Publishing Resources

The guide describes the process of making a resource (usually defined by a CustomResourceDefinition) of one Kubernetes cluster (the “service cluster” or “local cluster”) available for use in the KDP platform (the “platform cluster” or “KDP workspaces”). This involves setting up a KDP Service and then installing the KDP Servlet and defining PublishedResources in the local cluster.

All of the documentation and API types are worded and named from the perspective of a service owner, the person(s) who own a service and want to make it available to consumers in the KDP platform.

High-level Overview

A “service” in KDP comprises a set of resources within a single Kubernetes API group. It doesn’t need to be all of the resources in that group, service owners are free and encouraged to only make a subset of resources (i.e. a subset of CRDs) available for use in the platform.

For each of the CRDs on the service cluster that should be published, the service owner creates a PublishedResource object, which will contain both which CRD to publish, as well as numerous other important settings that influence the behaviour around handling the CRD.

When publishing a resource (CRD), exactly one version is published. All others are ignored from the standpoint of the resource synchronization logic.

All published resources together form the KDP Service. When a service is enabled in a workspace (i.e. it is bound to it), users can manage objects for the projected resources described by the published resources. These objects will be synced from the workspace onto the service cluster, where they are meant to be processed in whatever way the service owners desire. Any possible status information (in the status subresource) will in turn be synced back up into the workspace where the user can inspect it.

Additionally, a published resource can describe additional so-called “related resources”. These usually originate on the service cluster and could be for example connection detail secrets created by Crossplane, but could also originate in the user workspace and just be additional, auxiliary resources that need to be synced down to the service cluster.


In its simplest form (which is rarely practical) a PublishedResource looks like this:

kind: PublishedResource
  name: publish-certmanager-certs # name can be freely chosen
    kind: Certificate
    version: v1

However, you will most likely apply more configuration and use features described below.


The Servlet can be instructed to only work on a subset of resources in the KDP platform. This can be restricted by namespace and/or label selector.

kind: PublishedResource
  name: publish-certmanager-certs # name can be freely chosen
  resource: ...
    namespace: my-app
        foo: bar


Warning: The actual CRD schema is always copied verbatim. All projections etc. have to take into account that the resource contents must be expressible without changes to the schema.


For stronger separation of concerns and to enable whitelabelling of services, the type meta for can be projected, i.e. changed between the local service cluster and the KDP platform. You could for example rename Certificate from cert-manager to Zertifikat inside the platform.

Note that the API group of all published resources is always changed to the one defined in the KDP Service object (meaning 1 Servlet serves all the [selected] published resources under the same API group). That is why changing the API group cannot be configured in the projection.

Besides renaming the Kind and Version, dependent fields like Plural, ShortNames and Categories can be adjusted to fit the desired naming scheme in the platform. The Plural name is computed automatically, but can be overridden. ShortNames and Categories are copied unless overwritten in the PublishedResource.

It is also possible to change the scope of resources, i.e. turning a namespaced resource into a cluster-wide. This should be used carefully and might require extensive mutations.

kind: PublishedResource
  name: publish-certmanager-certs # name can be freely chosen
  resource: ...
    version: v1beta1
    kind: Zertifikat
    plural: Zertifikate
    shortNames: [zerts]
    # categories: [management]
    # scope: Namespaced # change only when you know what you're doing

Consumers (end users) in the platform would then ultimately see projected names only. Note that GVK projection applies only to the synced object itself and has no effect on the contents of these objects. To change the contents, use external solutions like Crossplane to transform objects.


Since the Servlet ingests resources from many different Kubernetes clusters (workspaces) and combines them onto a single cluster, resources have to be renamed to prevent collisions and also follow the conventions of whatever tooling ultimately processes the resources locally.

