The KDP Servlet

The Servlet is the component in KDP responsible for integrating external Kubernetes clusters. It runs on a cluster, is configured with KDP credentials and will then synchronize data out of KDP (i.e. out of kcp workspaces) onto the local cluster, and vice versa.

The name Servlet is an obvious reference to the “kubelet” in a regular Kubernetes cluster.

High-level Overview

The intended usecase follows roughly these steps:

  1. A user in KDP with sufficient permissions creates a Service inside their organization workspace. This service (not to be confused with Kubernetes services) reserves an API group in the organization for itself, like databases.example.corp (two Services must not register the same API group).
  2. After the Service is created, KDP will reconcile it, create an APIExport object and provide appropriate credentials for the Servlet (e.g. by creating a Kubernetes Secret with a preconfigured kubeconfig in it).
  3. A service owner will now take these credentials and the configured API group and use them to setup the Servlet. It is assumed that the service owner (i.e. the cluster-admin in a service cluster) wants to make some resources (usually CRDs) available to use inside of KDP.
  4. The service owner uses the Servlet Helm chart (or similar deployment technique) to install the Servlet in their cluster.
  5. To actually make resources available in the platform, the service owner now has to create a set of PublishedResource objects. The configuration happens from their point of view, meaning they define how to publish a CRD in the platform, defining renaming rules and other projection settings.
  6. Once a PublishedResource is created in the service cluster, the Servlet will pick it up, find the referenced CRD, convert/project this CRD into an APIResourceSchema (ARS) for kcp and then create the ARS in org workspace.
  7. Finally the Servlet will take all PublishedResources and bundle them into the pre-existing APIExport in the org workspace. This APIExport can then be bound in the org workspace itself (or later any sub workspaces (depending on permissions)) and be used there. The APIExport has the same name as the KDP Service the Servlet is working with.
  8. kcp automatically provides a virtual workspace for the APIExport and this is what the Servlet then uses to watch all objects for the relevant resources in the platform (i.e. in all workspaces).
  9. The Servlet will now begin to synchronize objects back and forth between the service cluster and KDP.


Data Flow Direction

It might be a bit confusing at first: The PublishedResource CRD describes the world from the standpoint of a service owner, i.e. a person or team that owns a Kubernetes cluster and is tasked with making their CRDs available in KDP (i.e. “publish” them).

However the actual data flow later will work in the opposite direction: users creating objects inside their kcp workspaces serve as the source of truth. From there they are synced down to the service cluster, which is doing the projection of the PublishedResource in reverse.

Of course additional, auxiliary (related) objects could originate on the service cluster. For example if you create a Certificate object in a kcp workspace and it’s synced down, cert-manager will then acquire the certificate and create a Kubernetes Secret, which will have to be synced back up (into a kcp workspace, where the certificate originated from). So the source of truth can also be, for auxiliary resources, on the service cluster.

Servlet Naming

Each Servlet must have a name, like “tom” or “mary”. The FQ name for a Servlet is <servletname>.<service apigroup>, so if the user in KDP had created a new Service named databases.examplecorp, the name of the Servlet that serves this Service (sic) could be tom.databases.examplecorp.


A single Service in KDP must only be processed by exactly 1 Servlet. There is currently no mechanism planned to subdivide a Service into chunks, where multiple service clusters (and therefore multiple Servlets) could process each chunk.

Later the Servlet might be extended with Label Selectors, alternatively they might also “claim” any object by annotating it in the kcp workspace. These things are not yet worked out, so for now we have this 1:1 restriction.

Servlets make use of leader election, so it’s perfectly fine to have multiple Servlet replicas, as long as only one them is leader and actually doing work.


controller-runtime can be used in a “kcp-aware” mode, where the cache, clients, mappers etc. are aware of the workspace information. This however is neither well tested upstream and the code would require shard-admin permissions to behave like this work regular kcp workspaces. The controller-runtime fork’s kcp-awareness is really more geared towards working in virtual workspaces.

Because of this the Servlet needs to get a kubeconfig to KDP that already points to the org’s workspace (i.e. the server already contains a /clusters/root:myorg path). The basic controllers in the Servlet then treat this as a plain ol’, regular Kubernetes cluster (no kcp-awareness).

To this end, the Servlet will, upon startup, try to access the cluster object in the target workspace. This is to resolve the cluster name (e.g. root:myorg) into a logicalcluster name (e.g. gibd3r1sh). The Servlet has to know which logicalcluster the target workspace represents in order to query resources properly.

Only the controllers that are later responsible for interacting with the virtual workspace are kcp-aware. They have to be in order to know what workspace a resource is living in.


A PublishedResource describes which CRD should be made available inside KDP. The CRD name can be projected (i.e. renamed), so a Cluster can become a cloud.examplecorp/v1 KubernetesCluster.

In addition to projecting (mapping) the GVK, the PublishedResource also contains optional naming rules, which influence how the local objects that the Servlet is creating are named.

As a single Servlet serves a single Service, the API group used in KDP is the same for all PublishedResources. It’s the API group configured in the KDP Service inside the platform (created in step 1 in the overview above).

To prevent chaos, PublishedResources are immutable: handling the case that a PR first wants to publish Cluster and then suddenly User resources would mean to re-sync and cleanup everything in all affected kcp workspaces. The Servlet would need to be able to delete and recreate objects to follow this GVK change, which is a level of complexity we simply do not want to deal with at this point in time. Also, APIResourceSchemas are immutable themselves.

More information is available in the Publishing Resources guide.


An APIExport in kcp combines multiple APIResourceSchemas (ARS). Each ARS is created based on a PublishedResource in the service cluster.

To prevent data loss, ARS are never removed from an APIExport. We simply do not have enough experience to really know what happens when an ARS would suddenly become unavailable. To prevent damage and confusion, the Servlet will only ever add new ARS to the one APIExport it manages.



This controller aggregates the PublishedResources and manages a single APIExport in KDP.


This controller takes PublishedResources, projects and converts them and creates APIResourceSchemas in KDP.


This controller watches the APIExport and waits for the virtual workspace to become available. It also watches all PublishedResources (PRs) and reconciles when any of them is changed (they are immutable, but the controller is still reacting to any events on them).

The controller will then setup a controller-runtime Cluster abstraction for the virtual workspace and then start many sync controllers (one for each PublishedResource). Whenever PRs change, the syncmanager will make sure that the correct set of sync controller is running.


This is where the meat and potatoes happen. The sync controller is started for a single PublishedResource and is responsible for synchronizing all objects for that resource between the local service cluster and KDP.

The sync controller was written to handle a single PublishedResource so that it does not have to deal with dynamically registering/stopping watches on its own. Instead the sync controller can be written as more or less “normal” controller-runtime controller.