Migrating to the KubeOneCluster v1beta1 API

Starting with v1.0.0, KubeOne comes with a new, v1beta1 version of the KubeOneCluster API. The new API is similar to the v1alpha1 API, with a couple of improvements.

This document shows how to migrate from the v1alpha1 API to the v1beta1 API, as well as, what has been changed between two versions.

It remains possible to use all KubeOne commands with the v1alpha1 manifest, however, it’s strongly advised to migrate to the latest API version as soon as possible.

To migrate to the v1beta1 API, you must upgrade KubeOne to v1.0.0 or newer.

Migrating the manifest using the config migrate command

The config migrate command automatically migrates the v1alpha1 manifests to the new v1beta1 API. The command takes the path to the v1alpha1 manifest and prints the converted manifest to the standard output.

Example usage:

kubeone config migrate --manifest kubeone.yaml

It’s strongly advised to compare the old and new manifests to ensure that no information is missing in the new manifest. If you see anything unexpected and not covered by the The API Changelog portion of this document, please file a new issue on GitHub.

The API Changelog

The API version of the new API is v1beta1. The kind remains KubeOneCluster.

Defining providers as typed structs

The cloudProvider.Name field has been removed and replaced with typed structs. The valid provider struct names are same as valid cloudProvider.Name values.

# v1alpha1 API
  name: aws

# v1beta1 API
  aws: {}

Moving the network.networkID to the HetznerSpec struct

The network.networkID field, used for Hetzner clusters to configure the CCM, has been moved to the .cloudProvider.Hetzner struct.

# v1alpha1 API
  name: hetzner
  networkID: "1234"

# v1beta1 API
    networkID: "1234"

Defining CNI plugins as typed structs

Similar as for .cloudProvider.Name, the network.cni.name field has been replaced with the appropriate structs.

# v1alpha1 API
    name: canal

# v1beta1 API
    canal: {}
# v1alpha1 API
    name: weave
    encrypted: true

# v1beta1 API
      encrypted: true

Moving the network.cni.encrypted field to the WeaveNet struct

Since only WeaveNet supports encryption, the .network.cni.encrypted field has been moved to the WeaveNet struct.

# v1alpha1 API
    name: weave
    encrypted: true

# v1beta1 API
      encrypted: true

The hosts-related fields has been renamed to make the difference between different type of hosts clear.

  • .hosts -> .controlPlane.Hosts
  • .staticWorkers -> .staticWorkers.Hosts
  • .workers -> .dynamicWorkers

Changes to the .untaint field

The .untaint field in the HostConfig struct has been replaced with the .taints field. The new field takes a list of taints that will be applied on the node.

If omitted from the manifest, the default value is:

  • for control plane nodes: node-role.kubernetes.io/master with NoSchedule effect
  • for worker nodes: no taints

If it’s explicitly empty, no taints will be applied to the node. This behavior is same as if .untaint is true.

# v1alpha1 API
- ...
  untaint: true

# v1beta1 API
  - ...
    taints: {}
# v1alpha1 API
- ...
  untaint: false

# v1beta1 API
  - ...
    - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/master"
      effect: "NoSchedule"

Removal of the .machineControllerConfig.Provider field

The .machineControllerConfig.Provider has been removed from the API.

This field had no effect in the v1alpha1 API and after reconsideration (see #765 for more details) it has been decided to remove this field. machine-controller will be configured to work for provider specified in the .cloudProvider property.

Removal of the .credentials field

The .credentials field has been removed from the API.

For a long time, the credentials are automatically sourced from the environment, with a support for specifying credentials using the credentials file. Considering that the .credentials field had no effect, it has been decided to remove this field.