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Add Seed Cluster to Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform (KKP) CE

This document describes how a new seed cluster can be added to an existing KKP master cluster. It expects that all steps from Install Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform (KKP) CE have been completed.

For smaller scale setups it’s possible to use the existing master cluster as a seed cluster (a “shared” cluster installation). In this case both master and seed components will run on the same cluster and in the same namespace. It is however not possible to use the same cluster for multiple seeds.

Please note that the Community Edition is limited to a single seed with a fixed name. To run a multi-seed environment, please refer to the Enterprise Edition.

Please refer to the architecture diagrams for more information about the cluster relationships.


In this chapter, you will find the following KKP-specific terms:

  • Master Cluster – A Kubernetes cluster which is responsible for storing central information about users, projects and SSH keys. It hosts the KKP master components and might also act as a seed cluster.
  • Seed Cluster – A Kubernetes cluster which is responsible for hosting the control plane components (kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, kube-controller-manager, etcd and more) of a User Cluster.
  • User Cluster – A Kubernetes cluster created and managed by KKP, hosting applications managed by users.


If the seed cluster is using Cilium as CNI, it is currently necessary to put a workaround for cilium/cilium#20550 in place on each seed cluster with Cilium by creating a CiliumClusterwideNetworkPolicy object before adding them as seed(s). See User Cluster API Servers Fail to Start on Seed with Cilium CNI for details.

The setup procedure for seed clusters happens in multiple stages:

  1. You have to prepare the Kubernetes cluster to be used as seed (set up MinIO for cluster backups and ensure that usable storage is available).
  2. You create a Seed resource on the master cluster.
  3. The KKP Operator checks if the configured Seed cluster is valid and installs all KKP components like the seed-controller-manager and necessary CRDs. This is an automated process.

Skip to Installation if you plan to use a different storage backend for cluster backups or do not want to configure cluster backups at all.

KKP can perform regular backups of User Clusters by snapshotting the etcd of each cluster to a S3-compatible storage backend. If no storage backend outside the seed cluster exists, an in-cluster MinIO service can be installed via the minio Helm chart provided with the KKP installer.

For more details on cluster backups, see Automatic Etcd Backups and Restore.

The following content assumes you are using the provided minio Helm chart.

Create Backup StorageClass

MinIO requires a storage class which will be used as a backend for the exposed object storage. You can view the storage classes available on the cluster using the following command:

kubectl get storageclasses
#NAME                 PROVISIONER              AGE
#kubermatic-fast   195d
#kubermatic-backup   195d
#standard (default)   2y43d

It’s recommended that MinIO uses a separate storage class with a different location/security level, but you can also use the default one if you desire.

As MinIO does not require any of the SSD’s advantages, you can use cheaper, HDD-backed storage. It’s recommended that MinIO uses a separate storage class with a different location/security level. The following provides examples for several cloud providers:

kind: StorageClass
  name: kubermatic-backup
  type: sc1
kind: StorageClass
  name: kubermatic-backup
  kind: Managed
  storageaccounttype: Standard_LRS
kind: StorageClass
  name: kubermatic-backup
  type: pd-ssd
kind: StorageClass
  name: kubermatic-backup

For other providers, please refer to the respective CSI driver documentation. It should guide you through setting up a StorageClass. Ensure that the StorageClass you create is named kubermatic-backup. The final resource should look something like this:

# snippet, this is not a valid StorageClass!
kind: StorageClass
  name: kubermatic-backup
# CSI driver specific parameters
  parameter1: value1
  parameter2: value2

You can copy and adjust the correct StorageClass to a file (e.g. kubermatic-backup.yaml) and apply it via kubectl apply -f ./kubermatic-backup.yaml.

Prepare MinIO Configuration

If you are setting up MinIO, make sure to refer to the later section MinIO Backup Location when creating your Seed resource.

To configure the storage class to use and the size of backing storage, edit the minio section in your values.yaml file. For more information about the Minio options, take a look at the minio chart’s values.yaml.

  storeSize: '200Gi'
  # specified storageClass will be used as a storage provider for minio
  # which will be used store the etcd backup of the seed hosted User Clusters
  storageClass: kubermatic-backup
  # access key/secret for the exposed minio S3 gateway
    # generated access key length should be at least 3 characters
    accessKey: "YOUR-ACCESS-KEY"
    # generated secret key length should be at least 8 characters
    secretKey: "YOUR-SECRET-KEY"

As a good practice, we also recommend installing the s3-exporter Helm chart, which provides metrics regarding user cluster backups.


The Kubermatic Installler is the recommended way to setup new seed clusters. A manual installation is possible if you do not want to use the installer.

