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Unprovisioning Clusters

Unprovisioning the cluster removes the Kubernetes installation. All worker nodes, workload, and data will be permanently deleted!

The goal of the unprovisioning process is to destroy the cluster. It should be used only if you don’t need the cluster anymore and want to free up the cloud resources.

Unprovisioning Kubernetes

You can revert the provision process using the reset command, such as:

kubeone reset --manifest kubeone.yaml -t tf.json

This command removes all worker nodes (by removing the MachineDeployment objects) and runs kubeadm reset on each control plane node to remove the Kubernetes installation. If you want to opt-out from removing worker nodes (MachineDeployments), you can set the --destroy-workers flag to false:

kubeone reset --manifest kubeone.yaml -t tf.json --destroy-workers=false

Docker and Kubernetes binaries are not removed by the reset command. Optionally, if you want to remove the Kubernetes binaries (kubeadm, kubelet, and kubectl), you can use the --remove-binaries flag:

kubeone reset --manifest kubeone.yaml -t tf.json --remove-binaries

After resetting the cluster, you can destroy the infrastructure. If you use Terraform, continue to the next section. Otherwise, you’ll have to manually delete resources using your preferred approach (e.g. cloud console).

Removing Infrastructure Using Terraform

If you use Terraform to manage the infrastructure, you can simply destroy all resources using the destroy command. Terraform will show what resources will be destroyed and will ask you to confirm your intentions by typing yes.

If you’re running cluster on GCP, you will be required to manually remove Routes created by kube-controller-manager using cloud console before running terraform destroy.

terraform destroy