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Upgrading from 1.4 to 1.5

This document contains important upgrade notes for upgrading from KubeOne 1.4 to 1.5. For the complete changelog, please check the complete v1.5.0 changelog on GitHub.

Known Issues

Make sure to familiarize yourself with the known issues in KubeOne 1.5 before upgrading by checking the Known Issues document.

Important Information for RHEL Users on Azure

If you have a RHEL-based cluster on Azure, you MUST adhere to the following instructions BEFORE upgrading to KubeOne 1.5. Not doing so might result in a failed upgrade where the cluster networking is broken after the Canal CNI is updated from v3.22 to 3.23.

machine-controller v1.43.6 and earlier used in KubeOne 1.4.0-1.4.7 created RHEL worker nodes with firewalld enabled. firewalld can conflict with Calico causing the cluster networking to end up in a broken state when Calico is updated to a newer version. This issue was fixed in machine-controller v1.43.7 by ensuring that firewalld is disabled. machine-controller v1.43.7 is used in KubeOne 1.4.8 and newer.

Before upgrading to KubeOne 1.5, you MUST:

  • Upgrade to KubeOne 1.4.8
  • Run kubeone apply without changing the KubeOneCluster manifest or any other properties to trigger machine-controller update
  • Rollout all RHEL-based MachineDeployments as described in the Rolling Restart MachineDeployments guide. This will cause all Machines (Nodes) to get recreated

After that is done, you can safely upgrade to KubeOne 1.5.

Kubernetes Compatibility Changes

KubeOne 1.5 introduces support for Kubernetes 1.24. Support for Kubernetes 1.21 is removed because it reached End-of-Life (EOL) on 2022-06-28.

If you have a Kubernetes cluster running 1.21 or earlier, you need to update to Kubernetes 1.22 or newer using KubeOne 1.4. For more information, check out the Kubernetes compatibility document.

Changes in the node-role label, nodeSelectors, and taints/tolerations

KEP 2067 introduced several changes related to the node-role labels and taints:

  • The label is deprecated in 1.20 and removed in 1.24. Instead, is applied to all Kubernetes 1.20+ clusters upon provisioning and upgrading
  • A new taint is applied to all control plane nodes starting with Kubernetes 1.24 upon provisioning and upgrading
    • The old taint is still applied to all clusters. The old taint will be removed in Kubernetes 1.25. If you have workloads that could/should run on the control plane nodes, those workloads MUST tolerate both the old and the new taint
    • The affected workloads must be adapted to the new taint BEFORE upgrading to Kubernetes 1.24, otherwise, some workloads might not run at all or properly

Addons managed by KubeOne are adapted to the requirements mentioned above in KubeOne 1.5. If you override any addons managed by KubeOne, make sure to update those addons accordingly. It’s strongly recommended to run kubeone apply without changing the KubeOneCluster manifest or any other properties right after upgrading KubeOne to 1.5. It’s required to run kubeone apply without changes before upgrading to Kubernetes 1.24.

Make sure that you adapt all your workloads that use the label or toleration as described above. KubeOne 1.5 has a safeguard to prevent upgrading to Kubernetes 1.24 if there are any workloads that aren’t adapted.

Operating System Manager (OSM) is Enabled By Default

We introduced Operating System Manager (OSM) in KubeOne 1.4 as an optional addon for managing the user-data used to provision the worker nodes managed by machine-controller.

OSM has reached GA (v1.0.0) and is now enabled by default for all KubeOne clusters with machine-controller enabled.

Existing worker nodes will not be migrated to use OSM automatically. The user needs to manually rollout all MachineDeployments to start using OSM. This can be done by following the steps described in the Rolling Restart MachineDeploments document.

To learn more about OSM, how it works, and how to use it, we recommend checking out the following documents:

If you wish to opt-out from using OSM, check out the OSM usage guide for instructions. This is NOT recommended because the old approach is considered as legacy and deprecated, and it’ll be removed in a future release.

Flatcar Provisioning Utility

OSM currently supports only Ignition provisioning utility for Flatcar machines. If you have Flatcar-based MachineDeployments that use the cloud-init provisioning utility, you need to change the provisioning utility to ignition or leave it empty (defaults to ignition). The provisioning utility can be changed by running kubectl edit for each MachineDeployment in the kube-system (e.g. kubectl edit machinedeployment -n kube-system <name>), locating the provisioningUtility field, and changing its value as described. KubeOne 1.5 has a safeguard used to prevent enabling OSM if there are any Flatcar-based MachineDeployments that use the cloud-init provisioning utility.

Check out the OSM usage guide for more information about migrating to the ignition provisioning utility.

AWS Flatcar-based MachineDeployments created by KubeOne 1.4 use the cloud-init provisioning utility. Other providers should be using ignition unless specified otherwise.

vSphere CSI moved to the vmware-system-csi namespace

The vSphere CSI driver got moved from the kube-system to the vmware-system-csi namespace in this release. This has been done because the vSphere CSI driver development team strongly recommends running the CSI driver in its dedicated namespace. Otherwise, some features might not work at all.

This change shouldn’t affect any volumes, PVCs/PVs, or Snapshots. This change doesn’t require any user action.

The CSI driver will be moved to the new namespace upon running kubeone apply for the first time after upgrading to KubeOne 1.5.

Other Notable Changes

  • workers_replicas variable has been renamed to initial_machinedeployment_replicas in example Terraform configs for Hetzner.
  • Change default instance size in example Terraform configs for Equinix Metal to c3.small.x86 because t1.small.x86 is not available any longer. If you’re using the latest Terraform configs for Equinix Metal with an existing cluster, make sure to explicitly set the instance size (device_type and lb_device_type) in terraform.tfvars or otherwise your instances might get recreated.
  • Remove the hcloud-volumes StorageClass deployed automatically by Hetzner CSI driver in favor of hcloud-volumes StorageClass deployed by the default-storage-class addon. If you’re using the hcloud-volumes StorageClass, make sure that you have the default-storage-class addon enabled before upgrading to KubeOne 1.5.
  • Update secret name for backup-restic addon to kubeone-backups-credentials. Manual migration steps are needed for users running KKP on top of a KubeOne installation and using both backup-restic addon from KubeOne and s3-exporter from KKP. Ensure that the s3-credentials Secret with keys ACCESS_KEY_ID and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY exists in kube-system namespace and doesn’t have the label Remove the label if it exists. Otherwise, s3-exporter won’t be functional.

For information about other changes, we recommend checking out the changelog.