Install KubeLB Manager and setup Management Cluster
- Service type
implementation. This can be a cloud solution or a self-managed implementation like MetalLB. - Network access to the tenant cluster nodes with node port range (default: 30000-32767). This is required for the envoy proxy to be able to connect to the tenant cluster nodes.
Installation for KubeLB manager
In case if Gateway API needs to be enabled for the cluster. Please set kubelb.enableGatewayAPI
to true
in the values.yaml
. This is required otherwise due to missing CRDs, kubelb will not be able to start.
- Create a namespace kubelb for the CCM to be deployed in.
- Create imagePullSecrets for the chart to pull the image from the registry in kubelb namespace.
At this point a minimal values.yaml should look like this:
- name: <imagePullSecretName>
Install the helm chart
helm pull oci:// --version=v1.1.0 --untardir "." --untar
## Create and update values.yaml with the required values.
helm upgrade --install kubelb-manager kubelb-manager-ee --namespace kubelb -f kubelb-manager-ee/values.yaml
KubeLB Manager EE Values
Key | Type | Default | Description |
affinity | object | {} | |
autoscaling.enabled | bool | false | |
autoscaling.maxReplicas | int | 10 | |
autoscaling.minReplicas | int | 1 | |
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | int | 80 | |
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage | int | 80 | |
cert-manager.enabled | bool | false | Enable cert-manager. |
external-dns.enabled | bool | false | Enable External-DNS. |
fullnameOverride | string | "" | |
image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" | |
image.repository | string | "" | |
image.tag | string | "v1.1.0" | |
imagePullSecrets[0].name | string | "" | |
kubelb.debug | bool | true | |
kubelb.enableGatewayAPI | bool | false | enableGatewayAPI specifies whether to enable the Gateway API and Gateway Controllers. By default Gateway API is disabled since without Gateway APIs installed the controller cannot start. |
kubelb.enableLeaderElection | bool | true | |
kubelb.enableTenantMigration | bool | true | |
kubelb.envoyProxy.affinity | object | {} | |
kubelb.envoyProxy.nodeSelector | object | {} | |
kubelb.envoyProxy.replicas | int | 3 | The number of replicas for the Envoy Proxy deployment. |
kubelb.envoyProxy.resources | object | {} | |
kubelb.envoyProxy.singlePodPerNode | bool | true | Deploy single pod per node. |
kubelb.envoyProxy.tolerations | list | [] | |
kubelb.envoyProxy.topology | string | "shared" | Topology defines the deployment topology for Envoy Proxy. Valid values are: shared and global. |
kubelb.envoyProxy.useDaemonset | bool | false | Use DaemonSet for Envoy Proxy deployment instead of Deployment. |
kubelb.propagateAllAnnotations | bool | false | Propagate all annotations from the LB resource to the LB service. |
kubelb.propagatedAnnotations | object | {} | Allowed annotations that will be propagated from the LB resource to the LB service. |
kubelb.skipConfigGeneration | bool | false | Set to true to skip the generation of the Config CR. Useful when the config CR needs to be managed manually. |
nameOverride | string | "" | |
nodeSelector | object | {} | |
podAnnotations | object | {} | |
podLabels | object | {} | |
podSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | true | |
podSecurityContext.seccompProfile.type | string | "RuntimeDefault" | |
rbac.allowLeaderElectionRole | bool | true | |
rbac.allowMetricsReaderRole | bool | true | |
rbac.allowProxyRole | bool | true | |
rbac.enabled | bool | true | |
replicaCount | int | 1 | |
resources.limits.cpu | string | "500m" | |
resources.limits.memory | string | "512Mi" | |
resources.requests.cpu | string | "100m" | |
resources.requests.memory | string | "128Mi" | |
securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation | bool | false | |
securityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "ALL" | |
securityContext.runAsUser | int | 65532 | |
service.port | int | 8001 | |
service.protocol | string | "TCP" | |
service.type | string | "ClusterIP" | |
serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} | |
serviceAccount.create | bool | true | | | string | "" | |
serviceMonitor.enabled | bool | false | |
tolerations | list | [] | |
Install the helm chart
helm pull oci:// --version=v1.1.0 --untardir "." --untar
## Create and update values.yaml with the required values.
helm upgrade --install kubelb-manager kubelb-manager --namespace kubelb -f kubelb-manager/values.yaml
KubeLB Manager CE Values
Key | Type | Default | Description |
affinity | object | {} | |
autoscaling.enabled | bool | false | |
autoscaling.maxReplicas | int | 10 | |
autoscaling.minReplicas | int | 1 | |
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | int | 80 | |
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage | int | 80 | |
fullnameOverride | string | "" | |
image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" | |
image.repository | string | "" | |
image.tag | string | "v1.1.0" | |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] | |
kubelb.debug | bool | true | |
kubelb.enableGatewayAPI | bool | false | enableGatewayAPI specifies whether to enable the Gateway API and Gateway Controllers. By default Gateway API is disabled since without Gateway APIs installed the controller cannot start. |
kubelb.enableLeaderElection | bool | true | |
kubelb.enableTenantMigration | bool | true | |
kubelb.envoyProxy.affinity | object | {} | |
kubelb.envoyProxy.nodeSelector | object | {} | |
kubelb.envoyProxy.replicas | int | 3 | The number of replicas for the Envoy Proxy deployment. |
kubelb.envoyProxy.resources | object | {} | |
kubelb.envoyProxy.singlePodPerNode | bool | true | Deploy single pod per node. |
kubelb.envoyProxy.tolerations | list | [] | |
kubelb.envoyProxy.topology | string | "shared" | Topology defines the deployment topology for Envoy Proxy. Valid values are: shared and global. |
kubelb.envoyProxy.useDaemonset | bool | false | Use DaemonSet for Envoy Proxy deployment instead of Deployment. |
kubelb.propagateAllAnnotations | bool | false | Propagate all annotations from the LB resource to the LB service. |
kubelb.propagatedAnnotations | object | {} | Allowed annotations that will be propagated from the LB resource to the LB service. |
kubelb.skipConfigGeneration | bool | false | Set to true to skip the generation of the Config CR. Useful when the config CR needs to be managed manually. |
nameOverride | string | "" | |
nodeSelector | object | {} | |
podAnnotations | object | {} | |
podLabels | object | {} | |
podSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | true | |
podSecurityContext.seccompProfile.type | string | "RuntimeDefault" | |
rbac.allowLeaderElectionRole | bool | true | |
rbac.allowMetricsReaderRole | bool | true | |
rbac.allowProxyRole | bool | true | |
rbac.enabled | bool | true | |
replicaCount | int | 1 | |
resources.limits.cpu | string | "500m" | |
resources.limits.memory | string | "512Mi" | |
resources.requests.cpu | string | "100m" | |
resources.requests.memory | string | "128Mi" | |
securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation | bool | false | |
securityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "ALL" | |
securityContext.runAsUser | int | 65532 | |
service.port | int | 8001 | |
service.protocol | string | "TCP" | |
service.type | string | "ClusterIP" | |
serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} | |
serviceAccount.create | bool | true | | | string | "" | |
serviceMonitor.enabled | bool | false | |
tolerations | list | [] | |
Setup the management cluster
The examples and tools shared below are for demonstration purposes, you can use any other tools or configurations as per your requirements.
Management cluster is the place where all the components required for Layer 4 and Layer 7 load balancing are installed. The management cluster is responsible for managing the tenant clusters and their load balancing requests/configurations.
Layer 4 Load Balancing
Refer to Layer 4 Load Balancing Setup for more details.
Layer 7 Load Balancing
For Layer 7 load balancing, kubeLB supports both Ingress and Gateway API resources.
Our default recommendation is to use Gateway API and use Envoy Gateway as the Gateway API implementation. The features specific to Gateway API that will be built and consumed in KubeLB will be based on Envoy Gateway. Although this is not a strict binding and our consumers are free to use any Ingress or Gateway API implementation. The only limitation is that we only support native Kubernetes APIs i.e. Ingress and Gateway APIs. Provider specific APIs are not supported by KubeLB and will be completely ignored.
Refer to Ingress Setup for more details.
Gateway API
Refer to Gateway API Setup for more details.
Certificate Management(Enterprise Edition)
Refer to Certificate Management Setup for more details.
DNS Management(Enterprise Edition)
Refer to DNS Management Setup for more details.