
Tenants represent the consumers of the load balancer services in the management cluster. They can be individual users, teams, or applications that have their workloads, access control, and quotas isolated by using the tenant concept in management cluster. Tenants are represented by the tenant CRD and have a dedicated namespace tenant-<tenant-name> in the management cluster. Each Kubernetes cluster where the KubeLB CCM is running is considered a unique tenant. This demarcation is based on the fact that the endpoints, simply the Node IPs and node ports, are unique for each Kubernetes cluster.

Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform (Enterprise Edition Only)

For details, go through KKP integration details


For usage outside of KKP please follow the guide along. This guide assumes that the KubeLB manager cluster has been configured by following the installation guide.

KubeLB Manager configuration

With KubeLB v1.1, the process to register a new tenant has been simplified. Instead of running scripts to register a new tenant, the user can now create a Tenant CRD.

apiVersion: kubelb.k8c.io/v1alpha1
kind: Tenant
  name: shroud
  propagatedAnnotations: null
  # Propagate all annotations to the resources.
  propagateAllAnnotations: true
    class: "metallb.universe.tf/metallb"
    # Enterprise Edition Only
    limit: 10
    class: "nginx"
    class: "eg"
  # All of the below configurations are Enterprise Edition Only
      - "*.example.com"
    defaultClusterIssuer: "letsencrypt-prod"
      - "*.example.com"
    # All subdomains of example.com are allowed but at a single lower level. For example, kube.example.com, test.example.com, etc.
    - "*.example.com"
    # All subdomains of kube.com are allowed but at any lower level. For example, example.kube.com, test.tenant1.prod.kube.com etc.
    - "**.kube.com"

With this CR we are creating a tenant named shroud with the following configurations:

  • propagateAllAnnotations: true - Propagate all annotations to the resources.
  • loadBalancer.class: metallb.universe.tf/metallb - The class to use for LoadBalancer resources for tenants in the management cluster.
  • loadBalancer.limit: 10 - The limit of LoadBalancer resources that can be created by the tenant.
  • ingress.class: nginx - The class to use for Ingress resources for tenants in the management cluster.
  • gatewayAPI.class: eg - The class to use for Gateway API resources for tenants in the management cluster.
  • For DNS configuration, we have allowed domains *.example.com.
  • For Certificates configuration, we have the default cluster issuer letsencrypt-prod and allowed domains *.example.com.
  • For Ingress and Gateway API, we have allowed domains *.example.com and **.kube.com.

The tenant name provided to the consumers is the name of the namespace that is created in the management cluster against the tenant CRD. So the tenant shroud will be represented by the namespace tenant-shroud in the management cluster. For the CCM, tenantName of tenant-shroud needs to be used.

For more details and options, please go through CRD References