Static Workers

KubeOne Static Workers are worker nodes provisioned by KubeOne using kubeadm. Similar to the control plane nodes, it’s expected that the user will create and maintain instances for static worker nodes.

This is useful in cases where the infrastructure provider is not natively-supported. In this case, KubeOne will use the static worker nodes provided in the KubeOne Configuration Manifest.

Static Workers Nodes are defined similarly to the control plane hosts, but they have their own API field called staticWorkers:

# The list of nodes can be overwritten by providing Terraform output.
# You are strongly encouraged to provide an odd number of nodes and
# have at least three of them.
# Remember to only specify your *master* nodes.
  - publicAddress: ''
    privateAddress: ''
    bastion: ''
    bastionPort: 22  # can be left out if using the default (22)
    bastionUser: 'root'  # can be left out if using the default ('root')
    sshPort: 22 # can be left out if using the default (22)
    sshUsername: ubuntu
    # You usually want to configure either a private key OR an
    # agent socket, but never both. The socket value can be
    # prefixed with "env:" to refer to an environment variable.
    sshPrivateKeyFile: '/home/me/.ssh/id_rsa'
    sshAgentSocket: 'env:SSH_AUTH_SOCK'
    # Taints is used to apply taints to the node.
    # If not provided defaults to TaintEffectNoSchedule, with key
    # for control plane nodes.
    # Explicitly empty (i.e. taints: {}) means no taints will be applied.
    - key: ""
      effect: "NoSchedule"

# A list of static workers, not managed by MachineController.
# The list of nodes can be overwritten by providing Terraform output.
  - publicAddress: ''
    privateAddress: ''
    bastion: ''
    bastionPort: 22  # can be left out if using the default (22)
    bastionUser: 'root'  # can be left out if using the default ('root')
    sshPort: 22 # can be left out if using the default (22)
    sshUsername: ubuntu
    # You usually want to configure either a private key OR an
    # agent socket, but never both. The socket value can be
    # prefixed with "env:" to refer to an environment variable.
    sshPrivateKeyFile: '/home/me/.ssh/id_rsa'
    sshAgentSocket: 'env:SSH_AUTH_SOCK'
    # Taints is used to apply taints to the node.
    # Explicitly empty (i.e. taints: {}) means no taints will be applied.
    # taints:
    # - key: ""
    #   effect: ""