APIEndpoint is the endpoint used to communicate with the Kubernetes API
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
host | Host is the hostname or IP on which API is running. | string | true |
port | Port is the port used to reach to the API. Default value is 6443. | int | false |
alternativeNames | AlternativeNames is a list of Subject Alternative Names for the API Server signing cert. | []string | false |
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AWSSpec defines the AWS cloud provider
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
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Addon config
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
name | Name of the addon to configure | string | true |
params | Params to the addon, to render the addon using text/template, this will override globalParams | map[string]string | false |
disableTemplating | DisableTemplating is used to disable templatization for the addon. | bool | false |
delete | Delete flag to ensure the named addon with all its contents to be deleted | bool | false |
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Addons config
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
enable | Enable | bool | false |
path | Path on the local file system to the directory with addons manifests. | string | false |
globalParams | GlobalParams to the addon, to render all addons using text/template | map[string]string | false |
addons | Addons is a list of config options for named addon | []Addon | false |
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AzureSpec defines the Azure cloud provider
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
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CNI config. Only one CNI provider must be used at the single time.
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CanalSpec defines the Canal CNI plugin
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
mtu | MTU automatically detected based on the cloudProvider default value is 1450 | int | false |
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CiliumSpec defines the Cilium CNI plugin
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
kubeProxyReplacement | KubeProxyReplacement defines weather cilium relies on underlying Kernel support to replace kube-proxy functionality by eBPF (strict), or disables a subset of those features so cilium does not bail out if the kernel support is missing (disabled). default is "disabled" | KubeProxyReplacementType | true |
enableHubble | EnableHubble to deploy Hubble relay and UI default value is false | bool | true |
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CloudProviderSpec describes the cloud provider that is running the machines.
Only one cloud provider must be defined at the single time.
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ClusterNetworkConfig describes the cluster network
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
podSubnet | PodSubnet default value is "" | string | false |
podSubnetIPv6 | PodSubnetIPv6 default value is ""fd01::/48"" | string | false |
serviceSubnet | ServiceSubnet default value is "" | string | false |
serviceSubnetIPv6 | ServiceSubnetIPv6 default value is "fd02::/120" | string | false |
serviceDomainName | ServiceDomainName default value is "cluster.local" | string | false |
nodePortRange | NodePortRange default value is "30000-32767" | string | false |
cni | CNI default value is {canal: {mtu: 1450}} | *CNI | false |
kubeProxy | KubeProxy config | *KubeProxyConfig | false |
ipFamily | IPFamily allows specifying IP family of a cluster. Valid values are IPv4 | IPv6 | IPv4+IPv6 | IPv6+IPv4. | IPFamily | false |
nodeCIDRMaskSizeIPv4 | NodeCIDRMaskSizeIPv4 is the mask size used to address the nodes within provided IPv4 Pods CIDR. It has to be larger than the provided IPv4 Pods CIDR. Defaults to 24. | *int | false |
nodeCIDRMaskSizeIPv6 | NodeCIDRMaskSizeIPv6 is the mask size used to address the nodes within provided IPv6 Pods CIDR. It has to be larger than the provided IPv6 Pods CIDR. Defaults to 64. | *int | false |
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ContainerRuntimeContainerd defines docker container runtime
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
registries | A map of registries to use to render configs and mirrors for containerd registries | map[string]ContainerdRegistry | false |
deviceOwnershipFromSecurityContext | Enable or disable device_ownership_from_security_context containerd CRI config. Default to false. | *bool | false |
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ContainerRuntimeDocker defines docker container runtime
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
registryMirrors | Configures dockerd with "registry-mirrors" | []string | true |
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ContainerdRegistry defines endpoints and security for given container registry
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Containerd per-registry credentials config
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
username | | string | false |
password | | string | false |
auth | | string | false |
identityToken | | string | false |
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Configures containerd TLS for a registry
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
insecureSkipVerify | Don’t validate remote TLS certificate | bool | false |
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Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
