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Check if the Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform (KKP) Components are Running

  1. List the kubermatic pods to verify the status by executing the command kubectl get pod -n kubermatic.
  2. If any of the listed pod is not running status, execute kubectl logs -n kubermatic $PODNAME to find out the issue.

The individual components and their purpose are:

  • kubermatic-ui: Provides the UI.
  • kubermatic-api: Provides the API.
  • master-controller: Sets up access for users to projects and clusters.
  • controller-manager: Creates all the components required for a cluster control plane.

Check for Problems With an Individual User Cluster

  1. Find the cluster-id by navigating to the details view of your cluster in the UI. The URL looks something like this, the cluster id is the last part: https://kubermatic/projects/project-id/dc/dc-name/clusters/cluster-id.
  2. Get the kubeconfig of your seed cluster.
  3. Check if there are any errors in the events for your cluster by executing kubectl describe cluster cluster-id.
  4. Check if all pods for the cluster are in running status by executing kubectl get pods -n cluster-$CLUSTER_ID.
  5. Check the log of the pod that is not running status by executing kubectl logs -n cluster-$CLUSTER_ID $PODNAME.
  6. If you want to play around with flags or other settings for a pod, you can make KKP stop managing the cluster by running kubectl edit cluster $CLUSTER_ID and setting .spec.pause to true.
  7. If you want more detailed logs from KKP, you can edit one of its deployments, e.G. kubectl edit deployment kubermatic-controller-manager-v1 -n kubermatic, and set the verbosity by adjusting the default of -v=2 to e.g. -v=4.

Check for Problems With Machines for an Individual User Cluster

  1. Get the kubeconfig of your cluster via the UI.
  2. Configure kubectl to use it by executing export KUBECONFIG=$DOWNLOADED_KUBECONFIG_FILE.
  3. Get the machines by executing kubectl get machine -n kube-system.
  4. Check the events for the machines by executing kubectl describe machine -n kube-system $MACHINE_NAME.