Repository Organization


Here is an overview of the KubeCarrier repository organization:

├── cmd
│   ├── {kubectl-kubecarrier, manager, operator, ferry, catapult, elevator}
│   │   └── main.go
├── config
│   ├── dockerfiles
│   ├── internal
│   │   ├── {manager, ferry, catapult}
│   └── operator
├── docs
├── hack
├── pkg
│   ├── {cli, manager, operator, ferry, catapult, elevator}
│   │   └── internal
│   ├── apis
│   │   ├── core
│   │   ├── catalog
│   │   ├── operator
│   ├── internal
└── test

cmd contains the main.go for every KubeCarrier component.

config contains:

  • dockerfiles: dockerfiles for building docker images for KubeCarrier components and test image.
  • operator: configuration (CRD, Webhook, RBAC, etc) of KubeCarrier operator.
  • internal: configuration that used within KubeCarrier’s CLI and the KubeCarrier Operator to bootstrap and reconcile KubeCarrier installation, it’s not meant for direct use.

docs contains the documentation of the KubeCarrier project.

hack contains some useful scripts.

pkg contains:

  • apis: KubeCarrier APIs.
    • core: api group
    • catalog: api group
    • operator: api group
  • internal: internal packages used across components.
  • component (cli, manager, operator, ferry, catapult): source code for KubeCarrier components.
    • internal: internal packages for every component (controller, etc).

test contains KubeCarrier e2e tests.