flags | Flags is a set of additional flags that will be passed to the control plane component. KubeOne internally configures some flags that are eseeential for the cluster to work. Those flags set by KubeOne will be merged with the ones specified in the configuration. In case of conflict the value provided by the user will be used. Usage of feature-gates is not allowed here, use FeatureGates field instead. IMPORTANT: Use of these flags is at the user’s own risk, as KubeOne does not provide support for issues caused by invalid values and configurations. | map[string]string | false |
featureGates | FeatureGates is a map of additional feature gates that will be passed on to the control plane component. KubeOne internally configures some feature gates that are eseeential for the cluster to work. Those feature gates set by KubeOne will be merged with the ones specified in the configuration. In case of conflict the value provided by the user will be used. IMPORTANT: Use of these featureGates is at the user’s own risk, as KubeOne does not provide support for issues caused by invalid values and configurations. | map[string]bool | false |
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ControlPlaneConfig defines control plane nodes
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
hosts | Hosts array of all control plane hosts. | []HostConfig | true |
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Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
replicas | | *int32 | false |
deployPodDisruptionBudget | | *bool | false |
imageRepository | ImageRepository allows users to specify the image registry to be used for CoreDNS. Kubeadm automatically appends /coredns at the end, so it’s not necessary to specify it. By default it’s empty, which means it’ll be defaulted based on kubeadm defaults and if overwriteRegistry feature is used. ImageRepository has the highest priority, meaning that it’ll override overwriteRegistry if specified. | string | false |
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DNSConfig contains a machine’s DNS configuration
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
servers | Servers | []string | true |
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DigitalOceanSpec defines the DigitalOcean cloud provider
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
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DynamicAuditLog feature flag
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
enable | Enable Default value is false. | bool | false |
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DynamicWorkerConfig describes a set of worker machines
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
name | Name | string | true |
replicas | Replicas | *int | true |
providerSpec | Config | ProviderSpec | true |
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Encryption Providers feature flag
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
enable | Enable | bool | true |
customEncryptionConfiguration | CustomEncryptionConfiguration | string | true |
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EquinixMetalSpec defines the Equinix Metal cloud provider
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
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ExternalCNISpec defines the external CNI plugin.
It’s up to the user’s responsibility to deploy the external CNI plugin manually or as an addon
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
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Features controls what features will be enabled on the cluster
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GCESpec defines the GCE cloud provider
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
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Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
chart | Chart is [CHART] part of the helm upgrade [RELEASE] [CHART] command. | string | true |
repoURL | RepoURL is a chart repository URL where to locate the requested chart. | string | false |
chartURL | ChartURL is a direct chart URL location. | string | false |
version | Version is –version flag of the helm upgrade command. Specify the exact chart version to use. If this is not specified, the latest version is used. | string | false |
releaseName | ReleaseName is [RELEASE] part of the helm upgrade [RELEASE] [CHART] command. Empty is defaulted to chart. | string | false |
namespace | Namespace is –namespace flag of the helm upgrade command. A namespace to use for a release. | string | true |
wait | Wait is –wait flag of the helm install command. | bool | false |
timeout | WaitTimeout –timeout flag of the helm install command. | metav1.Duration | false |
values | Values provide optional overrides of the helm values. | []HelmValues | false |
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HelmValues configure inputs to helm upgrade --install
command analog.
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
valuesFile | ValuesFile is an optional path on the local file system containing helm values to override. An analog of –values flag of the helm upgrade command. | string | false |
inline | Inline is optionally used as a convenient way to provide short user input overrides to the helm upgrade process. Is written to a temporary file and used as an analog of the helm upgrade --values=/tmp/inline-helm-values-XXX command. | json.RawMessage | false |
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HetznerSpec defines the Hetzner cloud provider
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
networkID | NetworkID | string | false |
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HostConfig describes a single control plane or worker node.