Applying Kubermatic CRDs is no (longer) necessary in recent KKP releases, since the logic to install them has moved to Kubermatic Operator. The installer only ensures a suitable StorageClass exists and the MinIO charts are installed.

Create a StorageClass

Apart from the previously mentioned StorageClass for MinIO, a seed setup also needs the same kubermatic-fast StorageClass that was already set up as part of the master installation. Please refer to those instructions for setting the StorageClass up on your seed as well. Note that you might need to pass a different value to the flag if your seed runs on a different cloud provider than your master.

You should skip this (by not passing the --storageclass flag at all) if you are setting up a shared master/seed setup as the StorageClass has been created already during master installation.

If you do not want to install MinIO, the only thing to do is ensure a suitable StorageClass named kubermatic-fast exists on the Seed Cluster (choose Option 3 from below). This StorageClass should fulfill the performance requirements as explained in the master installation documentation. The installer is capable of setting up a suitable StorageClass and is therefore still recommended to use.

Option 1: Use the Installer

Similar to how the Master Cluster can be installed with the installler, run the deploy kubermatic-seed command. You still need to manually ensure that the StorageClass you configured for MinIO exists already.

export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/seed-cluster/kubeconfig
./kubermatic-installer deploy kubermatic-seed \
  # uncomment the line below after updating it to your respective provider; remove flag if provider is not supported or cluster is shared with master (see above)
  # --storageclass aws \
  --config kubermatic.yaml \
  --helm-values values.yaml

The command above will take care of installing/updating the CRDs, setting up MinIO and the S3-exporter and attempts to provide you with the necessary DNS settings after the installation has completed.

Option 2: Manual Installation

If you want to install MinIO charts manually, you can install them via helm:

helm --namespace minio upgrade --install --create-namespace --wait --values /path/to/your/helm-values.yaml minio charts/minio/
helm --namespace kube-system upgrade --install --wait --values /path/to/your/helm-values.yaml s3-exporter charts/s3-exporter/

You will also need to manually ensure that a suitable StorageClass called kubermatic-fast exists.

Option 3: No Installation

If you have manually ensured that a suitable StorageClass called kubermatic-fast exists (see Create a StorageClass) and do not want to install MinIO, no installation step is needed here. Everything else will be set up by the Kubermatic Operator once the Seed resource has been created.

Set Up MinIO Bucket (only needed with MinIO)

If you are using MinIO, a bucket needs to be created for cluster backups to be stored in. This can be done for example via a Job resource that spawns a Pod running the mc command against the freshly deployed MinIO service. Below you find an example Job definition. If you want to change the bucket name, replace src/kkpbackup with src/YOUR_BUCKET_NAME in the args part of the template.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: create-minio-backup-bucket
  namespace: minio
  backoffLimit: 2
        - name: mc
            - /bin/sh
            - -c
            - mc --insecure config host add src http://minio.minio.svc.cluster.local:9000 "$MINIO_ACCESS_KEY" "$MINIO_SECRET_KEY" && mc --insecure mb src/kkpbackup
            - name: MINIO_ACCESS_KEY
                  name: minio
                  key: accessKey
            - name: MINIO_SECRET_KEY
                  name: minio
                  key: secretKey
            runAsNonRoot: false
            runAsUser: 0
      restartPolicy: Never

Put this into a file (e.g. called minio-bucket-job.yaml) and create it via:

kubectl create -f ./minio-bucket-job.yaml
#Job/create-minio-backup-bucket created

Supervise the Job to ensure the bucket gets created successfully.

Add Seed Resource

Next you need to prepare and apply the Seed resource that will connect the master cluster to the new seed cluster to finalize the seed setup (applying CRDs and creating seed-specific workloads).

Create Seed Kubeconfig

To connect the new Seed Cluster with the Master, you need to create a kubeconfig Secret and a Seed resource on the Master Cluster. This allows the KKP components in the Master Cluster to communicate with the Seed Cluster and reconcile user-cluster control planes.

If you have any potential networking restrictions (like firewalls) in place, make sure that your Master Cluster is allowed to connect to your Seed Cluster’s Kubernetes API endpoint.

The separate kubeconfig Secret needs to be provided even when a shared Master/Seed Cluster is being set up. Make sure that the kubeconfig you provide to the Seed resource has an Kubernetes API endpoint configured that is reachable from within the cluster.

To make sure that the kubeconfig stays valid forever, it must not contain temporary login tokens. Depending on the cloud provider, the default kubeconfig that is provided may not contain username+password / a client certificate, but instead try to talk to local token helper programs like aws-iam-authenticator for AWS or gcloud for the Google Cloud (GKE). These kubeconfig files will not work for setting up Seeds.

