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Production Recommendations



It’s very important to set this Terraform variable to avoid future Terraform attempts to recreate your control plane instance.

This can be set after initial terraform apply, and you can find its initial discovered values in your Terraform state by using:

terraform state show data.aws_ami.ami

Example output:

# data.aws_ami.ami:
data "aws_ami" "ami" {
    id                    = "ami-00f6fb16625871821"

This example AMI ID is "ami-00f6fb16625871821", in your case it may be different.

In the terraform.tfvars file:

ami_id = "ami-00f6fb16625871821"


In order to hide your Kubernetes API endpoint from the external world, it’s recommended to use internal_api_lb which will cause ELB to be created in “internal” mode (accessible only from inside of your VPC).

internal_api_lb = true

In order to access your cluster later from outside, there is built-in HTTPS proxy tunnel in KubeOne.

kubeone proxy -t .

Now having this, point your kubectl to this proxy:

kubectl get nodes

Resulted terraform.tfvars

The resulting terraform.tfvars will now include the following variables:

cluster_name    = "my-cool-cluster"
ami_id          = "ami-00f6fb16625871821"
internal_api_lb = true


Load Balancers

Due to Azure limitations, you can have only one Basic SKU Load Balancer per Availability Set. Since we already create a Basic SKU load balancer for the API server in the Availability Set used by control plane nodes, you can’t create other load balancers in the same set. This also means that you can’t create Kubernetes Load Balancer Services because the creation would fail due to the mentioned limit.

To mitigate this, our Terraform configs will create a dedicated Availability Set to be used for worker nodes and Kubernetes Load Balancer Services. With that setup, all pods exposed via a Kubernetes Load Balancer Service must be scheduled on worker nodes. Scheduling pods on control plane nodes would make Azure CCM fail to find underlying instances and add them to the appropriate Azure load balancer because the newly-created load balancer and control plane nodes are in different availability sets.

While the Basic SKU Load Balancers might be good for the testing purposes, they might not be suitable for the production usage. If you’re running in production, you should consider using Standard SKU Load Balancers instead. Those load balancers are more scalable, have more features, but there are also more expensive. A more detailed SKU comparison can be found in the Azure docs

To use the Standard SKU load balancer for the API server load balancer, you need to change the lb object in to add the sku field, such as:

resource "azurerm_lb" "lb" {
  resource_group_name =
  name                = "kubernetes"
  location            = var.location
  sku                 = "Standard"