Community vs Enterprise Edition

KubeLB is available in two versions: Community and Enterprise.

  • Community Edition (CE): Free, open source version that is available to the public. The CE is stable, production ready software available at
  • Enterprise Edition (EE): Only available through an active subscription. In addition to the commercial support, SLAs for the product, the EE version contains a larger feature set in comparison to the CE version.

Get in touch with Kubermatic to find out more about the KubeLB Enterprise offering.

Feature Matrix

FeatureEE (Enterprise Edition)CE (Community Edition)
Gateway API v1✔️✔️
Bring your own secrets(certificates)✔️✔️
Gateway API beta/alpha(TLS/TCP/UDP routes)✔️
Multiple Gateways✔️
DNS automation✔️
Certificate Management✔️
Limits for LoadBalancers, Gateways✔️