The kubermatic-installer tool provides a command convert-kubeconfig that can be used to prepare a kubeconfig for usage in Kubermatic. The script will create a ServiceAccount in the seed cluster, bind it to the cluster-admin role and then put the ServiceAccount’s token into the kubeconfig file. Afterwards the file can be used in KKP.

./kubermatic-installer convert-kubeconfig <ORIGINAL-KUBECONFIG-FILE> > my-kubeconfig-file

Seed Resource Snippet

The Seed resource itself must be called kubermatic (for the Community Edition) and needs to reference the new kubeconfig Secret. Below you find a starting point for your Seed:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: kubeconfig-kubermatic
  namespace: kubermatic
type: Opaque
  # You can use `base64 -w0 my-kubeconfig-file` to encode the
  # kubeconfig properly for inserting into this Secret.
  kubeconfig: <base64 encoded kubeconfig>

kind: Seed
  # The Seed *must* be named "kubermatic".
  name: kubermatic
  namespace: kubermatic
  # These two fields are only informational.
  country: DE
  location: Hamburg

  # List of datacenters where this seed cluster is allowed to create clusters in; see below for examples.
  datacenters: {}

  # etcd backup and restore configuration. See below for how to configure this section, depending
  # on the storage backend you chose. Omit this field if you do not wish to configure etcd backups.
  etcdBackupRestore: {}

  # Reference to the kubeconfig to use when connecting to this seed cluster.
    name: kubeconfig-kubermatic
    namespace: kubermatic

Refer to the Seed resource example for a complete example of the Seed CustomResource and all possible datacenters. You can also check the CRD documentation for a full reference.

Key considerations for creating your Seed resource are:

  • Configure appropriate datacenters (see below).
  • Configure backup locations if you wish to use cluster backups (see below).
  • Some global settings such as the expose strategy can be overridden on a per-seed level.

Configure Datacenters

Each Seed has a map of so-called Datacenters (under .spec.datacenters), which define the cloud provider locations that User Clusters can be deployed to. Every datacenter name is globally unique in a KKP setup. Users will select from a list of datacenters when creating User Clusters and their clusters will automatically get scheduled to the seed that defines that datacenter.

Check the CRD reference for a full reference of all possible fields for a datacenter definition. Below you can find a few examples as a starting point to define your datacenters:

# Datacenter for AWS 'eu-central-1' region
  country: DE
  location: EU (Frankfurt)
      region: eu-central-1
# Datacenter for AWS 'eu-west-1' region
  country: IE
  location: EU (Ireland)
      region: eu-west-1
# Datacenter for Azure 'westeurope' location
  country: NL
  location: West Europe
      location: westeurope
# Datacenter for GCP 'europe-west3' region
# this is configured to use three availability zones and spread cluster resources across them
  country: DE
  location: Frankfurt
      region: europe-west3
      regional: true
      zoneSuffixes: [a,b,c]
# Datacenter for a vSphere setup available under
  country: DE
  location: vSphere Hamburg
      cluster: Hamburg
      datacenter: Hamburg
      datastore: hamburg1
      endpoint: ""
      rootPath: /Hamburg/vm/kubernetes
        ubuntu: ubuntu-20.04-server-cloudimg-amd64

For additional providers supported by KKP, please check out our DatacenterSpec CRD documentation for the respective provider you want to use.

Note that for many private datacenter providers (such as OpenStack, vSphere or Nutanix), the templates section is mandatory for providing default images to use for various OSes.

Configure Backup Locations

Within your Seed resource, the .spec.etcdBackupRestore key configures cluster backup locations. Depending on which storage backend you chose to work with before, this will look slightly different. Below you will find two examples. Be aware that you can configure multiple destinations and as such could configure both the MinIO backup location and another S3-compatible storage backend at the same time.

Omit defaultDestination if you do not wish to enable default etcd backups on all clusters. Additional backup locations can also be added after installation either by updating the Seed resource or via the UI.

