Terraform Integration

output.tf Reference

The output.tf file has the three top level sections defining the Kubernetes API server load balancer endpoint, the information about control plane hosts, and the information used to generate the MachineDeployments manifest.

# Contains the Load Balancer endpoint pointing to the Kubernetes API
output "kubeone_api" {}

# Contains information about control plane hosts, such as IP addresses,
# hostnames, and SSH parameters
output "kubeone_hosts" {}

# Contains templates for generating the MachineDeployment objects.
# More information about Cluster-API, machine-controller, and
# MachineDeployments can be found in the Concepts document:
#   https://docs.kubermatic.com/kubeone/main/architecture/concepts/#kubermatic-machine-controller
# Example MachineDeployment manifests for each supported provider can be found
# in the machine-controller repository:
#   https://github.com/kubermatic/machine-controller/tree/main/examples
output "kubeone_workers" {}

# Contains optional information about static workers hosts, such as IP addresses,
# hostnames, and SSH parameters
output "kubeone_static_workers" {}

# Contains optional information about the proxy to configure
output "proxy" {}

kubeone_api Reference

The kubeone_api section defines the endpoint of the load balancer pointing to the Kubernetes API server.

output "kubeone_api" {
  description = "kube-apiserver LB endpoint"

  value = {
    endpoint = aws_elb.control_plane.dns_name

kubeone_hosts Reference

The kubeone_hosts section includes the following information:

  • public and private IP addresses
  • instance hostnames
  • SSH parameters
  • optionally, parameters for bastion/jump host if such is used
output "kubeone_hosts" {
  description = "Control plane endpoints to SSH to"

  value = {
    control_plane = {
      # Name of the cluster
      cluster_name         = var.cluster_name
      # Cloud provider name.
      # KubeOne Terraform integration works only for natively-supported
      # providers:
      #   https://docs.kubermatic.com/kubeone/main/architecture/compatibility/
      # The cloud provider name is defined by the KubeOne API.
      # You can run kubeone config print --full and refer to the
      # cloudProvider section for the list of cloud provider names
      cloud_provider       = "aws"
      # Removes any taints from control plane nodes
      untaint              = true
      # Arrays containing public, private IP addresses, and hostnames.
      # Order of instances must be same across all three arrays.
      # Public addresses are not used in default AWS configs, instead
      # we access instances over the bastion host defined below
      # public_address     = <public-addresses>
      private_address      = aws_instance.control_plane.*.private_ip
      hostnames            = aws_instance.control_plane.*.private_dns
      # SSH parameters.
      # Path to SSH agent socket. Usually, value of this parameter is
      # env:SSH_AUTH_SOCK (value of the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable)
      ssh_agent_socket     = var.ssh_agent_socket
      ssh_port             = var.ssh_port
      ssh_private_key_file = var.ssh_private_key_file
      ssh_user             = var.ssh_username
      # Information about the bastion host instance.
      # The bastion host can be used if the instances are not publicly exposed
      # on the Internet.
      # The following variables can be omitted if bastion/jump host is not used
      bastion              = aws_instance.bastion.public_ip
      bastion_port         = var.bastion_port
      bastion_user         = var.bastion_user
      bastion_host_key     = var.bastion_host_key
      labels               = var.control_plane_labels
      # uncomment to following to set those kubelet parameters. More into at:
      # https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/reserve-compute-resources/
      # kubelet            = {
      #   system_reserved = "cpu=200m,memory=200Mi"
      #   kube_reserved   = "cpu=200m,memory=300Mi"
      #   eviction_hard   = ""
      #   max_pods        = 110
      # }

kubeone_workers Reference

The kubeone_workers section defines the template used for generating the MachineDeployments object. Generally, it’s defined such as:

output "kubeone_workers" {
  description = "Workers definitions, that will be transformed into MachineDeployment object"

  value = {
    # Following outputs will be parsed by KubeOne and automatically merged into
    # corresponding (by name) worker definitions (MachineDeployments)
    "${var.cluster_name}-${local.zoneA}" = {
      # Defines number of replicas
      replicas = var.initial_machinedeployment_replicas
      # ProviderSpec includes information needed to create instances
      providerSpec = {
        # Settings this will set metadata.annotations to the Node object
        annotations = {}
        # Settings this will set metadata.labels to the Node object
        labels = {}
        # Settings this will set spec.taints to the Node object
        # See more https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.20/#taint-v1-core
        taints = []
        # Information about SSH keys and operating system are common for
        # all providers.
        sshPublicKeys   = [aws_key_pair.deployer.public_key]
        operatingSystem = local.worker_os
        operatingSystemSpec = {
          distUpgradeOnBoot = false
        # machineObjectAnnotations are applied on resulting Machine objects
        # uncomment to following to set those kubelet parameters. More into at:
        # https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/reserve-compute-resources/
        # machineObjectAnnotations = {
        #   "v1.kubelet-config.machine-controller.kubermatic.io/SystemReserved" = "cpu=200m,memory=200Mi"
        #   "v1.kubelet-config.machine-controller.kubermatic.io/KubeReserved"   = "cpu=200m,memory=300Mi"
        #   "v1.kubelet-config.machine-controller.kubermatic.io/EvictionHard"   = ""
        #   "v1.kubelet-config.machine-controller.kubermatic.io/MaxPods"        = "110"
        # }
        # CloudProviderSpec is provider-specific. The following example is an
        # AWS CloudProviderSpec.
        # In the machine-controller repository, you can find example manifests
        # from where you can take cloudProviderSpec:
        #   https://github.com/kubermatic/machine-controller/tree/main/examples
        # You shouldn't include the information about credentials
        # as credentials are configured automatically by KubeOne as environment
        # variables in the machine-controller pod.
        cloudProviderSpec = {
          # provider specific fields:
          # see example under `cloudProviderSpec` section at:
          # https://github.com/kubermatic/machine-controller/blob/main/examples/aws-machinedeployment.yaml
          region           = var.aws_region
          ami              = local.ami
          availabilityZone = local.zoneA
          instanceProfile  = aws_iam_instance_profile.profile.name
          securityGroupIDs = [aws_security_group.common.id]
          vpcId            = data.aws_vpc.selected.id
          subnetId         = local.subnets[local.zoneA]
          instanceType     = var.worker_type
          assignPublicIP   = true
          diskSize         = 50
          diskType         = "gp2"
          ## Only applicable if diskType = io1
          diskIops           = 500
          isSpotInstance     = false
          ebsVolumeEncrypted = false
          tags = {
            "${var.cluster_name}-workers" = ""

    "${var.cluster_name}-${local.zoneB}" = {

    "${var.cluster_name}-${local.zoneC}" = {

kubeone_static_workers Reference

The kubeone_static_workers section includes the following information:

  • public and private IP addresses
  • instance hostnames
  • SSH parameters
  • optionally, parameters for bastion/jump host if such is used
output "kubeone_static_workers" {
  description = "Static worker config"

  value = {
    # Name of the group, has no meaning besides for convenience
    workers1 = {
      # Arrays containing public, private IP addresses, and hostnames.
      # Order of instances must be same across all three arrays.
      # Public addresses are not used in default AWS configs, instead
      # we access instances over the bastion host defined below
      # public_address     = <public-addresses>
      private_address      = aws_instance.static_workers1.*.private_ip
      hostnames            = aws_instance.static_workers1.*.private_dns
      # SSH parameters.
      # Path to SSH agent socket. Usually, value of this parameter is
      # env:SSH_AUTH_SOCK (value of the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable)
      ssh_agent_socket     = var.ssh_agent_socket
      ssh_port             = var.ssh_port
      ssh_private_key_file = var.ssh_private_key_file
      ssh_user             = var.ssh_username
      # The bastion host can be used if the instances are not publicly exposed
      # on the Internet.
      # The following variables can be omitted if bastion/jump host is not used
      bastion              = aws_instance.bastion.public_ip
      bastion_port         = var.bastion_port
      bastion_user         = var.bastion_user
      bastion_host_key     = var.bastion_host_key
      labels               = var.control_plane_labels
      # uncomment to following to set those kubelet parameters. More into at:
      # https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/reserve-compute-resources/
      # kubelet            = {
      #   system_reserved = "cpu=200m,memory=200Mi"
      #   kube_reserved   = "cpu=200m,memory=300Mi"
      #   eviction_hard   = ""
      #   max_pods        = 110
      # }

proxy Reference

output "proxy" {
  description = "Proxy info"

  value = {
    # Indicate HTTP proxy (corresponds HTTP_PROXY environment variable)
    http    = ""
    # Indicate HTTPS proxy (corresponds HTTPS_PROXY environment variable)
    https   = ""
    # Indicate hosts to not proxy (corresponds NO_PROXY environment variable)
    noProxy = ""