
Infrastructure Management

All required infrastructure for the cluster along with instances needed for control plane nodes are managed by the user. It can be done manually or by integrating with tools such as Terraform.

Instances for worker nodes can be managed in two ways:

  • using Kubermatic machine-controller, which creates and provisions instances, and joins them a cluster, automatically
  • using KubeOne Static Workers, by using the preferred tooling to create instances and then provision them using KubeOne

Using Kubermatic machine-controller is highly advised if your provider is officially supported. Otherwise, KubeOne Static Workers are recommended instead.

Additional information about the infrastructure management, such as what are the infrastructure requirements and how to use the Terraform integration, can be found in the Infrastructure Management document.

Example Terraform Scripts

To make it easier to get started, we provide example Terraform scripts that you can use to create the needed infrastructure and instances. The example Terraform scripts are available for all officially supported providers and can be found on GitHub.

The example Terraform scripts are supposed to be used as a foundation for building your own scripts. The scripts are optimized for ease of use and using in E2E tests, and therefore might not be suitable for the production usage out of the box.

Please check the Production Recommendations document for more details about making the example configs suitable for the production usage.

KubeOne Terraform Integration

KubeOne integrates with Terraform by reading the Terraform state for the information about the cluster including:

  • the load balancer endpoint
  • nodes’ public and private IP addresses, and hostnames
  • SSH parameters (username, port, key)
  • bastion/jump host parameters if bastion is used
  • information needed to generate the MachineDeployment objects which define worker nodes; for more information, see terraform worker reference.

All you need to do to utilize the integration is to ensure that you have the appropriate file along with your other Terraform files. It’s required that your file follows the template used by KubeOne, which can be found along with the example Terraform scripts (an example for AWS).

Cluster Provisioning and Management

KubeOne takes care of the full cluster lifecycle including: provisioning, upgrading, repairing, and unprovisioning the clusters. KubeOne utilizes Kubernetes’ kubeadm for handling provisioning and upgrading tasks. Kubeadm allows us to follow the best practices and create conformant and production-ready clusters.

Most of the tasks are carried out by running commands over SSH, therefore the SSH access to control plane nodes is required. Such tasks include installing and upgrading binaries, generating and distributing configuration files and certificates, running kubeadm, and more. Manifests are mostly applied programmatically using client-go and controller-runtime libraries.

This approach allows us to manage clusters on any infrastructure, is it cloud, on-prem, baremetal, Edge, or IoT.

KubeOne Configuration Manifest

Clusters are defined declaratively using the KubeOne Configuration Manifest. The configuration manifest is a YAML file that defines properties of a cluster such as:

  • The Kubernetes version to be deployed
  • Provider-specific information if applicable
  • Cluster network configuring
  • Cluster features to enable

You can grab the KubeOne Configuration Manifest reference by running the following command:

kubeone config print --full

Kubermatic machine-controller

Kubermatic machine-controller is an open-source Cluster API implementation that takes care of:

  • creating and managing instances for worker nodes
  • joining worker nodes a cluster
  • reconciling worker nodes and ensuring they are healthy

You can find more details about machine-controller in the Managing Worker Nodes Using Kubermatic machine-controller document.

Kubermatic operating-system-manager

Kubermatic operating-system-manager is used to create and manage worker node configurations in a kubernetes cluster. It works in liaison with machine-controller and provides the required user-data to machine-controller that is used to provision the worker nodes.

Cluster API

Cluster API is a Kubernetes sub-project focused on providing declarative APIs and tooling to simplify provisioning, upgrading, and operating multiple Kubernetes clusters. You can learn more about the Cluster API by checking out the Cluster API repository and the Cluster API documentation website.

We use Cluster API for managing worker nodes, while control plane nodes are managed as described in the Cluster Provisioning and Management section.

The Cluster API controller (e.g. Kubermatic machine-controller) is responsible for acting on Cluster API objects — Machines, MachineSets, and MachineDeployments. The controller takes care of reconciling the desired state and ensuring that the requested machines exist and are part of the cluster.


Machines ( define a single machine and node in the cluster. In our case, a worker node is requested by creating a Machine object which contains all the needed information to create the instance (e.g. region, instance size, security groups…). Machines are often compared to Pods, i.e. Machine is a atomic unit representing a single node.


MachineSets ( have a purpose to maintain a stable set of Machines running at any given time. It’s often used to guarantee the availability of a specified number of Machines. As such, MachineSets work similar as ReplicaSets.


MachineDeployments ( are similar to the Deployments. They are used to provide declarative updates for MachineSets/Machines and allow advanced use cases such as rolling updates.