MinIO Backup Location

If MinIO was installed from the provided Helm chart, the etcd backup location configuration should look like this (the credentials secret is created by the minio Helm chart):

# snippet, not a valid seed resource!
kind: Seed
  name: kubermatic
  namespace: kubermatic
    defaultDestination: minio
        # use the bucket name chosen for the create-minio-backup-bucket Job from above.
        bucketName: kkpbackup
          name: kubermatic-s3-credentials
          namespace: kube-system
        endpoint: http://minio.minio.svc.cluster.local:9000

Any S3-compatible Storage Backend

If another S3-compatible storage backend is supposed to be used for cluster backups, ensure you have an endpoint, access key ID and secret access key available. Put access key information in a Secret like the one below (the name is given as an example and does not have to be s3-backup-credentials):

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: s3-backup-credentials
  namespace: kube-system

Apply it via kubectl. Afterwards, update your .spec.etcdBackupRestore to reference your Secret and the storage backend’s endpoint (replacing bucket, secret reference and endpoint as appropriate):

# snippet, not a valid seed resource!
kind: Seed
  name: kubermatic
  namespace: kubermatic
    defaultDestination: s3
        bucketName: examplebucketname
          name: s3-backup-credentials
          namespace: kube-system

Create Seed on Master Cluster

Apply the manifest above in the master cluster and KKP will pick up the new Seed and begin to reconcile it by installing the required KKP components.

kubectl apply -f seed-with-secret.yaml
#Secret/kubeconfig-kubermatic created.
#Seed/kubermatic created.

You can watch the progress by using kubectl and watch on the master cluster:

watch kubectl -n kubermatic get seeds
#kubermatic       0          Hamburg     v2.21.2                  v1.24.8             Healthy   5m

Watch the PHASE column until it shows “Healthy”. If it does not after a couple of minutes, you can check the kubermatic namespace on the new seed cluster and verify if there are any Pods showing signs of issues:

kubectl get pods -n kubermatic
#NAME                                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
#kubermatic-api-55765568f7-br9jl                        1/1     Running   0          5m4s
#kubermatic-api-55765568f7-xbvz2                        1/1     Running   0          5m13s
#kubermatic-dashboard-5d784d586b-f46f8                  1/1     Running   0          35m
#kubermatic-dashboard-5d784d586b-rgl29                  1/1     Running   0          35m
#kubermatic-master-controller-manager-f58d4df59-w7rkz   1/1     Running   0          5m13s
#kubermatic-operator-7f6957869d-89g55                   1/1     Running   0          5m37s
#nodeport-proxy-envoy-6d8bb6fbff-9z57l                  2/2     Running   0          5m6s
#nodeport-proxy-envoy-6d8bb6fbff-dl58l                  2/2     Running   0          4m54s
#nodeport-proxy-envoy-6d8bb6fbff-k4gp8                  2/2     Running   0          4m44s
#nodeport-proxy-updater-7fd55f948-cll8n                 1/1     Running   0          4m44s
#seed-proxy-kubermatic-6dd5cc95cf-r6wvb                 1/1     Running   0          80m

If you experience issues with the seed cluster setup, for example nothing happening in the kubermatic namespace, check the Kubermatic Operator logs on the master cluster, for example via:

kubectl --namespace kubermatic logs -l -f

Update DNS

Depending on the chosen Expose Strategy, the control planes of all User Clusters running in the Seed Cluster will be exposed by the nodeport-proxy or using services of type NodePort directly. By default each User Cluster gets a virtual domain name like [cluster-id].[seed-name].[kubermatic-domain], e.g. for the Seed from the previous step with being the main domain where the KKP dashboard/API are available.

A wildcard DNS record *.[seed-name].[kubermatic-domain] must be created. The target of the DNS wildcard record should be the EXTERNAL-IP of the nodeport-proxy service in the kubermatic namespace or a set of seed nodes IPs.

With LoadBalancers

When your cloud provider supports LoadBalancers, you can find the target IP / hostname by looking at the nodeport-proxy Service:

kubectl -n kubermatic get services
#NAME             TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)                      AGE
#nodeport-proxy   LoadBalancer        80:32014/TCP,443:30772/TCP   449d

The EXTERNAL-IP is what you need to put into the DNS record.

Without LoadBalancers

Without a LoadBalancer, you will need to point to one or many of the seed cluster’s nodes. You can get a list of external IPs like so:

kubectl get nodes -o wide
#NAME                        STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION         INTERNAL-IP   EXTERNAL-IP
#worker-node-cbd686cd-50nx   Ready    <none>   3h36m   v1.15.8-gke.3
#worker-node-cbd686cd-59s2   Ready    <none>   21m     v1.15.8-gke.3
#worker-node-cbd686cd-90j3   Ready    <none>   45m     v1.15.8-gke.3

DNS Record

Create an A or CNAME record as needed pointing to the target:

*   IN   A
; or for a CNAME:
*   IN   CNAME

Once your DNS settings have propagated (this takes a few minutes depending on your environment), your seed setup is complete.

Next Steps

After your seed has been set up successfully, your KKP setup is functional and can be used to create User Clusters on that seed. Here are a couple of suggestions what to do next: