Sometimes it’s needed to create a one-node-cluster, which will host control
plane components and as well the usual workloads. It’s possible to do so with
small tweaks.
The setup of “one node fits all” or all-in-one in general is a usual KubeOne cluster,
the only difference would be: removed taints from the Node.
What is preventing “all in one” by default?
Every control plane Node in the cluster will, by default, have the following
taints, which prevents any “accidental” workloads to land on the control plane
- effect: NoSchedule
So we need to get rid of them.
How to remove the default control plane taint?
In order to remove the default taints from the control plane Nodes we need to
ether edit the terraform output (in case when it’s in use) or to specify empty
taints array in the YAML.
In the
file, add untaint = true
to the control_plane
like shows
in the diff below.
output "kubeone_hosts" {
description = "Control plane endpoints to SSH to"
value = {
control_plane = {
+ untaint = true
Drop control plane taints using kubeone config
In case if you don’t use terraform but rather write whole config manually:
kind: KubeOneCluster
name: demo-cluster
- publicAddress: "x.x.x.1"
hostname: "k1-cp-1"
+ taints: []