Managing Resources

This document describes how to manage resources offered by Services.


A “service” in KDP defines a unique Kubernetes API Group and offers a number of resources (types) to use. A service could offer certificate management, databases, cloud infrastructure or any other set of Kubernetes resources.

Once a service is enabled in a workspace, new Kubernetes resource types (APIs) become available, similar to how CustomResourceDefinitions would introduce new APIs.

Creating Resources

Consult the service’s documentation to learn more about what resources are available and how to use them. The written documentation often contains valuable information that is not available from just inspecting the Kubernetes API types.


Navigate to your organization and then choose the desired service in the sidebar. The dashboard will present a list of existing resources that are part of this service, plus it offers a simple editor to create and update them.


To see which API resources are available in your workspace, use the api-resources subcommand:

$ kubectl api-resources
bindings                         v1                true         Binding
componentstatuses   cs           v1                false        ComponentStatus
databases           db           example.corp/v1   true         Database

In the example above, we can see that the fictional RBDMS service enabled in this workspace provides a new resource, databases, in the API group/version example.corp/v1.

You could now create a new database by first creating a YAML file like prod1.yaml as described in the service’s documentation:

apiVersion: example.corp/v1
kind: Database
  name: prod1
  namespace: example-app
  size: large
  performance: good
  backups: true

Now you could use kubectl apply -f prod1.yaml to create your database.

Consuming Secrets

In most cases, creating a new resource alone is not enough to actually use it. Creating a database like shown above is not useful without getting access to the database’s address and credentials. There are two ways this information can be provided by the service to the platform user.

Status Subresource

Some service’s might make use of the status subresource in their resources. Usually the user specifies the spec part of a resource (the desired state) and the service would, while processing the resource, fill in status information in the status subresource. In the imaginary database example above, if you’d retrieve the current state of the prod1 database, it might look like this:

apiVersion: example.corp/v1
kind: Database
  name: prod1
  namespace: example-app
  uid: 1234-5678
  resourceVersion: 1
  size: large
  performance: good
  backups: true
    - name: online
      status: false
    - name: provisioning
      status: true
    - name: spec-valid
      status: true
    username: prod1-23j42
    password: jhk542b3f9g28br2f
    url: sql+tls://dbms.databases.example.corp:28362

Platform users should not (need to) attempt to change the status of a resource, as the continuous synchronization process behind the scenes will revert such changes usually shortly thereafter. In general, the spec flows from the user to the service provider, the status flows back up to the user.

Consult the service’s documentation to learn more about the available information and whether a status subresource is being used at all.

To keep sensitive data like credentials separate from the “public” part of a resource, dedicated resources (often Secrets or ConfigMaps) can be used instead of a status subresource. For example if you created a TLS certificate object in an imaginary PKI service, the actual x509 certificate and private key might be provided to the user in the form of a Secret (often in the same namespace as the original source object).

Consult the service’s documentation on whether and how to specify where such related resources should be stored. Some services decide it automatically, others require the desired name of the resulting Secret as part of the spec of the original object. Related objects will, regardless of explicit or automatic naming, always be in the same workspace as the original object.

Suppose the imaginary database service above didn’t put the connectionDetails in the status, but instead used a Secret. This would mean there 1 related resource and the service documents that it’s called connection-details.

For every related resource, there will be an annotation on the original object, named<name>, the value being a JSON document of this structure:

  "name": "<name of the related object>",
  "namespace": "<namespace of the related object (field is omitted for Cluster-scoped objects)>",
  "apiVersion": "<Kubernetes API group and version, e.g. v1>",
  "kind": "<Kubernetes kind of the related object, e.g. Secret>"

The imaginary database from above might look like this:

apiVersion: example.corp/v1
kind: Database
  name: prod1
  namespace: example-app
  annotations: '{"name":"prod1-credentials","namespace":example-app","apiVersion":"v1","kind":"Secret"}'
  uid: 1234-5678
  resourceVersion: 1
  size: large
  performance: good
  backups: true
    - name: online
      status: false
    - name: provisioning
      status: true
    - name: spec-valid
      status: true

The actual content of the related resources is described in the service’s documentation.