The renaming is configured in spec.naming. In there, renaming patterns are configured, where pre-defined placeholders can be used, for example foo-$placeholder. The following placeholders are available:

  • $remoteClusterName – the KDP workspace’s cluster name (e.g. “1084s8ceexsehjm2”)
  • $remoteNamespace – the original namespace used by the consumer inside the KDP workspace
  • $remoteNamespaceHash – first 20 hex characters of the SHA-1 hash of $remoteNamespace
  • $remoteName – the original name of the object inside the KDP workspace (rarely used to construct local namespace names)
  • $remoteNameHash – first 20 hex characters of the SHA-1 hash of $remoteName

If nothing is configured, the default ensures that no collisions will happen: Each workspace in the platform will create a namespace on the local cluster, with a combination of namespace and name hashes used for the actual resource names.

kind: PublishedResource
  name: publish-certmanager-certs # name can be freely chosen
  resource: ...
    namespace: "$remoteClusterName"
    name: "cert-$remoteNamespaceHash-$remoteNameHash"

The processing of resources on the service cluster often leads to additional resources being created, like a Secret for each cert-manager Certificate or a connection detail secret created by Crossplane. These need to be made available to the user in their workspaces.

Likewise it’s possible for auxiliary resources having to be created by the user, for example when the user has to provide credentials.

To handle these cases, a PublishedResource can define multiple “related resources”. Each related resource currently represents exactly one object to synchronize between user workspace and service cluster (i.e. you cannot express “sync all Secrets”). While the main published resource sync is always workspace->service cluster, related resources can originate on either side and so either can work as the source of truth.

At the moment, only ConfigMaps and Secrets are allowed related resource kinds.

For each related resource, the servlet needs to be told the name/namespace. This is done by selecting a field in the main resource (for a Certificate this would mean spec.secretName). Both name and namespace need to be part of the main object (or be fixed values, like a hardcoded kube-system namespace).

The path expressions for name and namespace are evaluated against the main object on either side to determine their values. So if you had a Certificate in your workspace with spec.secretName = "my-cert" and after syncing it down, the copy on the service cluster has a rewritten/mutated spec.secretName = "jk23h4wz47329rz2r72r92-cert" (e.g. to prevent naming collisions), the expression spec.secretName would yield "my-cert" for the name in the workspace and "jk...." as the name on the service cluster. Once the object exists with that name on the originating side, the servlet will begin to sync it to the other side.

kind: PublishedResource
  name: publish-certmanager-certs
    kind: Certificate
    version: v1

    # this is where our CA and Issuer live in this example
    namespace: kube-system
    # need to adjust it to prevent collions (normally clustername is the namespace)
    name: "$remoteClusterName-$remoteNamespaceHash-$remoteNameHash"

    - origin: service # service or platform
      kind: Secret # for now, only "Secret" and "ConfigMap" are supported;
                   # there is no GVK projection for related resources

      # configure where in the parent object we can find
      # the name/namespace of the related resource (the child)
          # This path is evaluated in both the local and remote objects, to figure out
          # the local and remote names for the related object. This saves us from having
          # to remember mutated fields before their mutation (similar to the last-known
          # annotation).
          path: spec.secretName

        # namespace part is optional; if not configured,
        # servlet assumes the same namespace as the owning resource
        # namespace:
        #   path: spec.secretName
        #   regex:
        #     pattern: '...'
        #     replacement: '...'
        # to inject static values, select a meaningless string value
        # and leave the pattern empty
        # namespace:
        #   path: metadata.uid
        #   regex:
        #     replacement: kube-system


Provide Certificates

This combination of Service and PublishedResource make cert-manager certificates available in kcp. The Service needs to be created in a workspace, most likely in an organization workspace. The PublishedResource is created wherever the Servlet and cert-manager are running.

kind: Service
  name: certificate-management
  apiGroup: certificates.example.corp
    title: Certificate Management
    description: Acquire certificates signed by Example Corp's internal CA.
kind: PublishedResource
  name: publish-certmanager-certs
    kind: Certificate
    version: v1

    # this is where our CA and Issuer live in this example
    namespace: kube-system
    # need to adjust it to prevent collions (normally clustername is the namespace)
    name: "$remoteClusterName-$remoteNamespaceHash-$remoteNameHash"

    - origin: service # service or platform
      kind: Secret # for now, only "Secret" and "ConfigMap" are supported;
                   # there is no GVK projection for related resources

      # configure where in the parent object we can find
      # the name/namespace of the related resource (the child)
          # This path is evaluated in both the local and remote objects, to figure out
          # the local and remote names for the related object. This saves us from having
          # to remember mutated fields before their mutation (similar to the last-known
          # annotation).
          path: spec.secretName
        # namespace part is optional; if not configured,
        # servlet assumes the same namespace as the owning resource
        # namespace:
        #   path: spec.secretName
        #   regex:
        #     pattern: '...'
        #     replacement: '...'