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
publicAddress | PublicAddress is externally accessible IP address from public internet. | string | true |
ipv6Addresses | IPv6Addresses is IPv6 addresses of the node, only the first one will be announced to the k8s control plane. It is a list because you can request lots of IPv6 addresses (for example in case you want to assign one address per service). | []string | true |
privateAddress | PrivateAddress is internal RFC-1918 IP address. | string | true |
sshPort | SSHPort is port to connect ssh to. Default value is 22. | int | false |
sshUsername | SSHUsername is system login name. Default value is "root". | string | false |
sshPrivateKeyFile | SSHPrivateKeyFile is path to the file with PRIVATE AND CLEANTEXT ssh key. Default value is "". | string | false |
sshCertFile | SSHCertFile is path to the file with the certificate of the private key. Default value is "". | string | false |
sshHostPublicKey | SSHHostPublicKey if not empty, will be used to verify remote host public key | []byte | false |
sshAgentSocket | SSHAgentSocket path (or reference to the environment) to the SSH agent unix domain socket. Default value is "env:SSH_AUTH_SOCK". | string | false |
bastion | Bastion is an IP or hostname of the bastion (or jump) host to connect to. Default value is "". | string | false |
bastionPort | BastionPort is SSH port to use when connecting to the bastion if it’s configured in .Bastion. Default value is 22. | int | false |
bastionUser | BastionUser is system login name to use when connecting to bastion host. Default value is "root". | string | false |
bastionHostPublicKey | BastionHostPublicKey if not empty, will be used to verify bastion SSH public key | []byte | false |
hostname | Hostname is the hostname(1) of the host. Default value is populated at the runtime via running hostname -f command over ssh. | string | false |
isLeader | IsLeader indicates this host as a session leader. Default value is populated at the runtime. | bool | false |
taints | Taints are taints applied to nodes. Those taints are only applied when the node is being provisioned. If not provided (i.e. nil) for control plane nodes, it defaults to TaintEffectNoSchedule with key\n node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane\nExplicitly empty (i.e. []corev1.Taint{}) means no taints will be applied (this is default for worker nodes). | []corev1.Taint | false |
labels | Labels to be used to apply (or remove, with minus symbol suffix, see more kubectl help label) labels to/from node | map[string]string | false |
kubelet | Kubelet | KubeletConfig | false |
operatingSystem | OperatingSystem information, can be populated at the runtime. | OperatingSystemName | false |
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Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
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IPVSConfig contains different options to configure IPVS kube-proxy mode
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
scheduler | ipvs scheduler, if it’s not configured, then round-robin (rr) is the default value. Can be one of: * rr: round-robin * lc: least connection (smallest number of open connections) * dh: destination hashing * sh: source hashing * sed: shortest expected delay * nq: never queue | string | true |
excludeCIDRs | excludeCIDRs is a list of CIDR’s which the ipvs proxier should not touch when cleaning up ipvs services. | []string | true |
strictARP | strict ARP configure arp_ignore and arp_announce to avoid answering ARP queries from kube-ipvs0 interface | bool | true |
tcpTimeout | tcpTimeout is the timeout value used for idle IPVS TCP sessions. The default value is 0, which preserves the current timeout value on the system. | metav1.Duration | true |
tcpFinTimeout | tcpFinTimeout is the timeout value used for IPVS TCP sessions after receiving a FIN. The default value is 0, which preserves the current timeout value on the system. | metav1.Duration | true |
udpTimeout | udpTimeout is the timeout value used for IPVS UDP packets. The default value is 0, which preserves the current timeout value on the system. | metav1.Duration | true |
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KubeOneCluster is KubeOne Cluster API Schema
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
name | Name is the name of the cluster. | string | true |
controlPlane | ControlPlane describes the control plane nodes and how to access them. | ControlPlaneConfig | true |
apiEndpoint | APIEndpoint are pairs of address and port used to communicate with the Kubernetes API. | APIEndpoint | true |
cloudProvider | CloudProvider configures the cloud provider specific features. | CloudProviderSpec | true |
versions | Versions defines which Kubernetes version will be installed. | VersionConfig | true |
containerRuntime | ContainerRuntime defines which container runtime will be installed | ContainerRuntimeConfig | false |
clusterNetwork | ClusterNetwork configures the in-cluster networking. | ClusterNetworkConfig | false |
proxy | Proxy configures proxy used while installing Kubernetes and by the Docker daemon. | ProxyConfig | false |
