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Configuring SSH

KubeOne connects to the instances over SSH in order to execute tasks, such as install or upgrade binaries, run kubeadm, deploy manifests, and more.

As SSH access to instances is required, SSH public/private keys should be handled somehow. KubeOne doesn’t handle decryption of private SSH keys but instead rely on ssh-agent. In the most of cases, we recommend using ssh-agent as the easiest way to have your SSH keys encrypted at rest and still useful for KubeOne.

Creating SSH key

If you don’t have an SSH key, you can generate it using ssh-keygen on Linux and macOS. If you already have an SSH key, skip this step.

ssh-keygen will ask you to provide the path where the key will be stored and the passphrase to encrypt the key.

Configuring ssh-agent

If your operating system doesn’t automatically setup ssh-agent, you can run the following command:

eval `ssh-agent`

With ssh-agent in the place, make sure to add your private key to the agent using ssh-add command in order to cache it in ssh-agent memory for later use.

ssh-add ~/.ssh/my_cool_custom_private_key

KubeOne is able to contact ssh-agent via socket (environment variable SSH_AUTH_SOCK) and ask for authentication without getting unencrypted private key.

Providing SSH private keys directly, without ssh-agent

In rare case when it’s not possible to use ssh-agent, you can provide private key directly to KubeOne. The caveat is that private SSH key should be unencrypted and thus we do NOT recommend this.

Option 1: Specify Private Key in the Configuration Manifest

You can point KubeOne to the unencrypted private SSH key via the configuration manifest.

  - publicAddress: ''
    sshPrivateKeyFile: '/home/me/.ssh/my_cleantext_private_key'

Option 2: Specify Private Key in the Terraform Output

You can also provide unencrypted private SSH key using the Terraform integration.

output "kubeone_hosts" {
  value = {
    control_plane = {
      public_address       = my_vm_provider_server.control_plane.*.ipv4_address
      ssh_private_key_file = "/home/me/.ssh/my_cleantext_private_key"

Using gpg-agent

It’s possible to use GnuPG agent (gpg-agent) in replace of ssh-agent. It has number of advantages, but it’s also more complicated to setup.

Add the following two lines to your .bash_profile:

export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket)
gpgconf --launch gpg-agent

See more info about how to setup your SSH keys in GnuPG:

sshd requirements on instances

KubeOne actively uses tunneling features of the SSH protocol. The following list demonstrates what options of the sshd are expected on the control plane instances and bastion host:

  • AllowTcpForwarding is either not present or set to yes
  • PermitOpen is either not present or set to any
  • PermitTunnel is either not present or set to yes