Technical Details

The following sections go into more details of the behind the scenes magic.


Even though the whole configuration is written from the standpoint of the service owner, the actual synchronization logic considers the platform side as the canonical source of truth. The Servlet continuously tries to make the local objects look like the ones in the platform, while pushing status updates back into the platform (if the given PublishedResource (i.e. CRD) has a status subresource enabled).

Local <-> Remote Connection

The Servlet tries to keep KDP-related metadata on the service cluster, away from the consumers. This is both to prevent vandalism and to hide implementation details.

To ensure stability against future changes, once KDP has determined how a local object should be named, it will remember this decision in its metadata. This is so that on future reconciliations, the (potentially costly, but probably not) renaming logic does not need to be applied again. This allows the Servlet to change defaults and also allows the service owner to make changes to the naming rules without breaking existing objects.

Since we do not want to store metadata on the platform side, we instead rely on label selectors on the local objects. Each local object has a label for the remote cluster name, namespace and object name, and when trying to find the matching local object, the Servlet simply does a label-based search.

There is currently no sync-related metadata available on source objects, as this would either be annotations (untyped strings…) or require schema changes to allow additional fields in basically random CRDs.

Note that fields like generation or resourceVersion are not relevant for any of the sync logic.

Reconcile Loop

The sync loop can be divided into 5 parts:

  1. find the local object
  2. handle deletion
  3. ensure the destination object exists
  4. ensure the destination object’s content matches the source object
  5. synchronize related resources the same way (repeat 1-4 for each related resource)

Phase 1: Find the Local Object

For this, as mentioned in the connection chapter above, the Servlet tries to follow label selectors on the local cluster. This helps prevent cluttering with consumer workspaces with KDP metadata. If no object is found to match the labels, that’s fine and the loop will continue with phase 2, in which a possible Conflict error (if labels broke) is handled gracefully.

The remote object in the workspace becomes the source object and its local equivalent is called the destination object.

Phase 2: Handle Deletion

A finalizer is used in the platform workspaces to prevent orphans in the service cluster side. This is the only real evidence in the platform side that the Servlet is even doing things. When a remote (source) object is deleted, the corresponding local object is deleted as well. Once the local object is gone, the finalizer is removed from the source object.

Phase 3: Ensure Object Existence

We have a source object and now need to create the destination. This chart shows what’s happening.

graph TB
    A(source object):::state --> B([cleanup if in deletion]):::step
    B --> C([ensure finalizer on source object]):::step
    C --> D{exists local object?}

    D -- yes --> I("continue with next phase…"):::state
    D -- no --> E([apply projection]):::step

    subgraph "ensure dest object exists"
    E --> G([ensure resulting namespace exists]):::step
    G --> H([create local object]):::step
    H --> H_err{Errors?}
    H_err -- Conflict --> J([attempt to adopt existing object]):::step

    H_err -- success --> I
    J --> I

    classDef step color:#77F
    classDef state color:#F77

After we followed through with these steps, both the source and destination objects exists and we can continue with phase 4.

Resource adoption happens when creation of the initial local object fails. This can happen when labels get mangled. If such a conflict happens, the Servlet will “adopt” the existing local object by adding / fixing the labels on it, so that for the next reconciliation it will be found and updated.

Phase 4: Content Synchronization

Content synchronization is rather simple, really.

First the source “spec” is used to patch the local object. Note that this step is called “spec”, but should actually be called “all top-level elements besides apiVersion, kind, status and metadata, but still including some labels and annotations”; so if you were to publish RBAC objects, the syncer would include roleRef field, for example).

To allow proper patch generation, a last-known-state annotation is kept on the local object. This functions just like the one kubectl uses and is required for the Servlet to properly detect changes made by mutation webhooks.

If the published resource (CRD) has a status subresource enabled (not just a status field in its scheme, it must be a real subresource), then the Servlet will copy the status from the local object back up to the remote (source) object.

The same logic for synchronizing the main published resource applies to their related resources as well. The only difference is that the source side can be either remote (workspace) or local (service cluster).

This currently also means that sync-related metadata, which is always kept on the object’s copy, will end up in the user workspace when a related object originates on the service cluster (the most common usecase). In a future version it could be nice to keep the sync state only on the service cluster side, away from the users.