staticWorkers | StaticWorkers describes the worker nodes that are managed by KubeOne/kubeadm. | StaticWorkersConfig | false |
dynamicWorkers | DynamicWorkers describes the worker nodes that are managed by Kubermatic machine-controller/Cluster-API. | []DynamicWorkerConfig | false |
machineController | MachineController configures the Kubermatic machine-controller component. | *MachineControllerConfig | false |
operatingSystemManager | OperatingSystemManager configures the Kubermatic operating-system-manager component. | *OperatingSystemManagerConfig | false |
caBundle | CABundle PEM encoded global CA | string | false |
features | Features enables and configures additional cluster features. | Features | false |
addons | Addons are used to deploy additional manifests. | *Addons | false |
helmReleases | HelmReleases configure helm charts to reconcile. For each HelmRelease it will run analog of: helm upgrade --namespace <NAMESPACE> --install --create-namespace <RELEASE> <CHART> [--values=values-override.yaml] | []HelmRelease | false |
systemPackages | SystemPackages configure kubeone behaviour regarding OS packages. | *SystemPackages | false |
registryConfiguration | RegistryConfiguration configures how Docker images are pulled from an image registry | *RegistryConfiguration | false |
loggingConfig | LoggingConfig configures the Kubelet’s log rotation | LoggingConfig | false |
tlsCipherSuites | TLSCipherSuites allows to configure TLS cipher suites for different components. See https://pkg.go.dev/crypto/tls#pkg-constants for possible values. | TLSCipherSuites | true |
controlPlaneComponents | ControlPlaneComponents configures the Kubernetes control plane components | *ControlPlaneComponents | false |
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KubeProxyConfig defines configured kube-proxy mode, default is iptables mode
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
skipInstallation | SkipInstallation will skip the installation of kube-proxy default value is false | bool | true |
ipvs | IPVS config | *IPVSConfig | true |
iptables | IPTables config | *IPTables | true |
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KubeletConfig provides some kubelet configuration options
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KubevirtSpec defines the Kubevirt provider
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
infraNamespace | InfraNamespace is the namespace that KubeVirt provider will use to create and manage resources in the infra cluster, such as VirtualMachines, VirtualMachineInstances, etc… | string | false |
infraClusterKubeconfig | InfraClusterKubeconfig is a base64-encoded kubeconfig file that points to a KubeVirt infra cluster (a cluster where KubeVirt is installed). This Kubeconfig will be used to create and manage KubeVirt specific resources such as DataVolumes. | string | false |
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LoggingConfig configures the Kubelet’s log rotation
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MachineControllerConfig configures kubermatic machine-controller deployment
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
deploy | Deploy | bool | false |
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MetricsServer feature flag
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
enable | Enable deployment of metrics-server. Default value is true. | bool | false |
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Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
deploy | Deploy is enabled by default | bool | false |
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NoneSpec defines a none provider
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
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NutanixSpec defines the Nutanix provider
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
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OpenIDConnect feature flag
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OpenIDConnectConfig config
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
issuerUrl | IssuerURL | string | true |
clientId | ClientID | string | false |
usernameClaim | UsernameClaim | string | false |
usernamePrefix | UsernamePrefix. The value - can be used to disable all prefixing. | string | false |
groupsClaim | GroupsClaim | string | false |
groupsPrefix | GroupsPrefix. The value - can be used to disable all prefixing. | string | false |
requiredClaim | RequiredClaim | string | true |
signingAlgs | SigningAlgs | string | false |
caFile | CAFile | string | true |
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OpenstackSpec defines the Openstack provider
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
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OperatingSystemManagerConfig configures kubermatic operating-system-manager deployment.
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
deploy | Deploy | bool | false |
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PodNodeSelector feature flag
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PodNodeSelectorConfig config
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PodSecurityPolicy feature flag
This feature is deprecated and will be removed from the API once
Kubernetes 1.24 reaches EOL.
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
enable | Enable | bool | false |
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ProviderSpec describes a worker node
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
cloudProviderSpec | CloudProviderSpec | json.RawMessage | true |
annotations | Annotations set MachineDeployment.ObjectMeta.Annotations | map[string]string | false |
machineAnnotations | MachineAnnotations set MachineDeployment.Spec.Template.Spec.ObjectMeta.Annotations as a way to annotate resulting Nodes Deprecated: Use NodeAnnotations instead. | map[string]string | false |
nodeAnnotations | NodeAnnotations set MachineDeployment.Spec.Template.Spec.ObjectMeta.Annotations as a way to annotate resulting Nodes | map[string]string | false |
machineObjectAnnotations | MachineObjectAnnotations set MachineDeployment.Spec.Template.Metadata.Annotations as a way to annotate resulting Machine objects. Those annotations are not propagated to Node objects. If you want to annotate resulting Nodes as well, see NodeAnnotations | map[string]string | false |
labels | Labels | map[string]string | false |
taints | Taints | []corev1.Taint | false |
sshPublicKeys | SSHPublicKeys | []string | false |
operatingSystem | OperatingSystem | string | true |
operatingSystemSpec | OperatingSystemSpec | json.RawMessage | false |
network | Network | *ProviderStaticNetworkConfig | false |
overwriteCloudConfig | OverwriteCloudConfig | *string | false |
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ProviderStaticNetworkConfig contains a machine’s static network configuration
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
cidr | CIDR | string | true |
gateway | Gateway | string | true |
dns | DNS | DNSConfig | true |
ipFamily | IPFamily | IPFamily | true |
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ProxyConfig configures proxy for the Docker daemon and is used by KubeOne scripts
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
http | HTTP | string | false |
https | HTTPS | string | false |
noProxy | NoProxy | string | false |
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RegistryConfiguration controls how images used for components deployed by
KubeOne and kubeadm are pulled from an image registry
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
overwriteRegistry | OverwriteRegistry specifies a custom Docker registry which will be used for all images required for KubeOne and kubeadm. This also applies to addons deployed by KubeOne. This field doesn’t modify the user/organization part of the image. For example, if OverwriteRegistry is set to, image called calico/cni would translate to Default: "" | string | false |
insecureRegistry | InsecureRegistry configures Docker to threat the registry specified in OverwriteRegistry as an insecure registry. This is also propagated to the worker nodes managed by machine-controller and/or KubeOne. | bool | false |
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StaticAuditLog feature flag
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StaticAuditLogConfig config
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
policyFilePath | PolicyFilePath is a path on local file system to the audit policy manifest which defines what events should be recorded and what data they should include. PolicyFilePath is a required field. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/debug-application-cluster/audit/#audit-policy | string | true |
logPath | LogPath is path on control plane instances where audit log files are stored. Default value is /var/log/kubernetes/audit.log | string | false |
logMaxAge | LogMaxAge is maximum number of days to retain old audit log files. Default value is 30 | int | false |
logMaxBackup | LogMaxBackup is maximum number of audit log files to retain. Default value is 3. | int | false |
logMaxSize | LogMaxSize is maximum size in megabytes of audit log file before it gets rotated. Default value is 100. | int | false |
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StaticWorkersConfig defines static worker nodes provisioned by KubeOne and kubeadm
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
hosts | Hosts | []HostConfig | false |
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SystemPackages controls configurations of APT/YUM
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
configureRepositories | ConfigureRepositories (true by default) is a flag to control automatic configuration of kubeadm / docker repositories. | bool | false |
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Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
apiServer | APIServer is a list of TLS cipher suites to use in kube-apiserver. | []string | false |
etcd | Etcd is a list of TLS cipher suites to use in etcd. | []string | false |
kubelet | Kubelet is a list of TLS cipher suites to use in kubelet. | []string | false |
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VMwareCloudDirectorSpec defines the VMware Cloud Director provider
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
vApp | VApp is the name of vApp for VMs. | string | false |
storageProfile | StorageProfile is the name of storage profile to be used for disks. | string | true |
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VersionConfig describes the versions of components that are installed on the machines
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
kubernetes | | string | true |
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VsphereSpec defines the vSphere provider
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
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WeaveNetSpec defines the WeaveNet CNI plugin
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
encrypted | Encrypted | bool | false |
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