Updating release from 2.24.4 to 2.25.0…
INFO[0030]    âś… Success.
INFO[0030]    📦 Deploying Kubermatic Operator…
INFO[0030]       Deploying Custom Resource Definitions…
INFO[0034]       Deploying Helm chart…
INFO[0035]       Updating release from 2.24.4 to 2.25.0…
INFO[0064]    âś… Success.
INFO[0064]    📦 Deploying Telemetry
INFO[0065]       Updating release from 2.24.4 to 2.25.0…
INFO[0066]    âś… Success.
INFO[0066]    📡 Determining DNS settings…
INFO[0066]       The main LoadBalancer is ready.
INFO[0066]         Service             : nginx-ingress-controller / nginx-ingress-controller
INFO[0066]         Ingress via hostname: <Load Balancer>
INFO[0066]       Please ensure your DNS settings for "<KKP FQDN>" include the following records:
INFO[0066]          <KKP FQDN>.    IN  CNAME  <Load Balancer>
INFO[0066]          *.<KKP FQDN>.  IN  CNAME  <Load Balancer>
INFO[0066] 🛬 Installation completed successfully. ✌

Upgrading seed clusters is not necessary, unless you are running the minio Helm chart or User Cluster MLA as distributed by KKP on them. They will be automatically upgraded by KKP components.

You can follow the upgrade process by either supervising the Pods on master and seed clusters (by simply checking kubectl get pods -n kubermatic frequently) or checking status information for the Seed objects. A possible command to extract the current status by seed would be:

$ kubectl get seeds -A -o jsonpath="{range .items[*]}{} - {.status}{'\n'}{end}"
kubermatic - {"clusters":5,"conditions":{"ClusterInitialized":{"lastHeartbeatTime":"2024-03-11T10:53:34Z","message":"All KKP CRDs have been installed successfully.","reason":"CRDsUpdated","status":"True"},"KubeconfigValid":{"lastHeartbeatTime":"2024-03-11T16:50:09Z","reason":"KubeconfigValid","status":"True"},"ResourcesReconciled":{"lastHeartbeatTime":"2024-03-11T16:50:14Z","reason":"ReconcilingSuccess","status":"True"}},"phase":"Healthy","versions":{"cluster":"v1.27.11","kubermatic":"v2.25.0"}}

Of particular interest to the upgrade process is if the ResourcesReconciled condition succeeded and if the versions.kubermatic field is showing the target KKP version. If this is not the case yet, the upgrade is still in flight. If the upgrade is stuck, try kubectl -n kubermatic describe seed <seed name> to see what exactly is keeping the KKP Operator from updating the Seed cluster.

Post-Upgrade Considerations

Deprecations and Removals

Some functionality of KKP has been deprecated or removed with KKP 2.25. You should review the full changelog and adjust any automation or scripts that might be using deprecated fields or features. Below is a list of changes that might affect you:

  • The field ovdcNetwork in cluster and preset CRDs is considered deprecated for VMware Cloud Director and ovdcNetworks should be used instead (#12996)
  • Some of high cardinality metrics were dropped from the User Cluster MLA prometheus. If your KKP installation was using some of those metrics for the custom Grafana dashboards for the user clusters, your dashboards might stop showing some of the charts (#12756)
  • Deprecate v1.11 and v1.12 Cilium and Hubble KKP Addons, as Cilium CNI is managed by Applications from version 1.13 (#12848)

Next Steps