Debugging KubeCarrier

Debugging KubeCarrier Installation

KubeCarrier is installed into the kubecarrier-system Namespace by default.

If a step in the installation via the kubectl plugin is timing out, you should check the logs of the respective component:

KubeCarrier Operator

$ kubectl kubecarrier setup
0.03s ✔  Create "kubecarrier-system" Namespace
10.09s ✖  Deploy KubeCarrier Operator
Error: deploying kubecarrier operator: timed out waiting for the condition

$ kubectl get po -n kubecarrier-system
NAME                                          READY   STATUS   RESTARTS   AGE
kubecarrier-operator-manager-7d4b8f74-mgbgn   0/1     Error    2          32s

$ kubectl logs -n kubecarrier-system kubecarrier-operator-manager-7d4b8f74-mgbgn
Error: running manager: no matches for kind "Issuer" in version ""

In this case, the cert-manager was not installed before installing KubeCarrier.

KubeCarrier Controller Manager

$ kubectl kubecarrier setup
0.03s ✔  Create "kubecarrier-system" Namespace
0.19s ✔  Deploy KubeCarrier Operator
60.09s ✖  Deploy KubeCarrier
Error: deploying kubecarrier: timed out waiting for the condition

$ kubectl get po -n kubecarrier-system
NAME                                                      READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
kubecarrier-manager-controller-manager-56bfd4dcbd-8rg4l   1/1     CrashLoopBackOff   0          11m
kubecarrier-operator-manager-7d4b8f74-vfsxl               1/1     Running            0          11m

$ kubectl logs -n kubecarrier-system kubecarrier-manager-controller-manager-56bfd4dcbd-8rg4l

An error here may suggest a bug, or incompatibility with your system. Please open a Github Issue with this log.